Look for any character that surrounds one of any character including itself - regex

I am trying to write a regex code to find all examples of any character that surrounds one of any character including itself in the string below:
So ‘b2b’ and ‘111’ would be valid, but ‘3ww5’ would not be.
Could someone please help me out here?

You can use this regex which will match three characters where first and third are same using back reference, where as middle can be any,
Above regex will only give you non-overlapping matches but as you want to get all matches that are even overlapping, you can use this positive look ahead based regex which doesn't consume the next two characters instead groups them in group2 so for your desired output, you can append characters from group1 and group2.
Demo with overlapping matches
Here is a Java code (I've never programmed in Ruby) demonstrating the code and the same logic you can write in your fav programming language.
String s = "b9fgh9f1;2w;111b2b35hw3w3ww55";
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.)(?=(.\\1))");
Matcher m = p.matcher(s);
while(m.find()) {
System.out.println(m.group(1) + m.group(2));
Prints all your intended matches,
Also, here is a Python code that may help if you know Python,
import re
s = 'b9fgh9f1;2w;111b2b35hw3w3ww55'
matches = re.findall(r'(.)(?=(.\1))',s)
for m in re.findall(r'(.)(?=(.\1))',s):
Prints all your expected matches,


Find all groups of 9 digits (\d{9}) up to a certain word

I have the following string extracted from a PDF file and I would like to obtain the nine digits "control class" number from it:
string = ‘(some text before)Process ID: JD7717PO CONTROL CLASS706345519,708393673, 706855190 CODE AAZ-1585 ZZF-8017. Sector: Name:MULTIBANK S.A. SAAT: 54177846900115Date of Production2019/12/20\x02.02.037SBPEAA201874249B\x0c(some text after)’
I want all the matches that occur before the word “Sector”, otherwise I will have undesired matches.
I’m using the “re” module, in Python 3.8.
I tried to use the negative lookbehind as follows:
However, it didn’t work. I still had the matches like ‘54177846’ and ‘201874249’, which are after the ‘Sector’ word.
I also tried to “isolate” the search area between the words “Process ID” and “Sector”:
(Process ID:.*?)(\d{9})(.*Sector)
I also tried to search for the expression \d9 only up to the “Sector” word, but it returned no results.
I had to work a solution around, in two steps: (1) I created a regex that would find all the results up to the word “Sector” (desperate_regex = ‘(.*)Sector)’ and assigned it to a new variable,partial_text`; (2) I then searched for the desired regex ('\d{9}') within the new variable.
My code is working, but it does not satisfies me. How would I find my matches with a single regex search?
Please note that the first "control class" number is truncated with the text that comes before it ("CONTROL CLASS706345519").
(PS: I'm a totally newbie, and this is my first post. I hope I could explain my self. Thank you!)
The easiest way is to get the string before Sector and just search that:
split_string, _ = string.split("Sector")
nums = re.findall(r'\d{9}', split_string)
# ['706345519', '708393673', '706855190']
Another would be to use the third-party regex module, which allows overlapping matches:
import regex as re
nums = re.findall(r'(\d{9}).*?Sector', string, overlapped=True)
# ['706345519', '708393673', '706855190']
The regex described below may be more overkill then required for the actual case being handled, but better safe than sorry.
If you want match a string of exactly 9 digits, no more no fewer, then you should you negative lookbehind and lookahead assertions to ensure that the 9 digits are not preceded nor followed by another digit (again, in this case perhaps the OP knows that only 9-digit numbers will ever appear and this is overkill). You can also use a negative lookbehind assertion to ensure that Sector does not appear before the 9 digits. This later assertion is a variable length assertion requiring the regex package from PyPI:
(?<!Sector.*? Assert that we haven't scanned past Sector. This handles the situation where Sector might appear multiple times in the input by ensuring that we never scan past the first occurrence.
(?<!\d) Assert that the previous character is not a digit.
\d{9} Match 9 digits.
(?!\d) Assert that the next character is not a digit.
The simplified version:
The code:
import regex as re
string = '(some text before)Process ID: JD7717PO CONTROL CLASS706345519,708393673, 706855190 CODE AAZ-1585 ZZF-8017. Sector: Name:MULTIBANK S.A. SAAT: 54177846900115Date of Production2019/12/20\x02.02.037SBPEAA201874249B\x0c(some text after)'
#print(re.findall(r'(?<!Sector.*?)\d{9}', string))
print(re.findall(r'(?<!Sector.*?)(?<!\d)\d{9}(?!\d)', string))
['706345519', '708393673', '706855190']
You could use an alternation and break if you find "Sector":
import re
text = """(some text before)Process ID: JD7717PO CONTROL CLASS706345519,708393673, 706855190 CODE AAZ-1585 ZZF-8017. Sector: Name:MULTIBANK S.A. SAAT: 54177846900115Date of Production2019/12/20\x02.02.037SBPEAA201874249B\x0c(some text after)"""
rx = re.compile(r'\d{9}|(Sector)')
results = []
for match in rx.finditer(text):
if match.group(1):
Which yields
['706345519', '708393673', '706855190']
If either of these work I'll add an explaination to it:
[\s\S]+(?:Process ID:\s+)(.*)(?:\s+Sector)[\s\S]+
Or this?

Python Regex - How to extract the third portion?

My input is of this format: (xxx)yyyy(zz)(eee)fff where {x,y,z,e,f} are all numbers. But fff is optional though.
Input: x = (123)4567(89)(660)
Expected output: Only the eeepart i.e. the number inside 3rd "()" i.e. 660 in my example.
I am able to achieve this so far:
re.search("\((\d*)\)", x).group()
Output: (123)
Expected: (660)
I am surely missing something fundamental. Please advise.
Edit 1: Just added fff to the input data format.
You could find all those matches that have round braces (), and print the third match with findall
import re
n = "(123)4567(89)(660)999"
r = re.findall("\(\d*\)", n)
The (eee) part is identical to the (xxx) part in your regex. If you don't provide an anchor, or some sequencing requirement, then an unanchored search will match the first thing it finds, which is (xxx) in your case.
If you know the (eee) always appears at the end of the string, you could append an "at-end" anchor ($) to force the match at the end. Or perhaps you could append a following character, like a space or comma or something.
Otherwise, you might do well to match the other parts of the pattern and not capture them:
pattern = r'[0-9()]{13}\((\d{3})\)'
If you want to get the third group of numbers in brackets, you need to skip the first two groups which you can do with a repeating non-capturing group which looks for a set of digits enclosed in () followed by some number of non ( characters:
x = '(123)4567(89)(660)'
print(re.search("(?:\(\d+\)[^(]*){2}(\(\d+\))", x).group(1))
Demo on rextester

Regular expression which will match if there is no repetition

I would like to construct regular expression which will match password if there is no character repeating 4 or more times.
I have come up with regex which will match if there is character or group of characters repeating 4 times:
Is there any way how to match only if the string doesn't contain the repetitions? I tried the approach suggested in Regular expression to match a line that doesn't contain a word? as I thought some combination of positive/negative lookaheads will make it. But I haven't found working example yet.
By repetition I mean any number of characters anywhere in the string
Example - should not match
Example - should match
(a is here 4 times but it is not problem, I want to filter out repeating patterns)
That link was very helpful, and I was able to use it to create the regular expression from your original expression.
Nota Bene: this solution doesn't answer exaactly to the question, it does too much relatively to the expressed need.
In Python language:
import re
pat = '(?:(.)(?!.*?\\1.*?\\1.*?\\1.*\Z))+\Z'
regx = re.compile(pat)
for s in (':1*2-3=4#',
m = regx.match(s)
if m:
print m.group()
print '--No match--'
--No match--
--No match--
It will give a lot of work to the regex motor because the principle of the pattern is that for each character of the string it runs through, it must verify that the current character isn't found three other times in the remaining sequence of characters that follow the current character.
But it works, apparently.

how to create regular expression for this sentence?

i have following statement {$("#aprilfoolc").val("HoliWed27"); $("#UgadHieXampp").val("ugadicome");}.and i want to get the string with combination.i have written following regex but it is not working.
please help!
Your lookaround assertions are using character classes by mistake, and you've confused lookbehind and lookahead. Try the following:
You could use this simpler one :
This returns
["$("#aprilfoolc").val("HoliWed27"", "aprilfoolc", "HoliWed27"]
where the strings you want are at indexes 1 and 2.
This construction
will match a lookahead, but only optional -- the character set is followed by a ?. This kind of defeats the next part,
which matches word characters only. So the lookahead will never match. Similar, this part
will also never match, because logically there can never be one of the characters " or ) at the end of a string that matches \w only. Again, since this portion is optional (that ? at the end again) it will simply never match.
It's a bit unclear what you are after. Strings inside double quotes, yes, but in the first one you want to skip the hash -- why? Given your input and desired output, this ought to work:
Also possible:
import re
f = re.findall(r'\("[#]?(.*?)"\)',s)
for m in f:
print m
I don't know why, but if you want capturing of two groups simultaneously, so:
import re
f = re.findall(r'\("#(.*?)"\).*?\("(.*?)"\)',s)
for m in f:
print m[0],m[1]
In JavaScript:
var s='{$("#aprilfoolc").val("HoliWed27")';
var re=/\("#(.*?)"\).*?\("(.*?)"\)/;

Capturing a repeated group

I am attempting to parse a string like the following using a .NET regular expression:
and return the following using Split:
I validate each character against a specific character set (note that the letters 'I', 'O', 'U' & 'W' are absent), so using string.Split is not an option. The number of characters in each group can vary and the number of groups can also vary. I am using the following expression:
This will match exactly 3 groups of 8 characters each. Any more or less will fail the match.
This works insofar as it correctly matches the input. However, when I use the Split method to extract each character group, I just get the final group. RegexBuddy complains that I have repeated the capturing group itself and that I should put a capture group around the repeated group. However, none of my attempts to do this achieve the desired result. I have been trying expressions like this:
But this does not work.
Since I generate the regex in code, I could just expand it out by the number of groups, but I was hoping for a more elegant solution.
Please note that the character set does not include the entire alphabet. It is part of a product activation system. As such, any characters that can be accidentally interpreted as numbers or other characters are removed. e.g. The letters 'I', 'O', 'U' & 'W' are not in the character set.
The hyphens are optional since a user does not need top type them in, but they can be there if the user as done a copy & paste.
BTW, you can replace [ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVXYZ0123456789] character class with a more readable subtracted character class.
If you just want to match 3 groups like that, why don't you use this pattern 3 times in your regex and just use captured 1, 2, 3 subgroups to form the new string?
In PHP I would return (I don't know .NET)
return "$1 $2 $3";
I have discovered the answer I was after. Here is my working code:
static void Main(string[] args)
string pattern = #"^\s*((?<group>[ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVXYZ0123456789]{8})-?){3}\s*$";
string input = "H3Y5NC8E-TGA5B6SB-2NVAQ4E0";
Regex re = new Regex(pattern);
Match m = re.Match(input);
if (m.Success)
foreach (Capture c in m.Groups["group"].Captures)
After reviewing your question and the answers given, I came up with this:
RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.None;
Regex regex = new Regex(#"([ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVXYZ0123456789]{8})", options);
string input = #"H3Y5NC8E-TGA5B6SB-2NVAQ4E0";
MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(input);
for (int i = 0; i != matches.Count; ++i)
string match = matches[i].Value;
Since the "-" is optional, you don't need to include it. I am not sure what you was using the {4} at the end for? This will find the matches based on what you want, then using the MatchCollection you can access each match to rebuild the string.
Why use Regex? If the groups are always split by a -, can't you use Split()?
Sorry if this isn't what you intended, but your string always has the hyphen separating the groups then instead of using regex couldn't you use the String.Split() method?
Dim stringArray As Array = someString.Split("-")
What are the defining characteristics of a valid block? We'd need to know that in order to really be helpful.
My generic suggestion, validate the charset in a first step, then split and parse in a seperate method based on what you expect. If this is in a web site/app then you can use the ASP Regex validation on the front end then break it up on the back end.
If you're just checking the value of the group, with group(i).value, then you will only get the last one. However, if you want to enumerate over all the times that group was captured, use group(2).captures(i).value, as shown below.
You can use character set of your choice inside character group. All you need is to add "+" modifier to capture all groups. See my previous answer, just change [A-Z0-9] to whatever you need (i.e. [ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVXYZ0123456789])
You can use this pattern:
Regex.Split("H3Y5NC8E-TGA5B6SB-2NVAQ4E0", "([ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVXYZ0123456789]{8}+)-?")
But you will need to filter out empty strings from resulting array.
Citation from MSDN:
If multiple matches are adjacent to one another, an empty string is inserted into the array.