Understanding core.async merge, in Clojure vs ClojureScript - clojure

I'm experimenting with core.async on Clojure and ClojureScript, to try and understand how merge works. In particular, whether merge makes any values put on input channels available to take immediately on the merged channel.
I have the following code:
(ns async-merge-example.core
#?(:clj [clojure.core.async :as async] :cljs [cljs.core.async :as async])
[async-merge-example.exec :as exec]))
(defn async-fn-timeout
(async/<! (async/timeout (rand-int 5000)))
(defn async-fn-exec
(exec/exec "sh" "-c" (str "sleep " (rand-int 5) "; echo " v ";")))
(defn merge-and-print-results
[seq async-fn]
(let [chans (async/merge (map async-fn seq))]
(while (when-let [v (async/<! chans)]
(prn v)
When I try async-fn-timeout with a large-ish seq:
(merge-and-print-results (range 20) async-fn-timeout)
For both Clojure and ClojureScript I get the result I expect, as in, results start getting printed pretty much immediately, with the expected delays.
However, when I try async-fn-exec with the same seq:
(merge-and-print-results (range 20) async-fn-exec)
For ClojureScript, I get the result I expect, as in results start getting printed pretty much immediately, with the expected delays. However for Clojure even though the sh processes are executed concurrently (subject to the size of the core.async thread pool), the results appear to be initially delayed, then mostly printed all at once! I can make this difference more obvious by increasing the size of the seq e.g. (range 40)
Since the results for async-fn-timeout are as expected on both Clojure and ClojureScript, the finger is pointed at the differences between the Clojure and ClojureScript implementation for exec..
But I don't know why this difference would cause this issue?
These observations were made in WSL on Windows 10
The source code for async-merge-example.exec is below
In exec, the implementation differs for Clojure and ClojureScript due to differences between Clojure/Java and ClojureScript/NodeJS.
(ns async-merge-example.exec
#?(:clj [clojure.core.async :as async] :cljs [cljs.core.async :as async])))
; cljs implementation based on https://gist.github.com/frankhenderson/d60471e64faec9e2158c
; clj implementation based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45292625/how-to-perform-non-blocking-reading-stdout-from-a-subprocess-in-clojure
#?(:cljs (def spawn (.-spawn (js/require "child_process"))))
(defn exec-chan
"spawns a child process for cmd with args. routes stdout, stderr, and
the exit code to a channel. returns the channel immediately."
[cmd args]
(let [c (async/chan), p (spawn cmd (if args (clj->js args) (clj->js [])))]
(.on (.-stdout p) "data" #(async/put! c [:out (str %)]))
(.on (.-stderr p) "data" #(async/put! c [:err (str %)]))
(.on p "close" #(async/put! c [:exit (str %)]))
(defn exec-chan
"spawns a child process for cmd with args. routes stdout, stderr, and
the exit code to a channel. returns the channel immediately."
[cmd args]
(let [c (async/chan)]
(let [builder (ProcessBuilder. (into-array String (cons cmd (map str args))))
process (.start builder)]
(with-open [reader (clojure.java.io/reader (.getInputStream process))
err-reader (clojure.java.io/reader (.getErrorStream process))]
(loop []
(let [line (.readLine ^java.io.BufferedReader reader)
err (.readLine ^java.io.BufferedReader err-reader)]
(if (or line err)
(do (when line (async/>! c [:out line]))
(when err (async/>! c [:err err]))
(.waitFor process)
(async/>! c [:exit (.exitValue process)]))))))))
(defn exec
"executes cmd with args. returns a channel immediately which
will eventually receive a result map of
{:out [stdout-lines] :err [stderr-lines] :exit [exit-code]}"
[cmd & args]
(let [c (exec-chan cmd args)]
(async/go (loop [output (async/<! c) result {}]
(if (= :exit (first output))
(assoc result :exit (second output))
(recur (async/<! c) (update result (first output) #(conj (or % []) (second output)))))))))

Your Clojure implementation uses blocking IO in a single thread. You are first reading from stdout and then stderr in a loop. Both do a blocking readLine so they will only return once they actually finished reading a line. So unless your process creates the same amount of output to stdout and stderr one stream will end up blocking the other one.
Once the process is finished the readLine will no longer block and just return nil once the buffer is empty. So the loop just finishes reading the buffered output and then finally completes explaining the "all at once" messages.
You'll probably want to start a second thread that deals reading from stderr.
node does not do blocking IO so everything happens async by default and one stream doesn't block the other.


How can I return a vector?

I have a channel where I am putting values into inside a doseq loop.
This code reads from a list of isbns and for each isbn, does an amazon search to return contents of a book, and then calls another function to get the title and rank
(def book_channel (chan 10))
make sure you use clojure.core.async/into rather than clojure.core/into. Here is an example of a round trip from collection to channel and back to collection:
user> (require '[clojure.core.async :as async :refer [<! <!! >!! >! chan go]])
user> (def book-chan (async/to-chan [:book1 :book2 :book3]))
user> (<!! (clojure.core.async/into [] book-chan))
[:book1 :book2 :book3]
clojure.core.async/into returns a channel that will have exactly one item written to it. That one item will be written once it's input channel closes. This keeps the whole thing asynchronous and it does require that the code putting things into the book-channel close the chan to signal that all the books are there.
You need to do some type of coordination to determine when all of your work is finished. You can pull that coordination out into the main thread fairly easily:
(def book_channel (chan 10))
(defn concurrency_test
(doseq [isbn list_of_isbns]
(go (>! book_channel
(amazon_search isbn)))))
(prn (loop [results []]
(if (= (count results) (count list_of_isbns))
(recur (conj results (<!! book_channel)))))))
Here, I used a loop that keeps waiting for results and adding them to the vector until we have as many results as we do isbns. You'll want to make sure that get_title_and_rank_for_one_isbn always generates a result that can be put on a channel, otherwise the loop will wait forever.
You should close! the book_channel after you finish pushing stuff into it. Per async/into documentation - "ch must close before into produces a result."
(let [book> (chan)]
(doseq [e (range 8)]
(>! book> e))
(close! book>))
(<!! (async/into [] book>)))
Alternatively, you can use async/onto-chan which will close the channel for you:
(let [book> (chan)]
(async/onto-chan book> (range 8))
(<!! (async/into [] book>)))

How to stop go block in ClojureScript / core.async?

Is there an elegant way to stop a running go block?
(without introducing a flag and polluting the code with checks/branches)
(ns example
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [<! timeout]]))
(defn some-long-task []
(println "entering")
; some complex long-running task (e.g. fetching something via network)
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(<! (timeout 1000))
(println "leaving")))
; run the task
(def task (some-long-task))
; later, realize we no longer need the result and want to cancel it
; (stop! task)
Sorry, this is not possible with core.async today. What you get back from creating a go block is a normal channel what the result of the block will be put on, though this does not give you any handle to the actual block itself.
As stated in Arthur's answer, you cannot terminate a go block immediately, but you since your example indicates a multi-phased task (using sub-tasks), an approach like this might work:
(defn task-processor
"Takes an initial state value and number of tasks (fns). Puts tasks
on a work queue channel and then executes them in a go-loop, with
each task passed the current state. A task's return value is used as
input for next task. When all tasks are processed or queue has been
closed, places current result/state onto a result channel. To allow
nil values, result is wrapped in a map:
{:value state :complete? true/false}
This fn returns a map of {:queue queue-chan :result result-chan}"
[init & tasks]
(assert (pos? (count tasks)))
(let [queue (chan)
result (chan)]
(async/onto-chan queue tasks)
(go-loop [state init, i 0]
(if-let [task (<! queue)]
(recur (task state) (inc i))
(do (prn "task queue finished/terminated")
(>! result {:value state :complete? (== i (count tasks))}))))
{:queue queue
:result result}))
(defn dummy-task [x] (prn :task x) (Thread/sleep 1000) (inc x))
;; kick of tasks
(def proc (apply task-processor 0 (repeat 100 dummy-task)))
;; result handler
(let [res (<! (:result proc))]
(prn :final-result res)))
;; to stop the queue after current task is complete
;; in this example it might take up to an additional second
;; for the terminated result to be delivered
(close! (:queue proc))
You may want to use future and future-cancel for such task.
(def f (future (while (not (Thread/interrupted)) (your-function ... ))))
(future-cancel f)
Why do cancelled Clojure futures continue using CPU?

clojure.async: "<! not in (go ...) block" error

When I evaluate the following core.async clojurescript code I get an error: "Uncaught Error: <! used not in (go ...) block"
(let [chans [(chan)]]
(doall (for [c chans]
(let [x (<! c)]
What am I doing wrong here? It definitely looks like the <! is in the go block.
because go blocks can't cross function boundaries I tend to fall back on loop/recur for a lot of these cases. the (go (loop pattern is so common that it has a short-hand form in core.async that is useful in cases like this:
user> (require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
user> (async/<!! (let [chans [(async/chan) (async/chan) (async/chan)]]
(doseq [c chans]
(async/go (async/>! c 42)))
(async/go-loop [[f & r] chans result []]
(if f
(recur r (conj result (async/<! f)))
[42 42 42]
Why dont you use alts! from Core.Async?
This function lets you listen on multiple channels and know which channel you read from on each data.
For example:
(let [chans [(chan)]]
(let [[data ch] (alts! chans)]
You can ask of the channel origin too:
(let [slow-chan (chan)
fast-chan (chan)
[data ch] (alts! [slow-chan fast-chan])]
(when (= ch slow-chan)
From the Docs:
Completes at most one of several channel operations. Must be called
inside a (go ...) block. ports is a vector of channel endpoints,
which can be either a channel to take from or a vector of
[channel-to-put-to val-to-put], in any combination. Takes will be
made as if by !. Unless
the :priority option is true, if more than one port operation is
ready a non-deterministic choice will be made. If no operation is
ready and a :default value is supplied, [default-val :default] will
be returned, otherwise alts! will park until the first operation to
become ready completes. Returns [val port] of the completed
operation, where val is the value taken for takes, and a
boolean (true unless already closed, as per put!) for put
Doumentation ref

How to memoize a function that uses core.async and non-blocking channel read?

I'd like to use memoize for a function that uses core.async and <! e.g
(defn foo [x]
(<! (timeout 2000))
(* 2 x)))
(In the real-life, it could be useful in order to cache the results of server calls)
I was able to achieve that by writing a core.async version of memoize (almost the same code as memoize):
(defn memoize-async [f]
(let [mem (atom {})]
(fn [& args]
(if-let [e (find #mem args)]
(val e)
(let [ret (<! (apply f args))]; this line differs from memoize [ret (apply f args)]
(swap! mem assoc args ret)
Example of usage:
(def foo-memo (memoize-async foo))
(go (println (<! (foo-memo 3)))); delay because of (<! (timeout 2000))
(go (println (<! (foo-memo 3)))); subsequent calls are memoized => no delay
I am wondering if there are simpler ways to achieve the same result.
**Remark: I need a solution that works with <!. For <!!, see this question: How to memoize a function that uses core.async and blocking channel read? **
You can use the built in memoize function for this. Start by defining a method that reads from a channel and returns the value:
(defn wait-for [ch]
(<!! ch))
Note that we'll use <!! and not <! because we want this function block until there is data on the channel in all cases. <! only exhibits this behavior when used in a form inside of a go block.
You can then construct your memoized function by composing this function with foo, like such:
(def foo-memo (memoize (comp wait-for foo)))
foo returns a channel, so wait-for will block until that channel has a value (i.e. until the operation inside foo finished).
foo-memo can be used similar to your example above, except you do not need the call to <! because wait-for will block for you:
(go (println (foo-memo 3))
You can also call this outside of a go block, and it will behave like you expect (i.e. block the calling thread until foo returns).
This was a little trickier than I expected. Your solution isn't correct, because when you call your memoized function again with the same arguments, sooner than the first run finishes running its go block, you will trigger it again and get a miss. This is often the case when you process lists with core.async.
The one below uses core.async's pub/sub to solve this (tested in CLJS only):
(def lookup-sentinel #?(:clj ::not-found :cljs (js-obj))
(def pending-sentinel #?(:clj ::pending :cljs (js-obj))
(defn memoize-async
(let [>in (chan)
pending (pub >in :args)
mem (atom {})]
[(memoized [& args]
(let [v (get #mem args lookup-sentinel)]
(condp identical? v
(swap! mem assoc args pending-sentinel)
(let [ret (<! (apply f args))]
(swap! mem assoc args ret)
(put! >in {:args args :ret ret})))
(<! (apply memoized args)))
(let [<out (chan 1)]
(sub pending args <out)
(:ret (<! <out)))
NOTE: it probably leaks memory, subscriptions and <out channels are not closed
I have used this function in one of my projects to cache HTTP calls. The function caches results for a given amount of time and uses a barrier to prevent executing the function multiple times when the cache is "cold" (due to the context switch inside the go block).
(defn memoize-af-until
[af ms clock]
(let [barrier (async/chan 1)
last-return (volatile! nil)
last-return-ms (volatile! nil)]
(fn [& args]
(>! barrier :token)
(let [now-ms (.now clock)]
(when (or (not #last-return-ms) (< #last-return-ms (- now-ms ms)))
(vreset! last-return (<! (apply af args)))
(vreset! last-return-ms now-ms))
(<! barrier)
You can test that it works properly by setting the cache time to 0 and observe that the two function calls take approximately 10 seconds. Without the barrier the two calls would finish at the same time:
(def memo (memoize-af-until #(async/timeout 5000) 0 js/Date))
(async/take! (memo) #(println "[:a] Finished"))
(async/take! (memo) #(println "[:b] Finished"))

Clojure error - GC overhead limit exceeded

I'm trying to randomly sample a large FASTQ file and write it to standard out. I keep getting 'GC overhead limit exceeded' errors and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've tried increasing Xmx in leiningen but that didn't help. Here is my code:
(ns fastq-sample.core
(:use clojure.java.io))
(def n-read-pair-lines 8)
(defn sample? [sample-rate]
(> sample-rate (rand)))
; Agent for writing the reads asynchronously
(def wtr (agent (writer *out*)))
(defn write-out [r]
(letfn [(write [out msg] (.write out msg) out)]
(send wtr write r)))
(defn write-close []
(send wtr #(.close %))
(await wtr))
; Main
(defn reads [file]
(input-stream file)
(defn -main [fastq-file sample-rate-str]
(let [sample-rate (Float. sample-rate-str)
in-reads (partition n-read-pair-lines (reads fastq-file))]
(doseq [x (filter (fn [_] (sample? sample-rate)) in-reads)]
(write-out (clojure.string/join "\n" x)))
This is the same symptom I often get when I try to merge an infinite sequence into a simgle data structure like a map or vector. It very often means that memory was tight and the garbage collector could not keep up with demand for new objects. Most likely the wtr agent is too large for memory. Perhaps you may want to not store the printed results in the atom by changing
(write [out msg] (.write out msg) out)
(write [out msg] (.write out msg))