Visual Studio 2017 constantly requesting jsconfig / tsconfig / node_modules - visual-studio-2017

After a recent reinstall I have found that I am having performance issues with VS 2017. I spotted today that it is constantly requesting files from the server on which the code I am hosting is located. See fiddler output. It is trying to load "/node_module/%40types", "/node_modules", "jsconfig.json", and "tsconfig.json", none of which exist. They are being called by svchost over and over and over. I am not sure what has changed, or how to overcome it, does anyone have any idea's? Thanks in advance.
fiddler output


Why does visual studio 2017 insist that files I don't have opened elsewhere have been modified outside the editor?

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 Pro at work and recently, after upgrading to Windows 10, I've been pestered by seemingly random notifications telling me that my source file(s) have been modified outside the visual studio editor. I don't have the file open anywhere else, and the files are located in folders which are not being shared. I did have remote desktop on but turning it off did not immediately resolve the issue either. After hours and hours of coding, it stopped giving me this warning, but I have no idea what happened either. I ran the Symantec End-point protection software (antivirus) to make sure it's not malware, but a full scan did not reveal any culprits. I don't understand what is causing the problem and how to prevent it. I want a full solution - ensure that files are not modified without my explicit knowledge and consent, rather than simply muting the error. Any help would be appreciated!
Get a copy of sysinternals. It has procmon and filemon which can monitor interaction with your filesystem, telling you which processes have written to, read or even enumerated the file.
These tools are also exceedingly useful for debugging complex file interaction, because they generate pretty clean logs. For example I had a problem with an antivirus reopening files I just wrote causing my write close reopen to fail; procmon helped me figure out the culprit.

After opening website in VS2017 - Error Publishing Customization

I am relatively new to Acumatica. I have been following the Development series of training videos and hit a hard stop on T300 video 4 after opening the website in Visual Studio and then trying to publish the changes in my customization project (after detecting/updating changed files).
The CodeDom provider type "Microsoft.VisualC.CppCodeProvider, CppCodeProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" could not be located.
My environment is pretty simple:
Acumatica ERP 2018R1
Visual Studio Community Edition
Windows 10 Pro build 1803
I found a number of posts suggesting that I install a nuget package, which may or may not have helped but did not fix the problem. (Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform)
I stumbled across a reference to the node_modules folder (sorry, lost that post link) which prompted me to check my TST vs DEV instances, and I found it does not exist in my TST instance. I also then noticed that the error I received during publishing happens after a series of lines about node_modules.
After a little more digging, I found which seems to have stopped the node_modules folder from being created and appears to have solved my problem publishing inside of Acumatica.
Other posts for visual studio claimed that the issue comes from the C++ compiler not being included in GAC in VS2017, but I completed the T100 and T200 courses on VS2017 without any issue. The problem seems to be connected specifically to opening the Acumatica Website in VS2017.
Does anyone have any experience with this issue that can confirm disabling NPM restores won't cause me headaches down the road? Or is there a better solution? I don't recall anything in the setup guides telling me to make this change, and I haven't found any references that this was an issue before VS2017.
I do recall running into this in older version of 2018R1.
These posts helped me solve the issue:
This post solved it for me:
How can I disable NPM package restore in Visual Studio 2015?
Also with help from this post:
Getting File Path error while adding file to files list in Customization Manager
if you still have the node_modules related folder just delete it and you should be good (from what I can remember).
If these don't work try the latest 2018R1 build. (or at least 2018R1 Update 1)

Visual Studio 2017 - Access Denied Error on Rebuild

I have a solution I created in Visual Studio 2017. All solution files are stored on a network location, accessed via a mapped drive. Up until earlier this week (April 10, 2018), everything worked fine. I could perform all required functionality.
Now, when I attempt to debug or build the release files, I get the following error:
Unable to copy file "obj\x64\Release\program.exe" to "bin\x64\Release\program.exe". Access to the path 'bin\x64\Release\program.exe' is denied.
The file is completely locked at this point. I can't do anything with it. I've done all of these suggestions found in other posts:
Make sure all instances of VBCSCompiler.exe are killed
Install the latest version of VS 2017
Install version 1.0.8 of Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
None of it works. I still get the error.
Now the real strangeness...
After I rebooted my machine the .exe file is removed from the release and debug folders. I can open the solution and rebuild the project successfully at that point, complete with a new, fully accessible .exe file. If I attempt to rebuild right away, with no changes made, the error shows up again.
I have to reboot my machine to release this file. That's hardly efficient.
If I copy the solution locally everything works fine. I don't have any issues.
I'm willing to move to working locally (as I'm sure it's a more advisable approach, but please spare me lectures on that topic) but I'd like to get to the bottom of this, if possible.
Thanks for any help you can offer...

Can't get past Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi in VS2017 RC Update

I previously successfully installed Visual Studio 2017 RC Enterprise on Windows 10 Home. I saw in the Notifications area an update to a later version of the RC, and so I clicked on that notification to install it.
The installation got as far as the attempting to install the Android Emulators, but failed and the log said it needed Win10 Pro.
So I removed the emulator from the install options, but the install didn't complete and this time the log said:
[27ac:0038][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Download requested:
[27ac:003a][2017-01-31T10:08:47] Attempting download '' using engine 'WebClient'
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Completed: Installing Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi
[27ac:0026][2017-01-31T10:08:48] Error: Package 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1' failed to install. MSI: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi,version=15.0.26109.1\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Msi.msi, Properties: REBOOT=ReallySuppress ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 MSIFASTINSTALL="7" VSEXTUI="1" VS7.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise" , Return code: 1316, Details: The specified account already exists.
I tried to follow the instructions from Visual Studio 2017 RC Install Error "The specified account already exists." however its says the action is only valid for installed products
Yesterday I did notice MinShell in the Programmes Uninstall list and tried removing it from there.
However it makes no difference and every time I try and run the installer I get the same error. I have tried making sure that no VS2017 related items are installed in Programs and Features, and deleting directories manually from Program files etc
Starting to get really annoyed as I had a completely working compiler and IDE and I've already been totally unable to upgrade Win10 to the Anniversary Update due to the 0x8007002C – 0x400D error during Migrate-Data operation. I tried the fix of resetting the Storage app to make all defaults C:, and then the Documents link, but that didn't fix it, although I see I've missed Downloads, Pictures and Video, so will try again tonight but I still don't see it working, although I think the failure moved from 79% to 83%
#Peter Nimmo I had the same issue. Solve it by:
Go to C:\Program Data\Microsoft, go to Properties then click the Security tab and add System, then give full permission. The reason why it couldn't install is because it can't access the folder required.
Hope it works for you. If it doesn't, you could try the following additional steps:
Go to C:\ then at the search box type %temp% then delete everything in it.
Run this script in Powershell Admin mode:
This problem might be caused by setting a separate cache folder when installing. The steps below should fix it.
delete the visualstudio folder in your Registry editor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE(under Microsoft?)
run InstallCleanup.exe---> C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
delete contents in your temp folder C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Temp(skip items that cannot be deleted)
run InstallCleanup.exe
inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout
then restart your computer
Go to %ProgramData%\Microsoft and rename VisualStudio folder (e.g. to VisualStudio_old)
Try again with fresh install.
Please temporarily disable 3rd party anti-virus software and try the following steps to check if it works for you:
Type “Administrative Tools” in search box
Open “Local Security Policy”
Navigate to “Software Restriction Policies” (If it displays “No Software Restrictions Defined”, please right-click on the “Software Restriction Policies” node and select “New Software Restriction Policies”)
Double-click on “Enforcement”
Select “All users except Local Administrators” and click on OK
Restart your computer and run the Visual Studio Installer as administrator to repair the installation
Please Refer :
similar error for me sort of, it starts installing then gets stuck on shell(minimum) and shell interops and the shell(minimum) resources and interop resources..then i get a fatal error, tells me that Visual Studio Devenv resource fails.. no matter what i try i cannot install on my windows 10 1607 anniversary update 3 64-bit with all updates to this minute. I read microsoft is aware and its become a huge problem, programming error. Anyone figures out how to install let me know please.
EDIT: so its a huge pain to get visual studio 2015 to install, i kept reinstalling it and everytime the error window came up i read the log, then i manually searched and installed components listed, and also had to manually create folders almost each time following the path listed in the log file. after 12 hours and alot of searching and installing i now have a fully functional visual studio 2015 pro edition back on my computer..i wanted 2017 but thats even worse to

Can't run VS 2015 Community without /resetsettings; Getting CANTLOADLIBRARY on opening new projects, and crashing on new .cpp files

I have Windows 10, fully updated.
I downloaded and installed Visual Studio Community 2015 last week for the first time, (previously programmed in Code:blocks, still installed) and selected custom install to allow for C++ and Python programming.
Installation ran smoothly, but VS always fails on launch.
On first launch ever, it said it was setting things up for first startup; asked me for sign-in which I did, at which point it briefly showed something about my profile before saying 'An error occurred while starting for the first time. Please restart Microsoft Visual Studio'. Imgur images of all dialog boxes here, including parts of a processmonitor log I estimated to be around the general time of the error.
Closing and restarting several times didn't help.
Uninstalling and re-installing didn't help.
Rebooting didn't help.
And uninstalling, running Ccleaner's Cleaner and Registry Cleaner, rebooting computer and re-installing VS didn't help either.
Repairing the install from Programs also didn't help.
I managed to find the exact same error on Google Search for VS 2013 but the only solution was where one person got a completely new OS and re-installed VS on that.
I tried the other suggestions they had including running:
devenv.exe /safemode
devenv.exe /resetskippkgs
devenv.exe /resetuserdata
devenv.exe /installvstemplates
devenv.exe /resetsettings
the first 3 took me to the same sign-in screen. Regardless of signing-in or not, or running VS from the Administrator Profile or not, these option always give the same failed on first startup error.
Installvstemplates gives an error saying the operation could not be completed, but /resetsettings finally got me into VS.
That's about all it does though, I can go to the home page and access options/menu buttons, but signing-in makes it crash and reload again (but it does sign me in and take me to the home screen)
Signed-in/not and Administrator or not, VS crashes on opening a new .cpp file.
When I click Start a New Project I get "Error loading type library/DLL.(Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)). Closing VS and trying to open it normally from start menu still always throws the original error, despite working if I open it via /resetsettings.
I've also checked [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID{73B7DC00-F498-4ABD-AB79-D07AFD52F395}\InProcServer32] in Regedit and found it is apparently correct.
I also used devenv /log to generate an xml file of the process when I open it.
Just to mention I have .NET Framework 4.5-4.6 installed with VS as well.
Looking forward to any advice.
So, for anyone else getting the same problem, I haven't gotten any other advice, since this post.
If you're still having probs # this point the only real solution seems to be a clean install of your OS .
I can confirm it solved all my issues, with VS + some OS problems I wasn't aware of . I can only assume they might've been related, good luck.