Cmake Gtest project exe exits with errorcode 255 - c++

I have been using a number of c++ projects for gtest unit cases. While all these were executing fine all these years, now after updating the openssl version 1.1.1a, seeing some strange problem. Bilt in VS2017
the test project exe is not executing or not starting at all. I tried executing the exe from a command prompt. It just comes out of the execution immediately without any execution or message. It is not taking or considering any argument like --shuffle-tests.
I tried adding trace cout logs in main function but still its has no effect.
The error i get is
6: Test command: plugin-tests.exe "--gtest_shuffle" "--gtest_output=xml:TESTS-plugin.xml"
6: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
6/8 Test #6: plugin-tests ...........***Failed 0.01 sec
I am helpless in debugging in the gtest exe as there are no proper documentation for this as well.
Could any body please shed some light on this ?
It has the standard GTest functions to init and runn all tests. This has been working all these years.
The change i made in the code is,
EVP_CIPHER_CTX m_context_encrypt
EVP_CIPHER_CTX *m_context_encrypt
and did
m_context_encrypt = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new()
as per the structure changes in openssl1.1 onwards.
And, the openssl is statically linked to the project exe which required two of the windows libraries to be linked with
crypt32 ws2_32
so added those dependency the cmake like,
if( WIN32 )
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} crypt32 ws2_32)
The gtest unit test cases are executing successfully in linux build.
The problem is with the windows execution.
However out of 8 test projects, one test project is able to execute properly in windows, and i find no difference in the cmake files.
It is kindof strange
Note: Exit code of the exe seems to be 255


Fatal error: debugger does not support channel locks

I am trying to use ocamldebug with my project, to understand why a 3rd party lib I'm using is not behaving the way I expected.
The OCaml debugger is invoked by running the program ocamldebug with the name of the bytecode executable file as first argument
I have added (modes byte exe) to my dune file.
When I run dune build I can see the bytecode file output, alongside the exe, as _build/default/bin/cli.bc
When I pass this to ocamldebug I get the following error:
ocamldebug _build/default/bin/cli.bc
OCaml Debugger version 4.12.0
(ocd) r
Loading program... done.
Fatal error: debugger does not support channel locks
Lost connection with process 33035 (active process)
between time 170000 and time 180000
Restart from time 170000 and try to get closer of the problem ? (y or n)
If I choose y the console seems to hang indefinitely.
I found the source of the error here:
/* The code in this file does not bracket channel I/O operations with
Lock and Unlock, so fail if those are not no-ops. */
if (caml_channel_mutex_lock != NULL ||
caml_channel_mutex_unlock != NULL ||
caml_channel_mutex_unlock_exn != NULL)
caml_fatal_error("debugger does not support channel locks");
...but I don't know what might be triggering it.
My project is using cmdliner and lwt ...I think at this early point of execution it hasn't hit any lwt code though.
Is ocamldebug incompatible with cmdliner?
If that's the case then I will need to make a new entrypoint just for debugging I guess. (currently the bin/cli is the only executable artefact in my project, the code I need to debug is all under lib/s)
It looks like that the OCaml debugger is broken for your version of macOS. Please, report the issue to the OCaml issue tracker including the detailed information on your system. I can't reproduce it on my machine, but I am using a pretty old version of macOS (10.11.6) and I have the 4.12 debugger working flawlessly.
As a workaround, try using an older version of OCaml, as this channel lock test was introduced very recently you can install any version prior to 4.12,
opam switch create 4.11.0
eval $(opam env)
Then, do not forget to rebuild your project (previously installing the required dependencies),
opam install lwt cmdliner
dune build
and then you can use the debugger to your taste.

Build errors in cpprest sdk (casablanca) on Ubuntu 16.04

While searching for an HTTP client C++ based library, I have decided to use the casablanca -- so I needed to build it.
I'm running on Ubuntu 16.04.
While following the "common" build steps described here: How-to-build-for-Linux I have encountered a build error (when running the make command as the last operation of step 4).
The entire error output can be found here (now it is the last comment in the thread cpprestsdk-build-error#266).
Just to be sure my system has the needed build tools and libraries I performed the command mentioned in step 2 and this is the output:
--> Which means my system is "good to go".
So after I struggled it a little more, I have found "an alternative" way to build it:
I have downloaded the source code from here: Source Package: casablanca (2.8.0-2) [universe], and again, followed the same instructions STARTING FROM STEP 4 from the link mentioned in the question (How-to-build-for-Linux).
This time the make phase was successful !! (it is worth to mention that not all the unit tests that are recommended to be run on step 5 passed - I did not spend time trying to understand why...).
Went on and "copied-pasted" the complete sample provided at the bottom of the following link: cpprestsdk-Getting-Started-Tutorial.
Built the program with the following command (the program contained a single cpp file called main):
g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o myProg -lboost_system -lcrypto -lssl -lcpprest
Ran the program
and it passed (there was output in the console saying:"Received response status code:200").
Would be glad to hear if you have encountered the same issue, or perhaps I did something wrong in my first attempt (or in any other step along the way).

boost-test 'filename' not found

I use Visual Studio adapter for Boost.Test. I built boost.test[v1.59] project using cmake.
I didn't have any compile problems but when I tried to run tests I got the output like below:
Executing: -> [BoostUnitTestSample]
filestream was found to be null when handling path: D:\Work\Project\dev\DesktopMSVC13_Project\src\ProjectTest\Debug\
Exception caught while running test batch D:\Work\Project\dev\DesktopMSVC13_Project\src\ProjectTest\Debug\ProjectTest.exe [BoostUnitTestSample]
(File 'D:\Work\Project\dev\DesktopMSVC13_Project\src\ProjectTest\Debug\' not found.)
========== Run test finished: 0 run (0:00:03,6081912) ==========
Everything goes fine if I add a boost.test project manually
My experience with the Boost.Test extension for Visual Studio (see comment) tells me that you forgot to set references to dependencies required to run the tests (typically DLLs). I think the message is rather created by the standard test execution engine than by Boost.Test extension. It is just a clumsy way of saying "oh, the test did not run, so I could find the results..."

NetBeans generated Makefile ignores test return codes

I have a C++ project in NetBeans using generated Makefiles. I set up a job in Jenkins (continuous integration server) to run the tests configured in NetBeans. Now Jenkins runs the tests and captures their output, but it considers the build successful even when a test fails.
I'm using the Boost Unit Test Framework which of course returns a non-zero code on failure as any proper *nix program would. So I wondered why Jenkins didn't understand when a test failed. Then I found this in the generated from NetBeans:
# Run Test Targets
#if [ "${TEST}" = "" ]; \
then \
${TESTDIR}/TestFiles/f1 || true; \
${TESTDIR}/TestFiles/f2 || true; \
else \
./${TEST} || true; \
So it seems like they deliberately ignore the return value of all tests. But this doesn't make sense, because then what are your tests testing?
I tried to find a setting in NetBeans to say "Let failing tests break the build" but didn't find anything. I also tried to find a bug in the NetBeans tracker for this but didn't see any in my brief search.
Is there any other reasonable solution? I want Jenkins to fail my build if any test fails. Right now it only fails if a test fails to build, but if it builds and fails to run, success is reported.
It turns out that NetBeans (up to version 8 at least) cannot support this. What I did to work around it is to do make build-tests rather than make test in Jenkins, followed by a loop over all the generated test files (TestFiles/f* in the build directory) to run them.
This is a major shortcoming in NetBeans' Makefile generator, as it is fundamentally incompatible with running tests outside of NetBeans itself. Thanks to #HEKTO for the link which led me to this page about writing NetBeans testing plugins:
What that page tells you is basically that NetBeans relies on parsing the textual output of tests to determine success or failure. What it doesn't tell you is that NetBeans generates defective Makefiles which ignore critical failures in tests, including aborts, segmentation faults, assertion failures, uncaught exceptions, etc. It assumes you will use a test framework that it knows about (which is only CppUnit), or manually write magic strings at the right moments in your test programs.
I thought about taking the time to write a NetBeans unit test plugin for the Boost Unit Test Framework, but it won't help Jenkins at all: the plugins are only used when tests are run inside NetBeans itself, to display pretty status indicators.

qt compiles successfully but runs fail

I compiled bitoin-qt,PTS coin and other Altercoins successfully ,but thay all can't running.
I use MinGW4.4 ,QT 4.8.5 download from website and QT creator 2.8.1.
This is my .pro setting:
And I uncommented this code because MinGW4.4 doesn't suport it(I've used MinGW 4.6,4.7,4.8,but they all even compiled failed) :
#win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS *= -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--nxcompat
These all compiled by MinGW4.4 succefully,but the debug and release exe compiled both can't run.I have coped the qt dlls to the exe direction.When I debugged it,it broke before entering the main source.
======================UPDATE edit==========================
I know it's because of leveldb,but I don't know what's wrong with my compiling leveldb:
TARGET_OS=NATIVE_WINDOWS mingw32-make libleveldb.a libmemenv.a
When I use another altercoin leveldb source code,the error solves.But I use back to the original leveldb source code,the program breaks again.
Still seems to me you are missing a .dll. Try using dependency walker and verify you are not missing any dependencies.