Django 500 server error using nginx and gunicorn - django

django website is working fine on localhost but when hosted on server using nginx and gunicorn, some APIs are throwing 500 server error. This problem is with some APIs and rest of the APIs are working well. Please help me what should I do?


Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502 - Django

I am running my server on a ec2 instance with gunicorn and nginx. My site and project works but it gives error connecting with websockets. I am using Websocket in js to connect with Django channels. On my local server everything was working correctly but after deploying my site. Websockets are not working and giving me this error
Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 502.
What I have tried uptil now...
I have installed redis and daphne. Configured daphne setting in nginx configuration.
My Server is running on 80 port and I have set daphne on 8001 port.
When I start daphne service it runs for some time and then disconnect/fail automatically but when it is running my websockets still cant connect.
Any kind of help will be great for me.

The error of Django application crashed ngnix and the server

My Django application run well for a while, then I got 502 Bad Gateway, after a few hours, I am unable to ping the domain and use SSH to connect my server(from Amazon Lightsail). My other application served by ngnix was also not available then. While if I didn't start the Django application, ther application served by ngnix would run steadily. So I guess it is the error of my Django application crashed ngnix and the server.
After rebooting the server for serveral times, the server seems recovered then I can ping the domain and use SSH to connect the server. But after a while, the same problem would occurs again. I wonder how to fix the problem.
Some diagnostic information since the start of the Django application to the end of the Nginx server provided below.
The RAM usage is high during the process.
The uwsgi log.
The Nginx error log.

configuring Django Channels for windows in production

Please, I need to configure Django Channels on redis-channel-layer on windows IIS in production. It is running very well in development.
I have installed redis, daphne. I have set the IIS as proxy server with URL Rewrite pointing the Inbound to localhost 6379 to redis-layer channels. I used python runworker. and also started the daphne server with the daphne command.
They all ran very well, but there is no websocket handshake for my url.

Visit webpage hosted on ubuntu server in a local network

I have a ubuntu server hosting a web page driven by Python Django, I can access that page by using the following command:elinks http://
Now if I want to access that same web page on a macbook sharing the same home router with my ubuntu server(local ip:, how would I do it? Typing in elinks http:// wouldn't work.
Thanks a lot,
Are you running the development server using
If so, you should start the server using:
python runserver
This will allow the development server to be visited by ips on all interfaces instead of just localhost.
You need to serve it. There are a number of ways to do this, but my preferred method is to use Nginx as a reverse proxy server for gunicorn. This is a good tutorial for that.

development server(Eclipse-Django) not loading through browser on windows

1)I am unable to access the website hosted by django's development server on my local machine(
2)I am unable to get the website in the browser.
Using Windows 7
When you start the server, it should say something like:
Validating models...
0 errors found
Django version 1.3, using settings 'myapp.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Do you get this message, and is the port number the same as the one you're using?
If it is, you could possibly have a problem with proxy settings. Does your browser have a proxy server configured?