Salsa 20 C++ Text Encryption - c++

I want to make Salsa20 Text Encryption using C++
I took this source code as main
How to initialize iv and key? How to encrypt bytes?


Convert AES-CBC to multithreaded class

I'm student and doing research work about Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
I choose AES-256 CBC. I'm trying to encrypt text files with threads (1 thread - 1 file)
Encryption is OK, but decryption has problem. When I try to decrypt file, it has undecrypted strings. I read some documents about AES and found that AES CBC has no opportunity to encrypt files multithreaded because of initialization vector (IV), it's unic for each file.
Can I convert AES-CBC to multithreaded class?

Data Encryption from UNIVERSE/U2/PICK

I am extracting some data from a UNIVERSE system and want to encrypt it for transfer via email.
I am no UNIVERSE expert so am using bits and pieces we have found from around the internet and it "looks" like it is working BUT I just can't seem to decrypt the data.
Below is the script I have used based on code found on the web:
ALGORITHM="rc2-cbc" ; * 128 bit rc2 algorithm in CBC mode
MYKEY="23232323" ; * HEX - Actual Key
IV= "12121212" ; * HEX - Initialization Vector
DATALOC=1 ; * Data in String
KEYLOC=1 ; * Key in String
ACTION=5 ; * Base64 encode after encryption
SALT='' ; * SALT not used
RESULTLOC=1 ; * Result in String RESULT
Below are a few data strings I have processed through this script and the resulting string:
When I try to decode and decrypt the resulting OUTPUT with an online decrypter, I still get no results:
I'm thinking it might be a character encoding issue or perhaps the encryption is not working but I have no idea how to resolve - we have been working on this for a few weeks and cannot get any data that is decryptable...
All setups and fields have been set based on this:
If I feed the base-64 encrypted string from your code back into the Unidata DECRYPYT function with the same parameters it decrypts just fine.
I suspect something funny is happening with the key. This page mentions something like that: "Generating a suitable key is one of the thornier problems associated with encryption. Keys should be generated as random binary strings, making them obviously difficult to remember. Accordingly, it is probably more common for applications to supply a pass phrase to the ENCRYPT function and have the function internally generate the actual encryption key."
One option to remove the Universe ENCRYPT function from the picture is to use openSSL directly. It looks like the ENCRYPT/DECRYPT functions are just thin wrappers around the openSSL library, so you can execute that to get the result. I'm having problems with the php page you're using for verification, but if I feed the base-64 encrypted string to an openSSL decrypt command on a different machine, it decrypts fine.
MYKEY="A long secret key"
DATASTRING="data to be encrypted data here"
EXECUTE '!echo "':DATASTRING:'"| openssl enc -base64 -e -rc2-cbc -nosalt -k "':MYKEY:'"' CAPTURING RESULT

AES > Base64 Encryption/Decryption and 256bit mode

I need to create a internal AES/Base64 encrypt system for my application.
I mean , I don't want to have any side dll for my exe like openssl library.
I found this threads :
Problems with CryptoPP C++ AES-256+Base64
Crypto++ encrypt and decrypt in two different c++ programs
But they wasn't what I need , I searched and I found nothing.
What I need exactly is like this site :
First an AES encryption with a key at 256bit mode
Next convert it to Base64 ( a Result of encryption in base64 in )
And a decrypt system to get the first string from encrypted result.
In this thread the key has to be 32 lenght but in the it can be everything .
Can you please guide me how can I create a system like site ?

SHA256 in Crypto++ library

Let us focus on SHA256.
According to the following website,, the 'Binary hash' of 123 is 3d73c0...... and the 'String hash' of 123 is a665a4.......
I can obtain the 'String hash' by using the library of crypto++ as the following code:
CryptoPP::SHA256 hash;
string digest;
CryptoPP::StringSource d1pk("123", true, new CryptoPP::HashFilter(hash, new HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(digest))));
cout<< "digest : " << digest <<endl;
How can I obtain the 'Binary hash' by using the library of crypto++?
The website you linked is a hash tool, and allows for input as either string or bytes.
When you enter a string it will get the bytes of it and then hash that, so the "Binary Hash" is no different. It accepts data in another format, hexadecimal, and converts that to bytes to be hashed.
This is the best explanation of what is going on, but I can not be completely definitive without seeing their source.

Saving key and iv to file AES implementation Crypto++

So I am using the Crypto++ Library to encrypt a file. I need to save the key and iv for future use. I am following this tutorial. Here is my function :
void AESUtil::encrypt(string filename,bool savekeys,string savefilename){
AutoSeededRandomPool rnd;
// Generate a random key
rnd.GenerateBlock(key, AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH);
// Generate a random IV
byte iv[AES::BLOCKSIZE];
rnd.GenerateBlock(iv, AES::BLOCKSIZE);
Binary b;
string plaintext = b.decoder(filename);
unsigned char *ciphertext= new unsigned char[plaintext.size()+1];
ofstream("key.bin", ios::binary).write((char*)key, sizeof(key));
CFB_Mode<AES>::Encryption cfbEncryption(key, AES::DEFAULT_KEYLENGTH, iv);
cfbEncryption.ProcessData(ciphertext,reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(plaintext.c_str()),plaintext.size()+1);
ofstream outfile(savefilename.c_str());
The files contain data in �/���� format. I want to know the best method to save the key and iv programmatically which are a byte array to a file and the ciphertext which is a unsigned char* to a separate file.
The key could be saved in a separate file. Normally the key is established between sender / receiver in advance, or it is encrypted using a public key of the receiver. Note that it doesn't make sense to save the key next to the ciphertext, as it would provide no protection whatsoever. The handling of keys is called key management and entire books have been written about it.
The IV is a different animal. The IV should be randomly generated. For CFB it should at least be unique and identical at both sides. Usually the IV is simply prefixed to the ciphertext, it doesn't have to be kept secret.
Your key and iv variables are the key and IV used to encrypt the plain text.
You didn't fill either; you're actually using an array filled with 0 bytes as both the key and IV for your encryption.
The IV is public information. You don't need to hide it. Save it the way you want.
The KEY is what you must keep safe. To do that you may decide how much effort you want to put on it to hide it from the external factors.
I have some keys that I don't care to leave them as a "plain text" in the binary code. (NO SECURITY, but my mom can't figure out what to do, but a beginner in reverse engineer will laugh at it.)
Some keys I do a play with the bytes, like inverting parts, separating them, XOR with something. (Very unsafe, but better than nothing, a programmer with decent knowledge in reverse engineering will be able to spend some time and eventually break the security)
Some other cases I use 3rd party advanced obfuscation... If possible, depending on what you want, you may even replace your encryption engine with some "white-box" cryptography. Then you will have your keys very well protected. But this is usually hard/expensive. It doesn't seem to be your case. (Yes, even a very advanced assembly guru will not be happy to start reverse engineer this case.)
Another solution, if you don't need the key on your binary, is to give it to the system's password manager. On Windows, it's called "Data Protection API", and on Mac, it's called "Keychain". Take a look at these, and then you will understand why this is considered security. But it's because all the passwords here are encrypted with the "user password" so nothing is stored "on disk". A turned-off device in this scenario is considered very secure.