ASP.NET Web API Unit Test Autofac Module with BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies() - unit-testing

Working on a project in ASP.NET Web API 2 which has Autofac as my IoC container. This project is hosted on IIS and in my Autofac module I use the following method to scan for assemblies:
var asm = BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies().Cast<Assembly>().ToArray();
But now we are making Unit Tests using NUnit, during my setup I register my module which uses this method. Now I receive the following exception when running my tests:
System.InvalidOperationException: 'This method cannot be called during the application's pre-start initialization phase.'
I understand why I have this exception but I don't have a clue how to make my code work in tests and for deployment environments.
Setup method of NUnit:
public abstract class ApplicationTestBase
public override void Init()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
// If the class requires auto mapper mapping, initialize them
// We do this in order not to init them for every test => optimalisation!
if (GetType().GetCustomAttributes<RequiresAutoMapperMappingsAttribute>(false) != null)
this.Container = builder.Build();
Do I need to create a new module specific for my Unit tests or is there another way for this?
public class AutoMapperTests : ApplicationTestBase
public void Assert_Valid_Mappings()
Like Cyril mentioned: Why do you need Ioc in your unit tests? I went searching and indeed you don't have to use the Ioc in your tests. So I ditched the Ioc and initialized my mapper configuration byy doing:
Mapper.Initialize(configuration =>
var asm = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Where(a => a.FullName.StartsWith("ProjectWebService."));

I would recommend separating the "how to load assemblies" logic from the "do assembly scanning and register modules logic."
Right now I'm guessing you have something like this all in one method.
public IContainer BuildContainer()
var asm = BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies().Cast<Assembly>().ToArray();
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
Not exactly that, but something similar - the loading of assemblies is inlined and directly used.
Separate that so you can swap that logic in for testing. For example, consider allowing a parameter to be optionally passed so you can override the logic in test.
public IContainer BuildContainer(Func<IEnumerable<Assembly>> assemblyLoader = null)
IEnumerable<Assembly> asm = null;
if (assemblyLoader != null)
asm = assemblyLoader();
asm = BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies().Cast<Assembly>().ToArray();
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
var container = builder.Build();
Your default logic will work the way you want, but then in testing you can swap in something else.
var container = BuildContainer(() => AppDomain.GetAssemblies());
There are lots of ways you can do that swap-in. It could be anything from a static property you can set somewhere to a virtual method you can override somewhere. The point is, by separating the assembly loading logic you can get the test-time behavior to work but still use the registration behavior you're after.


How to test method in XUnit that needs UserManager, but uses in-memory database

I'm using ASP.NET Core 3.1 and XUnit for my unit tests.
I built a database context factory class that instantiates an in-memory version of my database:
public static class DbContextFactory
public static ApplicationDbContext CreateDbContext()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
var modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(new ConventionSet());
var dbContext = new ApplicationDbContext(options);
var onModelCreatingMethod = dbContext.GetType().GetMethod("OnModelCreating",
BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
new object[] { modelBuilder });
return dbContext;
This is the current test class I'm trying to use:
public class AdminServiceTests
public ApplicationDbContext context { get; set; }
public IAdminService adminService { get; set; }
public AdminServiceTests()
this.context = DbContextFactory.CreateDbContext();
this.adminService = new AdminService(userManager, context);
public async Task DeleteUserShouldDeleteUser()
// What to do ???
In order for me to test my admin service, I need to provide a user manager. It should be linked with the database I currently have created.
How can I make that happen?
You're making a common mistake of testing the framework. All your test needs to do is ensure that AdminService.DeleteUser calls UserManager.DeleteAsync. Whether or not that spirals down into actually removing the user from the database is 1) not a concern of the service and 2) an implementation detail of both ASP.NET Core Identity and EF Core, both of which have their own extensive test suites to ensure that happens.
As such, you can just use a library like Moq to create a mock of UserManager<TUser> and then do something like:
userManagerMock.Verify(x => x.DeleteAsync(user), Times.Once());
It's worth mentioning here that this also serves to point out a bit of a flaw in this kind of design. You have a dependency on ASP.NET Core Identity whether or not you put an AdminService wrapper around that. Unless your service is doing something special outside of just proxying to UserManager here (e.g. coordinating multiple actions, like maybe deleting the user triggers a notification or something), then your service is pointless, and you should just use UserManager directly. Developers make this kind of mistake constantly; abstraction for the sake of abstraction only hurts your code. It adds additional maintenance concerns, testing concerns, and obscures what the code is actually doing.

Mvx.Resolve fails in unit tests

I'm currently trying to write unit tests for an android/ios application written in xamaring using mvvmcross. I've followed the instructions in the wiki and they do work well to the point when a service tries to change the ViewModel this way:
var viewDispatcher = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewDispatcher>();
new MvxViewModelRequest(typeof(HomeViewModel), null, null, MvxRequestedBy.Unknown));
The tests fail at the first line with Mvx.Resolve();. I assume this is down to registering the interfaces in the mock IoC container:
this.mockDispatcher = new MockDispatcher();
so Mvx cannot resolve then when called this way. Can this code be tested or is there any other possibility to change the ViewModel from the service?
I think your AdditionalSetup never gets called. You have to add the SetUp attribute to a setup method and call the Setup() of MvxIoCSupportingTest if you use nunit, else the respective attribute.
public abstract class MvxTestBase : MvxIoCSupportingTest
protected MockDispatcher mockDispatcher;
protected override void AdditionalSetup()
this.mockDispatcher = new MockDispatcher();
public virtual void SetupTest()
Or you call it in each test as shown here:

How do I manage unit test resources in Kotlin, such as starting/stopping a database connection or an embedded elasticsearch server?

In my Kotlin JUnit tests, I want to start/stop embedded servers and use them within my tests.
I tried using the JUnit #Before annotation on a method in my test class and it works fine, but it isn't the right behaviour since it runs every test case instead of just once.
Therefore I want to use the #BeforeClass annotation on a method, but adding it to a method results in an error saying it must be on a static method. Kotlin doesn't appear to have static methods. And then the same applies for static variables, because I need to keep a reference to the embedded server around for use in the test cases.
So how do I create this embedded database just once for all of my test cases?
class MyTest {
#Before fun setup() {
// works in that it opens the database connection, but is wrong
// since this is per test case instead of being shared for all
#BeforeClass fun setupClass() {
// what I want to do instead, but results in error because
// this isn't a static method, and static keyword doesn't exist
var referenceToServer: ServerType // wrong because is not static either
Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that the answers to commonly asked Kotlin topics are present in SO.
Your unit test class usually needs a few things to manage a shared resource for a group of test methods. And in Kotlin you can use #BeforeClass and #AfterClass not in the test class, but rather within its companion object along with the #JvmStatic annotation.
The structure of a test class would look like:
class MyTestClass {
companion object {
init {
// things that may need to be setup before companion class member variables are instantiated
// variables you initialize for the class just once:
val someClassVar = initializer()
// variables you initialize for the class later in the #BeforeClass method:
lateinit var someClassLateVar: SomeResource
#BeforeClass #JvmStatic fun setup() {
// things to execute once and keep around for the class
#AfterClass #JvmStatic fun teardown() {
// clean up after this class, leave nothing dirty behind
// variables you initialize per instance of the test class:
val someInstanceVar = initializer()
// variables you initialize per test case later in your #Before methods:
var lateinit someInstanceLateZVar: MyType
#Before fun prepareTest() {
// things to do before each test
#After fun cleanupTest() {
// things to do after each test
#Test fun testSomething() {
// an actual test case
#Test fun testSomethingElse() {
// another test case
// ...more test cases
Given the above, you should read about:
companion objects - similar to the Class object in Java, but a singleton per class that is not static
#JvmStatic - an annotation that turns a companion object method into a static method on the outer class for Java interop
lateinit - allows a var property to be initialized later when you have a well defined lifecycle
Delegates.notNull() - can be used instead of lateinit for a property that should be set at least once before being read.
Here are fuller examples of test classes for Kotlin that manage embedded resources.
The first is copied and modified from Solr-Undertow tests, and before the test cases are run, configures and starts a Solr-Undertow server. After the tests run, it cleans up any temporary files created by the tests. It also ensures environment variables and system properties are correct before the tests are run. Between test cases it unloads any temporary loaded Solr cores. The test:
class TestServerWithPlugin {
companion object {
val workingDir = Paths.get("test-data/solr-standalone").toAbsolutePath()
val coreWithPluginDir = workingDir.resolve("plugin-test/collection1")
lateinit var server: Server
#BeforeClass #JvmStatic fun setup() {
assertTrue(coreWithPluginDir.exists(), "test core w/plugin does not exist $coreWithPluginDir")
// make sure no system properties are set that could interfere with test
val config = mapOf(...)
val configLoader = ServerConfigFromOverridesAndReference(workingDir, config) verifiedBy { loader ->
server = Server(configLoader)
val (serverStarted, message) =
if (!serverStarted) {
fail("Server not started: '$message'")
#AfterClass #JvmStatic fun teardown() {
private fun cleanSysProps() { ... }
private fun cleanFiles() {
// don't leave any test files behind
val adminClient: SolrClient = HttpSolrClient("http://localhost:8983/solr/")
#Before fun prepareTest() {
// anything before each test?
#After fun cleanupTest() {
// make sure test cores do not bleed over between test cases
private fun unloadCoreIfExists(name: String) { ... }
fun testServerLoadsPlugin() {
println("Loading core 'withplugin' from dir ${coreWithPluginDir.toString()}")
val response = CoreAdminRequest.createCore("tempCollection1", coreWithPluginDir.toString(), adminClient)
assertEquals(0, response.status)
// ... other test cases
And another starting AWS DynamoDB local as an embedded database (copied and modified slightly from Running AWS DynamoDB-local embedded). This test must hack the java.library.path before anything else happens or local DynamoDB (using sqlite with binary libraries) won't run. Then it starts a server to share for all test classes, and cleans up temporary data between tests. The test:
class TestAccountManager {
companion object {
init {
// we need to control the "java.library.path" or sqlite cannot find its libraries
val dynLibPath = File("./src/test/dynlib/").absoluteFile
System.setProperty("java.library.path", dynLibPath.toString());
// TEST HACK: if we kill this value in the System classloader, it will be
// recreated on next access allowing java.library.path to be reset
val fieldSysPath ="sys_paths")
fieldSysPath.set(null, null)
// ensure logging always goes through Slf4j
System.setProperty("org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class", "org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog")
private val localDbPort = 19444
private lateinit var localDb: DynamoDBProxyServer
private lateinit var dbClient: AmazonDynamoDBClient
private lateinit var dynamo: DynamoDB
#BeforeClass #JvmStatic fun setup() {
// do not use ServerRunner, it is evil and doesn't set the port correctly, also
// it resets logging to be off.
localDb = DynamoDBProxyServer(localDbPort, LocalDynamoDBServerHandler(
LocalDynamoDBRequestHandler(0, true, null, true, true), null)
// fake credentials are required even though ignored
val auth = BasicAWSCredentials("fakeKey", "fakeSecret")
dbClient = AmazonDynamoDBClient(auth) initializedWith {
signerRegionOverride = "us-east-1"
dynamo = DynamoDB(dbClient)
// create the tables once
// for debugging reference
dynamo.listTables().forEach { table ->
#AfterClass #JvmStatic fun teardown() {
val jsonMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
val dynamoMapper: DynamoDBMapper = DynamoDBMapper(dbClient)
#Before fun prepareTest() {
// insert commonly used test data
#After fun cleanupTest() {
// delete anything that shouldn't survive any test case
private inline fun <reified T: Any> deleteAllInTable() { ... }
#Test fun testAccountJsonRoundTrip() {
val acct = Account("123", ...)
val item = dynamo.getTable("Accounts").getItem("id", "123")
val acctReadJson = jsonMapper.readValue<Account>(item.toJSON())
assertEquals(acct, acctReadJson)
// ...more test cases
NOTE: some parts of the examples are abbreviated with ...
Managing resources with before/after callbacks in tests, obviously, has it's pros:
Tests are "atomic". A test executes as a whole things with all the callbacks One won't forget to fire up a dependency service before the tests and shut it down after it's done. If done properly, executions callbacks will work on any environment.
Tests are self-contained. There is no external data or setup phases, everything is contained within a few test classes.
It has some cons too. One important of them is that it pollutes the code and makes the code violate single responsibility principle. Tests now not only test something, but perform a heavyweight initialization and resource management. It can be ok in some cases (like configuring an ObjectMapper), but modifying java.library.path or spawning another processes (or in-process embedded databases) are not so innocent.
Why not treat those services as dependencies for your test eligible for "injection", like described by
This way you start and initialize dependency services somewhere outside of the test code.
Nowadays virtualization and containers are almost everywhere and most developers' machines are able to run Docker. And most of the application have a dockerized version: Elasticsearch, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL and so on. Docker is a perfect solution for external services that your tests need.
It can be a script that runs is run manually by a developer every time she wants to execute tests.
It can be a task run by build tool (e.g. Gradle has awesome dependsOn and finalizedBy DSL for defining dependencies). A task, of course, can execute the same script that developer executes manually using shell-outs / process execs.
It can be a task run by IDE before test execution. Again, it can use the same script.
Most CI / CD providers have a notion of "service" — an external dependency (process) that runs in parallel to your build and can be accessed via it's usual SDK / connector / API: Gitlab, Travis, Bitbucket, AppVeyor, Semaphore, …
This approach:
Frees your test code from initialization logic. Your tests will only test and do nothing more.
Decouples code and data. Adding a new test case can now be done by adding new data into dependency services with it's native toolset. I.e. for SQL databases you'll use SQL, for Amazon DynamoDB you'll use CLI to create tables and put items.
Is closer to a production code, where you obviously do not start those services when your "main" application starts.
Of course, it has it's flaws (basically, the statements I've started from):
Tests are not more "atomic". Dependency service must be started somehow prior test execution. The way it is started may be different in different environments: developer's machine or CI, IDE or build tool CLI.
Tests are not self-contained. Now your seed data may be even packed inside an image, so changing it may require rebuilding a different project.

Need help testing Binding in Windows Phone 8

I hope someone has already faced and solved this issue, and can point me to the correct direction.
So I have rest of my unit tests working: Core.Tests has tests for ViewModels to see they are working properly. Now I would like to set up a test project for Phone.Tests that would only test out the binding. So suppose on the login page, something get's entered into the username text box, and that value should be updated in ViewModel and vice-versa.
As a testing framework, I am using WP Toolkit Test framework, and not MS one; WP Toolkit framework runs on the phone itself, meaning it has access to the UI thread.
In theory a test is supposed to look like following:
public void Username_Update_View_Should_Update_Model()
const string testUsername = "Testing";
var usernameTextBox = GetUiElement<PhoneTextBox>("UsernamePhoneTextBox");
// initial value
Assert.AreEqual(null, _viewModel.Authorization.Username, "Default value should be blank");
usernameTextBox.Text = testUsername;
Assert.AreEqual(testUsername, _viewModel.Authorization.Username, "Binding not set for {0}", "Username");
private T GetUiElement<T>(string name) where T : UIElement
return (T)_view.FindName(name);
Now, I need to somehow create the view in [TestInitialize] method, and this is what I think I have setup wrong.
I have tried creating the ViewModel manually; then I created the View manually, and binded both DataContext and ViewModel (just to be on safe side) to created viewModel.
At this point, I am expecting changing one property on any one should update the other.
Of-course the error is my test fails. I can't figure out if I should be looking at a custom presenter (all the examples seem to be for ios, droid.) I also tried the following:
public class TestAppStart : MvxNavigatingObject, IMvxAppStart
public void Start(object hint = null)
and then on my testInitialize I thought I could start it, but I guess I need to find RegisterAppStart and once that's done, try to get the view back from RootFrame.
There must be an easier way... anyone??
Thanks in advance.
Edited: I have got this following as Base Test
public abstract class BaseTest
private IMvxIoCProvider _ioc;
protected IMvxIoCProvider Ioc
return _ioc;
public void Setup()
protected virtual void ClearAll()
_ioc = MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Initialize();
_ioc.RegisterSingleton((IMvxTrace)new DebugTrace());
private static void InitialiseSingletonCache()
protected virtual void InitialiseMvxSettings()
_ioc.RegisterSingleton((IMvxSettings)new MvxSettings());
protected virtual void AdditionalSetup()
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IApplicationData>(() => new ApplicationData());
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IPlatformSpecific>(() => new PlatformSpecific());
_ioc.RegisterSingleton<IValidatorFactory>(() => new ValidatorFactory());
_ioc.RegisterType<IMvxMessenger, MvxMessengerHub>();
On my TestClass initialize, I call base.Setup(), which does setup except the ViewDispatcher. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to use that dispatcher:
I guess really the question I am asking is: how do I get a View through MvvmCross.
PS: I am actually surprised that most don't test the bindings; isn't it where the most amount of mistakes is likely to happen? I am pretty sure the project compiles even if I had bad binding :) scary kind of reminds me of early asp days.
PS: I have actually got another testProject that tests the ViewModels; on that testProject I have managed to hookup following the guidelines at
Which works beautifully; and also uses autoFixture, NSubstitute and xUnit: and I can't use any of them in Phone Test project.
From my experience, testing the bindings themselves is pretty unusual - most developers stop their testing at the ViewModel and ValueConverter level.
However, if you want to test the bindings, then this should be possible. I suspect the only problem in your current tests is that you haven't initialised any of the MvvmCross infrastructure and so MvxViewModel isn't able to propagate INotifyPropertyChanged events.
If you want to initialise this part of the MvvmCross infrastructure, then be sure to initialise at least:
the MvvmCross IoC container
the MvvmCross main thread dispatcher
This is similar to what is done in the unit tests in the N=29 video - see
For your app, you can do this using something like:
public static class MiniSetup
public static readonly MiniSetup Instance = new MiniSetup();
private MiniSetup()
public void EnsureInitialized(Context applicationContext)
if (MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Instance != null)
var ioc = MvxSimpleIoCContainer.Initialize();
ioc.RegisterSingleton<IMvxTrace>(new MvxDebugOnlyTrace());
var mockDispatcher = new SimpleDispatcher();
where SimpleDispatcher is something like:
public class SimpleDispatcher
: MvxMainThreadDispatcher
public readonly List<MvxViewModelRequest> Requests = new List<MvxViewModelRequest>();
public bool RequestMainThreadAction(Action action)
return true;
If you want further MvvmCross functionality available (e.g. ShowViewModel navigation), then you'll need to provide further services - e.g. things like IMvxViewDispatcher - as the number of these increases, you might be better off just running through a full MvxSetup process (like your main app's Setup does)

Unit testing with mvc api & ninject

Sorry if this comes across as a stupid question im just not sure how to get started writing some unit tests.
I have a solution containing an api and a unit test project. The api has a repository/interface used for data access using ninject.
My question is how is my best way to unit test my api controllers. I have read a little about Moq but not sure if I need to use it as I want to test against my database.
I have read that I need to use a [TestInitialize] attribute
public void MyTestInitialize()
var kernel = NinjectWebCommon.CreatePublicKernel();
My problem is my test project cant resolve CreatePublicKernel
Checking the NinjectWebCommon class in the api there is no function called CreatePublicKernel.
What am I missing here?
Ninject (or other DI library) is used only to provide dependencies into your controller's constructor. E.g. if you need BusinessController which requires two repositories, then controller should have constructor which expects these dependencies:
public BusinessController(IUserRepository userRepository,
IOrderRepository orderRepository)
_userRepository = userRepository;
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
If you want to write unit tests for your controller, you should provide mocked implementations of these repositories. Use Moq or other framework for creating mocks:
var userRepositoryMock = new Mock<IUserRepository>();
var orderRepositoryMock = new Mock<IOrderRepository>();
// setup mocks here
var controller = new BusinessController(userRepositoryMock.Object,
If you are writing integration tests for your controller, you should provide real implementations of these repositories, which use some real database.
var userRepository = new NHibernateUserRepository();
var orderRepository = new NHibernateOrderRepository();
// prepare some data in database here
var controller = new BusinessController(userRepository, orderRepository);
You can move controller instantiation into some method which is executed before each test (SetUp or TestInitialize method) in order to remove code duplication from your tests.
UPDATE: You also can use Ninject for integration testing. Just create Ninject module which will be used both by your real application and integration tests:
public class FooModule : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
Then use this module both to create kernel in NinjectWebCommon.CreateKernel method and kernel in your tests:
var kernel = new StandardKernel(new FooModule());
var controller = kernel.Get<ValuesController>();