sorl.thumbnail is not creating thumbnails in my views - django

I have installed sorl.thumbnail and added it to my installed_apps.
In my view:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{%block title%}{{user.get_full_name}}{% endblock %}
{%block content%}
{%load thumbnail %}
<div class="profile-info">
{% thumbnail "180x180" crop="100%" as im %}
<img src="{{im.url}}" class="user-detail">
{% endthumbnail %}
{% with total_followers=user.followers.count %}
<span class="count">
<a href="#" data-id="" data-action="{%if request.user in user.followers.all %}un{%endif%}follow" class="follow button">
{%if request.user not in user.followers.all %}Follow{%else%}Unfollow{%endif%}
<div id="image-list">
{%include 'images/image/list_ajax.html' with images=user.images_created.all %}
{% endwith %}
However, the thumbnail tag creates nothing in view. am I missing anything?

You're probably missing a border-radius attribute in your css. If you already have that and it's still not working, clear your browser cache.


How to fetch and display data from Django Model without invoking the URL

I have a Class-Based ListView as shown below:
class JobByStateView(ListView):
model = State
template_name = 'jobs/jobs_by_state.html'
context_object_name = 'state_list'
ordering = ['name']
paginate_by = 15
I have added the path to file as shown below:
path('jobs/', JobByStateView.as_view(), name='job-by-state'),
And this how my template looks:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
{% for state in state_list %}
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:"5" == False %}
{% else %}
<div class="col-md-4">
<ul class="list-unstyled mb-0">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
When I try to access this templates via the url (http://localhost:8000/jobs) it works as expected and displays the data on the screen. But when I try embed this template within another template as shown below, nothing gets displayed on the web page.
{% include 'jobs/jobs_by_state.html' %}
I would like to display this template as a widget within another template.
Really appreciate, if anyone could please help me in fixing this issue.
Thank you so much in advance for your time and help!
The other page template is:
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block page_content %}
{% include 'carousel.html' %}
{% for job in job_list %}
<div class="listing-wrapper">
<div class="listing-container border-top border-bottom">
<a href="{{ job.get_absolute_url }}">
<h2 class="heading mt-3 mb-1 mx-2 d-inline-block">{{ job.title}}</h2>
{% endfor %}
{% if is_paginated %}
<ul class="pagination justify-content-center my-4">
{% if page_obj.has_previous %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link bg-dark text-white" href="?page{{page_obj.previous_page_number}}">← Previous Page</a>
{% endif %}
{% if page_obj.has_next %}
<li class="page-item">
<a class="page-link bg-dark text-white" href="?page{{page_obj.next_page_number}}">Next Page →</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'jobs/jobs_by_state.html' with state_list=state_list %}
{% endblock page_content %}
{% block page_sidebar %}
{% include 'simple_search_widget.html' %}
<!-- Social Sharing Buttons -->
<div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons mt-4"></div>
<!-- Newsletter Widget -->
{% include 'newsletter_widget.html' %}
{% endblock page_sidebar %}
The view for the parent template is as shown below:
class JobList(ListView):
model = Job
template_name = "jobs/job_listings.html"
context_object_name = "job_list"
ordering = ['-published_date']
paginate_by = 10
The following solution from #Charnel and #ChidG worked.
#Shahzan, ok, well you are referring to that variable in your template like this: {% include 'jobs/jobs_by_state.html' with state_list=state_list %}. So if the variable isn't in the context, it can't be passed to the included template, and so the included template won't display anything.

My generic DetailView not showing list of items

I am following a django tutorial series, the music website contains the ListView which contains Albums(this is showing) but the DetailView Containing the list of songs in each Album is not showing.
I have tried changing the iteration name in the for loop but it still not working, the list shows when i am not using the generic method i.e using index and detail function instead of the IndexView and DetailView classes.
MY music.views Code
class IndexView(generic.ListView):
def get_queryset(self):
return Albums.objects.all()
class DetailView(generic.DetailView):
model = Albums
template_name = 'music/detail.html'
My detail.html code which is supposed to show the list of songs but not working
{% extends 'music/base.html' %}
{% block title %} Album Details {% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<img src ="{{ all_album.alb_logo }}">
<h1>{{ all_album.alb_title }}</h1>
{% for song in all_album.song_set.all %}
<li>{{ song.song_title }} </li>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
My index.html which shows the list of albums, this is working
{% extends 'music/base.html' %}
{% block body %}
<h2>List of Current albums available</h2>
<div class='container-fluid'>
<div class='row'>
{% for album in object_list %}
<div class='col-lg-4'>
<div class="card" style="width: 18rem;">
<img class="card-img-top" src="{{ album.alb_logo }}" >
<div class="card-body">
<h5 class="card-title">{{ album.alb_title }}</h5>
<p class="card-text">{{ album.alb_artist }}</p>
<a href="{% url 'music:detail' %}" class="btn
btn-primary btn-sm">View details</a>
{% endfor %}
My code#
urlpatterns = [
path('',views.IndexView.as_view(), name='index'),
path('<int:pk>/', views.DetailView.as_view(), name='detail'),
The detail.html page is expected to show the list of songs in a selected album that is already in the database when clicked, but it is not showing.
You were using the wrong context variable name(all_album) inside the template, it should be object.
{% extends 'music/base.html' %}
{% block title %} Album Details {% endblock %}
{% block body %}
<img src="{{ object.alb_logo }}">
<h1>{{ object.alb_title }}</h1>
{% for song in object.song_set.all %}
<li>{{ song.song_title }} </li>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Reference: DetailView get_context_data() method--Django Doc

How to set up a custom template in djangocms

I've successfully installed djangocms on a Ubuntu machine, and now I would like to integrate a custom template bought from Envato.
After I have installed it, djangocms came with its own simple template files which are located in mysite/templates:
{% load cms_tags staticfiles sekizai_tags menu_tags %}
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>{% block title %}This is my new project home page{% endblock title %}</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
{% render_block "css" %}
{% cms_toolbar %}
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar navbar-default" role="navigation">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse">
<span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">Project name</a>
<div class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
{% show_menu 0 1 100 100 "menu.html" %}
{% block content %}{% endblock content %}
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
{% render_block "js" %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block title %}{% page_attribute "page_title" %}{% endblock title %}
{% block content %}
<div class="jumbotron">
{% placeholder "feature" %}
{% placeholder "content" %}
{% endblock content %}
{% load i18n menu_tags cache %}
{% for child in children %}
<li class="{% if child.ancestor %}ancestor{% endif %}
{% if child.selected %} active{% endif %}
{% if child.children %} dropdown{% endif %}">
{% if child.children %}
<a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">
{{ child.get_menu_title }} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
{% show_menu from_level to_level extra_inactive extra_active template "" "" child %}
{% else %}
<span>{{ child.get_menu_title }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if class and forloop.last and not forloop.parentloop %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load cms_tags %}
{% block title %}{% page_attribute "page_title" %}{% endblock title %}
{% block content %}
{% placeholder "content" %}
{% endblock content %}
I have read their documentation but I haven't found anything related to some custom template integration. Could anyone please lead me in the right direction ?
I have added in CMS_TEMPLATES:
## Customize this
('page.html', 'Page'),
('feature.html', 'Page with Feature'),
('index.html', '') # this is what I added
but nothing happened.
Add your templates to CMS_TEMPLATES in your settings file.
I recently met the same problem! So let me try to explain
1) You should extend PageAdmin in
In admin side, when you want to choose template for page ('advanced settings') it will call AdvancedSettingsForm by default. but we must to extend too to give your templates.
class ExtendedPageAdmin(PageAdmin):
def get_form_class(self, request, obj=None, **kwargs):
if 'advanced' in request.path_info:
return ExtendedAdvancedSettingsForm
elif 'permission' in request.path_info:
return PagePermissionForm
elif 'dates' in request.path_info:
return PublicationDatesForm
return self.form
and DO NOT forget unregister and register, ExtendedPageAdmin)
2) OK) You have choosen ('advanced settings') and there must be choice among your custom templates.
class ExtendedAdvancedSettingsForm(AdvancedSettingsForm):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ExtendedAdvancedSettingsForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
template_choices = [(x, _(y)) for x, y in get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES')]
self.fields['template'] = forms.ChoiceField(choices=template_choices)
3) Ok, wee see custom templates for page, but there will be error if you want to save it. It's because of Page model. It looks like this:
class Page(six.with_metaclass(PageMetaClass, MP_Node)):
A simple hierarchical page model
template_choices = [(x, _(y)) for x, y in get_cms_setting('TEMPLATES')]
template = models.CharField(_("template"), max_length=100,
choices=template_choices, default=TEMPLATE_DEFAULT
help_text=_('The template used to render the content.'))
4) So you should change template_choice during init the Page object. Let's use signals
def after_page_init(sender, instance, **kwargs):
instance._meta.get_field_by_name('template')[0]._choices = []
def patch_cms_page():
from cms.models import Page
from django.db.models.signals import post_init
post_init.connect(after_page_init, sender=Page)
and finally call patch_cms_page() in )

Django comments framework issues

Im trying to implement commenting on my site using the comments framework. I've followed the documentation:
My template looks like:
{% extends "pbase.html" %}
{% load comments %}
{% block bcontent %}
<div class="main">
<< back
<!-- Image -->
{% if image.title %}
<div class="title">{{ image.title }}</div>
{% endif %}
<img border="0" alt="" src="{{ media_url }}{{ }}" width="900" />
{% load comments %}
{% get_comment_count for photo.image object_pk as comment_count %}
<p>{{ comment_count }} comments have been posted.</p>
{% render_comment_list for photo.image object_pk %}
{% render_comment_form for photo.image object_pk %}
{% endblock %}
On my page the number of comments is show but not the comments themselves or the form. What am I missing?
photo.image should be just image. I know image is correct because you use it elsewhere in the template, and if it were wrong, you'd notice.

django-cms-search not displaying any results

Hey I have been plugging away trying to get haystack working with whoosh to implement a search backend for a django cms project i have been working on. After figuring out some really weird permissions errors i can almost taste sucess.
I now have haystack creating the indexes correctly and it will even display results for a custom app i have created an index for however i cannot get it to display any results for the cms page stuff. There are results being returned as im not getting the "No Results" message but nothing is being printed out in the results.html template.
bearing in mind that im letting django-cms-search handle the indexing for the cms app i didnt think i would need to add anything extra to get the results to display.
So to outline what i have so far
Haystack installed with a Whoosh backend
my setting are
HAYSTACK_SITECONF = 'lactoseintolerant.lactose_search.search_sites'
HAYSTACK_WHOOSH_PATH = '/home/mike/sites/lactosetoloerant/lactoseintolerant/whoosh'
my file looks like
import haystack
from cms.models import monkeypatch_reverse
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
i have a custom index for my Topics Model that looks like so (This is working and resturning Reuslts)
from topics.models import Topic
from haystack.indexes import *
from haystack import site
class TopicIndex(SearchIndex):
text = CharField(document=True, use_template=True)
def index_queryset(self):
This is used when the entire index for model is updated, and should only include
public entries
return Topic.objects.filter(active=True)
site.register(Topic, TopicIndex)
My results.html template look like
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load cache cms_tags menu_tags %}
{% block base_content %}
<div id="panel-left">
{% block nav %}
<ul id="nav-left">
{% show_menu 1 100 100 100 %}
</ul> <!-- #nav-left -->
{% endblock %}
{% block panel_left %}
{% endblock %}
{% block panel_right %}
<div id="panel-main">
{% ifequal q '' %}
<h1 id="page-head-2">Search Results Page</h1>
<p>Please provide search criteria or keywords</p>
<br />
<form action=".">
<input type="text" name="q" value="{{ q }}">
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search">
{% else %}
<h1 id="page-head-2">Search Results - page {{|default:1 }} of {{ paginator.num_pages }}</h1>
<h1 id="page-head-2">Found {{ paginator.count }} for <span id="searchString">'{{ q }}'</span></h1>
<form action=".">
<input type="text" name="q" value="{{ q }}">
<input type="submit" name="search" value="Search">
<ul id="searchResults">
{% for item in current_page.object_list %}
<li class="searchResult">
<h2 class="searchTitle">{{ forloop.counter }}. {{ item.get_title }}</h2>
<a class="searchLink" href="{{ item.get_absolute_url }}">{{ item.get_absolute_url }}</a>
</li> <!-- .searchResult -->
{% endfor %}
{% if paginator.num_pages > 1 %}
<div id="pagination">
{% for page_range_item in paginator.page_range %}
{% if not and page_range_item == 1 or == page_range_item|safe %}
<span class="pag-link current" href="/topics/?page={{ page_range_item }}">{{ page_range_item }}</span>
{% else %}
<a class="pag-link" href="/search/?q={{ q }}&page={{ page_range_item }}">{{ page_range_item }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endifequal %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
Im clearly missing something obvious here any help would be grealt appreciated!!
i think you got it almost, try to change {{ item.get_absolute_url }} to {{ item.object.get_absolute_url }} inn your results.html file.