Economic possibility to execute many workflow tasks - google-cloud-platform

so I have these Airflow DAGs which consists of several tasks. Basically each task executes some independent analysis steps against a given code snippet and finally it is decided if this snippet can be used from a regulatory point of view.
Each tasks - depending on the code snippet - is quite short (1-25 minutes at most) and mostly it boils down to executing some external analysis tool (open source and internally) and processing the output of this tool.
All this works quite nice on my development machine but since we are analyzing quite a lot of code snippets during working hours (~50 per hour) and none outside of working hours, I'd like to get all of this up and running somewhere in the cloud (I don't really care if on google cloud, aws or azure).
So my question is what would be an economic way of getting this up and running in the cloud? I thought about using google cloud composer and these google preemptible VMs (the ones that shut down randomly but are super cheap) but it seems that I can not use the PVMs together with cloud composer.
Since the various steps in the DAG are independent the PVMs would be IMO great - if during task execution they are shut down I just retry this one task on a different PVM.
Thank you

On Google Cloud, there are a few options for you.
Run self-managed Airflow on a Compute Engine VM
Run Cloud Composer
The best option will be a mix of how much you want to spend and what features you need. Self-managed Airflow is a great option if you want to have very low cost (less than $100 per month) and are OK self-managing the VM and taking on the risk that the SLA from Google will only cover the VM, so if Airflow malfunctions, you're going to have to detect it and fix it.
The benefit of Composer is the fact that it's integrated so you get things like IAM, Stackdriver, WebUI proxying and so on. You will pay more for the service, however, since it's managed. Presently there is no way to run Composer with preemptible VMs.
Your use case sounds like it could run on a default size cluster on Cloud Composer, though.
It's worth noting that if you go self-managed, you also get the benefit that Google actively contributes to Airflow, so things like the operators should work against the current product APIs. Google also contributes fixes and new operators pretty regularly.


What is the best alternative of ParkMyCloud to rightsize and schedule when your resources run and stop for GCP?

Context: We are working on GCP and using ParkMyCloud(PMC) to schedule the resources run and stop. The developers from different teams in the company have access to the run/stop operations on the PMC application. This is to reduce the costs on GCP.
Problem: ParkMyCloud is no more available for GCP (because it is bought by IBM and the substituted application is very expensive)
The application which are proposed to be an alternative to PMC are doing only monitoring&security in general.
My question is that if there is an application which performs the following:
Resources (instances, sql operations etc.) can by shut down manually,
Scheduling the the resources run and stop is possible and can be customised.
After googling I have found some candidates such as Doit-Flexsave and Rapid7-InsightCloudSec, but these are doing only Monitoring, Reporting or Security. I am not looking for such tools.
Another solution is to use Cloud Functions and Scheduler, but for now I would like to know that if I can find a tool like ParkMyCloud.

Costs associated with Data Analysis (data cleaning) on the cloud

I am data analyst. My company is moving all data science to a cloud provider (it could be Azure, GCP,AWS). All the data science programming tools like Jupyter notebook will be installed on the cloud environment (there will be no local installations of Python, or Jupyter Notebooks on the laptop).
For most of my work, I will be reading/ingesting relational database tables directly from an on-premise Database. Also most of my data analysis work does not require any GPU instances for data processing. Sometimes, I also do simple research or experimentation data analysis programming such as data cleaning using Jupyter notebooks without the need for usage of GPU instances.
I would like to find out if it would be possible to do such activities without incurring any pay-per-use costs or unnecessary expenses for my company on their data science cloud computing platform given that none of my tasks utilize GPUs? Please advise, thank you.
EDIT Note: It is difficult to work & develop locally with Jupyter on my company PC because I do not have full permissions to install Python packages(usually this has to be requested for approval, which is very painful and takes a very long time).
Jupyter Notebook can be installed in the cloud, but also on prem and on your workstation. You pay either resource in the cloud, on prem, or your worstation.
Of course, if you add large disk, GPUs, CPUs, memory, it costs more! The problem isn't the cost, it is more where do you want to run your notebook?
I think, there is a bad alternative. With Colab you have free Jupyter Notebook instance. But, AFAIK, it's not private, it's public instances and if you work for your company, you can have data leakage. (Not sure, to validate, but it's not a recommended solution in any case)
Considering your latest comment, I wondering if you need a jupyter notebook to run your code.
Indeed, Jupyter is simply and IDE: you could create your script, even this one that need GPU locally, and to run it on production data on Compute Engine that you provision only for the process. At the end of the script destroy the VM. No Jupyter notebook environment for that, no?
Thanks to your note, I understand that developing locally isn't an option. In this case, I recommend you to use a managed Jupyter Notebook solution. You can provision this VM on Google Cloud if you want, you can also have different VM, with or without GPU.
The principle is the same: when you stop to work with your instance, stop it. You will only pay for the storage (the disk) when the instance is down.
And the dev principle can be the same: use a small CPU/GPU for your dev, and when you have to process big data, run your script on a powerful VM. Because you pay only when the VM is running, you can optimize cost like that.
In addition to Guillaume's answer, if you want to keep track or to plan ahead if there are cost that will occur while using instances. You can use Google Cloud Platform's Pricing calculator:
With this, you can can choose what product do you're interested to, what kind of components do want in your set-up (e.g. how many RAM, capacity of your storage space, CPU)in case you choose to use GCP Compute Engine, choose what location you are and check if that location price suits your company's budget.
If you want to have more information regarding Google Cloud Platform pricing, you can check out this link:

How does Google Cloud Run spin up instantly

So, I really like the idea of server-less. I came across Google Cloud Functions and Google Cloud Run.
So google cloud functions are individual functions, which is a broad perspective, I assume google must be securely running on a huge nodejs server. And it contains all the functions of all the google consumers and fulfils the request using unique URLs. Now, Google takes care of the cost of this one big server and charges users for every hit their function gets. So its pay to use. And makes sense.
But when it comes to Cloud Run. I fail to understand how does it work. Obviously the container must not always be running because then they will simply charge a monthly basis instead of a per-hit basis, just like a normal VM where docker image is deployed. But no, in reality, they charge on per hit basis, that means they spin up the container when a request arrives. So, I don't understand how does it spin it up so fast? The users have the flexibility of running any sort of environment, that means the docker container could contain literally anything. Maybe a full-fledged Linux OS. How does it load up the environment OS so quickly and fulfils the request? Well, maybe it maintains the state of the machine and shut it down when not in use, but even then, it will require a decent amount of time to restore the state.
So how does google really does it? How is it able to spin up a customer's container in literally no time?
The idea of fast spinning-up sandboxes containers (that run on their own kernel for security reasons) have been around for a pretty long time. For example, Intel Clear Linux Containers and Firecracker provide fast startup through various optimizations.
As you can imagine, implementing something like this would require optimizations at many layers (scheduling, traffic serving, autoscaling, image caching...).
Without giving away Google’s secrets, we can probably talk about image storage and caching: Just like how VMs use initramfs to pre-cache the state of the VM, instead of reading all the files from harddisk and following the boot sequence, we can do similar tricks with containers.
Google uses a similar solution for Cloud Run, called gVisor. It's a user-space virtualization technique (not an actual VMM or hypervisor). To run containers on a Linux-like environment, gVisor doesn't need to boot a Linux kernel from scratch (because gVisor reimplements the linux kernel in go!).
You’ll find many optimizations on other serverless platforms across most cloud providers (such as how to keep a container instance around, should you be predictively scheduling inactive containers before the load arrives). I recommend reading the Peeking Behind the Curtains of Serverless Platforms paper to get an idea about what are the problems in this space and what are cloud providers trying to optimize for speed and cost.
You have to decouple the containers to the VMs. The second link of Dustin is great because if you understand the principles of Kubernetes (and more if you have a look to Knative), it's easy to translate this to Cloud Run.
You have a pool of resources (Nodes in Kubernetes, the VM in fact with CPU and memory) and on these resources, you can run container: 1, 2, 1000 per VM, maybe, you don't know and you don't care. The power of the container, is the ability to be packaged with all the dependency that it needs. Yes, I talked about package because your container isn't an OS, it contains the dependencies for interacting with the host OS.
For preventing any problem between container from different project/customer, the container run into a sandbox (GVisor, first link of Dustin).
So, there is no VM to start and to stop, no VM to create when you deploy a Cloud Run services,... It's only a start of your container on existing resources. It's also for this reason that you need to have a stateless container, without disks attached to it.
Do you want 3 "secrets"?
It's exactly the same things with Cloud Functions! Your code is packaged into a container and deploy exactly as it's done with Cloud Run.
The underlying platform that manages Cloud Functions and Cloud Run is the same. That's why the behavior and the feature are very similar! Cloud Functions is longer to deploy because Google need to build the container for you. With Cloud Run the container is already built.
Your Compute Engine instance is also managed as a container on the Google infrastructure! More generally, all is container at Google!

Cloud computing service to run thousands of containers in parallel

Is there any provider, that offers such an option out of the box? I need to run at least 1K concurrent sessions (docker containers) of headless web-browsers (firefox) for complex UI tests. I have a Docker image that I just want to deploy and scale to 1000 1CPU/1GB instances in second, w/o spending time on maintaining the cluster of servers (I need to shut them all down after the job is done), just focuse on the code. The most close thing I found so far is Amazon ECS/Fargate, but their limits have no sense to me ("Run containerized applications in production" -> max limit: 50 tasks -> production -> ok). Am I missing something?
I think that AWS Batch might be a better solution for your use case. You define a "compute environment" that provides a certain level of capacity, then submit tasks that are run on that compute environment.
I don't think that you'll find anything that can start up an environment and deploy a large number of tasks in "one second": in my experience it takes about a minute or two ramp-up time for Batch, although once the machines are up and running they are able to sequence jobs quickly. You should also give consideration to whether it makes sense to run all 1,000 jobs concurrently; that will depend on what you're trying to get out of your tests.
You'll also need to be aware of any places where you might be throttled (for example, retrieving configuration from the AWS Parameter Store). This talk from last year's NY Summit covers some of the issues that the speaker ran into when deploying multiple-thousands of concurrent tasks.
You could use lambda layers to run headless browsers (I know there are several implementations for chromium/selenium on github, not sure about firefox).
Alternatively you could try and contact the AWS team to see how much the limit for concurrent tasks on Fargate can be increased. As you can see at the documentation, the 50 task is a soft limit and can be raised.
Be aware if you start via Fargate, there is some API limit on the requests per second. You need to make sure you throttle your API calls or you use the ECS Create Service.
In any case, starting 1000 tasks would require 1000 seconds, which is probably not what you expect.
Those limits are not there if you use ECS, but in that case you need to manage the cluster, so it might be a good idea to explore the lambda option.

How to convert a WAMP stacked app running on a VPS to a scalable AWS app?

I have a web app running on php, mysql, apache on a virtual windows server. I want to redesign it so it is scalable (for fun so I can learn new things) on AWS.
I can see how to setup an EC2 and dump it all in there but I want to make it scalable and take advantage of all the cool features on AWS.
I've tried googling but just can't find a simple guide (note - I have no command line experience of Linux)
Can anyone direct me to detailed resources that can lead me through the steps and teach me? Or alternatively, summarise the steps in an answer so I can research based on what you say.
AWS is growing and changing all the time, so there aren't a lot of books to help. Amazon offers training that's excellent. I took their three day class on Architecting with AWS that seems to be just what you're looking for.
Of course, not everyone can afford to spend the travel time and money to attend a class. The AWS re:Invent conference in November 2012 had a lot of sessions related to what you want, and most (maybe all) of the sessions have videos available online for free. Building Web Scale Applications With AWS is probably relevant (slides and video available), as is Dissecting an Internet-Scale Application (slides and video available).
A great way to understand these options better is by fiddling with your existing application on AWS. It will be easy to just move it to an EC2 instance in AWS, then start taking more advantage of what's available. The first thing I'd do is get rid of the MySql server on your own machine and use one offered with RDS. Once that's stable, create one or more read replicas in RDS, and change your application to read from them for most operations, reading from the main (writable) database only when you need completely current results.
Does your application keep any data on the web server, other than in the database? If so, get rid of all local storage by moving that data off the EC2 instance. Some of it might go to the database, some (like big files) might be suitable for S3. DynamoDB is a good place for things like session data.
All of the above reduces the load on the web server to just your application code, which helps with scalability. And now that you keep no state on the web server, you can use ELB and Auto-scaling to automatically run multiple web servers (and even automatically launch more as needed) to handle greater load.
Does the application have any long running, intensive operations that you now perform on demand from a web request? Consider not performing the operation when asked, but instead queueing the request using SQS, and just telling the user you'll get to it. Now have long running processes (or cron jobs or scheduled tasks) check the queue regularly, run the requested operation, and email the result (using SES) back to the user. To really scale up, you can move those jobs off your web server to dedicated machines, and again use auto-scaling if needed.
Do you need bigger machines, or perhaps can live with smaller ones? CloudWatch metrics can show you how much IO, memory, and CPU are used over time. You can use provisioned IOPS with EC2 or RDS instances to improve performance (at a cost) as needed, and use difference size instances for more memory or CPU.
All this AWS setup and configuration can be done with the AWS web console, or command-line tools, or SDKs available in many languages (Python's boto library is great). After learning the basics, look into CloudFormation to automate it better (I've written a couple of posts about that so far).
That's a bit of the 10,000 foot high view of one approach. You'll need to discover the details of each AWS service when you try to use them. AWS has good documentation about all of them.
Depending on how you look at it, this is more of a comment than it is an answer, but it was too long to write as a comment.
What you're asking for really can't be answered on SO--it's a huge, complex question. You're basically asking is "How to I design a highly-scalable, durable application that can be deployed on a cloud-based platform?" The answer depends largely on:
The specifics of your application--what does it do and how does it work?
Your tolerance for downtime balanced against your budget
Your present development and deployment workflow
The resources/skill sets you have on-staff to support the application
What your launch time frame looks like.
I run a software consulting company that specializes in consulting on Amazon Web Services architecture. About 80% of our business is investigating and answering these questions for our clients. It's a multi-week long project each time.
However, to get you pointed in the right direction, I'd recommend that you look at Elastic Beanstalk. It's a PaaS-like service that abstracts away the underlying AWS resources, making AWS easier to use for developers who don't have a lot of sysadmin experience. Think of it as "training wheels" for designing an autoscaling application on AWS.