May be, it is a stupid question, but it may help many of newbies. How do I add a key-value pair to the map?
I mean something like:
(defn init-item [v item]
(let [{:keys [id value]} item]
(-> v
(assoc :{ID_AS_A_KEY} value))))
And I get:
(init-item {} {:id "123456789" :value [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]})
user=> {:123456789 [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}
Just don't do it. Use the string itself as your map key. There's no reason to make it a keyword. It's much easier to work with if you leave it alone.
(defn init-item [v item]
(assoc v (:id item) (:value item)))
I think this is what you meant to do:
(defn init-item
[dest-map item]
(let [item-id-str (:id item)
item-val (:value item)
item-id-kw (keyword item-id-str)]
(assoc dest-map item-id-kw item-val)))
(let [all-items {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}
item-1 {:id "123456789"
:value [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}]
(init-item all-items item-1)
;=> {:a 1, :b 2, :c 3, :123456789 [:name "King" :surname "Leonid"]}
Clojure has functions name, symbol, and keyword to convert between strings and symbols/keywords. Since you already have the ID as a string, you just need to call keyword to convert it.
Be sure to always keep a browser tab open to The Clojure CheatSheet.
Getting data from the database as a list of maps (LazySeq) leaves me in need of transforming it into a map of maps.
I tried to 'assoc' and 'merge', but that didn't bring the desired result because of the nesting.
This is the form of my data:
(def data (list {:structure 1 :cat "A" :item "item1" :val 0.1}
{:structure 1 :cat "A" :item "item2" :val 0.2}
{:structure 1 :cat "B" :item "item3" :val 0.4}
{:structure 2 :cat "A" :item "item1" :val 0.3}
{:structure 2 :cat "B" :item "item3" :val 0.5}))
I would like to get it in the form
=> {1 {"A" {"item1" 0.1}
"item2" 0.2}}
{"B" {"item3" 0.4}}
2 {"A" {"item1" 0.3}}
{"B" {"item3" 0.5}}}
I tried
(->> data
(map #(assoc {} (:structure %) {(:cat %) {(:item %) (:val %)}}))
(apply merge-with into))
This gives
{1 {"A" {"item2" 0.2}, "B" {"item3" 0.4}},
2 {"A" {"item1" 0.3}, "B" {"item3" 0.5}}}
By merging I lose some entries, but I can't think of any other way. Is there a simple way? I was even about to try to use specter.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
If I'm dealing with nested maps, first stop is usually to think about update-in or assoc-in - these take a sequence of the nested keys. For a problem like this where the data is very regular, it's straightforward.
(assoc-in {} [1 "A" "item1"] 0.1)
;; =>
{1 {"A" {"item1" 0.1}}}
To consume a sequence into something else, reduce is the idiomatic choice. The reducing function is right on the edge of the complexity level I'd consider an anonymous fn for, so I'll pull it out instead for clarity.
(defn- add-val [acc line]
(assoc-in acc [(:structure line) (:cat line) (:item line)] (:val line)))
(reduce add-val {} data)
;; =>
{1 {"A" {"item1" 0.1, "item2" 0.2}, "B" {"item3" 0.4}},
2 {"A" {"item1" 0.3}, "B" {"item3" 0.5}}}
Which I think was the effect you were looking for.
Roads less travelled:
As your sequence is coming from a database, I wouldn't worry about using a transient collection to speed the aggregation up. Also, now I think about it, dealing with nested transient maps is a pain anyway.
update-in would be handy if you wanted to add up any values with the same key, for example, but the implication of your question is that structure/cat/item tuples are unique and so you just need the grouping.
juxt could be used to generate the key structure - i.e.
((juxt :structure :cat :item) (first data))
[1 "A" "item1"]
but it's not clear to me that there's any way to use this to make the add-val fn more readable.
You may continue to use your existing code. Only the final merge has to change:
(defn deep-merge [& xs]
(if (every? map? xs)
(apply merge-with deep-merge xs)
(apply merge xs)))
(->> data
(map #(assoc {} (:structure %) {(:cat %) {(:item %) (:val %)}}))
(apply deep-merge))
;; =>
{"A" {"item1" 0.1, "item2" 0.2},
"B" {"item3" 0.4}},
{"A" {"item1" 0.3},
"B" {"item3" 0.5}}}
Explanation: your original (apply merge-with into) only merge one level down. deep-merge from above will recurse into all nested maps to do the merge.
Addendum: #pete23 - one use of juxt I can think of is to make the function reusable. For example, we can extract arbitrary fields with juxt, then convert them to nested maps (with yet another function ->nested) and finally do a deep-merge:
(->> data
(map (juxt :structure :cat :item :val))
(map ->nested)
(apply deep-merge))
where ->nested can be implemented like:
(defn ->nested [[k & [v & r :as t]]]
{k (if (seq r) (->nested t) v)})
(->nested [1 "A" "item1" 0.1])
;; => {1 {"A" {"item1" 0.1}}}
One sample application (sum val by category):
(let [ks [:cat :val]]
(->> data
(map (apply juxt ks))
(map ->nested)
(apply (partial deep-merge-with +))))
;; => {"A" 0.6000000000000001, "B" 0.9}
Note deep-merge-with is left as an exercise for our readers :)
(defn map-values [f m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)])) m))
(defn- transform-structures [ss]
(map-values (fn [cs]
(into {} (map (juxt :item :val) cs))) (group-by :cat ss)))
(defn transform [data]
(map-values transform-structures (group-by :structure data)))
(transform data)
An idiomatic way to set default values in clojure is with merge:
;; `merge` can be used to support the setting of default values
(merge {:foo "foo-default" :bar "bar-default"}
{:foo "custom-value"})
;;=> {:foo "custom-value" :bar "bar-default"}
In reality however, often the default values are not simple constants but function calls. Obviously, I'd like to avoid calling the function if it's not going to be used.
So far I'm doing something like:
(defn ensure-uuid [msg]
(if (:uuid msg)
(assoc msg :uuid (random-uuid))))
and apply my ensure-* functions like (-> msg ensure-uuid ensure-xyz).
What would be a more idiomatic way to do this? I'm thinking something like:
(merge-macro {:foo {:bar (expensive-func)} :xyz (other-fn)} my-map)
(associf my-map
[:foo :bar] (expensive-func)
:xyz (other-fn))
You can use delay combined with force.
You can then merge your defaults like
(merge {:foo "foo-default" :bar "bar-default" :uuid (delay (random-uuid))}
{:foo "custom-value" :uuid "abc"})
and access values using
(force (:foo ...))
(force (:uuid ...))
random-uuid will then only be called when you actually need the value (and only the first time).
You can wrap the call to force in a get-value function, or something like that.
I just adapted the condp macros and wrote the following:
(defmacro assoc-if-nil
"Takes a map as the first argument and a succession of key value pairs that
are used to set the key to value if the key of the map is nil. The value part
is only evaluated if the key is nil (thus different semantics to (merge)).
(assoc-if-nil {:a {:b :set}}
[:a :b] :non-def
[:a :c] :non-def
:d :non-def)
;; =>{:a {:b :set, :c :non-def}, :d :non-def}"
[m & clauses]
(assert (even? (count clauses)))
(let [g (gensym)
get-fn (fn[kork] (if (vector? kork) `get-in `get))
assoc-fn (fn[kork] (if (vector? kork) `assoc-in `assoc))
pstep (fn [[kork v]] `(if-not (~(get-fn kork) ~g ~kork)
(~(assoc-fn kork) ~g ~kork ~v)
`(let [~g ~m ;; avoid double evaluation
~#(interleave (repeat g) (map pstep (partition 2 clauses)))]
Which expands to:
(macroexpand-1 '
(assoc-if-nil m
[:a :b] :nested
:d :just-key))
[G__15391 m
(clojure.core/get-in G__15391 [:a :b])
(clojure.core/assoc-in G__15391 [:a :b] :nested)
(clojure.core/get G__15391 :d)
(clojure.core/assoc G__15391 :d :just-key)
In my Clojure webapp I have various model namespaces with functions that take a map as an agrument and somehow insert that map into a database. I would like to be able take out only the desired keys from the map before I do the insert.
A basic example of this is:
(let [msg-keys [:title :body]
msg {:title "Hello" :body "This is an example" :somekey "asdf" :someotherkey "asdf"}]
(select-keys msg msg-keys))
;; => {:title "Hello" :body "This is an example"}
select-keys is not an option when the map is somewhat complex and I would like to select a specific set of nested keys:
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}]
(some-select-key-fn person [:name [:first] :something [:a :b]]))
;; => {:name {:first "john"} :something {:a "a" :b "b"}}
Is there a way to do this with the core functions? Is there a way do this purely with destructuring?
This topic was discussed in the Clojure Google Group along with a few solutions.
Destructuring is probably the closest to a "core" capability, and may be a fine solution if your problem is rather static and the map has all of the expected keys (thus avoiding nil). It could look like:
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}
{{:keys [first]} :name {:keys [a b]} :something} person]
{:name {:first first} :something {:a a :b b}})
;; => {:name {:first "john"}, :something {:a "a", :b "b"}}
Below is a survey of the solutions in the Clojure Google Group thread, applied to your sample map. They each have a different take on how to specify the nested keys to be selected.
Here is Christophe Grand's solution:
(defprotocol Selector
(-select [s m]))
(defn select [m selectors-coll]
(reduce conj {} (map #(-select % m) selectors-coll)))
(extend-protocol Selector
(-select [k m]
(find m k))
(-select [sm m]
(into {}
(for [[k s] sm]
[k (select (get m k) s)]))))
Using it requires a slightly modified syntax:
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}]
(select person [{:name [:first] :something [:a :b]}]))
;; => {:something {:b "b", :a "a"}, :name {:first "john"}}
Here is Moritz Ulrich's solution (he cautions that it doesn't work on maps with seqs as keys):
(defn select-in [m keyseq]
(loop [acc {} [k & ks] (seq keyseq)]
(if k
(if (sequential? k)
(let [[k ks] k]
(assoc acc k
(select-in (get m k) ks)))
(assoc acc k (get m k)))
Using it requires another slightly modified syntax:
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}]
(select-in person [[:name [:first]] [:something [:a :b]]]))
;; => {:something {:b "b", :a "a"}, :name {:first "john"}}
Here is Jay Fields's solution:
(defn select-nested-keys [m top-level-keys & {:as pairs}]
(reduce #(update-in %1 (first %2) select-keys (last %2)) (select-keys m top-level-keys) pairs))
It uses a different syntax:
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}]
(select-nested-keys person [:name :something] [:name] [:first] [:something] [:a :b]))
;; => {:something {:b "b", :a "a"}, :name {:first "john"}}
Here is Baishampayan Ghose's solution:
(defprotocol ^:private IExpandable
(^:private expand [this]))
(extend-protocol IExpandable
(expand [k] {k ::all})
(expand [v] (if (empty? v)
(apply merge (map expand v))))
(expand [m]
(assert (= (count (keys m)) 1) "Number of keys in a selector map can't be more than 1.")
(let [[k v] (-> m first ((juxt key val)))]
{k (expand v)}))
(expand [_] {}))
(defn ^:private extract* [m selectors expand?]
(let [sels (if expand? (expand selectors) selectors)]
(reduce-kv (fn [res k v]
(if (= v ::all)
(assoc res k (m k))
(assoc res k (extract* (m k) v false))))
{} sels)))
(defn extract
"Like select-keys, but can select nested keys.
Examples -
(extract [{:b {:c [:d]}} :g] {:a 1 :b {:c {:d 1 :e 2}} :g 42 :xxx 11})
;=> {:g 42, :b {:c {:d 1}}}
(extract [:g] {:a 1 :b {:c {:d 1 :e 2}} :g 42 :xxx 11})
;=> {:g 42}
(extract [{:b [:c]} :xxx] {:a 1 :b {:c {:d 1 :e 2}} :g 42 :xxx 11})
;=> {:b {:c {:d 1, :e 2}}, :xxx 11}
Also see - exclude"
[selectors m]
(extract* m selectors true))
It uses another syntax (and the parameters are reversed):
(let [person {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"} :age 40 :weight 155 :something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}]
(extract [{:name [:first]} {:something [:a :b]}] person))
;; => {:name {:first "john"}, :something {:a "a", :b "b"}}
Your best bet is probably to use select keys on each nested portion of the structure.
(-> person
(select-keys [:name :something])
(update-in [:name] select-keys [:first])
(update-in [:something] select-keys [:a :b]))
You could of course use a generalized version of the above to implement the syntax you suggest in a function (with a reduce rather than a -> form, most likely, and recursive calls for each nested selection of keys). Destructuring would not help much, it makes binding nested data convenient, but isn't really that useful for constructing values.
Here is how I would do it with reduce and recursion:
(defn simplify
[m skel]
(if-let [kvs (not-empty (partition 2 skel))]
(reduce (fn [m [k nested]]
(if nested
(update-in m [k] simplify nested)
(select-keys m (map first kvs))
note that your proposed argument format is inconvenient, so I changed it slightly
user=> (simplify {:name {:first "john" :john "smith"}
:age 40
:weight 155
:something {:a "a" :b "b" :c "c" :d "d"}}
[:name [:first nil] :something [:a nil :b nil]])
{:something {:b "b", :a "a"}, :name {:first "john"}}
the syntax you propose will require a more complex implementation
What is the clojure way to update a map inside a vector e.g. if I have something like this, assuming each map has unique :name
(def some-vec
[{:name "foo"
{:name "bar"
{:name "baz"
I want to update the map in someway if it has :name equal to foo. Currently I'm using map, like this
(map (fn [{:keys [name] :as value}]
(if-not (= name "foo")
(do-something .....))) some-vec)
But this will loop through the entire vector even though I only update one item.
Keep the data as a map instead of a vector of map-records, keyed by :name.
(def some-data
{"foo" {:name "foo" :other :stuff}
"bar" {:name "bar" :other :stuff}
"baz" {:name "baz" :other :stuff}})
(assoc-in some-data ["bar" :other] :things)
{"foo" {:other :stuff, :name "foo"},
"bar" {:other :things, :name "bar"},
"baz" {:other :stuff, :name "baz"}}
in one go.
You can capture the basic manipulation in
(defn assoc-by-fn [data keyfn datum]
(assoc data (keyfn datum) datum))
When, for example,
(assoc-by-fn some-data :name {:name "zip" :other :fassner})
{"zip" {:other :fassner, :name "zip"},
"foo" {:other :stuff, :name "foo"},
"bar" {:other :stuff, :name "bar"},
"baz" {:other :stuff, :name "baz"}}
Given that you have a vector of maps, your code looks fine to me. Your concern about "looping through the entire vector" is a natural consequence of the fact that you're doing a linear search for the :name and the fact that vectors are immutable.
I wonder whether what you really want is a vector of maps? Why not a map of maps?
(def some-map
{"foo" {...}
"bar" (...}
"baz" {...}}
Which you could then update with update-in?
Given this shape of the input data and unless you have an index that can tell you which indices the maps with a given value of :name reside at, you will have to loop over the entire vector. You can, however, minimize the amount of work involved in producing the updated vector by only "updating" the matching maps, rather than rebuilding the entire vector:
(defn update-values-if
"Assumes xs is a vector. Will update the values for which
pred returns true."
[xs pred f]
(let [lim (count xs)]
(loop [xs xs i 0]
(if (< i lim)
(let [x (nth xs i)]
(recur (if (pred x)
(assoc xs i (f x))
(inc i)))
This will perform as many assoc operations as there are values in xs for which pred returns a truthy value.
(def some-vec [{:name "foo" :x 0} {:name "bar" :x 0} {:name "baz" :x 0}])
(update-values-if some-vec #(= "foo" (:name %)) #(update-in % [:x] inc))
;= [{:name "foo", :x 1} {:name "bar", :x 0} {:name "baz", :x 0}]
Of course if you're planning to transform the vector in this way with some regularity, then Thumbnail's and Paul's suggestion to use a map of maps will be a much more significant improvement. That remains the case if :name doesn't uniquely identify the maps – in that case, you could simply transform your original vector using frequencies and deal with a map of vectors (of maps with a given :name).
If you're working with vector, you should know index of element that you want to change, otherwise you have to traverse it in some way.
I can propose this solution:
(defn my-update [coll val fnc & args]
(let [index (->> (map-indexed vector coll)
(filter (fn [[_ {x :name}]] (= x val)))
(when index
(apply update-in coll [index] fnc args))))
coll - given collection of maps;
val - value of field :name;
fnc - updating function;
args - arguments of the updating function.
Let's try it:
user> (def some-vec
[{:name "foo"}
{:name "bar"}
{:name "baz"}])
;; => #'user/some-vec
user> (my-update some-vec "foo" assoc :boo 12)
;; => [{:name "foo", :boo 12} {:name "bar"} {:name "baz"}]
user> (my-update some-vec "bar" assoc :wow "wow!")
;; => [{:name "foo"} {:name "bar", :wow "wow!"} {:name "baz"}]
I think that Thumbnail's answer may be quite useful for you. If you can keep your data as a map, these manipulations become much easier. Here is how you can transform your vector into a map:
user> (apply hash-map (interleave (map :name some-vec) some-vec))
;; => {"foo" {:name "foo"}, "bar" {:name "bar"}, "baz" {:name "baz"}}
I am having a bit of difficulty with Lists in Clojure
I have a quick question concerning the filter function
Let's say I have a List composed of Maps
My code is:
(def Person {:name Bob } )
(def Person2 {:name Eric } )
(def Person3 {:name Tim } )
(def mylist (list Person Person2 Person3))
How would i go about filtering my list so that , for example: I want the list minus Person2 (meaning minus any map that has :name Eric)
Thank you very much to everybody helping me out. This is my last question I promise
For this purpose, it's better to use the 'remove' function. It takes a sequence, and removes elements on which it's predicate returns 'true'. It's basically the opposite of filter. Here is an example of it, and filter's usage for the same purposes, that I worked up via the REPL.
user> (def m1 {:name "eric" :age 32})
user> (def m2 {:name "Rayne" :age 15})
user> (def m3 {:name "connie" :age 44})
user> (def mylist (list m1 m2 m3))
user> (filter #(not= (:name %) "eric") mylist)
({:name "eric", :age 32})
user> (remove #(= (:name %) "eric") mylist)
({:name "Rayne", :age 15} {:name "connie", :age 44})
As you can see, remove is a little bit cleaner, because you don't have to use not=. Also, when working with maps, you don't have to use the 'get' function unless you want it to return something special if a key isn't in the map. If you know the key you're looking for will be in the map, there is no reason to use 'get'. Good luck!
Suppose you have something like this:
(def Person {:name "Bob" } )
(def Person2 {:name "Eric" } )
(def Person3 {:name "Tim" } )
(def mylist (list Person Person2 Person3))
This would work:
(filter #(not= "Eric" (get % :name)) mylist)
user=> (filter (fn [person] (not= (person :name) "Eric")) mylist)
({:name "Bob"} {:name "Tim"})
or using a more compact syntax:
user=> (filter #(not= (% :name) "Eric") mylist)
({:name "Bob"} {:name "Tim"})