Regex to extract multiple matching string - regex

I am trying to extract HostName and Email address from text file using regex. These fields are optional. It is possible that in some cases only one field is available.
For example: if email address is not available is should extract only hostname and vice versa.
I got nearly working regex. Just not working for single case. see the regex in below link.
regex: ^.*(MAIL:(?<EMAIL>.*))(HOST:(?<HOSTNAME>.*))?
Note: I am not looking this for specific language.

Try Regex: (?:MAIL:(?<EMAIL>[^ ]+))|(?:HOST:(?<HOSTNAME>.*))


Extract domain from email address with Regex

I'm learning regular expressions and I'm having trouble extracting the domain from the email address. I have an email address: I need to use a regular expression to extract #gmail (along with the # symbol). I should end up only getting example. I've already tried this:
your text#(\w+)
and this
your text(?<=#)[^.]+(?=.).*
but those expressions didn't work properly. I'd appreciate your help.
I just tried a simple look behind - #(?<=#).* it will match you can also group the entire expression and can change it according to single and multi-line matches.

Regex, Grafana Loki, Promtail: Parsing a timestamp from logs using regex

I want to parse a timestamp from logs to be used by loki as the timestamp.
Im a total noob when it comes to regex.
The log file is from "endlessh" which is essentially a tarpit/honeypit for ssh attackers.
It looks like this:
2022-04-03 14:37:25.101991388 2022-04-03T12:37:25.101Z CLOSE host=::ffff: port=21590 fd=4 time=20.015 bytes=26
2022-04-03 14:38:07.723962122 2022-04-03T12:38:07.723Z ACCEPT host=::ffff: port=64475 fd=4 n=1/4096
What I want to match, using regex, is the second timestamp present there, since its a utc timestamp and should be parseable by promtail.
I've tried different approaches, but just couldn't get it right at all.
So first of all I need a regex that matches the timestamp I want.
But secondly, I somehow need to form it into a regex that exposes the value in some sort?
The docs offer this example:
Afaik, those are named groups, and that is all that it takes to expose the value for me to use it in the config?
Would be nice if someone can provide a solution for the regex, and an explanation of what it does :)
You could for example create a specific pattern to match the first part, and capture the second part:
^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+\s+(?P<timestamp>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+Z)\b
Regex demo
Or use a very broad if the format is always the same, repeating an exact number of non whitespace characters parts and capture the part that you want to keep.
Regex demo

How can I use the following regex to validate an email group separated by semicolon?

I have the following regex that works well for validating email address formats for a single email address. I need to use the following regex with an email input allowing multiple emails separated by semicolons.
How can the following regex be modified to achieve this?
This appears to be working for me but I can't be positive since I don't have any sample data. Let me know if this works for you.

Regular expression that does not contain 'auto#'

I'm working with a system that processes email addresses and need to tell it to not process email addresses that contain 'auto#' using a regular expression.
Example email addresses:
The regex should only match the second and not the first.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance for your time!
If you don't have to validate the email addresses and there is no way to do it with a quick built-in substring finder, you can use this regex:
A far better option would be a simple substring finder method/function, like Java's
which returns -1 if it doesn't find a match.

Extract text between two given strings

Hopefully someone can help me out. Been all over google now.
I'm doing some zone-ocr of documents, and want to extract some text with regex. It is always like this:
"Til: Name Name Name 12323123".
I want to extract the name-part, it can be 1-4 names, but "Til:" and "" is always before and after.
If you can't use capturing groups (check your documentation) you can try this:
This solution is using look behind and lookahead assertions, but those are not supported from every regex flavour. If they are working, this regex will return only the part you want, because the parts in the assertions are not matched, it checks only if the patterns in the assertions are there.
Use the pattern:
Then take the second group to get the content between the parenthesis.