Missing log lines when writing to cloudwatch from ECS Docker containers - amazon-web-services

(Docker container on AWS-ECS exits before all the logs are printed to CloudWatch Logs)
Why are some streams of a CloudWatch Logs Group incomplete (i.e., the Fargate Docker Container exits successfully but the logs stop being updated abruptly)? Seeing this intermittently, in almost all log groups, however, not on every log stream/task run. I'm running on version 1.3.0
A Dockerfile runs node.js or Python scripts using the CMD command.
These are not servers/long-running processes, and my use case requires the containers to exit when the task completes.
Sample Dockerfile:
FROM node:6
WORKDIR /path/to/app/
COPY package*.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY . .
CMD [ "node", "run-this-script.js" ]
All the logs are printed correctly to my terminal's stdout/stderr when this command is run on the terminal locally with docker run.
To run these as ECS Tasks on Fargate, the log driver for is set as awslogs from a CloudFormation Template.
LogDriver: 'awslogs'
awslogs-group: !Sub '/ecs/ecs-tasks-${TaskName}'
awslogs-region: !Ref AWS::Region
awslogs-stream-prefix: ecs
Seeing that sometimes the cloduwatch logs output is incomplete, I have run tests and checked every limit from CW Logs Limits and am certain the problem is not there.
I initially thought this is an issue with node js exiting asynchronously before console.log() is flushed, or that the process is exiting too soon, but the same problem occurs when i use a different language as well - which makes me believe this is not an issue with the code, but rather with cloudwatch specifically.
Inducing delays in the code by adding a sleep timer has not worked for me.
It's possible that since the docker container exits immediately after the task is completed, the logs don't get enough time to be written over to CWLogs, but there must be a way to ensure that this doesn't happen?
sample logs:
incomplete stream:
{ "message": "configs to run", "data": {"dailyConfigs":"filename.json"]}}
running for filename
completed log stream:
{ "message": "configs to run", "data": {"dailyConfigs":"filename.json"]}}
running for filename
stdout: entered query_script
... <more log lines>
real 0m23.394s
user 0m0.008s
sys 0m0.004s
(node:1) DeprecationWarning: PG.end is deprecated - please see the upgrade guide at https://node-postgres.com/guides/upgrading

UPDATE: This now appears to be fixed, so there is no need to implement the workaround described below
I've seen the same behaviour when using ECS Fargate containers to run Python scripts - and had the same resulting frustration!
I think it's due to CloudWatch Logs Agent publishing log events in batches:
How are log events batched?
A batch becomes full and is published when any of the following conditions are met:
The buffer_duration amount of time has passed since the first log event was added.
Less than batch_size of log events have been accumulated but adding the new log event exceeds the batch_size.
The number of log events has reached batch_count.
Log events from the batch don't span more than 24 hours, but adding the new log event exceeds the 24 hours constraint.
(Reference: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/AgentReference.html)
So a possible explanation is that log events are buffered by the agent but not yet published when the ECS task is stopped. (And if so, that seems like an ECS issue - any AWS ECS engineers willing to give their perspective on this...?)
There doesn't seem to be a direct way to ensure the logs are published, but it does suggest one could wait at least buffer_duration seconds (by default, 5 seconds), and any prior logs should be published.
With a bit of testing that I'll describe below, here's a workaround I landed on. A shell script run_then_wait.sh wraps the command to trigger the Python script, to add a sleep after the script completes.
FROM python:3.7-alpine
ADD run_then_wait.sh .
ADD main.py .
# The original command
# ENTRYPOINT ["python", "main.py"]
# To run the original command and then wait
ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "run_then_wait.sh", "python", "main.py"]
set -e
# Wait 10 seconds on exit: twice the `buffer_duration` default of 5 seconds
trap 'echo "Waiting for logs to flush to CloudWatch Logs..."; sleep 10' EXIT
# Run the given command
import logging
import time
logger = logging.getLogger()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# After testing some random values, had most luck to induce the
# issue by sleeping 9 seconds here; would occur ~30% of the time
logger.info("Hello world")
Hopefully the approach can be adapted to your situation. You could also implement the sleep inside your script, but it can be trickier to ensure it happens regardless of how it terminates.
It's hard to prove that the proposed explanation is accurate, so I used the above code to test whether the workaround was effective. The test was the original command vs. with run_then_wait.sh, 30 runs each. The results were that the issue was observed 30% of the time, vs 0% of the time, respectively. Hope this is similarly effective for you!

Just contacted AWS support about this issue and here is their response:
Based on that case, I can see that this occurs for containers in a
Fargate Task that exit quickly after outputting to stdout/stderr. It
seems to be related to how the awslogs driver works, and how Docker in
Fargate communicates to the CW endpoint.
Looking at our internal tickets for the same, I can see that our
service team are still working to get a permanent resolution for this
reported bug. Unfortunately, there is no ETA shared for when the fix
will be deployed. However, I've taken this opportunity to add this
case to the internal ticket to inform the team of the similar and try
to expedite the process
In the meantime, this can be avoided by extending the lifetime of the
exiting container by adding a delay (~>10 seconds) between the logging
output of the application and the exit of the process (exit of the
Contacted AWS around August 1st, 2019, they say this issue has been fixed.

I observed this as well. It must be an ECS bug?
My workaround (Python 3.7):
import atexit
from time import sleep
def finalizer():
logger.info("All tasks have finished. Exiting.")
# Workaround:
# Fargate will exit and final batch of CloudWatch logs will be lost

I had the same problem with flushing logs to CloudWatch.
Following asavoy's answer I switched from exec form to shell form of the ENTRYPOINT and added a 10 sec sleep at the end.
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
ENTRYPOINT java -jar /app.jar; sleep 10


What is a quick and simple way to know if Docker containers are running on an EC2 instance?

I have a few Docker containers running on EC2 instances in AWS. In the past I have had situations where the Docker containers simply exit due to errors on the docker daemon, and they never start up even though the restart policies are in place (daemon is not running so I don't expect them to get up of course).
Since I am going on holiday I want to implement a quick and easy solution that would allow me to be notified if any containers have exited unexpectedly. The only quick solution I could find was using an Amazon Event Bridge rule for running a scheduled task every X minutes and executing a Systems Manager RunDockerAction command (docker ps) on the instances, but this does not give me any output except for the fact that the command has successfully executed on the instance.
Is there any way that I can get the output of such an Event Bridge task to send the results over an SNS topic if things go wrong?
IF you are running Linux on your AWS EC2 instance, then one solution is to use e-mail as a notification system. In that case, I would suggest the following:
On the AWS EC2 instance, create a Bash script that runs docker ps -a and combine that with a grep statement to filter on the docker container IDs that you want to monitor.
In the same Bash script, using echo and mail, you can e-mail yourself with statistics seen in the previous step. For example"
echo "${container} is not running" | mail -s "Alert! Docker container ${container} is not running!" "first.last#domain.com"
(The above relies on $container to be set appropriately. Use grep to filter out data of interest.)
Create a system crontab job (etc/crontab) and schedule the Bash script to run at your wanted interval.
This is only one possible solution, one that I use myself for quick checks at times.

Run command from terminal window in AWS Instance at specified time or on start up

I have a AWS Cloud9 Instance that starts running at 11:52 PM MST and stops running at 11:59 PM MST. I have a dockerfile within the Instance that when ran with the correct mount will run a set of c++ .cpp files that collect live web data. The ultimate goal of this instance is to be fully automatic so that every night it collects the live web data for that date, hence why the Instance is open at the very end of the day each night. Is it possible to have my AWS Instance run a given command in a terminal window at a certain time, say 11:55 PM or even upon startup. So at the time, or at startup, the command "docker run -it...." is ran within the instance.
Is automating this process possible? I have looked into CloudWatch events and think that might be the best way to go about automating this process but I am not quite sure how I would create a rule to fulfill the job. If it is not possible to automate a certain command within a terminal window, could I automate the dockerfile to run at a certain time?
ofcourse you can automate running of commands not just docker but for the fact any commands using cron daemon. all you need to do is place your command in shell script file say doc.sh in your desired directory.
ssh into your instance
open terminal and type crontab -e
enter the following details in this manner a b c d e /directory/command
where a -Minute, b-hour c-day d-month e-day of the week
the /directory/command specifies the location and script you want to run.
for more reference cron examples,https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-do-i-add-jobs-to-cron-under-linux-or-unix-oses/
If you have a dockerfile that you want to run for a few minutes a day, you should look into Fargate. You can schedule an event with Cloudwatch, run the container and then shut it down when it's done.
It will probably cost around $0.01/day to run this.

Dataflow process hanging

I am running a batch job on dataflow, querying from BigQuery. When I use the DirectRunner, everything works, and the results are written to a new BigQuery table. Things seem to break when I change to DataflowRunner.
The logs show that 30 worker instances are spun up successfully. The graph diagram in the web UI shows the job has started. The first 3 steps show "Running", the rest show "not started". None of the steps show any records transformed (i.e. outputcollections all show '-'). The logs show many messages that look like this, which may be the issue:
skipping: failed to "StartContainer" for "python" with CrashLoopBackOff: "Back-off 10s restarting failed container=python pod=......
I took a step back and just ran the minimal wordcount example, and that completed successfully. So all the necessary APIs seem to be enabled for Dataflow runner. I'm just trying to get a sense of what is causing my Dataflow job to hang.
I am executing the job like this:
python2.7 script.py --runner DataflowRunner --project projectname --requirements_file requirements.txt --staging_location gs://my-store/staging --temp_location gs://my-store/temp
I'm not sure if my solution was the cause of the error pasted above, but fixing dependencies problems (which were not showing up as errors in the log at all!) did solve the hanging dataflow processes.
So if you have a hanging process, make sure your workers have all their necessary dependencies. You can provide them through the --requirements_file argument, or through a custom setup.py script.
Thanks to the help I received in this post, the pipeline appears to be operating, albeit VERY SLOWLY.

Check if celery beat is up and running

In my Django project, I use Celery and Rabbitmq to run tasks in background.
I am using celery beat scheduler to run periodic tasks.
How can i check if celery beat is up and running, programmatically?
Make a task to HTTP requests to a Ping URL at regular intervals. When the URL is not pinged on time, the URL monitor will send you an alert.
import requests
from yourapp.celery_config import app
def ping():
print '[healthcheck] pinging alive status...'
# healthchecks.io works for me:
This celery periodic task is scheduled to run every minute, if it doesn't hit the ping, your beat service is down*, the monitor will kick in your mail (or webhook so you can zapier it to get mobile push notifications as well).
celery -A yourapp.celery_config beat -S djcelery.schedulers.DatabaseScheduler
*or overwhelmed, you should track tasks saturation, this is a nightmare with Celery and should be detected and addressed properly, happens frequently when the workers are busy with blocking tasks that would need optimization
Are you use upstart or supervison or something else to run celery workers + celery beat as a background tasks? In production you should use one of them to run celery workers + celery beat in background.
Simplest way to check celery beat is running: ps aux | grep -i '[c]elerybeat'. If you get text string with pid it's running. Also you can make output of this command more pretty: ps aux | grep -i '[c]elerybeat' | awk '{print $2}'. If you get number - it's working, if you get nothing - it's not working.
Also you can check celery workers status: celery -A projectname status.
If you intrested in advanced celery monitoring you can read official documentation monitoring guide.
If you have daemonized celery following the tutorial of the celery doc, checking if it's running or not can be done through
sudo /etc/init.d/celeryd status
sudo /etc/init.d/celerybeat status
You can use the return of such commands in a python module.
You can probably look up supervisor.
It provides a celerybeat conf which logs everything related to beat in /var/log/celery/beat.log.
Another way of going about this is to use Flower. You can set it up for your server (make sure its password protected), it somewhat becomes easier to notice in the GUI the tasks which are being queued and what time they are queued thus verifying if your beat is running fine.
I have recently used a solution similar to what #panchicore suggested, for the same problem.
Problem in my workplace was an important system working with celery beat, and once in a while, either due to RabbitMQ outage, or some connectivity issue between our servers and RabbitMQ server, due to which celery beat just stopped triggering crons anymore, unless restarted.
As we didn't have any tool handy, to monitor keep alive calls sent over HTTP, we have used statsd for the same purpose. There's a counter incremented on statsd server every minute(done by a celery task), and then we setup email & slack channel alerts on the grafana metrics. (no updates for 10 minutes == outage)
I understand it's not purely a programatic approach, but any production level monitoring/alerting isn't complete without a separate monitoring entity.
The programming part is as simple as it can be. A tiny celery task running every minute.
def update_keep_alive(self):
logger.info("running keep alive task")
A problem that I have faced with this approach, is due to STATSD packet losses over UDP. So use TCP connection to STATSD for this purpose, if possible.
You can check scheduler running or not by the following command
python manage.py celery worker --beat
While working on a project recently, I used this:
HEALTHCHECK CMD ["stat celerybeat.pid || exit 1"]
Essentially, the beat process writes a pid file under some location (usually the home location), all you have to do is to get some stats to check if the file is there.
Note: This worked while launching a standalone celery beta process in a Docker container
The goal of liveness for celery beat/scheduler is to check if the celery beat/scheduler is able to send the job to the message broker so that it can be picked up by the respective consumer. [Is it still working or in a hung state]. The celery worker and celery scheduler/beat may or may not be running in the same pod or instance.
To handle such scenarios, we can create a method update_scheduler_liveness with decorator #after_task_publish.connect which will be called every time when the scheduler successfully publishes the message/task to the message broker.
The method update_scheduler_liveness will update the current timestamp to a file every time when the task is published successfully.
In Liveness probe, we need to check the last updated timestamp of the file either using:
stat --printf="%Y" celery_beat_schedule_liveness.stat command
or we can explicitly try to read the file (read mode) and extract the timestamp and compare if the the timestamp is recent or not based on the liveness probe criteria.
In this approach, the more minute liveness criteria you need, the more frequent a job must be triggered from the celery beat. So, for those cases, where the frequency between jobs is pretty huge, a custom/dedicated liveness heartbeat job can be scheduled every 2-5 mins and the consumer can just process it. #after_task_publish.connect decorator provides multiple arguments that can be also used for filtering of liveness specific job that were triggered
If we don't want to go for file based approach, then we can rely on Redis like data-source with instance specific redis key as well which needs to be implemented on the same lines.

How to use Tivix django-cron app

I got exact same problem described in this post, but the answer doesn't help at all. In short, I am using Tivix django-cron, the cron job is not running at regular basis.
To illustrate the problem, the following cron job class is intended to send email every min once running runcrons command. But in fact, it only sends out one email and no more. That defeats the purpose of cron... What am I missing?
class TestCron(CronJobBase):
schedule = Schedule(run_every_mins=1)
code = 'test_cron_philip'
def do(self):
send_mail('cron test', 'body is test body', 'coach_zhong#163.com',
Yes, you miss something ("runcrons" is not background deamon). From documentation:
"Now everytime you run the management command python manage.py
runcrons all the crons will run if required. Depending on the
application the management command can be called from the Unix crontab
as often as required. Every 5 minutes usually works for most of my
That means you have to put "runcrons" command in your crontab.
You have some CronJob that do something every 30 min.
To get this running you must edit you crontab (linux, mac) or task scheduler (windows) to run "python manage.py runcrons" for every, let say 1 min.
If you get this running, your CronJob will be pinged every 1 min and run if necessary (every 30 min or whatever value you have set).
Hope this helps.