Trying to import Cropperjs gives: TypeError: Error resolving module specifier: cropperjs - cropperjs

I want to add fengyuanchen/cropperjs to an image element, but when the page loads I get this error in console TypeError: Error resolving module specifier: cropperjs.
I am using CDN links for js and css provided on the official github page
I have tried following the "Getting started" on the github page. I added CDN links, created a div with an image of an id uploaded-img, and then at the bottom of the page I added a script tag with the supplied code from the page
import Cropper from 'cropperjs';
const image = document.getElementById('uploaded-img');
const cropper = new Cropper(image, {
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
crop(event) {
I have googled this and found other people having troubles with importing, and the recommended solutions were to substitute import Cropper from 'cropperjs'; with either import Cropper from 'cropperjs/dist/cropper.esm.js'; or to create a var and to require it like that. Also someone suggested that I should use "./cropperjs" or "../cropperjs". But none of the above variations worked.
What am I doing wrong?

So I have managed to get this working by downloading the cropper.js instead of using the CDN link, and also by copy-pasting the example modals that can be found on the official github page ( and modifying the code from there.

I had the same issue
i did this:
git clone
cd cropperjs/docs/js
cp cropper.js to my static files
cd ../css
cp cropper.css to my static files
and suddenly everything was working like the examples.
The files from the CDN did not work for me.


Adding an image to a toolbar in a Vue + Vuetify Single File Compnonent

I'm essentially just remixing the code available here for a side project:
Problem: I'm trying to insert a centered logo in the toolbar between the app drawer and the logout button. Typically I could accomplish this pretty easily with vanilla HTML and CSS, but this project is leveraging Vue.js and Vuetify, which I'm doing my best to get myself up to speed with.
I've referenced the following documents, including the in the git repo:
File path: qna-bot-template/website/js/admin.vue
<template lang="pug">
v-navigation-drawer(temporary v-model="drawer" app)
v-list-tile-title.title Tools
v-list(dense three-line subheader)
v-list-tile(v-for="(page,key) in pages" :key="key"
:target=" || '_self'")
v-icon(color="primary") {{page.icon}}
v-list-tile-title {{page.title}}
v-list-tile-sub-title {{page.subTitle}}
v-list-group( prepend-icon="info" value="true" color="primary")
v-list-tile-title QnABot Help
v-list-tile-title Version: {{Version}}
v-list-tile-title BuildDate: {{BuildDate}}
a(href="" target="_blank") General Instructions / QnABot Blog Post
a(href="" target="_blank") Guided Navigation using QnABot
a(href="" target="_blank") Create a questionnaire using QnABot
v-toolbar(app fixed)
#click.stop="drawer = !drawer"
v-breadcrumbs-item(href='#/edit') {{$}}:{{$}}
v-breadcrumbs-item {{page}}
v-if="login") LogOut
v-container(fluid id="workspace")
So far I've tried following the following syntax, which I added right after the v-spacer toward the bottom of the wrapping template tags.
and this doesn't seem to be working.
Lastly I'll add that since this environment is deployed to an EC2 instance (don't think you can deploy it locally to prototype via vue serve or at least I haven't been able to), I'm having to do this very roundabout way of prototyping by deploying this S3 bucket where the webpages are built to, then I make this webpack listener which will see whenever I modify a file. Then I can refresh the index.html that is built in the S3 bucket to see my changes. Extremely clunky workflow, I know, but I've never worked in an environment like this so I'm not sure if there's a better way, plus the readme provided in the github repo is very light on details for how to modify the default layout.
Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
If you are using a relative path to an image use v-img(src="/abc/xyz"). The ':' before src is shorthand for v-bind which you use for data-binding. So if your image path was dynamically generated you'd use :src="dynamicImage"' but if you are hard coding the path use src="/pathto/image.jpg". This might help.

How to highlight code in hbs template?

I want to introduce into my project some code to be highlighted on certain pages (like index.hbs) I've searched for libraries that can do this and found tools like highlight.js, but I was unable to use it in my ember project. Can anyone explain how to import a custom library like highlight.js or can someone give me a recomandation for a tool. I've tried to use this tool: ember-cli-eg-code-highlight, but it is not specified how to use it. Ok I have installed it, pasted the {{highlight-js code=file lang=language hasLineNumbers=hasLineNumbers}} in my index.hbs, but it does not work. Also the ENV.emberHighlightJs: { style: 'arta' };I have no ideea where to put it. Tried to put it inember-cli-build.js but it is not working.
I have found also markdown-code-highlighting. But I am lost at this step: "In your Brocfile you'll need to import the CSS styling you want for the highlighter. " So where exactly is my brocfile in my ember project?
Did you restart ember server ?
You can find example of using ember-cli-eg-code-highlight here:
But it looks like addon is buggy. So it worth to check this PR
P.S. about brocfile -- now it names as ember-cli-build.js at the root of project

Flask-Assets not working at all... = Insanity

I have simply tried setting up flask-assets (based on webassets), however just can't get it to work.
I have the standard setup;
python virtualenv
pip to install the bare essentials (flask, flask-assets)
sass ruby gem (for trying sass / scss)
less via npm (for trying lesscss)
jsmin via pip (for trying jsmin)
I have created a working homepage in Flask
static folder created (for css / js assets)
The css / js files are confirmed working (css background, js slider, etc)
Basically my development non-flask-assets site is working perfectly
I have followed the easy official guide here: flask-assets usage.
I fully understand how to work with it (as per that page). I have even exact copy-pasted the code, & still can't get it working.
Some code I've tried (for lesscss): (of course I have working css in main.less)
from flask.ext.assets import Environment, Bundle
assets = Environment(app)
assets.debug = True
lesscss = Bundle('main.less', output='main.css', filters='less')
assets.register('less', lesscss)
Then in my template:
{% assets "less" %}
<link href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" rel="stylesheet">
{% endassets %}
However flask-assets just won't work. I've tried the same with sass, scss, & also jsmin (exact code copy-paste from the usage guide) - it still won't work.
I notice that the .webassets-cache folder is created, but is (always) empty...
Also; relevant error?; I expect it to create the main.css, but as it doesn't, I get an error in the browser (using app.debug = True & flask's built-in dev server):
BuildError: Nothing to build for <Bundle output=css/main.css, filters=[<webassets.filter.less.Less object at 0x7f4958dc6710>], contents=('css/main.less',)>, is empty
So; If I manually create an empty main.css, it loads the page (no error), however the main.css file is not filled with css so flask-assets / webassets in still not working.
I've also tried passing the assets object to the template in various ways just in case it's needed (although no documentation states this) - that didn't work.
It's been driving me crazy. Any pointers would be appreciated.
Thank you
There is info missing on the Flask-Assets docs.
You problem is either the sass_bin config or the enviroment load path.
You should try both, in my case it was the config. See below my working config.
PS: IMHO Flask Assets is neither very complete nor well documented. It also consumes you application runtime, which sucks both on debugging and production. I have switched to GULP!
env = Environment(app)
env.config['sass_bin'] = '/usr/local/bin/sass'
# env.load_path = [os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'sass')]
js = Bundle('js/jquery/jquery-2.1.4.js', 'js/angular/angular.js',
'js/socketio/', filters='jsmin', output='js/all_min.js')
env.register('js_all', js)
myjs = Bundle('myjs/Interpolation.js', 'myjs/socketio.js' , filters='jsmin', output='myjs/all_min.js')
env.register('myjs_all', myjs)
css = Bundle('sass/base.sass', filters='sass', output='css/base.css')
env.register('css_all', css)

Referencing asset in javascript

The Ember CLI guide describes how assets can be referenced in the templates and the CSS - but what is the proper way of referencing an asset (say an image) from my javascript code?
Specifically I am concerned about the asset path getting fingerprinted correctly when building assets for production. It seems like ember-cli is using broccoli-asset-rev for this, but according to its documentation, only <script> tags in the HTML and url() in CSS will be fingerprinted. Is there any way (probably through another broccoli plugin) to get asset paths in the .js files fingerprinted, too?
I placed an image called car.jpeg under public/assets/images and then was able to reference it in my application.js route file as assets/images/car.jpeg
Works great
One picture is worth a thousand words... :)
I found the issue. This works out of the box as expected - it turned out that my asset (image) was not in the right location, so occurrences of it's path in the JS files never got replaced with the fingerprinted version.

How to link to images without Rails helpers in deployment?

I have a Rails 4 app. HTML for it is already built, so I would like to use tags that I already have (everything works locally). But when I deploy my app to Heroku, none of the images are displayed.
Example of my current image tag:
<img src="/assets/blog/post_images/1.png">
How should I change it so that Heroku knows where to look (I've tried many!)?
Or what are the proper steps to 'precomplile' images? This is the solution I use now:
config.assets.compile = true
config.serve_static_assets = true
It does work (all images are displayed), but I heard that it makes app in production slower.
CSS and Javascript files are found just fine interestingly. I thought maybe it has something to do with this file (config/initializers/assets.rb):
Rails.application.config.assets.version = '1.0'
Rails.application.config.assets.precompile += %w( blog_posts.css )
These are my contents. Should this file mention images may be?