My Histogram is not showing for my Binary image OpenCV C++ - c++

Overall goal is to be able to read the histogram from binary image in order to crop the image.
My code works, but for my binary image, histogram is not showing properly (the histogram is blank)
Can anybody tell me whats wrong with my code?
Histogram is working for RGB image as well as Grey image
I would like to be able to get the histogram of the binary image
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void show_histogram(std::string const& name, cv::Mat1b const& image)
// Set histogram bins count
int bins = 255;
int histSize[] = { bins };
// Set ranges for histogram bins
float lranges[] = { 0, 255 };
const float* ranges[] = { lranges };
// create matrix for histogram
cv::Mat hist;
int channels[] = { 0 };
// create matrix for histogram visualization
int const hist_height = 255;
cv::Mat1b hist_image = cv::Mat1b::zeros(hist_height, bins);
cv::calcHist(&image, 1, channels, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, histSize, ranges, true, false);
double max_val = 0;
minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &max_val);
// visualize each bin
for (int b = 0; b < bins; b++) {
float const binVal =<float>(b);
int const height = cvRound(binVal*hist_height / max_val);
, cv::Point(b, hist_height - height), cv::Point(b, hist_height)
, cv::Scalar::all(255)
cv::imshow(name, hist_image);
int main()
Mat Rgb;
Mat Grey;
Mat Binary;
//Mat Histogram;
Rgb = imread("license.jpg", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cvtColor(Rgb, Grey, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
threshold(Grey, Binary, 150, 250, THRESH_BINARY);
//imshow("RGB", Rgb);
imshow("Gray", Grey);
imshow("Binary", Binary);
show_histogram("Histogram1", Grey);
show_histogram("Histogram2", Binary);
return 0;


Unsharp mask implementation with OpenCV

I want to apply unsharp mask like Adobe Photoshop,
I know this answer, but it's not as sharp as Photoshop.
Photoshop has 3 parameters in Smart Sharpen dialog: Amount, Radius, Reduce Noise; I want to implement all of them.
This is the code I wrote, according to various sources in SO.
But the result is good in some stages ("blurred", "unsharpMask", "highContrast"), but in the last stage ("retval") the result is not good.
Where am I wrong, what should I improve?
Is it possible to improve the following algorithm in terms of performance?
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include "fstream"
#include "iostream"
#include <chrono>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// from
void increaseContrast(Mat img, Mat* dst, int amountPercent)
*dst = img.clone();
double alpha = amountPercent / 100.0;
*dst *= alpha;
// from
float luminanceAsPercent(Vec3b color)
return (0.2126 * color[2]) + (0.7152 * color[1]) + (0.0722 * color[0]);
// from
Mat usm(Mat original, int radius, int amountPercent, int threshold)
// copy original for our return value
Mat retval = original.clone();
// create the blurred copy
Mat blurred;
cv::GaussianBlur(original, blurred, cv::Size(0, 0), radius);
cv::imshow("blurred", blurred);
// subtract blurred from original, pixel-by-pixel to make unsharp mask
Mat unsharpMask;
cv::subtract(original, blurred, unsharpMask);
cv::imshow("unsharpMask", unsharpMask);
Mat highContrast;
increaseContrast(original, &highContrast, amountPercent);
cv::imshow("highContrast", highContrast);
// assuming row-major ordering
for (int row = 0; row < original.rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < original.cols; col++)
Vec3b origColor =<Vec3b>(row, col);
Vec3b contrastColor =<Vec3b>(row, col);
Vec3b difference = contrastColor - origColor;
float percent = luminanceAsPercent(<Vec3b>(row, col));
Vec3b delta = difference * percent;
if (*(uchar*)&delta > threshold) {<Vec3b>(row, col) += delta;
//<Vec3b>(row, col) = contrastColor;
return retval;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2) exit(1);
Mat mat = imread(argv[1]);
mat = usm(mat, 4, 110, 66);
imshow("usm", mat);
//imwrite("USM.png", mat);
Original Image:
Blurred stage - Seemingly good:
UnsharpMask stage - Seemingly good:
HighContrast stage - Seemingly good:
Result stage of my code - Looks bad!
Result From Photoshop - Excellent!
First of all, judging by the artefacts that Photoshop left on the borders of the petals, I'd say that it applies the mask by using a weighted sum between the original image and the mask, as in the answer you tried first.
I modified your code to implement this scheme and I tried to tweak the parameters to get as close as the Photoshop result, but I couldn't without creating a lot of noise. I wouldn't try to guess what Photoshop is exactly doing (I would definitely like to know), however I discovered that it is fairly reproducible by applying some filter on the mask to reduce the noise. The algorithm scheme would be:
blurred = blur(image, Radius)
mask = image - blurred
mask = some_filter(mask)
sharpened = (mask < Threshold) ? image : image - Amount * mask
I implemented this and tried using basic filters (median blur, mean filter, etc) on the mask and this is the kind of result I can get:
which is a bit noisier than the Photoshop image but, in my opinion, close enough to what you wanted.
On another note, it will of course depend on the usage you have for your filter, but I think that the settings you used in Photoshop are too strong (you have big overshoots near petals borders). This is sufficient to have a nice image at the naked eye, with limited overshoot:
Finally, here is the code I used to generate the two images above:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Mat usm(Mat original, float radius, float amount, float threshold)
// work using floating point images to avoid overflows
cv::Mat input;
original.convertTo(input, CV_32FC3);
// copy original for our return value
Mat retbuf = input.clone();
// create the blurred copy
Mat blurred;
cv::GaussianBlur(input, blurred, cv::Size(0, 0), radius);
// subtract blurred from original, pixel-by-pixel to make unsharp mask
Mat unsharpMask;
cv::subtract(input, blurred, unsharpMask);
// --- filter on the mask ---
//cv::medianBlur(unsharpMask, unsharpMask, 3);
cv::blur(unsharpMask, unsharpMask, {3,3});
// --- end filter ---
// apply mask to image
for (int row = 0; row < original.rows; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < original.cols; col++)
Vec3f origColor =<Vec3f>(row, col);
Vec3f difference =<Vec3f>(row, col);
if(cv::norm(difference) >= threshold) {<Vec3f>(row, col) = origColor + amount * difference;
// convert back to unsigned char
cv::Mat ret;
retbuf.convertTo(ret, CV_8UC3);
return ret;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 3) exit(1);
Mat original = imread(argv[1]);
Mat expected = imread(argv[2]);
// closer to Photoshop
Mat current = usm(original, 0.8, 12., 1.);
// better settings (in my opinion)
//Mat current = usm(original, 2., 1., 3.);
cv::imwrite("current.png", current);
// comparison plot
cv::Rect crop(127, 505, 163, 120);
cv::Mat crops[3];
cv::resize(original(crop), crops[0], {0,0}, 4, 4, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::resize(expected(crop), crops[1], {0,0}, 4, 4, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
cv::resize( current(crop), crops[2], {0,0}, 4, 4, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
char const* texts[] = {"original", "photoshop", "current"};
cv::Mat plot = cv::Mat::zeros(120 * 4, 163 * 4 * 3, CV_8UC3);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
cv::Rect region(163 * 4 * i, 0, 163 * 4, 120 * 4);
cv::putText(plot, texts[i], + cv::Point{5,40},
cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1.5, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 2.0);
cv::imwrite("plot.png", plot);
Here's my attempt at 'smart' unsharp masking. Result isn't very good, but I'm posting anyway. Wikipedia article on unsharp masking has details about smart sharpening.
Several things I did differently:
Convert BGR to Lab color space and apply the enhancements to the brightness channel
Use an edge map to apply enhancement to the edge regions
Enhanced: sigma=2 amount=3 low=0.3 high=.8 w=2
Edge map: low=0.3 high=.8 w=2
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <cstring>
cv::Mat not_so_smart_sharpen(
const cv::Mat& bgr,
double sigma,
double amount,
double canny_low_threshold_weight,
double canny_high_threshold_weight,
int edge_weight)
cv::Mat enhanced_bgr, lab, enhanced_lab, channel[3], blurred, difference, bw, kernel, edges;
// convert to Lab
cv::cvtColor(bgr, lab, cv::ColorConversionCodes::COLOR_BGR2Lab);
// perform the enhancement on the brightness component
cv::split(lab, channel);
cv::Mat& brightness = channel[0];
// smoothing for unsharp masking
cv::GaussianBlur(brightness, blurred, cv::Size(0, 0), sigma);
difference = brightness - blurred;
// calculate an edge map. I'll use Otsu threshold as the basis
double thresh = cv::threshold(brightness, bw, 0, 255, cv::ThresholdTypes::THRESH_BINARY | cv::ThresholdTypes::THRESH_OTSU);
cv::Canny(brightness, edges, thresh * canny_low_threshold_weight, thresh * canny_high_threshold_weight);
// control edge thickness. use edge_weight=0 to use Canny edges unaltered
cv::dilate(edges, edges, kernel, cv::Point(-1, -1), edge_weight);
// unsharp masking on the edges
cv::add(brightness, difference * amount, brightness, edges);
// use the enhanced brightness channel
cv::merge(channel, 3, enhanced_lab);
// convert to BGR
cv::cvtColor(enhanced_lab, enhanced_bgr, cv::ColorConversionCodes::COLOR_Lab2BGR);
// cv::imshow("edges", edges);
// cv::imshow("difference", difference * amount);
// cv::imshow("original", bgr);
// cv::imshow("enhanced", enhanced_bgr);
// cv::waitKey(0);
return enhanced_bgr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double sigma = std::stod(argv[1]);
double amount = std::stod(argv[2]);
double low = std::stod(argv[3]);
double high = std::stod(argv[4]);
int w = std::stoi(argv[5]);
cv::Mat bgr = cv::imread("flower.jpg");
cv::Mat enhanced = not_so_smart_sharpen(bgr, sigma, amount, low, high, w);
cv::imshow("original", bgr);
cv::imshow("enhanced", enhanced);
return 0;

OpenCV Histogram Mat to Bitmap for Picturebox

I use a FLIR Camera (Grasshopper3) and the SDK (Spinnaker) to take an image (Mono8). After converting the image, I wuold like to compute the Histogram and display it in my GUI in a picturebox (C++ CLR/CLI .net environment). For this, I need to convert it, but I guess there is a mistake in the color conversion or the BitMap creation.
Here is the code:
Spinnaker::ImagePtr convertedImage_MONO = Grasshopper3.pResultImage_MONO->Convert(Spinnaker::PixelFormat_Mono8, Spinnaker::NO_COLOR_PROCESSING); // Raw image is converted to Mono8
unsigned int XPadding = convertedImage_MONO->GetXPadding();
unsigned int YPadding = convertedImage_MONO->GetYPadding();
unsigned int rowsize = convertedImage_MONO->GetWidth();
unsigned int colsize = convertedImage_MONO->GetHeight();
//image data contains padding. When allocating Mat container size, you need to account for the X,Y image data padding.
cv::Mat cvimg_Mono = cv::Mat(colsize + YPadding, rowsize + XPadding, CV_8UC1, convertedImage_MONO->GetData(), convertedImage_MONO->GetStride());
cvtColor(cvimg_Mono, cvimg_Mono, cv::COLOR_BGR2BGRA);
// Histogram
int bins = 256;
int histSize[] = { bins };
// Set ranges for histogram bins
float lranges[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* ranges[] = { lranges };
// create matrix for histogram
cv::Mat hist;
int channels[] = { 0 };
// create matrix for histogram visualization
int const hist_height = 256;
cv::Mat3b hist_image = cv::Mat3b::zeros(hist_height, bins);
cv::calcHist(&cvimg_Mono, 1, channels, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, histSize, ranges, true, false);
double max_val = 0;
minMaxLoc(hist, 0, &max_val);
// visualize each bin
for (int b = 0; b < bins; b++)
float const binVal =<float>(b);
int const height = cvRound(binVal*hist_height / max_val);
cv::line(hist_image, cv::Point(b, hist_height - height), cv::Point(b, hist_height), cv::Scalar::all(255));
cv::Mat Histogram_Mono = hist_image;
cv::resize(Histogram_Mono, Histogram_Mono, cv::Size(pictureBox_Mono->Width, pictureBox_Mono->Height), cv::INTER_AREA);
hBit_Mono = CreateBitmap(Histogram_Mono.cols, Histogram_Mono.rows, 1, 32,; // hBit_Mono was created global
bmp_Mono = Bitmap::FromHbitmap((IntPtr)hBit_Mono); // bmp_Mono was created as a global Bitmap
pictureBox_Mono->Image = bmp_Mono;

Improper usage of calcHist

My aim is to generate a histogram for a gray-scale image. The code I used is :
Mat img = imread("leeds-castle.jpg",IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
Mat hst;
int hstsize = 256;
float ranges[] = { 0,256 };
float *hstrange = { ranges };
calcHist( img, 1,0, Mat(), hst, 1, &hstsize,&hstrange,true,false);
int hst_w = 512, hst_h = 400;
int bin_w = cvRound((double)hst_w / 256);
Mat histimg(hst_w, hst_h, CV_8U);
normalize(hst, hst, 0, histimg.rows, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
for (int i = 1; i < 256; i++)
line(histimg, Point(bin_w*(i - 1), hst_h - cvRound(<float>(i - 1))), Point(bin_w*i, hst_h - cvRound(<float>(i))), 2, 8, 0);
imshow("Histogram", histimg);
The only error is the usage of calcHist() function. Is there anything wrong with it?
See the comment above calcHist to identify the correct usage:
// original image
Mat img = imread("leeds-castle.jpg",IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
// NOTE: check if img.channels is equal to 1
// histogram
Mat hst;
// number of bins
int hstsize = 256;
float ranges[] = { 0,256 };
float *hstrange = { ranges };
// parameters for histogram calculation
bool uniform = true;
bool accumulate = false;
// calculate histogram
// the '&' was missing here
calcHist( &img, 1,0, Mat(), hst, 1, &hstsize,&hstrange,true,false);

How to set the parameters of OpenCV3 calcHist() using vectors?

I am calculating a histogram from a greyscale image using the above code; it is working fine.
cv::Mat imgSrc = cv::imread("Image.jpg", cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
cv::Mat histogram; //Array for the histogram
int channels[] = {0};
int binNumArray[] = {256};
float intensityRanges[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* ranges[] = { intensityRanges };
cv::calcHist( &imgSrc, 1, channels, cv::noArray(), histogram, 1, binNumArray, ranges, true, false) ;
In the book of Kaehler & Bradski they refer to this as the "old-fashioned C-style arrays" and they say the new style would use STL vector templates, and the arrays of images from which to calculate the histogram are to be given using cv::InputArrayOfArrays. However, if I try to replace for example the channel array by:
std::vector channels {0};
Gives compilation error.So my questions are these:
1. How can I define the arrays of the 'channels', 'binNumArray', 'intensityRanges' using vectors?
2. How can I define the array of input images using cv::InputArrayOfArrays?
This example show both the "old" approach and the "new" approach, so you can appreciate the difference. It's based on the example found in the OpenCV documentation.
The "new" approach is just a convenience wrapper that internally calls the "old" one.
#include <opencv2\opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main()
Mat3b src = imread("path_to_image");
Mat3b hsv;
cvtColor(src, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV);
Mat hist;
Mat hist2;
// Quantize the hue to 30 levels
// and the saturation to 32 levels
int hbins = 30, sbins = 32;
int histSize[] = { hbins, sbins };
// hue varies from 0 to 179, see cvtColor
float hranges[] = { 0, 180 };
// saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to
// 255 (pure spectrum color)
float sranges[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* ranges[] = { hranges, sranges };
// we compute the histogram from the 0-th and 1-st channels
int channels[] = { 0, 1 };
calcHist(&hsv, 1, channels, Mat(), // do not use mask
hist, 2, histSize, ranges,
true, // the histogram is uniform
// Quantize the hue to 30 levels
// and the saturation to 32 levels
vector<int> histSize = { 30, 32 };
// hue varies from 0 to 179, see cvtColor
// saturation varies from 0 (black-gray-white) to
// 255 (pure spectrum color)
vector<float> ranges = { 0, 180, 0, 256 };
// we compute the histogram from the 0-th and 1-st channels
vector<int> channels = { 0, 1 };
vector<Mat> mats = { hsv };
calcHist(mats, channels, Mat(), // do not use mask
hist2, histSize, ranges,
/*true, // the histogram is uniform, this is ALWAYS true*/
return 0;

OpenCV--how to get better hand contour from low quality gray image?

I need to get contour from hand image, usually I process image with 4 steps:
get raw RGB gray image from 3 channels to 1 channel:
cvtColor(sourceGrayImage, sourceGrayImage, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
use Gaussian blur to filter gray image:
GaussianBlur(sourceGrayImage, sourceGrayImage, Size(3,3), 0);
binary gray image, I split image by height, normally I split image to 6 images by its height, then each one I do threshold process:
// we split source picture to binaryImageSectionCount(here it's 8) pieces by its height,
// then we for every piece, we do threshold,
// and at last we combine them agin to binaryImage
const binaryImageSectionCount = 8;
void GetBinaryImage(Mat &grayImage, Mat &binaryImage)
// get every partial gray image's height
int partImageHeight = grayImage.rows / binaryImageSectionCount;
for (int i = 0; i < binaryImageSectionCount; i++)
Mat partialGrayImage;
Mat partialBinaryImage;
Rect partialRect;
if (i != binaryImageSectionCount - 1)
// if it's not last piece, Rect's height should be partImageHeight
partialRect = Rect(0, i * partImageHeight, grayImage.cols, partImageHeight);
// if it's last piece, Rect's height should be (grayImage.rows - i * partImageHeight)
partialRect = Rect(0, i * partImageHeight, grayImage.cols, grayImage.rows - i * partImageHeight);
Mat partialResource = grayImage(partialRect);
threshold( partialGrayImage, partialBinaryImage, 0, 255, THRESH_OTSU);
// combin partial binary image to one piece
///*stringstream resultStrm;
//resultStrm << "partial_" << (i + 1);
//string string = resultStrm.str();
//imshow(string, partialBinaryImage);
imshow("result binary image.", binaryImage);
use findcontour to get biggest area contour:
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
findContours(binaryImage, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
normally it works well,
But for some low quality gray image, it doesn't work,like below:
the complete code is here:
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// we split source picture to binaryImageSectionCount(here it's 8) pieces by its height,
// then we for every piece, we do threshold,
// and at last we combine them agin to binaryImage
const binaryImageSectionCount = 8;
void GetBinaryImage(Mat &grayImage, Mat &binaryImage)
// get every partial gray image's height
int partImageHeight = grayImage.rows / binaryImageSectionCount;
for (int i = 0; i < binaryImageSectionCount; i++)
Mat partialGrayImage;
Mat partialBinaryImage;
Rect partialRect;
if (i != binaryImageSectionCount - 1)
// if it's not last piece, Rect's height should be partImageHeight
partialRect = Rect(0, i * partImageHeight, grayImage.cols, partImageHeight);
// if it's last piece, Rect's height should be (grayImage.rows - i * partImageHeight)
partialRect = Rect(0, i * partImageHeight, grayImage.cols, grayImage.rows - i * partImageHeight);
Mat partialResource = grayImage(partialRect);
threshold( partialGrayImage, partialBinaryImage, 0, 255, THRESH_OTSU);
// combin partial binary image to one piece
///*stringstream resultStrm;
//resultStrm << "partial_" << (i + 1);
//string string = resultStrm.str();
//imshow(string, partialBinaryImage);
imshow("result binary image.", binaryImage);
int main(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// get image path
string imgPath("C:\\Users\\Alfred\\Desktop\\gray.bmp");
// read image
Mat src = imread(imgPath);
imshow("Source", src);
//medianBlur(src, src, 7);
cvtColor(src, src, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
imshow("gray", src);
// do filter
GaussianBlur(src, src, Size(3,3), 0);
// binary image
Mat threshold_output(src.rows, src.cols, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
GetBinaryImage(src, threshold_output);
imshow("binaryImage", threshold_output);
// get biggest contour
vector<vector<Point> > contours;
findContours(threshold_output,contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
int biggestContourIndex = 0;
int maxContourArea = -1000;
for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++)
if (contourArea(contours[i]) > maxContourArea)
maxContourArea = contourArea(contours[i]);
biggestContourIndex = i;
// show biggest contour
Mat biggestContour(threshold_output.rows, threshold_output.cols, CV_8UC1, Scalar(0, 0, 0));
drawContours(biggestContour, contours, biggestContourIndex, cv::Scalar(255,255,255), 2, 8, vector<Vec4i>(), 0, Point());
imshow("maxContour", biggestContour);
could anybody please help me to get a better hand contour result?
I have the code snippet in python, you can follow the same approach in C:
img = cv2.imread(x, 1)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#Code for histogram equalization
equ = cv2.equalizeHist(imgray)
cv2.imshow('equ', equ)
#Code for contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization
#clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=3.0, tileGridSize=(8,8))
#cl2 = clahe.apply(imgray)
#cv2.imshow('clahe2', cl2)
This is the result I obtained:
If you're image is horribly bad you could try the code that I commented involving contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization.