What are the alternatives to using django signals? - django

I am working on a project where I need to recalculate values based on if fields changed or not. Here is an example:
field_a = DatetimeField()
calculated_field_1 = ForeignKey(Model2)
field_j = DatetimeField()
If field_a changes on model1 I have to recalculate the value for field calculated_field_1 to see if it needs to change as well. The calculations that are done require me querying the database to check values of other models and then determining if the value of the calculated field needs to change.
Example) field_a changes then I would have to do this calculation
result = Model2.objects.filter(field_j__gte=Model1.field_a)
If result.exists():
Model1.field_a = result.first()
This is the most basic example I could think of and the queries can be much more complicated than this.
The project started out with one calculation when a field changed so I decided the best approach was to use django signals. Months later the requirements have changed for the project and now there are several other calculations that I had to implement that are very similar to the example above. I have noticed that my post_save function is getting out of hand and I am just wondering what alternatives there are to using signals. Although the post_save calculations I do now take far less than half a second, for the sake of my question pretend they took a second or more.
A valid answer cannot include doing these calculations on the fly when I pull them from the db. We use a validation framework that requires me to set these values on the model and querying on the fly has been an approach we attempted but for performance reasons it was not viable. Also, on field change one of the requirements is that the user needs to see the results of the calculated field so this has to happen synchronously.
What are some alternative approaches to using this pattern?


Ordering models using Django AutoField with custom step size

Consider a model Section that is displayed on a site and created / edited by a user using the Django admin interface. I would like to add a field that allows the user to easily control the order in which sections are displayed on the site. The easiest option seems to be to allow for an integer field that is auto-incremented but can be edited by the user -- akin to what the built-in AutoField does.
However, to make editing the order easier, I would like to increment the fields default value by 10 every time, to allow the user to shift sections around more easily. The first section would get order=1, the next one order=11 and so on, that way a section can be wedged in between those first two by giving it, e.g., order=6.
Is there a way I can reuse AutoField to achieve this purpose? And if no, how could I best achieve this type of ordering scheme?
Ideally, what I'd like to achieve should look like this:
from django.db import models
class Section(models.Model):
text = models.TextField()
order = AutoField(step=10)
class Meta:
ordering = ('order',)
Autofield won't work. Not editable, needs to be primary key.
I also suggest to solve this visually using drag and drop in the UI and then reorder all sections within the whole, rather then allow wedging. If two people at the same time wedge 25 within 20 and 30, you still have the same problem. Reordering on save is a much cleaner solution, especially when using select_for_update:
Returns a queryset that will lock rows until the end of the transaction, generating a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE SQL statement on supported databases.

Should I use JSONField over ForeignKey to store data?

I'm facing a dilemma, I'm creating a new product and I would not like to mess up the way I organise the informations in my database.
I have these two choices for my models, the first one would be to use foreign keys to link my them together.
Class Page(models.Model):
data = JsonField()
Class Image(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
data = JsonField()
Class Video(models.Model):
page = models.ForeignKey(Page)
data = JsonField()
The second is to keep everything in Page's JSONField:
Class Page(models.Model):
data = JsonField() # videos and pictures, etc... are stored here
Is one better than the other and why? This would be a huge help on the way I would organize my databases in the futur.
I thought maybe the second option could be slower since everytime something changes all the json would be overridden, but does it make a huge difference or is what I am saying false?
A JSONField obfuscates the underlying data, making it difficult to write readable code and fully use Django's built-in ORM, validations and other niceties (ModelForms for example). While it gives flexibility to save anything you want to the db (e.g. no need to migrate the db when adding new fields), it takes away the clarity of explicit fields and makes it easy to introduce errors later on.
For example, if you start saving a new key in your data and then try to access that key in your code, older objects won't have it and you might find your app crashing depending on which object you're accessing. That can't happen if you use a separate field.
I would always try to avoid it unless there's no other way.
Typically I use a JSONField in two cases:
To save a response from 3rd party APIs (e.g. as an audit trail)
To save references to archived objects (e.g. when the live products in my db change but I still have orders referencing the product).
If you use PostgreSQL, as a relational database, it's optimised to be super-performant on JOINs so using ForeignKeys is actually a good thing. Use select_related and prefetch_related in your code to optimise the number of queries made, but the queries themselves will scale well even for millions of entries.

Django: Query with F() into an object not behaving as expected

I am trying to navigate into the Price model to compare prices, but met with an unexpected result.
My model:
class ProfitableBooks(models.Model):
price = models.ForeignKey('Price',primary_key=True)
In my view:
foo = ProfitableBooks.objects.filter(price__buy__gte=F('price__sell'))
Producing this error:
'ProfitableBooks' object has no attribute 'sell'
Is this your actual model or a simplification? I think the problem may lie in having a model whose only field is its primary key is a foreign key. If I try to parse that out, it seems to imply that it's essentially a field acting as a proxy for a queryset-- you could never have more profitable books than prices because of the nature of primary keys. It also would seem to mean that your elided books field must have no overlap in prices due to the implied uniqueness constraints.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to compare two values in another model: price.buy vs. price.sell, and you want to know if this unpictured Book model is profitable or not. While I'm not sure exactly how the F() object breaks down here, my intuition is that F() is intended to facilitate a kind of efficient querying and updating where you're comparing or adjusting a model value based on another value in the database. It may not be equipped to deal with a 'shell' model like this which has no fields except a joint primary/foreign key and a comparison of two values both external to the model from which the query is conducted (and also distinct from the Book model which has the identifying info about books, I presume).
The documentation says you can use a join in an F() object as long as you are filtering and not updating, and I assume your price model has a buy and sell field, so it seems to qualify. So I'm not 100% sure where this breaks down behind the scenes. But from a practical perspective, if you want to accomplish exactly the result implied here, you could just do a simple query on your price model, b/c again, there's no distinct data in the ProfitableBooks model (it only returns prices), and you're also implying that each price.buy and price.sell have exactly one corresponding book. So Price.objects.filter(buy__gte=F('sell')) gives the result you've requested in your snipped.
If you want to get results which are book objects, you should do a query like the one you've got here, but start from your Book model instead. You could put that query in a queryset manager called "profitable_books" or something, if you wanted to substantiate it in some way.

Designing a database for a user/points system? (in Django)

First of all, sorry if this isn't an appropriate question for StackOverflow. I've tried to make it as generalisable as possible.
I want to create a database (MySQL, site running Django) that has users, who can be allocated a certain number of points for various types of action - it's a collaborative game. My requirements are to obtain:
the number of points a user has
the user's ranking compared to all other users
and the overall leaderboard (i.e. all users ranked in order of points)
This is what I have so far, in my Django models.py file:
class SiteUser(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=250 )
email = models.EmailField(max_length=250 )
date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def points_total(self):
points_added = PointsAdded.objects.filter(user=self)
points_total = 0
for point in points_added:
points_total += point.points
return points_total
class PointsAdded(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey('SiteUser')
action = models.ForeignKey('Action')
date_added = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
def points(self):
points = Action.objects.filter(action=self.action)
return points
class Action(models.Model):
points = models.IntegerField()
action = models.CharField(max_length=36)
However it's rapidly becoming clear to me that it's actually quite complex (in Django query terms at least) to figure out the user's ranking and return the leaderboard of users. At least, I'm finding it tough. Is there a more elegant way to do something like this?
This question seems to suggest that I shouldn't even have a separate points table - what do people think? It feels more robust to have separate tables, but I don't have much experience of database design.
this is old, but I'm not sure exactly why you have 2 separate tables (Points Added & Action). It's late, so maybe my mind isn't ticking, but it seems like you just separated one table into 2 for some reason. It doesn't seem like you get any benefit out of it. It's not like there's a 1 to many relationship in it right?
So first of all, I would combine those two tables. Secondly, you are probably better off storing points_total into a value in your site_user table. This is what I think Demitry is trying to allude to, but didn't say explicitly. This way instead of doing this whole additional query (pulling everything a user has done in his history of the site is expensive) + looping action (going through it is even more expensive), you can just pull it as one field. It's denormalizing the data for a greater good.
Just be sure to update the value everytime you add in something that has points. You can use django's post_save signal to do that
It's a bit more difficult to have points saved in the same table, but it's totally worth it. You can do very simple ordering/filtering operations if you have computed points total on user model. And you can count totals only when something changes (not every time you want to show them). Just put some validation logic into post_save signals and make sure to cover this logic with tests and you're good.
p.s. denormalization on wiki.

Django: limit queryset to a condition in the latest instance of a related set

I have an hierarchy of models that consists of four levels, all for various good reasons but which to explain would be beyond the scope of this question, I assume.
So here it goes in pseudo python:
class Base(models.Model):
class Top(models.Model):
base = FK(Base)
class Middle(models.Model):
top = FK(Top)
created_at = DateTime(...)
flag = BooleanField(...)
class Bottom(models.Model):
middle = FK(Middle)
stored_at = DateTime(...)
title = CharField(...)
Given a title, how do I efficiently find all instances of Base for which that title is met only in the latest (stored_at) Bottom instance of the latest (created_at) Middle instance that has flag set to True?
I couldn't find a way using the ORM, and the way I've seen it, .latest() isn't useful to me on the model that I want to query. The same holds for any convenience methods on the Base model. As I'm no SQL expert, I'd like to make use of the ORM as well as avoid denormalization as much as possible.
So, apparently, without heavily dropping into (some very unwieldy) SQL and not finding any alternative solution, I saw myself forced to resort to denormalized fields on the Base model, just as many as were required for efficiently getting the wanted (filtered) querysets of said model.
These fields were then updated at creation/modificatin time of respective Bottom instances.