Is a fully specialized template function the same as a regular function? - c++

If I have:
template <typename T>
bool name (std::string);
template <> bool name<int>(std::string);
What is the difference between the fully specialized function and my other regular functions.
For example in the header I would have to have these declarations plus the template definition; nevertheless I can have the specialized definition in a source file along all the other regular functions. Are them the same?
Is that a better practice than having the definition of the specialized template as inline in the header?

A function template specialization determines the effect of a call when the template itself is selected by overload resolution (which uses the signature, but not the definition, of the specialization). This is true whether the specialization is implicitly or explicitly generated.
A separate function participates in overload resolution on its own, competing with the function template at a slight advantage that can easily be offset by template argument deduction (though not here, since your T cannot be deduced). It can be excluded entirely by using an explicit template argument list (even an empty one if all template arguments can be deduced), which means the template should still be given a sensible definition for all types (even if some are deleted or otherwise do not compile).
As for inline, the concerns are no different from those for any function: providing the definition in the header can be important for optimization, allow a header-only library, reduce textual repetition, …or merely produce tighter coupling that makes the code harder to change. Since the definition of the primary template must usually be in the header, there is perhaps a bias toward putting the definition of the specialization there as well. As always, knowledge of the application and judgment is required.


Are standard library non-type template classes explicitly instantiated?

When we have a templated class (or function) that has a non-type template parameter, how are the versions generated by the compiler? Surely it doesn't create a version for every possible value of N
Suppose something like std::array<T,N> ?
I am trying to write my own templated function with a size_t template parameter, and I am trying to figure out whether/how I need to explicitly instantiate versions I will use
(I have split the program across different translation units)
I have a templated function which is something like
template <size_t N>
std::bitset<N> f(std::bitset<N> A){}
I put the declaration into a header file and definition into a .cpp file. It doesn't generate the correct version. So I tried to explicitly instantiate it like
template std::bitset<10> f<10>(std::bitset<10> A);
but I get the error that "error: explicit instantiation of .... but no definition available"
Neither the standard library nor you need to explicitly instantiate any template specialization, whether it has non-type template parameters or not.
Any specialization of the template which is used by the user in a way that requires a definition for the specialization to exist will cause it to automatically be implicitly instantiated if a definition for the entity which is instantiated is available. The condition should normally always be fulfilled since it is standard practice to place definitions of templated entities into the header file along with their initial declaration, so that they are accessible in all translation units using them.
So std::array<T,N> will be implicitly instantiated for all pairs of types T and values N which are actually used by the translation unit.
The only situation where explicit instantiation is required is if you intent to separate the definitions of template members into a single translation unit instead of the header file where they would be available for all translation units to implicitly instantiate. But you can only do that in the first place if you know all possible values for the template parameters, and you would then need to explicitly instantiate all of them, which for most non-type template parameters is not feasible.
Aside from that explicit instantiation may be used as an optimization of compilation time by avoiding implicitly instantiating template specializations in every translation unit where they are used. That makes sense only for specializations which you know will be often used. For example some standard library implementations apply it to std::string, which is the specialization std::basic_string<char>. It doesn't really make sense to apply it to e.g. std::array.

Why my C++ templated function does not produce `undeclared identified` compile error?

I am trying to create an abstraction about Lights (I'm building a game in C++) and I'm using templates to do that. A part of my code right now is:
// Light.hpp
template <typename LightType>
void LoadLight(GLuint shaderId, const LightType& light, const std::string& glslUniformName)
// Load common light attributes
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(lightingShader.GetProgID(), (glslUniformName + ".ambient").c_str()), light.ambient.x, light.ambient.y, light.ambient.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(lightingShader.GetProgID(), (glslUniformName + ".diffuse").c_str()), light.diffuse.x, light.diffuse.y, light.diffuse.z);
glUniform3f(glGetUniformLocation(lightingShader.GetProgID(), (glslUniformName + ".specular").c_str()), light.specular.x, light.specular.y, light.specular.z);
// Load specific light attributes
LoadLightSpecific<LightType>(shaderId, light, glslUniformName); // ???
template <typename LightType>
void LoadLightSpecific(GLuint shaderId, const LightType& light, const std::string& glslUniformName);
The specializations for LoadLightSpecific is on a separate .cpp file which is irrelevant with my question.
My problem is in the line with the ???.
I am using LoadLightSpecific before I define it! I thought that this would give me a undeclared identifier (or something like that) compile error but no. It works normally.
Why is that happening? I feel like I am missing something obvious.
Update 23/11/2015
So, as people recommended in comments I used Wandbox to recreate the problem with minimal code. I ended up here. Apparently, the answer to my question seems to be:
"The code should not compile but somehow MSVC works his way around the problem"
It is not unusual with templates that when writing them, you assume something about the template arguments. i.e:
Template<class T>
class C
void foo() {; }
Even though we dont know if T will actually have a method bar(), the compiler accepts it at the moment, because it is just a "template", not actual code. At the time when you instantiate a template, with some arguments, the compiler will check for the correctness of what you assumed, because now it has to generate code.
In the case of functions it is the same. The same logic must apply unless somebody finds an explicit statement about it in the standard, which I tried to find and didn't.
If we follow this logic, when you wrote the template of LoadLight, you assumed that there exists such a function called LoadLightSpecific<T>. In other words,
Why would and bar<T>() be accepted in a class template, but not in a function template?
The templated function is not translated at the place of its templated definition, but when it is actually called (similar to the instantiation of a templated class) with some specific template argument. If at that place, all what is needed is available (LoadLightSpecific declared), then it will work fine.
However, I think that it is good practice to, as much as possible, have things declared at the place of the template definition. This will make it easier to track the dependencies.
For this particular code:
If there's a function template called LoadLightSpecific in scope at the point of definition, then this template definition is valid by itself. (It doesn't have to have that signature; even template<int> void LoadLightSpecific(); will do.)
The reason for this is that the compiler must know LoadLightSpecific is a template in order to parse the < as the start of a template argument list, rather than the less-than operator.
Since LoadLightSpecific<LightType>, if parsed as a template-id, is dependent on a template parameter, name lookup for LoadLightSpecific is postponed until instantiation. (Note that this does not mean instantiation will necessarily succeed: a declaration that is not in the template definition context can only be found in the instantiation context by ADL, not by normal unqualified lookup.)
In the more general case, the standard specifies what names are considered dependent on a template parameter and what aren't. Non-dependent names are looked up and bound at the point of template definition:
If a name does not depend on a template-parameter (as defined in
14.6.2), a declaration (or set of declarations) for that name shall be in scope at the point where the name appears in the template
definition; the name is bound to the declaration (or declarations)
found at that point and this binding is not affected by declarations
that are visible at the point of instantiation.
MSVC is well-known for its nonconformance in this area.

Template-like declaration for function overloads

Can I make generic function declarations at the start of my header file?
I can do template<class t> t func(t); then specialize it, but
Template Specialization VS Function Overloading
says not to do that.
First, you can surely declare a template function and then define it, and/or define specializations. But...
Function specializations must be full specializations, that is, you cannot partially specialize a template function. Now, while you can actually specialize the function template, providing overload may have advantages (and disadvantages), but in most cases it will be a better option.
You might want to read this:

Template function in non-template class - Division between H and CPP files

I was (and have been for a long time) under the impression that you had to fully define all template functions in your .h files to avoid multiple definition errors that occur due to the template compilation process (non C++11).
I was reading a co-worker's code, and he had a non-template class that had a template function declared in it, and he separated the function declaration from the function definition (declared in H, defined in CPP). It compiles and works fine to my surprise.
Is there a difference between how a template function in a non template class is compiled, and how a function in a template class is compiled? Can someone explain what that difference is or where I might be confused?
The interesting bit is how and when the template gets instantiated. If the instantiations can be found at link time, the template definition doesn't need to be visible in the header file.
Sometimes, explicit instantiations are cause like this:
header :
struct X {
// function template _declaration_
template <typename T> void test(const T&);
#include "X.h"
// function template _definition_:
template <typename T>
void X::test(const T&)
// explicit function template _instantiation(s)_:
template X::test<int>(const int&);
template X::test<std::string>(const std::string&);
Using this sample, linking will succeed unless uninstantiated definitions of the template are used in other translation units
There is no difference between function templates defined in namespace or in class scope. It also doesn't matter whether is inside class template or not. What matter is that at some point in the project any used function template (whether member or non-member) is instantiated. Let's go over the different situations:
Unused function templates don't need to be instantiated and thus their implementation doesn't need to be visible to compiler at any point in time. This sounds boring but is important e.g. when using SFINAE approaches where class or function templates are declared but not defined.
Any function template which is defined where it is used will be instantiated by the compiler in a form which allows multiple definitions across different translation units: only one of the instantiations is retained. It is important that all the different definitions are merged because you could detect differences if you took the address of a function template or used a state variable inside the function template: there shall be only one of these for each instantiation.
The most interesting setup is where the definition of the function template is not seen when the function template is used: in this case the compiler cannot instantiate it. When the compiler sees a definition of the function template in a different translation unit it wouldn't know which template arguments to instantiate! A Catch 22? Well, you can always explicitly instantiate a template once. Having multiple explicit instantiations would create multiply defined symbols.
These are roughly the important options. There are often good reasons that you don't want to have the definition of a function template in the header. For example, you don't necessarily want to drag in dependencies you wouldn't have otherwise. Putting the definition of the function template somewhere else and explicitly instantiating it is a good thing. Also, you might want to reduce the compile time e.g. by avoiding to instantiate essentially the entire I/O stream and locale library in every translation unit using the stream. In C++ 2011 extern templates were introduced which allow the declaration that a particular template (either function or class template) is defined externally once for the entire program and there isn't any need to instantiate it in every header using particularly common template arguments.
For a longer version of what I just said, including examples have a look at a blog post
I wrote last weekend on this topic.

Why is this C++ explicit template specialization code illegal?

(Note: I know how it is illegal, I'm looking for the reason that the language make it so.)
template<class c> void Foo(); // Note: no generic version, here or anywhere.
int main(){
return 0;
template<> void Foo<int>();
error: explicit specialization of 'Foo<int>' after instantiation
A quick pass with Google found this citation of the spec but that offers only the what and not the why.
Several responses have forwarded the argument (e.g. confirmed my speculation) that the rule is this way because to do otherwise would violate the One Definition Rule (ODR). However, this is a very weak argument because it doesn't hold, in this case, for two reaons:
Moving the explicit specialization to another translation unit solves the problem and doesn't seem to violate the ODR (or so the linker says).
The short form of the ODR (as applied to functions) is that you can't have more than one body for any given function, and I don't. The only place the body of the function is ever defined is in the explicit specialization, so the call to Foo<int> can't define a generic specialization of the template because there is no generic body to be specialized.
Speculation on the matter:
A guess as to why the rule exist at all: if the first line offered a definition (as opposed to a declaration), an explicit specialization after an instantiation would be a problem because you would get multiple definitions. But in this case, the only definition in sight is the explicit specialization.
Oddly the following (or something like it in the real code I'm working on) works:
File A:
template<class c> void Foo();
int main(){
return 0;
File B:
template<class c> void Foo();
template<> void Foo<int>();
But to use that in general starts to create a spaghetti imports structure.
A guess as to why the rule exist at
all: if the first line offered a
definition (as opposed to a
declaration), an explicit
specialization after an instantiation
would be a problem because you would
get multiple definitions. But in this
case, the only definition in sight is
the explicit specialization.
But you do have multiple definitions. You have already defined Foo< int > when you instantiate it and after that you try to specialize the template function for int, which is already defined.
int main(){
Foo<int>(); // Define Foo<int>();
return 0;
template<> void Foo<int>(); // Trying to specialize already defined Foo<int>
This code is illegal because explicit specialization appears after the instantiation. Basically, the compiler first saw the generic template, then it saw its instantiation and specialized that generic template with a specific type. After that it saw a specific implementation of the generic template that was already instantiated. So what is the compiler supposed to do? Go back and re-compile the code? That's why it is not allowed to do that.
You have to think of an explicit specialization as a function declaration. Just like if you had two overloaded functions (non-templated), if only one declaration can be found before you try to make a call to the second version, the compiler is going to say that it cannot find the required overloaded version. The difference with templates is that the compiler can generate that specialization based on the general function template. So, why is it forbidden to do this? Because the full template specialization violates the ODR when it is seen, since, by that time, there already exists a template specialization for the same type. When a template is instantiated (implicitly or not), the corresponding template specialization is also created, such that later use (in the same translation unit) of the same specialization will be able to reuse the instantiation and not duplicate the template code for every instantiations. Obviously, the ODR applies just as well to template specializations as it applies elsewhere.
So, when the quoted text says "no diagnostic is required", it just means that the compiler is not required to provide you with the insightful remark that the problem is due to an instantiation of the template occurring sometime before the explicit specialization. But, if it doesn't do that, the other option is to give the standard ODR violation error, i.e., "multiple definitions of 'Foo' specialization for [T = int]" or something like that, which wouldn't be as helpful as the more clever diagnostic.
1) Although the saying goes that all template function definitions (i.e. implementation) must be visible at the point of instantiation (such that the compiler can substitute the template argument(s) and instantiate the function template). However, implicit instantiation of the function template only requires that the declaration of the function be available. So, in your case, splitting it into two translation units works, because it does not violate ODR (since in that TU, there is only one declaration of Foo<int>), the declaration if Foo<int> is available at the implicit instantiation point (through Foo<T>), and the definition of Foo<int> is available to the linker within TU B. So, no one has argued that this second example is "not supposed to work", it works as it is supposed to. Your question is about a rule that applies within one translation unit, don't counter the arguments by saying that the error doesn't occur when you split it into two TUs (especially when it clearly should work fine in two TUs, according to the rules).
2) In your first example, either there will be an error because the compiler cannot find the general function template (the non-specialized implementation) and thus cannot instantiate Foo<int> from the general template. Or, the compiler will find a definition for the general template, use it to instantiate Foo<int>, and then throw an error because a second template specialization Foo<int> is encountered. You seem to think that the compiler will find your specialization before it gets to it, it doesn't. C++ compilers compile the code from top to bottom, they don't go back and forth to substitute stuff here and there. When the compiler gets to the first use of Foo<int>, it sees only the general template at that point, assumes there will be an implementation of that general template that can be used to instantiate Foo<int>, it is not expecting a specialized implementation for Foo<int>, it is expecting and will use the general one. Then, it sees the specialization and throws the error, because it already had made its mind that the general version was to be used, so, it does see two distinct definitions for the same function, and yes, it does violate ODR. It's as simple as that.
The 2 TU case has to work because you should be able to share template instantiations between TUs, that's a feature of C++, and a useful one (in case when you have a small number of possible instantiations, you can pre-compile them).
The 1 TU case cannot be allowed because declaring something in C++ tells the compiler "there is this thing defined somewhere". You tell the compiler "there is a general definition of the template somewhere", then say "I want to use the general definition to make the function Foo<int>", and finally, you say "whenever Foo<int> is called, it should use this special definition". That's a flat out contradiction! That's why the ODR exists and applies to this context, to forbid such contradictions. It doesn't matter whether the general definition "to-be-found" is not present, the compiler expects it, and it has to assume that it does exist and that it is different from the specialization. It cannot go on and say "ok, so, I'll look everywhere else in the code for the general definition, and if I cannot find it, then I will come back and 'approve' this specialization to be used instead of the general definition, but if I find it I will flag this specialization as an error". Nor can it go on and flatly ignore the desire of the programmer by changing code that clear shows intent to use the general template (since the specialization is not declared yet), for code that uses a specialization that appears later. I can't possibly explain the "why" any more clearly than that.
The 2 TU case is completely different. When the compiler is compiling TU A (that uses Foo<int>), it will look for the general definition, fail to find it, assume that it will be linked-in later as Foo<int>, and leaves a symbol placeholder. Then, since the linker will not look for templates (templates are NOT exportable, in practice), it will look for a function that implements Foo<int>, and it doesn't care whether it is a specialized version or not. The linker is happy as long as it finds the same symbol to link to. This is so, because it would be a nightmare to do it otherwise (look up discussions on "exported templates") for both the programmers (not being able to easily change functions in their compiled libraries) and for the compiler vendors (having to implement this linking crazy scheme).