Usage of vector push_back with pair - c++

I was looking at the implementation of Prim's Algorithim on and tried to implement the function on practice mode. I looked at how the input was received and I saw this:
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 1e4 + 5;
int spanningTree(vector <pair<int,int> > g[], int n);
int main()
int t ;
vector <pair<int,int> > adj[MAX];
int n,e;
int w, mC;
cin >> n>> e;
for(int i = 0;i < e;++i)
int x,y;
cin >> x >> y >> w;
adj[x].push_back({w, y});
adj[y].push_back({w, x});
mC= spanningTree(adj, MAX);
cout << mC << endl;
return 0;
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding how they're using vector. I've never seen the passing of a vector in a similar way to an array: vector <pair<int,int> > g[].
I looked at the STD implementation of vector and couldn't find anything about passing a vector this way, or constructing a vector with vector <pair<int,int> > adj[MAX];.
Lastly, I am very confused about what the following code does:
adj[x].push_back({w, y});
adj[y].push_back({w, x});
I tried implementing it myself:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector< pair<string, int> > vec[2];
vec[0].push_back({"One", 1});
vec[1].push_back({"Two", 2});
for(int x = 0; x < 2; ++x){
cout << vec[x].first << ", " << vec[x].second << endl;
return 0;
But I get an error class 'std::vector< pair<string, int> >' has no member named ‘first’.
If I could have some help understanding how vector is being used here, I would really appreciate it. I looked at multiple StackOverflow posts already, including vector::push_back vs vector::operator[].
The link to the original problem is here

I've never seen the passing of a vector in a similar way to an array: vector <pair<int,int> > g[]
It is an array! An array of vectors.
The problem with your code is that you have two vectors, both with a single element, and your loop only pulls out the vectors... not their single element.
Your version would be:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector< pair<string, int> > vec[2];
vec[0].push_back({"One", 1});
vec[1].push_back({"Two", 2});
for(int x = 0; x < 2; ++x){
cout << vec[x][0].first << ", " << vec[x][0].second << endl;
return 0;
All I added was [0] (index into each vector).
Of course such an example is of questionable practicality. In such a situation it would seem that you want one vector with two elements, and no arrays in sight.
To be honest, I'm not wild about the original code, either. Mixing arrays and vectors is a recipe for confusion (hyello); they could have used "2D vectors" or, better, a 1D vector with 2D indexes laid on top of it. That would then have much better cache locality as well.

Its' a C-style array of vectors, really nothing magic here.
int spanningTree(vector <pair<int,int> > g[], int n);
Maybe you have seen something like that before:
int foo( int array[], int n);
In their code, the elements of the array are not ints but std::vectors. Why they mix plain arrays and std::vector I cannot tell you.
In your example, you need to first use operator[] to access an element before you can access its .first and .second, or use front to get the first element:
for(int x = 0; x < 2; ++x){
cout << vec[x].front().first << ", " << vec[x].front().second << endl;


Why is there a segmentation fault when I use vector storing vector?

I'm dealing with an algorithm homework which need to be executable on linux(I'm using wsl), and this homework need to store the solution and export to the output file.
To store the solution, I need to open an 2D array of "vectors storing pairs", and at the end, I need to sort the pairs by its first component in the ascending order.
I know that for the first requirement, the running time would be O(N^2)(This is also the standard answer for this dynamic programming problem), and for the second one, I've google C++ STL, and it says that the algorithm used by c++ only needs O(NlogN).
(1)It return 'killed' if I use the new to declare 2D array of vector, for the cases that N=10000, but it works fine if N=1000.
(2) I check the comment, and they suggest that I should write the code using vector to store vector instead of new. However, when I change to using vectors storing vectors, now the program cannot run, keep throwing segmentation fault.
I don't know where is happening. Can anybody help?
problem description:
The .o files are alredy make, finish editing, you need to 'make', and run
./bin/mps [inputfile] [outputfile]
I've modified some code, but it can only run with case N=12, 1000; not for larger N.
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Chord {
void setEndPoint(int, int);
int getMaximumChords();
void print();
int size;
int* data; //stores the endpoints of the chord
// vector<pair<int,int>>** sol;
//I recently use this(1), works for N=1000, but killed if N larger
vector< vector< vector<pair<int, int>> >>sol;
//suggest to change to this(2), not working even for N=12,
//return segmentation fault
int getEndPoint(int);
#include "chord.h"
#include <iostream>
Chord::Chord(int tmp){ //initialize all elements 0
size = tmp;
data = new int [size];
delete[] data;
void Chord::setEndPoint(int a, int b){
data[a] = b;
data[b] = a;
void Chord::print(){
for(int i=0;i<size; i++){
cout << data[i] << endl;
int Chord::getEndPoint(int a){
return data[a];
int Chord::getMaximumChords(){
for(int j=1; j<size; j++){
for(int i=j-1; i>=0; i--){
int k = getEndPoint(j);
if(k==i){ //case 1: ij is the chord
sol[i][j] = sol[i+1][j-1]; //make a copy
}else if(k<i || k>j){ //case 2: k outside interval[i,j]
sol[i][j] = sol[i][j-1];
}else{ //case 3: k inside interval[i,j]
if (sol[i][j-1].size() > sol[i][k-1].size() + sol[k+1][j-1].size() + 1){
sol[i][j] = sol[i][j-1];
sol[i][j] = sol[i][k-1];
sol[i][j].insert(sol[i][j].end(),sol[k+1][j-1].begin(), sol[k+1][j-1].end());
sort(sol[0][size-1].begin(), sol[0][size-1].end());
return sol[0][size-1].size();
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "chord.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
if (argc < 3){
printf("Please enter output file name!");
return 0;
//import input
fstream fi(argv[1]);
fstream fo;[2], ios::out);
int N=0, a=0, b=0;
char buffer[200];
fi >> N;
Chord chord(N);
while(fi>> a >>b){
int ans= chord.getMaximumChords();
//export output
fo << ans <<endl;
for(int i=0; i<chord.sol[0][chord.size-1].size(); i++){
fo << chord.sol[0][chord.size-1][i].first << " " << chord.sol[0][chord.size-1][i].second << endl;
return 0;
By default, std::vector is constructed with 0 size, and I see that you don't ever resize the vector, but you access its elements by index [i][j]. You have to resize first two (or maybe three) dimensions of 3-dimensional vector sol to fit necessary size, do following resize inside constructor:
Chord::Chord(int tmp){ //initialize all elements 0
size = tmp;
data = new int [size];
sol.resize(size, vector< vector<pair<int, int>> >(size));
After this resize change in constructor your program doesn't crash on 10000 input, at least on my Windows laptop.
Also maybe you need to resize two dimensions to bigger than size, you should know better. Also 3rd dimension might be needed to resize too, if you need this by algorithm, up to you. If you need to resize 3rd dimension, then do following (but if I understand your algorithm correctly you don't need this change, resizing 3rd dimension, you need it to be of size 0):
sol.resize(size1, vector< vector<pair<int, int>> >(size2, vector<pair<int, int>>(size3)));
(here size1/size2/size3 are three sizes of three dimensions, so that your vector gets 3-dimensional shape (size1, size2, size3), decide what these 3 sizes should be at your algorithm start, I think they should be (size, size, 0))

Initialize all elements in matrix with variable dimensions to zero

I'm trying to initialize an int matrix in C++, with user-inputted dimensions, with every element set to zero. I know there are some elegant ways to do that with a one-dimensional array so I was wondering if there are any similar ways to do it with a two-dimensional array without using for loops and iterating through every element.
I found a source that gave several different ways, including std::fill (I've modified the code so that the dimensions are read with cin):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x;
cin >> x;
int matrix[x][x];
fill(*matrix, *matrix + x * 3, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
But why does this work, and why would the pointer to the matrix in the arguments for fill be necessary if it's not necessary for a one-dimensional array? That source said it was because matrixes in C++ are treated like one-dimensional arrays, which would make sense, but that is why I don't understand why the pointer is needed.
I don't know if this is relevant, but in case it can help, I've described my previous attempts below.
At first I thought I could initialize all elements to zero like in a one-dimensional array. For the matrix, this worked fine when the side lengths were not read with cin (i.e. when I declared the matrix as int matrix[3][3] = {{}}; as answered here) but when I tried getting the side lengths from cin I started getting errors.
This was my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int x;
cin >> x;
int matrix[x][x] = {{}};
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
cout << matrix[i][j] << " ";
cout << endl;
And when I tried to compile it, it threw this error:
matrix_test.cpp:7:14: error: variable-sized object may not be initialized
int matrix[x][x] = {{}};
1 error generated.
Why you're getting the error
c-style arrays (such as int matrix[3][3]) must have size specified at the point you declare it. They can't vary in size in C++.
What you could do instead.
If you use std::vector, there's a really elegant way to do it:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
using namespace std;
int x;
cin >> x;
auto matrix = vector<vector<int>>(x, vector<int>(x, 0));
// This is how we can print it
for(auto& row : matrix) {
for(auto& elem : row) {
cout << elem << ' ';
cout << '\n';
In C++17, you can shorten this even further:
auto matrix = vector(x, vector(x, 0));
What vector(number, thing) means is "Create a vector of number, where each element is thing".
The second dimension of two-dimension array must be a compile time constant, but in your code x is not.
Actually if you write a function with a two-dimension parameter, the second dimension must also be a compile time constant. That's because the array is stored linearly in the memory and the compiler must know the second dimension to calculate the offset correctly.

Creating a 2 dimensional array from a dat file in a function

So I am trying to create a function that makes a 2-dimensional array from a dat file that is opened. I am running to errors trying to compile my program though. Below is my attempt, also my dat file has 8 columns but more rows than I can count so I am trying to create a dynamically allocating array or vector. Any help is appreciated.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
double Comsic_Ray_Events(vector< vector<double> > cosmic_ray, vector <double> row_vector(columns));
int main()
void Comsic_Ray_Events(vector< vector<double> > cosmic_ray, vector <double> row_vector(columns))
double row = 0.;
const double columns = 8.;
ifstream cosmic_ray_data;
vector< vector<double> > cosmic_ray;
vector <double> row_vector(columns);"events_comp-h4a_10.00-10000.00PeV_zen37.00.dat", ios::in);
for(int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
cosmic_ray_data >> cosmic_ray[row][i];
cout << setprecision(4) << cosmic_ray[row][i] << endl;
else if(
cout << "File didn't open correctly" << endl;
Well I see some design issues in your code as well with your functions, i tried to write a very simple example with your variable names more or less, hope you understand it.
First, i don't know why you try to use a void function if you write that you'd like a function that returns you a 2-dimensional vector. Second, i don't get why your function with the double return type at the beginning has the 2 vector as parameters, if that's what you wrote you want to get from the input. I can only imagine as paramater the "filename.dat" maximum. Here's the very-very simple code to achieve what you'd like:
vector<vector<double> > Cosmic_Ray_Events()
ifstream cosmic_ray_data("events.dat");
vector<vector<double> > cosmic_ray;
int columns = 8;
vector <double> row_vector;
for(int i=0; i<columns; i++)
double data;
cosmic_ray_data >> data;
return cosmic_ray;
Then the way you can use it:
vector<vector<double> > cosmic_events_vector = Cosmic_Ray_Events();
Beyond that, if that's not what you'd want, then be more specific plz.

Code failure insert digits before data of the vector

I am supossed to do a code using function which after asking the user for input,puts number before the vector like this:
if vector is 11,12,13,14
new vector is 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 until the vector finishes and then I have to print it but I get an error of vector subscript out of range,aprecciate any help.
Here is my code
using namespace std;
vector<double> llena_vector(int x,vector<double> ingreso)
cout<<"Ingrese numeros: ";
return ingreso;
vector<double> arma_vector(int contador,vector<double> intercalado)
int i=0;
for(contador=1;contador< intercalado.size()+1;contador++);{
return intercalado;
vector<double> imprime_vector(int cuenta,vector<double> imprimir)
cout<<imprimir[cuenta]<<" ";
return imprimir;
int main()
int y=0;
int q=0;
int w=0;
int f=0;
vector<double> usuario;
vector<double> guardar;
vector<double> resultado;
vector<double> print;
guardar= llena_vector(y,usuario);
Here is a cleaner version of the code, in working condition.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void fill_vector(vector<double>& v)
cout << "Enter 5 numbers." << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
double d;
cin >> d;
void insert_count(vector<double>& v)
size_t size = v.size();
for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < size; ++i, j += 2)
vector<double>::iterator pos = v.begin() + j;
v.insert(pos, i + 1);
void print_vector(vector<double>& v)
for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i)
cout << v[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int main()
vector<double> v;
Like others (may have) pointed out:
you didn't need to pass by value (you're basically passing around a bunch of copies), you can pass by reference instead to reduce overhead and speed it up
you shouldn't put semicolons (;) directly behind your loop statements
size_t is often better than int when looping on size
you included <string> when it wasn't being used
you were passing arguments that weren't needed (e.g. a counter)
you used a while loop for user input, but it's only appropriate when piping in data otherwise it will loop forever; a for loop with a known count is more appropriate for user input
the function that inserted numbers between the existing elements had an error, you were incorrectly calculating the position to insert
your code formatting was a mess, making the code very difficult to read
you shouldn't pollute the namespace (i.e. using namespace std), but I left it as is since it's common in example code
if you're using C++11, I recommend using a for-each loop for printing the vector, and the auto keyword when declaring the iterator
i guess there is a typo: you should remove the last ; in for(cuenta=0;cuenta<imprimir.size();cuenta++);
Edit: as pointed by jrd1, you have this typo in all your for and while loops...
To begin with, your code has a number of issues. But, I've modified it to keep it as similar to your original.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
deque<double> llena_deque(int x, deque<double> ingreso)
cout<<"Ingrese numeros: ";
return ingreso;
deque<double> arma_deque(int contador, deque<double> intercalado)
int size = intercalado.size()+1;
for(int i=1; i < size; ++i) {
cout << i << endl;
return intercalado;
deque<double> imprime_deque(int cuenta, deque<double> imprimir)
cout << imprimir[cuenta] << " ";
return imprimir;
int main()
int y=0;
int q=0;
int w=0;
int f=0;
deque<double> usuario;
deque<double> guardar;
deque<double> resultado;
deque<double> print;
guardar= llena_deque(y,usuario);
return 0;
All your loops had ; at the end of them. That's one reason why you're getting your errors, as the semi-colon terminates a statement - hence, your loops were never truly accessing the vectors, which is why you were getting the memory access violations.
You're passing all your memory by value (which could potentially be slow). Consider using references.
Your operations suggest that you constantly need to keep pushing new data in front of your vector. If so, then use deque (as I did) as it is has functionality designed explicitly for that purpose (insert operations at both ends).
Although, I will say that the logic of your code is quite puzzling at times: i.e. in arma_vector, why pass the value of contador if you don't even use it? You could have used i instead...

C++ Program Apparently Printing Memory Address instead of Array

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int findMax(int *);
const int MAX = 100;
int values[MAX];
char ivals[256];
// Get the space-separated values from user input.
cin.getline(ivals, 256, '0');
char *helper;
// Clean input array and transfer it to values.
for(int i = 0; i < (MAX) && ivals[i] != 0; i++){
helper = ivals[i * 2];
values[i] = atoi(helper);
int mval = findMax(values);
cout << values << endl << mval;
return 0;
//Function to find the maximum value in the array
int findMax(int arr[]){
int localmax = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int)); i++){
if(arr[i] > localmax){
localmax = arr[i];
return localmax;
The purpose of this program is for the user to input a space-separated series of values ended by a 0. That array is then to be analyzed to find the max. I figured out how to convert what is originally a char[] into an int[] so that I can use the findMax() function on it without error but the sorting loop seems to have a problem of its own and when "cout << values << endl << mval;" is called, it returns only a memory address instead of what should be a non-spaced sequence of ints. Can anybody explain what I am doing wrong? It seems that I may have made some mistake using the pointers but I cannot figure out what.
Printing values won't print the contents of the array as you expect, it will print the memory location of the first element of the array.
Try something like this instead:
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
// ...
copy(&values[0], &values[MAX], ostream_iterator(cout, " "));
Sorry I can't post actual working code, but your original post is a mess with many syntax and syntactic errors.
EDIT: In the interest of being more complete and more approachable & understandable to beginners, I've written a small program that illustrates 4 ways to accomplish this.
Method 1 uses copy with an ostream_iterator as I've done above.
Method 2 below is probably the most basic & easiest to understand.
Method 3 is a C++0x method. I know the question is tagged C++, but I thought it might be educational to add this.
Method 4 is a C++ approach using a vector and for_each. I've implemented a functor that does the dumping.
Share & Enjoy
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
struct dump_val : public unary_function<int,void>
void operator()(int val)
cout << val << " ";
int main(){
int vals[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
// version 1, using std::copy and ostream_iterator
copy(&vals[0], &vals[5], ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
cout << endl;
// version 2, using a simple hand-written loop
for( size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
cout << vals[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
// version 3, using C++0x lambdas
for_each(&vals[0], &vals[5], [](int val)
cout << val << " ";
cout << endl;
// version 4, with elements in a vector and calling a functor from for_each
vector<int> vals_vec;
for_each( vals_vec.begin(), vals_vec.end(), dump_val() );
cout << endl;
When you pass around an array of X it's really a pointer to an array of X that you're passing around. So when you pass values to cout it only has the pointer to print out.
You really should look into using some of the standard algorithms to make your life simpler.
For example to print all the elements in an array you can just write
std::copy(values, values+MAX, std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, "\n"));
To find the max element you could just write
int mval = *std::max_element(values, values+MAX);
So your code becomes
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
const int MAX = 100;
int values[MAX];
char ivals[256];
// Get the space-separated values from user input.
cin.getline(ivals, 256, '0');
char *helper;
// Clean input array and transfer it to values.
for(int i = 0; i < (MAX) && ivals[i] != 0; i++){
helper = ivals[i * 2];
values[i] = atoi(helper);
copy(values, values+MAX, ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
cout << *std::max_element(values, values+MAX);
return 0;
Doing this removes the need for your findMax method altogether.
I'd also re-write your code so that you use a vector instead of an array. This makes your code even shorter. And you can use stringstream to convert strings to numbers.
Something like this should work and is a lot less code than the original.
int main(){
vector<int> values;
char ivals[256];
// Get the space-separated values from user input.
cin.getline(ivals, 256, '0');
int temp = 0;
stringstream ss(ivals);
//read the next int out of the stream and put it in temp
while(ss >> temp) {
//add temp to the vector of ints
copy(values.begin(), values.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, "\n"));
cout << *std::max_element(values.begin(), values.end());
return 0;
Array of int is promoted to a pointer to int when passed to a function. There is no operator << taking ordinary array. If you want to use operator << this way, you need to use std::vector instead.
Note: it is possible technically to distinguish array when passed to a function using template, but this is not implemented for standard operator <<.
for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int)); i++){
sizeof(arr) here is the size of the pointer to the array. C++ will not pass the actual array, that would be grossly inefficient. You'd typically only get one pass through the loop. Declare your function like this:
int findMax(int* arr, size_t elements) {
But, really, use a vector.
Oh, hang on, the question. Loop through the array and print each individual element.