Accordion container with article tag - zurb-foundation

According to the documentation of F6 we can use the accordion container with something else than a ul tag. Or, I can't get it to work with an article tag.
The problem seems to be caused by the fact that .accordion-title isn't the direct child of .accordion-item. Unfortunately, in my use case, I need to wrap the a tag with the .accordion-title class inside an heading tag.
Does anyone would know how to solve that issue?
Here's an example of my use case :
<div class="accordion" enter code here
<article class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
Group Name
<div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>
<p>Hello World</p>

As you figured out, it doesn't have to do with the <article> tag but rather that a direct child click trigger is needed.
Example of it working with <article>
Without JS modification, it may not work the way you want it to.


How to use if condition to hide element in Smarty template (TYPO3)?

TYPO3 website is using TYPO3 extension of Smarty.
In one existing template called header.tpl I have this code:
<div class="header">
<div class="nav">
Is there some way to hide div element with the class "nav" using if condition? This header.tpl is used on every page, but I want to achieve that only on page with id=3 (in TYPO3) the navigation part will be hidden.
For example:
<div class="header">
{if (???) }
<div class="nav">
Thank you very much for your help.
If you use the TYPO3 extension of Smarty, there are special plugins that give you the possibility to access data from TYPO3.
You can find them here:
I'd say to use {if $data.uid == 3}, but I also need to see more of your setup to be sure.

Parse specific div from raw text using regex?

So I'm in a situation that requires parsing raw HTML data as a string, this is unavoidable unfortunately otherwise I wouldn't post this. I only need regex to match the class of a div that has an img tag as a child.
So this is the code example that I'm dealing with:
<div class="summary">
<div class="explanation">
<span>This serves as an example for the site.</span>
<div class="user-details">
<img src="res/badge522.png"/> <span class="score">522</span>
<div class="help">
And the div that I'd like to retrieve the class from is the div that contains the image. The exact capture from this example that I'd like (optimally) is user-details. The criteria for capturing it is simply if it has <img ... /> as a child.
Anyone able to help? Thanks!
You may try this,

Submit buttons in Zurb: do you use an <a> or?

I'm not really getting the rationale behind the overabundance of <a>s in the code at; and the lack of representation for the other elements.
Short of one mention, and one line, both under the Accessibility section, no mention is made of any other element (why not <button>, or <input> for example?). It almost seems as if (due to the overwhelming overrepresentation) the documentation were saying "we really designed this for <a>s". Is that really the case?
(Small aside: the line that mentions using other elements, I have a problem with: If there is no <a href=""> then simply add the tabindex="0" to the div or span to make it focusable. If a button is focusable, I expect to be able to trigger it with the spacebar. Unfortunately, when you've got a div or a span, you can't. So is this really useful, or even constructive?)
I get that you can use <a>s for cases where no forms are involved, but what of your standard "submit" button where a form is involved? Wouldn't using a <button> resolve all the issues that you would have using an <a>? 1. It's focusable. 2. When focussed, you can trigger it with the spacebar. 3. You can conveniently press <Enter> to submit the form. What do other folks use for your submit button/s?
The buttons tags are usable in foundation 5. There is not a lot of documentation on it but (and I tested it to make sure I was correct) the <button> tag works as normal.
The <a> tag is used on the example site sure, but that doesn't limit its use when working with it.
You should still use <button> with forms and use <a> for links.
If you look at (they use foundation) and inspect their forms, they use buttons for functional uses outside of links.
<form class="flight_search" method="get" action="/search_form">
<div class="search_form_inputs">
<ul class="row">
<li class="columns large-3 small-12 medium-6">
<li class="columns large-3 small-12 medium-6">
<li class="columns large-3 small-12 medium-6">
<li class="columns large-3 small-12 medium-6">
<div class="search_sundries">
<div id="passengers" class="awesome-search">
<div id="submit-wrap">
###<button id="submit-btn" type="submit" class="search_button" tabindex="9">Find Flights</button>###
Check the above code. The example website isn't a very solid representation of what foundation can do but play with it a bit and you'll see its a very solid framework.

Side-nav list nested inside section accordion in Ember.js not displaying the items

I am trying to use foundation UI with ember.js and I seem to have an issue with getting section to work properly. Anything within div class="content" doesn't appear. I am guessing this because of a href ='#' Section 1 . Where else could I be wrong? I don't have a clear understanding of how ember works as I am trying to figure things out.
<div class="section-container accordion" data-section>
<section class="section">
<p class="title">Section 1</p>
<div class="content">
<ul class="side-nav">
<li>Item !</li>
Your issue is due to the fact that by default, any element with content class inside a section is hidden. It will remain hidden unless you initialize foundation. The key to solving your issue is doing this:
Now make sure you referenced Foundation's script: foundation.min.js

ModX: Using GetResources to display multiple pages in one page

I am trying to use getResources to display multiple resources withing one resource, including their Templates and TVs.
The code I have in the page I want to display them is:
[[!getResources? &parents=`50` &sortdir=`ASC` &sortby=`menuindex` &limit=`100` &includeTVs=`1` &processTVs=`1` &tpl=`gigtemp` ]]
Where &tpl=gigtemp is a chunk I have created where all my template HTML and TVs are.
However, nothing is showing on the page.
Can anyone help me out?
Please let me know if I need to explain more.
Some of the info is showing, but a lot of the html is broken.
My HTML on the Chunk is:
<div class="gig-guide">
<div class="gig-info">
<img src="[[+tv.gigthumb]]" alt="Contra Clave Contra Event: [[+tv.gigname]" /></div>
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-bottom">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="[[+tv.gigfbevent]]" data-send="false" data-width="300" data-colorscheme="dark" data-show-faces="false"> </div>
<div class="gigsocialmedia"><img src="assets/images/ccc-fb.png" alt="This event on Facebook" /> <a class="twitter-share-button" href="[[+tv.gigtwitter]]" target="_blank" data-lang="en"><img src="assets/images/ccc-twiter.png" alt="Tweet this event" /></a> <img src="assets/images/ccc-email.png" alt="Email this event to a friend" /></div>
Again, any help is appreciated!
Your code is valid and as far as I can see, without errors. That means that there is something else wrong, I would guess one of the following:
You have not cleared your cache, which is not necessary but could solve weird problems
The children of resource 50 is not published or is hidden
There is something else wrong around your code, making Modx not parsing it correctly.
Edit: You had several errors in your chunk. Try replacing it with this:
<div class="gig-guide">
<div class="gig-info">
<img src="[[+tv.gigthumb]]" alt="Contra Clave Contra Event: [[+tv.gigname]]" /></div>
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-info">
<div class="gig-bottom">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="[[+tv.gigfbevent]]" data-send="false" data-width="300" data-colorscheme="dark" data-show-faces="false"> </div>
<div class="gigsocialmedia"><img src="assets/images/ccc-fb.png" alt="This event on Facebook" /> <a class="twitter-share-button" href="[[+tv.gigtwitter]]" target="_blank" data-lang="en"><img src="assets/images/ccc-twiter.png" alt="Tweet this event" /></a> <img src="assets/images/ccc-email.png" alt="Email this event to a friend" /></div>
Are your resources you are trying to display hidden? then you need the &showHidden=1 .
Are they unpublished? then you also need the &showUnpublished=1
You may also need the &includeContent=1 ~maybe~
See if you can get away without using the &processTVs
If you are still having issues - leave out the &tpl=``, getResources will just dump it's output to the page so you can see what is actually being returned. Might give you another clue as to what is not happening..