Moving django project to Github removes its dependency packages - django

So I'm working on a blog right now with Django and Python. I created a virtual environment and created my project there. I activated my virtual environment every time, so that whenever I do pip install Django or whatever it installs those packages to my virtual environment. However, When I uploaded my project with virtual env to GitHub and downloaded it on my laptop, and do "pip list" only 4 Django packages(pip, pytz, setuptools, virtualenv) are there. They are all different versions from the original too. My original virtual env has these packages below:
certifi 2018.11.29
chardet 3.0.4
Django 2.1.5
django-embed-video 1.2.0
idna 2.8
pip 18.1
pytz 2018.7
requests 2.21.0
setuptools 40.6.3
urllib3 1.24.1
wheel 0.32.3
Can anyone explain to me what is going on?

When you setup your python project with virtualenv, it install your third party packages on your local machine. That means whenever you copy or clone your repo from github to other machine you have to install all the packages again to run.
To know more about virtulenv please refer to this awesome tutorial.
If you want to build your django project machine independent then I guess Docker is your best bet.


Conda dependent packages(rdkit) will not install properly for use in web servers(importError:DLL load failed). Is there an alternative install method?

UPDATE 1: PIL and RDKIT produced import errors because the .dll files were not placed in /venv//Lib/site-packages
I removed both packages from environment and commented out their code from my project.
Next I updated the base base environment:
conda update conda #from base env
Then I upgraded pip and setuptools and reinstalled pillow:
python -m pip install pip --upgrade
pip install setuptools --upgrade
pip install pillow
I can now add my PIL content back to the project and it will work just fine on the production server, without rdkit installed.
RDKIT is only available as a conda install, it still does not install properly and breaks PIL in the process(rdkit depends on pillow). I have reinstalled from both the rdkit and conda-forge channels. Neither work.
What is the proper way to fix this problem? I feel like the hack around of moving .dll files is risky and not a good solution.
UPDATE 0: RDKIT will not load into any server
I created a basic django project similar to what you would find in the tutorial with no static files. The project successfully published to the Apache server describe below in the original post and in Windows 10 IIS. Next modified the to import rdkit and both servers gave the import error and the site would not display.
Original post:
RDKIT is the only package not loading into our production server.
We successfully set up a Wampserver to run Apache and host our Django project . . .but have to comment out all the code associated with rdkit for it to work. This inhibits many required features.
There were no issues using rdkit in Django's test server.
Primary wsgi error:
from .rdBase import rdkitVersion as __version__\r, referer: http://localhost/APP/
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.\r, referer: http://localhost/APP/
Relevant packages and version details:
Windows 10
Django 2.2
Python 3.7
conda 4.8.2
rdkit 2019.09.3 conda-forge
Wampserver 3.2
Apache 2.4.41
mod-wsgi 4.7.1
postgresql 10
The methods in this blog describe how we setup the production server. With one minor change, we did not alter the httpd_vhosts.conf file and only setup the standard localhost.
The error is reproducible by trying to import rdkit(or one of its methods) into any file needed to host a web application in the described environment.
We found this 2016 thread on the rdkit sourceforge and it sounds like someone else was having a similar problem on a Linux system. This is our first time setting up a server and we have not been successful at translating the recommended fix from linux to windows. There was no follow up to know if the recommendation was attempted let alone successful.
These 2012 slides lend us to believe someone was trying to overcome a similar issue in linux (slide 9)
How would a package need to be altered to allow it to load into a webserver?
Thank you, we greatly appreciate your time and assistance.

Cascade dependencies when add python packages to my app libraries

I'm trying to add python packages to my Choregraphe app because some packages that are installed by default with python 2.7 aren't in python embedded in Choregraphe.
I want to add urllib3 and certifi to my app to be able to sen HTTPS requests and verify SSL certificates.
So I added a lib folder to my app with the necessary packages, it works fine for urllib3 but to verify SSL certificates I got a cascade of dependencies so I don't manage to do what I want.
Does anyone know if there is a way to access manually the default python version accessible by my Robot so that I can send my request with these packages ?
Thanks in advance !
If you're running this on a Pepper with NAOqi 2.5, pip is installed on the robot; though you'll need to upgrade it:
pip install --user --upgrade pip
and then you can run
/home/nao/.local/bin/pip install --user urllib3 certifi
Then you don't need to package those files in your choregraphe package.
It won't work on the virtual robot (but then you can just add the real path of those libraries to sys.path), and it means you'll have to do this procedure yourself if you want to install your app on a new robot, which can be a hassle.

virtual env python 3.5 only finds django python 2.7

I have created python 3.5.2 virtual environment ("python --version" confirms that)
but when i try to install django using "pip install django~=1.10.0" I get this message:
Requirement already satisfied: django~=1.10.0 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages
How can I get django version that agrees with the python version in my venv?
Personally I use conda to manage environments and I'm not really familiar with virtualenv, but a few things to check.
I bet you need to use pip3 not pip (aka pip2) to install django that way it will be installed in your python 3 env.
Probabily you have already installed django outside the venv with python2.
just write see in the pip list if django is installed.
Then uninstall, enter in the venv and reinstall django with python3
Ok - so I figured out what happened. I have installed django using sudo pip install. Even though I was in the venv (created with python3) this has resulted in reference to django outside the venv. was an interesting thing to learn I guess.

confusion in deploying module's with django

Good day.
I'm a newbie to Django and I have a slight confusion:
When deploying my Django app, do I need to deploy it with all the Python 'come-with' modules, or the hosts already have them installed.
Also, I installed PIL for image manipulation. Would they also have it installed or i have to find a way to install it on their servers. Thanks in advance
do I need to deploy it with all the Python 'come-with' modules
Never do that. It might conflict with the dependencies on the server. Instead issue the following command to create a dependency file (requirements.txt).
pip freeze > requirements.txt (issue this command where is located)
On the server create a new virtual environment. Now copy django project to the server (you can do this using git clone or just plain old Filezilla). Activate virtual environment. Then change you current working directory to the where is located. to install all the dependencies issue the following command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install the required dependencies on on server.

pip install django-adaptors overwriting 1.5 version of Django

When I install django-adaptors using pip install django-adaptors it also seems to install django 1.4 in the process, which overwrites my django 1.5 installation.
How can I install django-adaptors without it overwriting my version of Django?
pip install django-adaptors --no-deps
It's an issue with the packages You can see the source here:
It defines 'Django==1.4' rather than 'Django>=1.4' so it will install Django 1.4 therefore overriding your 1.5 install.
All I can suggest is alter your requirements.txt so django-adaptors is above Django==1.5 so when pip installs 1.5 would be installed after django-adaptors has installed 1.4.
You could simply run pip install django -U after having installed django-adaptors. That will give you django-adaptors, all its dependencies and django 1.5. You could also simply download django-adaptors and change its dependencies file.
The advantage of this approach is that it is easily repeatable when you are moving to a production server (for instance in a fabric script).
One caveat, though: read the django 1.5 release notes to know whether you are likely to encounter any problems.
I just uploaded django-adaptors 0.2.4 which integrate Andrew Ingram fix that that.
You, then, just have to do again:
pip install django-adaptors