Stacking and balancing shapes in After Effects? - after-effects

I've been trying to make a similar stacking animation as shown in the following video at around 00:25. Shapes stacking on top of each other and then balancing. I've tried Newton, I've somewhat tried keyframing it myself, but I cannot get it to look as good. Does anyone have tips on how to do this?
<iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p>Blockchain from Buck on Vimeo.</p>

You can use a new feature in ae called "Create Nulls From Paths" you find it under window. So select the shape you use, click on its path and select "create null from path" So what you can do now is link a new shape to the null from the first shape. Now its easy to make the same effect where they are connected.


bootstrap4 on ember.js: how do I build this exact top navbar and left side navbar

what I would like to do in RED BOX:
hello. obviously I am new and very much a beginner.
I am using ember.js for my application frontend and bootstrap to ease the styling process. I want to build a top fixed menu bar like the picture attached and a left navigation bar with scrolling like the picture attached. maybe because I am new thats why I am unable to use the manuals properly to land me at this point.
if anyone choose to help, need to know 1st that if there are already defined builtin components in ember.js to solve this issue (I am using ember v3.18), I am unable to find any.
2nd, if 1st question answer is no, then how can I build it - or are there any suggestive codes available online for me to learn from?

How to select particular element in Selenium with IE Webdriver

In a web page I am trying to test, I need to click on the element defined by the following:
<span id="mx45" class="text powerwhite goto " title="Go To ALT+G " style="display: block; cursor: pointer;" accesskey="G" mxevent="click" targetid="mx45" ev="goto" tabindex="0" ctype="label" align="middle" clicked="true">
I can't use the id because when the server restarts, the id changes. I tried getting the XPATH from Firebug (as I have done for lots of other elements) but that does not get found. All suggestions gratefully received.
Thanks to the answers I am now able to select the element, but this has presented a new problem. The element is a link which pops up a menu, but if I try to get Selenium to click on the link, it just flashes (like Selenium is finding it, but can't click on it). If I click the link, my test continues, but I am struggling a bit here to make Selenium actually click the element.
I don't know about the structure of your html,
but given, the title is unique, you could do somthing like this:
driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[#title='Go To ALT+G ']").click()
you could also go for "tabindex" or "class", if your html-structure allows it.
someParentElement.find_element_by_xpath("//span[#class='text powerwhite goto ']").click()
Which would for example be the case if you can find a parent-element below which these attributes are unique
Assuming the attributes I am referencing are static I would use CSS selectors referencing attributes like drkthng used
$$(span.text[title='Go To ALT+G ']").
You can also use a static neighboring element as an achor and navigate from it.

possible to set position of dropdowns (zurb foundation)?

right now the content of dropdowns is by default to the bottom right.
Is there an option to set it so it goes to the bottom left?
(foundation 5)
The "right" style is being applied through JS. To override this just give #contentDrop a style of #contentDrop{left: -100px !important;} or whatever value you would like to pull left. You will need to adjust the .f-dropdown:after{left:XXpx !important;} and .f-dropdown:before{left:XXpx !important;} stylings to bring the little triangle to the right of the dropdown box.
This is a hack because Zurb-Foundation is still working on a solution to this problem. There is an github issue related to this. I found a Hack here that helped me solve it.
Using this information here is how to get the alignment correct. Add a class bottom-align-left to the content dropdown div:
<div id="drop2" data-dropdown-content class="f-dropdown bottom-align-left">
Then add this to your CSS or SCSS file. You will have to play with the number to get it right.
.bottom-align-left {
margin-left: -375px;
Now the triangle shows up in the wrong place. To fix this remove the triangle.
Open _settings.scss.
Find $f-dropdown-triangle-size and set it to 0px i.e.
$f-dropdown-triangle-size: 0px;

Like button issue

I'm having a weird problem on this page with the like button. I'm using PrettyPhoto to include the pictures from Flickr and open them in a lightbox. Each picture has it's own like button which shows in the lightbox and uses a specific URL such as:[pp_gal]/1/
where the number in #prettyPhoto[pp_gal]/1/ is the key for the specific image.
The like buttons are included with the following code:
iframe src="//{location_href}&layout=button_count&show_faces=true&width=500&action=like&font&colorscheme=light&height=23" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:500px; height:23px;" allowTransparency="true" /iframe
where {location_href} gets replaced with the image specific URL.
This works for most of the images, but for some of them doesn't! They seem to get the like counter of the page instead, therefore, I get about 10 images which show the same 128 like counter which is obviously wrong. This seems completely random..
Do you have any idea on how to fix this?
This is because of # in URL which identifies the image.
Please refer to this post for further explanation.

Can you use Adobe after effect to create the animation like the Prezi presentation?

By the 'Prezi-like animation' I mean that your canvas rotate/zoom/shift to the tiny little portion in a sequential manner.
P.S.: The question is not limited to AE. Any animation sw would be relevant.
Some suggest HTML5, but that targets web design (my purpose is only creating some animation for self entertainment.)
Still, if HTML5 is an option have a look at layerJS, an open source library which can create Prezi-like web interfaces. It even allows multiple layers if you need some elements to move independently of each other.
It's super simple: just add a stage div put one or more layers in and add as many frames as you want between you can have zooming, panning and rotating transitions.
The HTML code would look like this:
<div data-wl-type="stage">
<div data-wl-type="layer" data-wl-layout-type="canvas">
<div data-wl-type="frame" data-wl-name="frame1" data-wl-x="100" data-wl-width="1000" data-wl-rotation="45" ...>
<div data-wl-type="frame" ...>
You could do it manually. A little tedious, but you would place your text layers in 3d space and push your camera around. You will spend a lot of time tweaking everything like the things in the visible things in the background and the easing moves into and away from the text.
Sure Target is free and could be a big time saver. You basically use it to square up the camera to null objects and it takes a lot of the tedium out of the process, even though you have to spend a few minutes up front to figure out how it works.
Webpgr does offer this. It's HTML5 based and comes with a Photoshop-like online editor. It's in beta but you can request an account.