Warming Lambda via API Gateway - amazon-web-services

I have some Lambda functions that are utilized with API Gateway. I'm attempting to find a good warming strategy to help minimize cold starts. Currently, I'm invoking these functions from another lambda every 2 minutes. I can see in logs that this is correctly invoking the functions.
Consistently however, if I wait 15 or 30 minutes and hit the API, it appears to be a cold start (1-3s response time), typical response is around 100ms +- 50ms.
I understand that this warming method would warm for single concurrency and if I wanted to better effectively warm these at higher concurrency I would need to invoke them as such. But this is not an active api, just my own invokes/requests so concurrency issues shouldn't be coming in to play.
My question is that when using API Gateway, does invoking your lambdas outside of API Gateway actually "warm" them? It just doesn't seem to be in practice or perhaps 2 minute increments isn't enough? Would I be better actually hitting the endpoints themselves vs. invoking the lambdas?
Appreciate any suggestions, just seems that warming every 2 minutes using invoke, isn't really doing anything.


AWS Lambda Function has occassional huge 10 minute gaps between initialization and invocation

We have a lambda setup which will occasionally take ten minutes between initialization and invocation, leading to severe performance degradation of the apps that depend on it. The lambda request is handled by API gateway, sent to the Lambda Context for our handler, and then sent to the lambda function itself. At this point it looks like the lambda is initialized, but will take anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes to invoke for the slow performing requests.
Provisioned concurrency seems to address the cold start problem, but we cant seem to find any indication that concurrency is the problem. Furthermore, we have no reason to believe this is a cold start problem, given that the request takes 10 minutes, versus 10 seconds. I have no idea where to start to address this problem. Can someone give me some tips?

Lambdas calls speed changes

I've created a simple lambda that reads data from dynamodb.
First time I call the lambda it takes about 1500ms to complete, but then after I run the lambda again it takes about 150ms. How is it possible?
What type of caching response does AWS preform to achieve this?
AWS Lambda is provision infrastructure on your first call and it's required time also AWS needs to start a JVM with the code to be able to call the function. Starting the JVM takes time and thus will incur some overhead.
Another issue is cold ,if there is no idle container available waiting to run the code. This is all invisible to the user and AWS has full control over when to kill containers.
So above steps are involved during first call and you can see 1500 ms
Next call you have everything on place so lambda give you response in 150 ms or less .
This is as per design of serverless to save infrastructure cost ,only provision infrastructure when needed and get first call.
I would suggest please read documents
- https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/
This happens due to cold start. This happens mainly when we invoke the lambda for the first time after deployment or when a lambda function is idle for sometime.
These articles explains about how language, memory or size of the lambda affects the cold start

How good is lambda functions to hit a REST API after a fixed amount of time?

I am using distributed scheduler 'Chronos'(distributed crontab) to hit a REST API after few minute of job addition(example: Add job at time T to schedule it at T+5minutes).This run on a bigger infrastructure and take care of fault-tolerant and no-data loss, however it has significant cost and I am thinking some alternative to the similar requirement. Please help if it can be done using a lambda function.
Its possible to do invoke a lambda function, block/wait for X seconds and continue execution, but not recommended. You cannot wait for more than 300 seconds though as thats the max timeout legally allowed by Lambda functions.
Moreover, you will hit concurrent execution limits from AWS and will need to keep calling AWS support to increase your concurrent execution limits.
Another approach to solve this problem could be to use Actor based system such as Akka, to create an Actor for each job and do the needful.

AWS Lambda execution duration randomly spikes and causes time-outs

I'm building a server-less web-tracking system which serves its tracking pixel using AWS API Gateway, which calls a Lambda function whenever a tracking request arrives to write the tracking event into a Kinesis stream.
The Lambda function itself does not do anything fancy. It just a takes the incoming event (its own argument) and writes it to the stream. Essentially, it's just:
import boto3
kinesis_client = boto3.client("kinesis")
kinesis_stream = "my_stream_name"
def return_tracking_pixel(event, context):
new_record = ...(event)
return ...
Sometimes I experience a weird spike in the Lambda execution duration that causes some of my Lambda function invocations to time-out and the tracking requests to be lost.
This is the graph of 1-minute invocation counts of the Lambda function in the in affected time period:
Between 20:50 and 23:10 I suddenly see many invocation errors (1-minute error counts):
which are obviously caused by the Lambda execution time-out (maximum duration in 1-minute intervals):
There is nothing weird going on neither with my Kinesis stream (data-in, number of put records, put_record success count etc., all looks normal), nor with my API GW (number of invocations corresponds to number of API GW calls, well within the limits of the API GW).
What could be causing the sudden (and seemingly randomly occurring) spike in the Lambda function execution duration?
EDIT: neither the lambda functions are being throttled, which was my first idea.
Just to add my 2 cents, because there's not much investigative work without extra logging or some X-Ray analysis.
AWS Lambda sometimes will force recycle containers which will feel like cold starts even though your function is being reasonably exercised and warmed up. This might bring all cold start related issues, like extra delays for ENIs if your Lambda has an attached VPC and so on... but even for a simple function like yours, 1 second timeout is sometimes too optimistic for a cold start.
I don't know of any documentation on those forced recycles, other than some people having evidence for it.
"We see a forced recycle about 7 times a day." source
"It also appears that even once warmed, high concurrency functions get recycled much faster than those with just a few in memory." source
I wonder how you could confirm this is the case. Perhaps you could check those errors appearing in Cloud Watch log streams to be from containers that never appeared before.

Is it possible to make an HTTP request from one Lambda function, and handle the response in another?

AWS Lambda functions are supposed to respond quickly to events. I would like to create a function that fires off a quick request to a slow API, and then terminates without waiting for a response. Later, when a response comes back, I would like a different Lambda function to handle the response. I know this sounds kind of crazy, when you think about what AWS would have to do to hang on to an open connection from one Lambda function and then send the response to another, but this seems to be very much in the spirit of how Lambda was designed to be used.
Send messages to an SQS queue that represent a request to be made. Have some kind of message/HTTP proxy type service on an EC2 / EB cluster listen to the queue and actually make the HTTP requests. It would put response objects on another queue, tagged to identify the associated request, if necessary. This feels like a lot of complexity for something that would be trivial for a traditional service.
Just live with it. Lambda functions are allowed to run for 60 seconds, and these API calls that I make don't generally take longer than 10 seconds. Not sure how costly it would to have LFs spend 95% of their running time waiting on a response, but "waiting" isn't what LFs are for.
Don't use Lambda for anything that interacts with 3rd party APIs that aren't lightning fast :( That is what most of my projects do these days, though.
It depends how many calls will this lambda execute monthly, and how many memory are you allocating for those lambda. The new timeout for lambda is 5 minutes, which should (hopefully :p) be more than enough for an API to respond. I think you should let lambda deal with all of it to not over complicate the workflow. Lambda pricing is generally really cheap.
E.g: a lambda executed 1 million times with 128 MB allocated during 10 seconds would cost approximatively 20$ - this without considering the potential free tier.