How to select for example:
But not:
In python, it's simple:
import re
PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?<![\d.,])([0-2]([.,]\d+)?|3([.,]([0-4]\d*|50*))?)(?![\d,.])')
number_str = input()
if PATTERN.match(number_str) is not None:
print('Do something')
print('It\'s not a match')
[0-2] will match the first digit and natural numbers between 0 and 2.
[.,] will match the separator between the cases.
\d+ will match any natural number.
([.,]\d+)? will match if exists, a separator followed by any natural number.
Please take a look of the following links (they may help you with regex):
re module
regex101 helper
While it's possible (demo link):
don't use it - convert the numbers to floats and compare them programatically.
It would probably be better iterating over a list of the numbers and using list comprehension of some sort to extract what you need;
nums = [0, 0.5, 2.5, 3.5, 2.6, 8.4, 9.1, 7.5]
my_nums = [num for num in nums if num%0.5 == 0]
>>> [0, 0.5, 2.5, 3.5, 7.5]
I have a list of strings each telling me after how many iterations an algorithm converged.
string_list = [
"Converged after 1 iteration",
"Converged after 20 iterations",
"Converged after 7 iterations"
How can I extract the number of iterations? The result woudl be [1, 20, 7]. I tried with regex. Apparently (?<=after )(.*)(?= iteration*) will give me anything in between after and iteration but then this doesn't work:
occursin(string_list[1], r"(?<=after )(.*)(?= iteration*)")
There's a great little Julia package that makes creating regexes easier called ReadableRegex, and as luck would have it the first example in the readme is an example of finding every integer in a string:
julia> using ReadableRegex
julia> reg = #compile look_for(
maybe(char_in("+-")) * one_or_more(DIGIT),
not_after = ".",
not_before = NON_SEPARATOR)
That regex can now be broadcast over your list of strings:
julia> collect.(eachmatch.(reg, string_list))
3-element Vector{Vector{RegexMatch}}:
To extract information out of a regex, you want to use match and captures:
julia> convergeregex = r"Converged after (\d+) iteration"
r"Converged after (\d+) iteration"
julia> match(convergeregex, string_list[2]).captures[1]
julia> parse.(Int, [match(convergeregex, s).captures[1] for s in string_list])
3-element Vector{Int64}:
\d+ matches a series of digits (so, the number of iterations here), and the parantheses around it indicates that you want the part of the string matched by that to be placed in the results captures array.
You don't need the lookbehind and lookahead operators (?<=, ?=) here.
How do I match negative numbers as well by this regular expression? This regex works fine with positive values, but I want it to also allow negative values e.g. -10, -125.5 etc.
You should add an optional hyphen at the beginning by adding -? (? is a quantifier meaning one or zero occurrences):
I verified it in Rubular with these values:
and both matched as expected.
let r = new RegExp(/^-?[0-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$/);
Some Regular expression examples:
Positive Integers:
Negative Integers:
Positive Number:
Negative Number:
Positive Number or Negative Number:
Phone number:
Phone with code:
Year 1900-2099:
Date (dd mm yyyy, d/m/yyyy, etc.):
IP v4:
I don't know why you need that first [0-9].
If you want to be sure that you'll have a digit on the ones place, then use
Adding "-" minus followed by ? quantifier in front of [0-9] expression should do the work.
For reference
^b - ^ quantifier matches for any string begin with "b"
c? - ? quantifier matches for 0 or 1 occurrence of "c"
[0-9] - find any character between the [] brackets
\d - find a digit from 0-9
d* - * quantifier matches for zero or more occurrence of "d"
\. - matches a "." character
z+ - + quantifier matches for one or more occurrence of "z"
e$ - $ quantifier matches for any string end with "e"
Hope, it'll help to understand posted regex in the question.
UPDATED(13/08/2014): This is the best code for positive and negative numbers =)
I tried with this numbers and works fine:
This will allow a - or + character only when followed by a number:
I have some experiments about regex in django url, which required from negative to positive numbers
Let's we focused on this (\-\d+|\d+) part and ignoring others, this semicolon | means OR in regex, then the negative value will match with this \-\d+ part, and positive value into this \d+
This will allow both positive and negative integers
accepts positive or negative decimal values.
This worked for me, allowing both negative and positive numbers:
If using C#:
Regex.Match(someString, #"\-*\d+").Value;
If you have this val="-12XXX.0abc23" and you want to extract only the decimal number, in this case this regex (^-?[0-9]\d*(\.\d+)?$) will not help you to achieve it. this is the proper code with the correct detection regex:
var val="-12XXX.0abc23";
val = val.replace(/^\.|[^-?\d\.]|\.(?=.*\.)|^0+(?=\d)/g, '');
I had a case recently where students were entering only the accepted characters in a numeric response field, yet still managed to break things. Thus, I ended up using the following catch-all.
This ensures everything that should work will work, including:
The expression also rejects things that mischievous kids might enter which, while still being valid character input, would not be a valid number, such as:
(nul or newline)
I found that the expression as most have it written here (ending with \d+$) will reject numbers if they include a decimal point without any numbers after it. And making that expression instead end with \d* would make the entire expression optional, thus causing it to match the entries in the second list above. But by using the capturing group with the boolean OR operator (|) to require at least one digit either after or before a decimal point, all bases are covered.
Just add a 0 or 1 token:
For negative number only, this is perfect.
Regular expression for number, optional decimal point, optional negative:
works for negative integer, decimal, negative with decimal
Simply /\d/ works as expected for all cases I can think of:
let ns = {
regex: {
num: /\d/
for (let i of [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 'one', 'negative one', Math.PI, Math.E, (42 * -1), (42 / -1), '-1', '0', '1', 1.01, -1.01, .1, -.1, Math.sqrt(42)]) {
console.log(ns.regex.num.test(i) + ': ' + i);
For more Math fun, check out
I am trying to extract 10 digit phone numbers from string. In some cases the numbers are separated by space after 2 or 5 digits. How do I merge such numbers to get the final count of 10 digits?
mystr='(R) 98198 38466 (some Text) 9702977470'
import re
re.findall('\d+' , mystr)
Close, but not correct:
['98198', '38466', '9702977470']
Expected Results:
['9819838466', '9702977470']
I can write python code to concat '98198' and '38466', but I will like to know if regular expression can be used for this.
You could remove the non-digits first.
>>> mydigits = re.sub(r'\D', '', mystr)
>>> mydigits
>>> re.findall(r'.{10}', mydigits)
['9819838466', '9702977470']
If all the separators are one character long, this would work.
>>> re.findall(r'(?:\d.?)+\d', mystr)
['98198 38466', '9702977470']
Of course, this includes the non-digit separators in the match. A regex findall can only return some number of slices of the input string. It cannot modify them.
These are easy to remove afterwards if that's a problem.
>>> [re.sub(r'\D', '', s) for s in _]
['9819838466', '9702977470']
In some cases numbers are separated by space after 2 or 5 digits.
You can use the regex:
For example, this regular expression will match all of these:
01 23456789
01234 56789
I doubt if you can achieve it just by a regex pattern alone. May be just use a pattern to get 10+ digits and spaces and then clean out its spaces programmatically. The below pattern should work as long as you are sure of there being some text between the phone nos.
[\d ]{10,}
credit goes to commenter jsonharper
\d{2} ?\d{3} ?\d{5}
I am trying to generate regular expression in java to parse financial entities from strings. I need to write a regex in such a way that numbers ending with "." or "," should be removed, like
where as if values like
15,303(currency )
should be taken.
This should do it:
You can play with it here.
You might be looking for something like:
Where the group captures digits followed by . or , and not continuing with other digit.
\d+(\.|,)\d+ for your should be taken values
To remove such numbers (example in Python, but should work in nearly any regex flavor):
>>> import re
>>> regex = re.compile(r"\d+[.,](?!\d)")
>>> regex.sub("", "15 15,0 15, 15. 15.0 15")
'15 15,0 15.0 15'
To find only "correct" numbers:
>>> regex = re.compile(r"\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?(?![\d.,])\b")
>>> regex.findall("15 15,0 15, 15. 15.0 15")
['15', '15,0', '15.0', '15']
I want to match a number between 2-16, spanning 1 digit to 2 digits. has examples for 1 or 2 digit ranges, but not something that spans both:
The regex [0-9] matches single-digit numbers 0 to 9. [1-9][0-9] matches double-digit numbers 10 to 99.
Something like ^[2-9][1-6]$ matches 21 or even 96! Any help would be appreciated.
will match either a single digit between 2 and 9 inclusive, or a 1 followed by a digit between 0 and 6, inclusive.
With delimiters (out of habit): /^([2-9]|1[0-6])$/
The regex itself is just: ^([2-9]|1[0-6])$
Use the python package regex_engine for generating regular expressions for numerical ranges
You can install this package with pip.
pip install regex-engine
from regex_engine import generator
generate = generator()
regex = generate.numerical_range(2, 16)
You can also generate regexes for floating point and negative ranges.
from regex_engine import generator
generate = generator()
regex1 = generate.numerical_range(5, 89)
regex2 = generate.numerical_range(81.78, 250.23)
regex3 = generate.numerical_range(-65, 12)
(Edit: Removed quotes for clarification.)
Just replace your input formatters with
inputFormatters: [
allow: true,
By specifying start and stop for each set of numbers you are looking for your regex won't also return 36, 46, ... and so on. I tried the above solution and found that this works best for staying within the range of 2-16.