Regex number OR a symbol - regex

I'm trying to create a regex that will meet the following requirements for a password.
Must have at least 1 uppercase
Must have at least 1 lowercase
Must contain a number OR a symbol - FAILS
Must be between 8 to 16 characters long
I've got it working, well almost, except the OR part.
It verifies for instance Tester01 and Tester0% but it wont verify Tester%$ or anything with two symbols, just in case the user doesn't put in a number. I've also tried putting brackets around the \d thinking I had to separate the digits from the symbols but that didn't work.

Your alternation condition isn't correct. Instead you can just slide the \d within the special characters bracket and change your regex to this,
Now your this look ahead (?=.*[\d!##\$%\^&]) behaves exactly as you wanted. It will ensure that either one character is any digit or the other special characters mentioned in your character class.
The reason why your look ahead (?=.*\d|[!##\$%\^&]) fails is because your first alternation condition is .*\d and second is merely [!##\$%\^&] where as if correctly written it should have been either this,
And you really don't need alternation at all if you write it like the way I have written above, where you can just put \d within the character set itself, like this,

Use the principle of contrast with multiple lookaheads.
But please read this post as well (why password validations are bad?) and see a demo on


Regex for password - Not maximum 4 repeating characters [duplicate]

My experience with regular expressions is limited and I've been reading various tutorials and posts on negation and negative lookahead, etc, but nothing seems to quite match my situation. I'm trying to create an attribute in ASP.NET MVC3 for password complexity. Part of the validation includes a minimum number of repeated characters. For the current project the limit is 3, but I want to generalize it.
Initially, I was using #"(.)\1{3,}" to test for 4 or more repeated characters and then negating that result. I can't do that now because I need to create a ModelClientValidationRegexRule object, which will only work with positive results. As such, the negation must be done inside the regex itself. Every way I've tried to use negative lookahead fails, e.g. #".*(?!(.)\1{3,})". Any ideas?
Turn the problem around: a character can be followed by at most 3 of the same. Then it must be followed by something else. Finally, the whole string must consist of sequences like this. In the perl flavor:
You need to put the .* inside the lookahead:
The way you're doing it, the .* consumes the whole string, then the lookahead asserts that there aren't four of the same character after the end of the string, which of course is always true.
I used a non-greedy star in my lookahead because it seemed more appropriate, but greedy will work too--it just has to be inside the lookahead.
I'm assuming this is just one of several lookaheads, that being the usual technique for validating password strength in a regex. And by the way, while regex-negation is appropriate, you would have gotten more responses to your question much more quickly if you had used the regex tag as well.
I used the simple ^(.)(?!\1\1){8,}$ for a 8 or more character that doesn't have any characters that repeat more than twice.
I think, use this regex .*(.).*\1+.* to matches existd repeated characters. But for four, depend on you.
Good luck!
Find char in the group then match repeats

Custom email validation regex pattern not working properly

So I've got /.+[^\x20-\x2A\x2C\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\xFF]\#[\w+-?]+(.{1})\w{2,}/ pattern I want to use for email validation on client-side, which doesn't work as expected.
I know that my pattern is simple and doesn't cover every standard possibility, but it's part of my regex training.
Local part of address should be valid only when it has at least one digit [0-9] or letter [a-zA-Z] and can be mixed with comma or plus sign or underscore (or all at once) and then # sign, then domain part, but no IP address literals, only domain names with at least one letter or digit, followed by one dot and at least two letters or two digits.
In test string form it doesn't validate and does validate, which is wrong - it should be vice versa - validate and not validate
What specific error I've got there and where?
I can't locate this, sorry..
You need to change your regex
From: .+[^\x20-\x2A\x2C\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\xFF]\#[\w+-?]+(\.{1})\w{2,}
To: .+[^\x20-\x2A\x2C\x2F\x3A-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\xFF]?\#[\w+-]+(\.{1})\w{2,}
Notice that I added a ? before the # sign and removed the ? from the first "group" after the # sign. Adding that ? will make your regex to know that hole "group" is not mandatory.
See it working here:
You're requiring the local part (before #) to be at least two characters with the .+ followed by the character class [^...]. It's looking for any character followed by another character not in the list of exclusions you specify. That explains why "" doesn't match.
The second problem is partly caused by the character class range +-? which includes the . character. I think you wanted [-\w+?]+. (Do you really want question marks?) And then later I think you wanted to look for a literal . character but it really ends up matching the first character that didn't match the previous block.
Between the regex provided and the explanatory text I'm not sure what rules you intend to implement though. And since this is an exercise it's probably better to just give hints anyway.
You will also want to use the ^ and $ anchors to makes sure the entire string matches.

positive look ahead and replace

Recently I'm writing/testing regexps on
My question is: Is it possible to do a positive look-ahead AND a replacement in the same "replacement"? Or just limited kind of replacement is possible.
Input is several lines with phone numbers. Let's say the correct phone number where the number of "numbers" are 11. No matter how the numbers are divided/group together with - / characters, no matter if starts with + 00 or it is omitted.
Some example lines:
Positive look-ahead able to check if from the beginning until the end of line there are only 11 digits, regardless how many other, above specified character separating them. This works perfectly.
Where the positive look-ahead check is fine, I would like to delete every character but numbers. The replacement works fine until I'm not involving look-ahead.
Checking the regexp itself working perfectly ("gm" modes):
Checking the replace part works perfectly (replace to nothing):
Put this into look-ahead, after the deletion of non new-line and non-digit characters from the matching lines:
Even I put the ^ $ into look-ahead, seems the replacement working only from beginning of the lines until the very first digit.
I know in real life the replacement and the check should/would go separate ways, however I'm curious if I could mix look-ahead/look-behind with string operations like replace, delete, take the string apart and put together as I like.
UPDATE: This is what would do the trick, however I feel this one "ugly" a bit. Is there any prettier solution?
Or the version which I asked originally, where only digits remains:
You cannot replace/delete text with regex. Regex is just a tool for matching certain strings and then taking certain action depending on the matching text, eg. perform a substitution, retrieve the second capture group.
However it is possible to perform certain decisions within a regex engine, by using conditionals. The common syntax for this, with a lookahead assertion, is (?(?=regex)then|else).
With conditionals you can change the behaviour depending on how the text matches the regex. For your example you could do something like:
If the phone number starts with a plus it must be followed by a bracket, else it should start with a digit. Although in your situation, this is not very useful.
If you want to read up more on conditionals in regex you can do so here.

Regular Expression for Password strength with one special characters except Underscore

I have the following regular expression:
I am using it to validate for
At least one letter
least one capital letter
least one number
least one special characters
least 8 characters
But along with this I need to restrict the underscore (_).
If I enter password Pa$sw0rd, this is validating correctly, which is true.
If I enter Pa$_sw0rd this is also validating correctly, which is wrong.
The thing is the regex is passing when all the rules are satisfied. I want a rule to restrict underscore along with above.
Any help will be very appreciable.
I think you can use a negated character class [^_]* to add this restriction (also, remove the initial .*, it is redundant, and the first look-ahead is already at the beginning of the pattern, no need to duplicate ^, and it is totally redundant since the total length limit can be checked at the end):
See demo
You can try this..* at start is of no use.See demo.

Regex for username that allows numbers, letters and spaces

I'm looking for some regex code that I can use to check for a valid username.
I would like for the username to have letters (both upper case and lower case), numbers, spaces, underscores, dashes and dots, but the username must start and end with either a letter or number.
Ideally, it should also not allow for any of the special characters listed above to be repeated more than once in succession, i.e. they can have as many spaces/dots/dashes/underscores as they want, but there must be at least one number or letter between them.
I'm also interested to find out if you think this is a good system for a username? I've had a look for some regex that could do this, but none of them seem to allow spaces, and I would like for the usernames to have some spaces in them.
Thank you :)
So it looks like you want your username to have a "word" part (sequence of letters or numbers), interspersed with some "separator" part.
The regex will look something like this:
^[a-z0-9]+(?:[ _.-][a-z0-9]+)*$
Here's a schematic breakdown:
/ \
^[a-z0-9]+(?:[ _.-][a-z0-9]+)*$ i.e. "word ( sep word )*"
|\_______/ \____/\_______/ |
| "word" "sep" "word" |
| |
from beginning of string... till the end of string
So essentially we want to match things like word, word-sep-word, word-sep-word-sep-word, etc.
There will be no consecutive sep without a word in between
The first and last char will always be part of a word (i.e. not a sep char)
Note that for [ _.-], - is last so that it's not a range definition metacharacter. The (?:…) is what is called a non-capturing group. We need the brackets for grouping for the repetition (i.e. (…)*), but since we don't need the capture, we can use (?:…)* instead.
To allow uppercase/various Unicode letters etc, just expand the character class/use more flags as necessary.
References, Character Class, Repetition, Grouping
Although I'm sure someone will shortly post a 1 million lines regex to do exactly what you want, I don't think in this case a regex is a good solution.
Why don't you write a good old fashioned parser? It will take about as long as writing the regex that does everything you mentioned, but it's going to be much easier to maintain and read.
In particular, this is the tricky part:
it should also not allow for any of
the special characters listed above to
be repeated more than once in
Alternatively you can always do a hybrid of the two. A regex for the other checks ([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 _-\.]*[a-zA-Z0-9]) and a non-regex method for the no-repeat requirement.
You don't have to use a regex for everything. I find that requirements like the "no two consecutive characters" usually make the regexes so ugly that it's better to do that bit with a simple procedural loop.
I'd just use something like ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9 \.\-_]*[A-Za-z0-9]$ (or the equivalents like ::alnum:: if your regex engine is more advanced) and then just check every character in a loop to make sure the next character isn't the same.
By doing it procedurally, you can check all the other rules you're likely to want at some point without resorting to what I call "regex gymnastics", things like:
not allowed to contain your first or last name.
no more than two consecutive digits.
and so forth.