How can i make a screen buffer c++ - c++

I want to be able to draw all my text, lines , triangles and other stuff to screen and then clear the screen and draw something new, BUT this method makes the screen flicker, and all the drawings dont appear at the same time.
My idea is to draw to some kind of a buffer and then draw that buffer to the screen and clear the buffer, and repeat. This way the screen wont flicker and all will be drawn at the same time.
I am using windows.h , Visual Studio.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct vec2d
int x, y;
void Line(HDC dc, vec2d a, vec2d b)
MoveToEx(dc, a.x, a.y, NULL);
LineTo(dc, b.x, b.y);
vec2d GetMousePos(HWND console)
vec2d out;
out.x = p.x; out.y = p.y;
return out;
int main()
HWND console = GetConsoleWindow();
HDC dc = GetDC(console);
SelectObject(dc, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(255, 255, 255)));
while (1)
//BitBlt(dc, 0, 0, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, BLACKNESS); Flickering is much much bigger, because its faster
Line(dc, { 0, 0 }, GetMousePos(console));
Thanks in advance, Mark.

I don't think you have as much control over a console window as you would over your own HWND. I was able to eliminate the flicker in your code by replacing system("cls"); with InvalidateRect().
RECT client;
GetClientRect(console, &client);
while (1)
InvalidateRect(console, &client, TRUE);
Line(dc, console, { 0, 0 }, GetMousePos(console));
(You can probably improve this by only invalidating the area where the previous line was drawn.)
Also, one other change you can make (unrelated to flicker) is to add:
ScreenToClient(console, &p);
to GetMousePos() after you call GetCursorPos(&p);. This will map the pointer co-ords to the window instead of the screen.
Further reading on creating your own window: Creating a Window. Not as simple as using a console window, but you have much greater control.


Trying to Smoothly animate in console in c++

I'm trying to make smooth animations in the console window in c++. I'm using windows.h for functions like Ellipse, and LineTo. The issue is that the frames are very slow and blink a lot. Sometimes the frames get progressively slower and slower as the program moves along. I tried animating a circle that moves down to the right, and a line that goes from the upper left corner to wherever the circle is. When I used the LineTo function, the line was black. I don't know how to color it. Any help would be appreciated, I just want to be able to draw and animate in the console.
#include <windows.h>
void drawSprt(int x, int y) {
HWND handle = GetConsoleWindow();
HDC dc = GetDC(handle);
int r = 10;
int a;
COLORREF color = 0x00FFFFFF;
Ellipse( dc, x-r,y-r,x+r,y+r);
MoveToEx( dc, 0, 0, NULL);
LineTo( dc, x+r, y+r);
ReleaseDC(handle, dc);
int main() {
int x = 100;
int y = 100;
goto start;

Problem with transfer objects between contexts

I try to make some easy application which scrolling ECG singal which is drawing on bitmap grid. Environment which I use is Visual Studio 2013 with C++ MFC.
My problem is with transfer gdi object like LineTo or Rectangle() function from dcMemory to my main device context (cdc). Before I make similar application using WinAPI and all go well. I spent a lot time with studying msdn and looking answer with google, and I have no idea why only bitmap from Bitmap.LoadBitmapW(IDB_BITMAP2) is printing. Can anybody help me?
Message when button from menu was calling:
void CToradex_MFC_BitmapView::OnBitmapDraw()
GetObject(Bitmap, sizeof(bmpInfo), &bmpInfo);
dcMemory.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);
dcMemory.LineTo(100, 300);
druk.DrawECG(&dcMemory, pointer, 3, SIGN_LEN);
Message on mouse button down:
void CToradex_MFC_BitmapView::OnLButtonDown(UINT,CPoint)
CToradex_MFC_BitmapDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
x_start = p.x;
y_start = p.y;
Message on mouse move:
void CToradex_MFC_BitmapView::OnMouseMove(UINT, CPoint)
//CDC * pDC = this->GetDC();
//rect = CRect(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);
if (GetCursorPos(&d))
move_x = d.x - x_start;
move_y = d.y - y_start;
cdc.BitBlt(move_x, move_y, bmpInfo.bmWidth, bmpInfo.bmHeight, &dcMemory, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
x_start = d.x;
y_start = d.y;
Below link for all .cpp file:
You need to select a bitmap into your DC first, then draw on top of it:
dcMemory.Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200);
dcMemory.LineTo(100, 300);
druk.DrawECG(&dcMemory, pointer, 3, SIGN_LEN);

GDI Double Buffer Black Flicker

I am using this BitBlt wrapper:
I initialize it in main():
biop = new Bitmap_Operations();
biop->Initialize_Buffers(m_hDC, m_hWND, 1);
Helper Functions:
void CreateBuffer()
void Render()
void ClearBuffer()
void DrawBox(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int size, int thickness)
// Brush style to hollow
m_LogBrush.lbStyle = BS_NULL;
// Create a logical brush and select into the context
m_hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect(&m_LogBrush);
HBRUSH hbrOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(biop->Get_DC_Buffer(0), m_hBrush);
// Create a logical pen and select into the context
m_hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, thickness, RGB(r, g, b));
HPEN hpOldPen = (HPEN)SelectObject(biop->Get_DC_Buffer(0), m_hPen);
// Draw the rectangle
Rectangle(biop->Get_DC_Buffer(0), (x - size / 2), (y - size / 2), (x + size / 2), (y + size / 2));
// Remove the object
SelectObject(biop->Get_DC_Buffer(0), hbrOldBrush); // first you must restore DC to original state
SelectObject(biop->Get_DC_Buffer(0), hpOldPen); // same here
I spawn a thread to render data:
// Inside a thread
while (1)
for (int i = 0; i < 1028; i++)
I am using FindWindow() to render on top of another application. Everything works fine, the boxes get rendered, ect, but there is a crazy full-screen flicker that seems to have a black background. My guess its when I draw from memory to the application?
I am using double buffering to avoid a flicker, but it seems like it made it worse. Any ideas?
I would use UpdateLayeredWindow APIs instead, if you need to draw transparent things on top of existing windows.

Allegro C++ how to refresh delete lines?

Hey so I was trying to make a program where you can draw a line from a point to where your mouse is but I am having trouble figuring out how to delete the line after it has been drawn.
#include <allegro.h>
#include <cstdlib>
BITMAP *buffer;
int main()
set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0);
buffer = create_bitmap(640, 480);
while (!key[KEY_ESC]) {
if (key[KEY_SPACE]) {
line(buffer, 30, 450, mouse_x, mouse_y, makecol(255, 0, 0));
draw_sprite(screen, buffer, 0, 0);
return 0;
You will need to store the coordinates of the lines in a data structure of some sort (e.g., an array of structs). When you want to delete a line, remove it from the data structure.
Your drawing code then looks like:
Clear buffer
Iterate through every line, drawing it to buffer
Draw buffer to screen
And don't call acquire/release screen. They generally aren't needed, and you'll give yourself a lot of problems if you misuse them.

Clear GDI shape inside the loop

I have a program which draw a Rectangle under mouse cursor and show the pixel color, but I can't manage it to clear the shape inside the while loop, if I use 'InvalidateRect()' it clear rectangle too fast and flickering, if not use 'InvalidateRect()' then Rectangle keep duplicating like THIS, how to fix that?
HWND hwnd;
unsigned short R=0, G=0, B=0;
void drawRect()
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL);
HPEN border = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(0, 0, 0));
HBRUSH background = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(R, G, B));
SelectObject(hdc, border);
SelectObject(hdc, background);
Rectangle(hdc, p.x+10, p.y+10, p.x+40, p.y+40);
void init()
while (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RBUTTON) & 0x8000)
grabPixel(); //get RGB color from cursor coordination
drawRect(); //draw preview rectangle under cursor
InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, true);
Note: it doesn't have WinMain() or WndProc()
There are all sorts of things wrong with this. What are you actually trying to do?
From the fact that you're using GetDC(NULL), it looks like this is supposed to be drawing a rectangle on the entire screen.
Where is the hwnd value coming from? If that window does have a message loop (and it probably does), then that's the window being invalidated and redrawing itself.
A note: InvalidateRect merely marks the rectangle as needing-to-be-painted the next time that that application's (actually thread's, more-or-less) message queue is empty. UpdateWindow will cause a WM_PAINT message to be sent immediately.
drawRect isn't cleaning up properly, either. It should call ReleaseDC when it's finished, and it ought to restore the previous drawing objects after it's finished (and most definitely before it deletes them) as well:
HBRUSH oldBackground = SelectObject(hDC, background);
// ...
SelectObject(hDC, oldBackground);
What you probably want to do is, when selection starts, create a window the size of the screen and copy the existing screen into it. Then you can draw all over that intelligently.
The DrawDragRect function (see my blog) is designed for this sort of thing.