Chrome err_connection_reset on lte connection - django

So I have a very weird problem, I have a website and when I'm connected through wifi everything is fine, chrome and Mozilla are loading my website.
But when I switch to LTE internet my website is working fine only on Mozilla. Chrome is throwing ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error. I tried turning off firewall and restarting the server, but it doesn't change anything. The website was made in Django.
On the other hand, when I'm connecting directly to IP, it's working (I see 404 from apache, but that's because it's configurated to work with domain).
I'm using also certbot, but it's not looking like certbot fault. It's rather something connected with domain configuration.
I'm using OVH services both for server and domain. In domain I added only ip4 and ip6, DNS servers were left in the default configuration.

Ok, so to fix it I removed IPv6 redirect from the domain. And now it's working. I hope that it will help someone :)


Why is QSslSocket not emitting `readyRead()` signal when connecting from "BrowserStack" mobiles?

We are using QSslServer to accept https connections in form of QSslSockets and it's working for years in Windows, Mac, Ubuntu & Android's Chrome & Firefox.
To our surprise, the website connection is not happening if we use Browserstack's mobiles, which are supposedly not emulators. Our URL looks like: 2000; So it's not on port 443 or 80.
The web page doesn't open with Android 9, 10, 11, 12's Chromes.
No errors are seen with sslErrors(). Even calling ignoreSslErrors() didn't help.
After putting logs, we found that though the connection is happening, the QSslSocket::readyRead() is not emitted, which is called with our normal devices.
How to resolve this problem?
Following are creating the issues:
URL with non-standard port. We are using :2000 to host our website and that's not working for SSL authentication after initial connection. If we route our website through :443 then it starts working.
LetsEncrypt certificate. We had faced some issue in Mac in past, where the certificate generated using "" had to be explicitly accepted from Mac's certificate store. Here the similar issue is happening. After opening the website, certain images don't show up probably due to the same reasons.

Website refuses to open on custom domain but works on IP

I am trying to bring my Django website online with a custom domain.
The website is and the IP of the webserver is However, opening the IP works fine, opening the domain usually doesn't work, sometimes it gives me an Apache default page (I am using NGINX, not Apache), but normally just a connection refused.
The site is written in Django, I am using Hetzner for hosting and Namecheap for the domain.
When I do a traceroute, the correct IP shows up.
Where is the problem?

No Padlock for some subdomains

I have successfully setup ssl
The redirecting from http to https is successful as well
But in my site, some webpages have the padlock and some dont
Although every page is redirected to https from http, some pages are still not secure. What can be the reason?
This is the result from WhyNotPadlock
Can the reason be that im using TLS version 1?
If yes, can somebody please tell me how to upgrade it to 1.2 or 1.3. Im using AWS EC2 Linux for hosting
If that's not the reason, what is it and how to solve it?
The problem wasn't with TLS or SSL Certiicate. I had links to http sites in those subdomains which was the reason for no Padlock. Sorry

Host a website using Wamp server for global access not just local

How can I tweak my wamp server to host a website to the world?
I've been searching everywhere, but I can't seem to find the answer. All I find are post telling me to host locally to, but I cant find any post on how to broadcast the site globally.
I'm familiar with hosting a site on iis7.0, but now that I setup a wamp server I cant figure it out. I use dnsExit to point my domains to a dynamic ip address that stays auto-updated thanks to a dns exit ip updater program.
Can anyone please tell me step by step what do I have to do to broadcast a site to the world using a wamp server for windows 2008 server edition.
Make sure port 80 is open on your firewall and also port forwarded on your router to your PC. That should be it.
To test, browse to your external IP address. You should see your site.

IE10 Page can't be displayed, other browsers can

I started with a problem connecting to a webservice on a remote server [internal] from a custom made program.
We tested the ws from Firefox and Chrome - both latest and it connects instantly. But in IE10 (latest version for windows 2012 not R2) we get a page can't be displayed error:
Make sure the web address https://remoteserver:9443 is correct.
Look for the page with your search engine.
Refresh the page in a few minutes.
Make sure TLS and SSL protocols are enabled. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Settings > Security
I think that IE10 and our program are using the same system libraries, and thats the reason both cannot connect to the web service. If i solve the problem with IE i presume that i could connect to the ws from the program.
The url port is custom and OK as other browsers work. IE10 can open HTTPS connection to other remote servers.
I tried:
flushing DNS setting,
reinstalling the CA certificate. Certificate is valid in chrome.
enabling TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, SSLv3 and SSLv2
telnet to remote server on port 9443 works
Using developer tool in IE simulated IE 9, IE8, ...
ping to remote sever works
nslookup finds the remote server
What could be the cause of this issue?
A combination of hardening for PCI DSS(securing servers) and the webservice provider not announcing protocols that were enabled was causing the issue.
Moving the server out of PCIDSS policy made the webservice connection function normally.
The changes were displayed only after restarting the server, because of registry modification.
Thanks to #Steffen Ullrich for driving me in the right direction.