Create measure to calculate % change from distinct values in a column - powerbi

I have a column in my table with values representing weeks of the year.
Each week number has their respective total counts of purchases on another column. When I use a matrix visual and put that specific column in the Columns section it separates them distinctively which is what I want. How can get the % change from one week to another?
Table looks like this:
Create a measure that can divides column 2 by column 1 to get the % change.
Layout of Matrix:
Ideally I would like to have a third column to calculate the values in column 6 by the ones in column 5.

OK, here is one solution:
Delta :=
VAR Week5 =
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Total] ), FILTER ( 'Table', 'Table'[Weeks] = 5 ) )
VAR Week6 =
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Total] ), FILTER ( 'Table', 'Table'[Weeks] = 6 ) )
IF (
SUM ( 'Table'[Total] ) = SUMX ( ALL ( 'Table' ), 'Table'[Total] )
|| SUM ( 'Table'[Total] )
= SUMX (
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Table' ), 'Table'[Cohort] = MAX ( 'Table'[Cohort] ) ),
100*DIVIDE ( Week6 - Week5, Week5 ),
I tested it and it works:
BUT because the way your data is structured, it makes it very difficult (for me) to make this pretty. But hey, it works!! ;) I wasn't sure which direction you needed the delta but that is a simple change in the measure from this:
100*DIVIDE ( Week6 - Week5, Week5 )
To this:
100*DIVIDE ( Week5 - Week6, Week6 )
Hope this help!


Measure Including Year Filter

i have done a Measure to get the Revenue from TOP N Products.
N depends on the selected Value from my TOP-N Table (It's containing just the numbers from 1 to 10).
In the same Measure, I also calculate how much was the revenue of all Products how were not in the selected Top N.
The Code for this is:
Top N Produktbez Sum DB3 =
VAR TopNSelected =
VAR TopNProdbezTable =
TOPN ( TopNSelected, ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Produkbez Table' ), [DB3] )
VAR TopNProdbez =
CALCULATE ( [DB3], KEEPFILTERS ( TopNProdbezTable ) )
VAR OtherSales =
CALCULATE ( [DB3], ALLSELECTED ( 'Pseudo Produkbez Table' ) )
- CALCULATE ( [DB3], TopNProdbezTable )
VAR CurrentProd =
SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Pseudo Produkbez Table'[Produktbezeichnung] )
IF ( CurrentProd <> "Others", TopNProdbez, OtherSales )
Now I want to add Year as Filter.
I'm using the Year coming from the Date Hierarchy.
Unfortunately, I can't provide a sample yet.
If a sample is need, I will try to create own.

How to extract sum of sales that have been reversed DAX

I need to manipulate the Sales measure to exclude any transactions which have been reversed.
Sales measure is as follows right now:
Sales ($) =
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Currency'[Detail] ),
* CALCULATE ( VALUES ( 'Exchange Rates'[ExchangeRate] ) )
What steps and where would I add to extract Reversed Transactions from this measure? I tried below as that's what you'd do in EXCEL but that is not working - when pulling results, it can't display anything on the visual
Sales - Reversals ($) =
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Currency'[Detail] ),
* CALCULATE ( VALUES ( 'Exchange Rates'[ExchangeRate] ) ) - SUMX ('Sales', 'Sales [Trans_Type] = "Reversed")
If what you want is to exclude the reversed transactions from your first code, maybe this could help:
Sales ($) =
IF (
HASONEVALUE ( 'Currency'[Detail] ),
VALUES ( 'Exchange Rates'[ExchangeRate] )
'Sales'[Trans_Type] <> "Reversed"
It's basically adding the SUMX into a CALCULATE function which let's you make the some applied to filters (in this case not reversed transactions).

Exclude specific calculation from subtotal and grand total lines

I have this table :
And I want to calculate for each day and for each group 1and2 % which is
But I don't want to include 1and2 % in Group Subtotal neither on total
I created a new table :
Table3 = UNION(DISTINCT('Table'[Attributes]);{{"1and2 %"}})
And i made this mesure to calculate 1and2 %:
Measure =
DISTINCT ( 'Table3'[Attributes] );
"1and2 %"; DIVIDE (
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Value] ); 'Table'[Attributes] = "Attribute1" );
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Value] ); 'Table'[Attributes] = "Attribute2" );
) * 100;
VAR a = 'Table3'[Attributes]
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Value] ); 'Table'[Attributes] = a )
And this is the result I'm getting :
I want to exclude 1and2 % (and every Attribute containing % in the future) from group subtotal and the total.
I'm really new to PowerBI and not really familiar with Excel-like formulas.
Can anyone please help me up with that?
Someone from PowerBI forum gave me this solution and it's exactly what im looking for:
Create another mesure using the existing :
Measure 2 =
VAR __Table =
'Table 3',
HASONEVALUE('Table 3'[Attribute]),
SUMX(FILTER(__Table,[__IncludeInTotals] = -1),[__Measure])
I think you can get what you want if you only calculate the 1and2 % part when that's the only thing in the filter context and do a normal sum otherwise.
Measure =
IF (
SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Table3'[Attributes] ) = "1and2 %";
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Value] ); 'Table'[Attributes] = "Attribute1" );
CALCULATE ( SUM ( 'Table'[Value] ); 'Table'[Attributes] = "Attribute2" );
) * 100;
SUM ( 'Table'[Value] )
For the subtotals and grand total, SELECTEDVALUE returns blank so the condition fails and you just get the sum.

DAX - TOPN() in a SUMX() for multiple transactions

I need your help.
I am trying to make a calculated column which sum the sales for the last two dates (there are not sales on all dates!) for each product.
I have tried to use the calculation:
SUMX ( TOPN ( 2; 'Table'; 'Table'[date_ID] ); 'Table'[Sale] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table; 'Table'[Product_ID] )
But this only works if you have one sale per date per product ID.
What do I do if there are many transactions per date and prod ID?
Below I have a table where I have (filtered) one date and one product.
Now, I have made a calculated column that sums all transactions per date and product ID (for reference).
This is
Calculated Column 2 =
SUMX ( Table; Table[Sale] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table; 'Table'[Date]; 'Table'[Product_ID] )
Now comes the difficult part.
If I want to sum the transactions for the last two dates on each product, I have made the following calculation:
Calculated Column 1 =
VAR SumProd =
SUMX ( Table; Table[Sale] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table; Table[Date]; Table[Product_ID] )
SUMX ( TOPN ( 2; 'Table'; 'Table'[Date] ); SumProd );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table; Table[Product_ID]; Table[Date] )
The Problems:
The calculations sums ALL the values in each category
Example: in the table, you see "Calculated column 1"=7571200, which is 27040 * number of transactions? I only want the value 27040.
For some reason, the TOPN() doesn’t work. If I change the N_Value=2 to N_Value=3, the calculation doesn’t change?
Please, does anyone know what is wrong with my calculation?
In your measure, SumProd is a constant that you're summing for each row in the table. This is not what you want.
I'd suggest something more like this:
Calculated Column 1 =
VAR LastTwoDates =
VALUES ( Table[Date] );
TOPN ( 2; ALLEXCEPT ( Table; Table[Product_ID] ); Table[Date] )
SUM ( Table[Sale] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table; Table[Product_ID] );
Table[Date] IN LastTwoDates
In this, we first calculate a list of the top 2 dates associated with Product_ID and store it as a variable. Then we use that as a filter when calculating the sum of Sale.
I'm not positive this exact syntax will work, but I hope it will point you in a better direction.
It turns out my code didn't work exactly as intended. Try this instead:
Calculated Column 1 =
VAR ProductDates =
VALUES ( Table1[Date] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table1; Table1[Product_ID] )
VAR LastTwoDates = TOPN ( 2; ProductDates; [Date] )
SUM ( Table1[Sale] );
ALLEXCEPT ( Table1; Table1[Product_ID] );
Table1[Date] IN LastTwoDates

How do I calculate the sum of Value for the last 6 sprints using DAX

I need a calculated measure in DAX that sums the Value column for the last 6 sprints. I am basing the last 6 sprints on the DimSprintEndDateKey in descending order.
Table structure in PowerBI
The DAX that I am using:
SUM ( factSprint[Value] ),
ALL ( factSprint ),
EARLIEST( RELATED ( dimSprint[DimSprintEndDateKey] ) )
> RELATED ( dimSprint[DimSprintEndDateKey] )
),RELATED ( dimSprint[DimSprintEndDateKey] ), DESC
I am assuming that the relationship on your tables is between 'dimSprint'[dimSprintKey] and 'FactSprint'[dimSprintKey].
That being the case, this measure could work for you.
Total Value Last Six Sprints =
VAR endDateSprint =
'dimSprint'[dimSprintKey], SELECTEDVALUE ( 'FactSprint'[dimSprintKey] )
VAR dimTableFiltered =
FILTER ( 'dimSprint', 'dimSprint'[dimSprintEndDateKey] <= endDateSprint )
SUM ( 'FactSprint'[Value] ),
ALL ( 'FactSprint' ),
TOPN ( 6, dimTableFiltered, [dimSprintEndDateKey], DESC )
Use it on a matrix visual (or pivottable). Be sure to put 'FactSprint'[dimSprintKey] or 'FactSprint'[SprintPK] on Rows and [Total Value Last Six Sprints] on Values.