trying to write string in subroutine causing error - fortran

Due to some restriction on my assignment, F77 is used.
I am learning to use subroutine but I encounter error when trying to write string out.
STR = 'Hello world'
a = 1
WRITE (*,*) a
WRITE (*,10) STR
SUBROUTINE test(str2)
str2 = 'testing'
WRITE (*,10) STR2
When trying to compile this code, it returns that 'Error: missing statement number 10'
Also, I have some other questions:
What does the *20 mean in CHARACTER*20 STR?
Is this the size of the string?
How about 10 in WRITE (*,10) STR? Is this the length of string to be written?
what does (*,*) mean in WRITE (*,*) a

As you can read for example here:
the second value given to write is an argument for the implicit format keyword, which is the label of a statement within the same program unit, a character expression or array containing the complete format specification, or an asterisk * for list-directed formatting.
Thus if you provide the data directly, you may want to use * there instead.
Otherwise, your program needs to have the label 10 at some line with formatting statement.
And yes, CHARACTER*20 STR means that the variable STR is of length 20, as you can read for instance here:

The *20 after CHARACTER specifies the size of the CHARACTER variable (in this case 20 characters). FORTRAN doesn't use null-terminated strings like other languages, instead you have to reserve a specific number of characters. Your actual string can be shorter than the variable, but never longer.
The comma ( , ) in the write statement is used to separate the various arguments. Some versions of FORTRAN allow you to supply 'named' arguments but the default is the first argument is the file code to write to (a '*' implies the standard output). The second argument would be the line number of a FORMAT statement. There can be more arguments, you'd have to look up the specifics for the OPEN statement in your version of FORTRAN.
Some of your WRITE() statements are specifying to use the FORMAT statement found at lable '10'. But your sample doesn't provide any FORMAT statement, so this would be an error.
If you don't want to deal with a FORMAT statement, you can use an asterisk ( * ) as the second argument and then FORTRAN will use a general default format. That is what your first WRITE(,) is doing. It writes to 'stdout' using a general format.


`Unexpected element ‘\’ in format string` in code written for MS Fortran [duplicate]

I have a project written in VS2010 with Intel Visual Fortran. I have a dump subroutine to write a 2D matrix into file:
subroutine Dump2D(Name,Nx,Ny,Res)
implicit none
integer i,j,Nx,Ny
real(8) :: Res(Nx,Ny)
character(len=30) name,Filename
logical alive
write(filename,*) trim(Name),".dat"
Write(*,*) "Saving ",trim(Name)," Please wait..."
open (10,file=filename)
do i=1,Ny
Write(10,FMt="(D21.13\)") (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
end do
Write(*,*) "Save ",trim(Name),"Complete!"
end subroutine Dump2D
It is ok to compile and run. But when I compile in emacs using gfortran it gives me the error:
I think it's because the gfortran doesn't recognize \ in a format for a write command. How do I fix this problem?
Write(10,FMt="(D21.13\)") (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
Error: Unexpected element '\' in format string at (1)
The edit descriptor \ relates to backslash editing. This is a non-standard extension provided by the Intel compiler (and perhaps others). It is not supported by gfortran.
Such backslash editing is intended to affect carriage control. Much as in this answer such an effect can be handled with the (standard) non-advancing output.1
As you simply want to output each column of a matrix to a record/line you needn't bother with this effort.2 Instead (as you'll see in many other questions):
do i=1,Ny
write(10,fmt="(*(D21.13))") Res(:,i)
end do
There are also other approaches which a more general search will find.
1 The Intel compiler treats \ and $ in the same way.
2 There are subtle aspects of \, but I'll assume you don't care about those.
Another approach (although francescalus answer is better in your case) would be to build a format string that contains the number of elements to include in your row. One way of doing this is to use the following to build the format string (which uses an explicit space character to separate elements within a line in the file):
WRITE(fmtString, '(A,I0,A)') '(', Nx, '(D21.13,:,1X))' *
Then use the format string variable in your WRITE statement as so:
do i=1,Ny
Write(10,FMt=fmtString) (Res(j,i),j=1,Nx)
end do
This approach can also be very useful if you want to use something other than spaces to separate elements (e.g. commas or semicolons).
*As that's a little difficult to read, I will provide an example. For Nx = 3, this would be equivalent to:
fmtString = '(3(D21.13,:,1X))'
Which is 2 numbers formatted using D21.13, each followed by a space, and a final number formatted using D21.13, but without a space after it (as the ":" stops at the final item).
The backslash is not valid in Fortran 77 FORMAT statements. Gfortran will not compile it, unless you fix the code. There is no flag that will change that AFAIK (-fbackslash should not help here).
If I understand the intention correctly (and I may be wrong), the backslash does the same as the dollar sign in some other compilers and prevents terminating a record (line). In that case the advance="no" put in the write statement should help. It is Fortran 90, but you should not avoid it just for that reason.

write formatted UTF-8 text file fortran

I'm trying to write in from fortran a text file.
I did this short test program but of course it does not work, because it does not create a text file that could be readable :
character(20) :: charI, wanted
DO REC2=1,10
write (charI, "(A5,I4)") "hello", REC2
write(1,REC=REC2) wanted
I read lot of different thing but it's still really unclear how it should be written.
Do I need to convert to string before writing ? if yes why ?
Try this
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ascii = selected_char_KIND ("ascii")
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ucs4 = selected_char_KIND ('ISO_10646')
CHARACTER(len=5,kind=ucs4) :: greeting = ucs4_"hello"
DO ix=1,10
WRITE (10,'(A5,I4)') greeting, ix
... a commentary ...
All good Fortran programs include the line implicit none; the reason for this is explained in 101 Qs and As here on Stack Overflow and I won't repeat them here.
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ascii = selected_char_KIND ("ascii")
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ucs4 = selected_char_KIND ('ISO_10646')
The latest Fortran standard requires that compilers provide these two kinds of character. I'm honestly not sure if iso_10646 is the same as UTF-8 but if it isn't you're probably out of luck. Here, I'm defining two parameters for identifying the character kinds to use later in the program. For your purposes the first of these parameters is unnecessary but you ought to know about it too.
I suppose your compiler might support other character kinds, read the documentation.
(Aside: technically, there is a third character kind name, default. This is likely to set the character kind to either ascii or iso_10646, most likely the former, but if this is important to you check your compiler's documentation.)
CHARACTER(len=5,kind=ucs4) :: greeting = ucs4_"hello"
In the second of these lines I've defined a character variable with the text hello and of kind ucs4 (which, as you see above, is a local code for iso_10646). Without the prefix ucs4_ the string hello will be interpreted as being of kind default and then converted to ucs4 when stored into the variable greeting. In this case, where there is a 1:1 mapping between the (representation of) the characters in ascii and in ucs4 the prefix is strictly unnecessary but there will be other cases where it won't be.
DO ix=1,10
WRITE (10,'(A5,I4)') greeting, ix
I've removed all the guff about direct access and writing at particular records in a file. It's all unnecessary for what seems to be your immediate need. So this loop will write greeting (ie the ucs4 string hello) and a row index into the file test.txt 10 times.
In your open statement you are opening a file for unformatted input/output. Because you have specified ACCESS="direct" the default is for unformatted, compared with the default as formatted when connected for sequential access.
To make the file "readable" you need to actively open for formatted access, and provide a format for the writing:
open(1,FILE='teste.txt',ACCESS="direct",RECL=RECL1, FORM='formatted')
write(1,fmt=...,REC=REC2) ...

Assumed string length input into a Fortran function

I am writing the following simple routine:
program scratch
character*4 :: word
word = 'hell'
print *, concat(word)
end program scratch
function concat(x)
character*(*) x
concat = x // 'plus stuff'
end function concat
The program should be taking the string 'hell' and concatenating to it the string 'plus stuff'. I would like the function to be able to take in any length string (I am planning to use the word 'heaven' as well) and concatenate to it the string 'plus stuff'.
Currently, when I run this on Visual Studio 2012 I get the following error:
Error 1 error #6303: The assignment operation or the binary
expression operation is invalid for the data types of the two
operands. D:\aboufira\Desktop\TEMP\Visual
Studio\test\logicalfunction\scratch.f90 9
This error is for the following line:
concat = x // 'plus stuff'
It is not apparent to me why the two operands are not compatible. I have set them both to be strings. Why will they not concatenate?
High Performance Mark's comment tells you about why the compiler complains: implicit typing.
The result of the function concat is implicitly typed because you haven't declared its type otherwise. Although x // 'plus stuff' is the correct way to concatenate character variables, you're attempting to assign that new character object to a (implictly) real function result.
Which leads to the question: "just how do I declare the function result to be a character?". Answer: much as you would any other character variable:
character(len=length) concat
[note that I use character(len=...) rather than character*.... I'll come on to exactly why later, but I'll also point out that the form character*4 is obsolete according to current Fortran, and may eventually be deleted entirely.]
The tricky part is: what is the length it should be declared as?
When declaring the length of a character function result which we don't know ahead of time there are two1 approaches:
an automatic character object;
a deferred length character object.
In the case of this function, we know that the length of the result is 10 longer than the input. We can declare
character(len=LEN(x)+10) concat
To do this we cannot use the form character*(LEN(x)+10).
In a more general case, deferred length:
character(len=:), allocatable :: concat ! Deferred length, will be defined on allocation
where later
concat = x//'plus stuff' ! Using automatic allocation on intrinsic assignment
Using these forms adds the requirement that the function concat has an explicit interface in the main program. You'll find much about that in other questions and resources. Providing an explicit interface will also remove the problem that, in the main program, concat also implicitly has a real result.
To stress:
implicit none
character(len=[something]) concat
print *, concat('hell')
end program
will not work for concat having result of the "length unknown at compile time" forms. Ideally the function will be an internal one, or one accessed from a module.
1 There is a third: assumed length function result. Anyone who wants to know about this could read this separate question. Everyone else should pretend this doesn't exist. Just like the writers of the Fortran standard.

What is the purpose of * in Fortran input/output

I am learning Fortran because well, yeah, thought I'd learn it. However, I've found utterly no information on what the purpose of * is in print, read, etc:
program main
print *, "Hello, world!"
end program main
What is the purpose of this *? I've done some research however I don't think I understand it properly, I don't want to carry on learning until I actually know the point of *.
From what I've managed to find I think that it's some sort of format specifier, however, I don't understand what that means and I have no idea if I'm even correct. All the tutorials I've found just tell me what to write to print to the console but not what * actually means.
You are correct in that it is a format specifier.
There's a page on Wikibooks to do with IO and that states:
The second * specifies the format the user wants the number read with
when talking about the read statement. This applies to the write and print statements too.
For fixed point reals: Fw.d; w is the total number of spaces alloted for the number, and d is the number of decimal places.
And the example they give is
READ(*,'(F5.2)') A
which reads a real number with 2 digits before and after the decimal point. So if you were printing a real number you'd use:
PRINT '(F5.2)', A
to get the rounded output.
In your example you're just printing text so there's no special formatting to do. Also if you leave the format specifier as * it will apply the default formatting to reals etc.
The print statement does formatted output to a special place (which we assume is the screen). There are three available ways to specify the format used in this output. One of these, as in the question, is using *.
The * format specifier means that the formatted output will be so-called list-directed output. Conversely, for a read statement, it will be list-directed input. Now that the term has been introduced you will be able to find many other questions here: list-directed input/output has many potentially surprising consequences.
Generally, a format specification item says how to format an item in the input/output list. If we are writing out a real number we'd use a format item which may, say, state the precision of the output or whether it uses scientific notation.
As in the question, when writing out a character variable we may want to specify the width of the output field (so that there is blank padding, or partial output) or not. We could have
print '(A20)', "Hello, world!"
print '(A5)', "Hello, world!"
print '(A)', "Hello, world!"
which offers a selection of effects. [Using a literal character constant like '(A)' is one of the other ways of giving the format.]
But we couldn't have
print '(F12.5)', "Hello, world!" ! A numeric format for a character variable
as our format doesn't make sense with the output item.
List-directed output is different from the above cases. Instead, (quote here and later from the Fortran 2008 draft standard) this
allows data editing according to the type of the list item instead of by a format specification. It also allows data to be free-field, that is, separated by commas (or semicolons) or blanks.
The main effect, and why list-directed is such a convenience, is that no effort is required on the part of the programmer to craft a suitable format for the things to be sent out.
When an output list is processed under list-directed output and a real value appears it is as though the programmer gave a suitable format for that value. And the same for other types.
But the crucial thing here is "a suitable format". The end user doesn't get to say A5 or F12.5. Instead of that latter the compiler gets to choose "reasonable processor-dependent values" for widths, precisions and so on. [Leading to questions like "why so much white space?".] The constraints on the output are given in, for example, Fortran 2008 10.10.4.
So, in summary * is saying, print out the following things in a reasonable way. I won't complain how you choose to do this, even if you give me output like
1 2
rather than
0 0 0 0 0 1 2
and I certainly won't complain about having a leading space like
Hello, world!
rather than
Hello, world!
For, yes, with list-directed you will (except in cases beyond this answer) get an initial blank on the output:
Except for new records created by [a special case] or by continuation of delimited character sequences, each output record begins with a blank character.

Mix C-string and fortran-string in one file

I have one question with mixing C-string and fortran-string in one file.
Supposed I am playing with the name string with fixed length 9, I define a length Macro like
#define NAME_LEN 9
in a .c file.
There is an existing fortran-function, let's name it fortran_function(char* name)
Now I have to call this fortran function in a c function, let's name is
c_function(char name[]) {
Now the problem is, how should I declare the c_function signature?
c_function(char name[])
c_function(char name[NAME_LEN +1])
c_function(char name[NAME_LEN])
Under what situations, I should use 9 as name length or 10?
My understanding is that, as long as you passed a null-terminated string with 9 characters to the c_function, all the declaration are correct. Is that right?
Any other concern should be put here? Any potential bugs?
There's one more gotcha here, if I remember correctly. Fortran does not use null-terminated strings; instead, it pads the right end of the buffer with 0x20 (space). So, if you have access to the Fortran source, I would modify the function signature to take the length of the passed-in string as an argument. Otherwise, you will probably crash the Fortran side of the code.
Dave is correct, the standard Fortran concept for strings is fixed-length, padded with blanks on the right. (Fortran now also have variable length strings, but these are not yet common and would be very tricky to inter-operate with C.) If you want the lengths fixed, then have the same parameter NAME_LEN in your Fortran code, with the same value. Dave's suggestion of an additional length argument is probably better.
An additional refinement is to use the ISO C Binding facility on the Fortran side (corrected per the comment!)
subroutine Fort_String_code (my_string), bind (C, name="Fort_String_code")
use iso_c_binding
integer, parameter :: NAME_LEN = 9
character (kind=c_char, len=1), dimension (NAME_LEN), intent (inout) :: my_string
etc. The "bind" name is the name by which C can call the Fortran routine -- it can be different from the Fortran name. Also provided as part of the iso_c_binding is the symbol C_NULL_CHAR which you can use in the Fortran code to provide the terminating null character that C expects, etc.
There's no difference to those calls. The c compiler will treat them all as char*. You just have to make sure you null terminate it before you use it in c. If you're only using the string in the fortran side and the c functions are just holding on to it, then you don't need to do anything.