I'm working with tokio and hyper to spawn several tasks.
// Defining the task
let task = self.some_future_using
.map(move |resp| println!("OK: {}", resp))
.map_err(move |e| println!("Error: {}",e));
// Spawning the task
Instead of simply logging the results, I would like to send the result over a bounded tokio channel.
// Defines the channel
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(10);
// Defining the task
let task = self.some_future_using
.map(|resp| /* Send Ok(resp) to tx */ )
.map_err(|e| /* Send Err(e) to tx */);
// Spawning the task
As both closures may outlive the scope where tx is defined, we need to clone and move tx for both closures:
// Defines the channel
let (tx, rx) = mpsc::channel(10);
let mut tx_ok = tx.clone();
let mut tx_err = tx.clone();
// Defining the task
let task = self.some_future_using
.map(move |resp| tx_ok.try_send(Ok(())).unwrap() )
.map_err(move |e| tx_err.try_send(Ok(())).unwrap() );
// Spawning the task
In the case more logic is added using combinators (map, and_then, etc), every closures would require it's own cloned version of tx to use it.
Is cloning the only solution? Could we achieve the same without cloning the channel's sender for each declared closure that uses it?
Could we achieve the same without cloning the channel's sender for each declared closure that uses it?
No. This is how a Sender is shared, and there isn't another safe way to do it.
The channel manages shared resources by wrapping them in Arcs, so they can be shared safely between threads. There is a bit of logic involved in the Sender's clone method, but ultimately it is about cloning those Arcs - which is how Arcs are shared.
Cloning an Arc is cheap, and probably not something you should worry about, unless you are cloning them in a tight loop. Once they are cloned, there is very little overhead to an Arc - each clone is essentially a pointer.
I have an futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded channel. I can send messages to the UnboundedSender<T> but have problems receiving them from the UnboundedReciever<T>.
I use the channel to send messages to the UI thread, and I have a function that gets called every frame, and I'd like to read all the available messages from the channel on each frame, without blocking the thread when there are no available messages.
From what I've read the Future::poll method is kind of what I need, I just poll, and if I get Async::Ready, I do something with the message, and if not, I just return from the function.
The problem is the poll panics when there is no task context (I'm not sure what that means or what to do about it).
What I tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = match receiver.by_ref().collect().poll() {
Async::Ready(items_vec) => // do something on UI with items,
_ => return None
this panics because I don't have a task context.
Also tried:
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded(); // somewhere in the code, doesn't matter
// ...
let fut = receiver.by_ref().collect(); // how do I run the future?
tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(fut); // this blocks the thread when there are no items in the receiver
I would like help with reading the UnboundedReceiver<T> without blocking the thread when there are no items in the stream (just do nothing then).
You are using futures incorrectly -- you need a Runtime and a bit more boilerplate to get this to work:
extern crate tokio;
extern crate futures;
use tokio::prelude::*;
use futures::future::{lazy, ok};
use futures::sync::mpsc::unbounded;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
fn main() {
let (sender, receiver) = unbounded::<i64>();
let receiver = receiver.for_each(|result| {
println!("Got: {}", result);
let rt = Runtime::new().unwrap();
let lazy_future = lazy(move || {
ok::<(), ()>(())
Further reading, from Tokio's runtime model:
[...]in order to use Tokio and successfully execute tasks, an application must start an executor and the necessary drivers for the resources that the application’s tasks depend on. This requires significant boilerplate. To manage the boilerplate, Tokio offers a couple of runtime options. A runtime is an executor bundled with all necessary drivers to power Tokio’s resources. Instead of managing all the various Tokio components individually, a runtime is created and started in a single call.
Tokio offers a concurrent runtime and a single-threaded runtime. The concurrent runtime is backed by a multi-threaded, work-stealing executor. The single-threaded runtime executes all tasks and drivers on thee current thread. The user may pick the runtime with characteristics best suited for the application.
I know there are already a lot of posts about dispatch queues, async tasks etc. ,but I can't retrieve a useful explanation out of these posts, because there are too many distractions because of the extra code. I there someone who can give me a clear instruction on how to make Task B start after task A has been finished?
I need some data from Task A in order to run Task B successfully and I know that I have to do something with DispatchQueue.async, but I don't know how exactly.
The typical process would be to dispatch asynchronously with async to some serial queue. So, let's say you want some queue for processing images, doing task A and then task B, and then do some UI updates when task B is done, you might do:
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! + ".images")
queue.async {
// do task A
queue.async {
// do task B
queue.async {
// do whatever else is needed after B here
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// update model objects and UI here
This is a pattern that avoids blocking the main queue, but lets you make sure that you do A and B serially.
Please note, that if either task A or task B are, themselves, asynchronous, the above won't work. (Nor would trying to use sync, if the underlying task was asynchronous.) Other patterns would apply in these cases. But your example is too generic and there are simple too many other possible patterns for us to enumerate them all. If you tell us specifically what task A and B are doing, we could offer more constructive counsel.
Also note that I'd explicitly advise against dispatching synchronously (with sync). Using sync has a certain intuitive appeal, but it is rarely the right approach. Blocking the calling thread (which is what sync does) largely defeats the purpose of having dispatch queue in the first place. The (largely) only reason one should use sync is if you're trying to have thread-safe access to some shared resource. But most of the time, you use dispatch queues explicitly for the purpose of getting some time consuming task off the current thread. So, dispatch A and B async to serial queue, and if you wanted to do something else, C, afterwards, then you'd dispatch that async to the same queue, too.
For a description see Concurrency Programming Guide: Dispatch Queues. The examples are in Objective-C, but all the concepts are the same. You can also go to WWDC videos and search for "GCD", and you'll get a number of great videos that walk through Grand Central Dispatch (the broader term for dispatch queue technologies).
How about something like this?
import Dispatch
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "My dispatch queue") //TODO: Give better label
let result1 = queue.sync { // "Task A"
return "result 1"
let result2 = queue.sync { // "Task B", which uses result from Task A
return result1.uppercased()
I'm currently working on a project that extensively uses Akka and Akka Streams.
One question/problem keeps coming up while working with it: What is the best practice for the Materializer which is needed in all places where streams are used. Especially when I'm inside an Actor, where I only can access the ActorSystem, should I manually pass in an existing Materializer instance or just create one when I need it?
I'm especially worried about the resource usage and performance when instantiating Materializers on demand.
The creation of ActorMaterializers is fairly cheap and having a reasonable proliferation of them shouldn't be an issue in the majority of cases.
If you chase the chain of calls starting from ActorMaterializer.apply (see source code) you'll find that ActorMaterializer (or better, ActorMaterializerImpl) is not performing anything significant at creation time.
Just to give you an idea of how it compares to an ActorSystem creation, consider the following code
val sysStart = System.nanoTime()
val actorSystem = ActorSystem("mySystem")
val sysDuration = FiniteDuration(System.nanoTime() - sysStart, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
println(s"System creation: ${sysDuration.toMillis} ms")
val matStart = System.nanoTime()
val materializer = ActorMaterializer()(actorSystem)
val matDuration = FiniteDuration(System.nanoTime() - matStart, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
println(s"Materializer creation: ${matDuration.toMillis} ms")
outputs this on my laptop
System creation: 901 ms
Materializer creation: 14 ms
However, as Johan pointed out in the comments, it is important to add that materializers' lifecycle needs to be properly managed, invoking shutdown whenever they stop being useful, to avoid leaking resources.
To recap, passing a materializer around whenever possible is a sound choice. Whenever this is not convenient though, its creation is cheap, but pay attention to shut it down properly.
I am trying to test a MailboxProcessor in F#. I want to test that the function f I am giving is actually executed when posting a message.
The original code is using Xunit, but I made an fsx of it that I can execute using fsharpi.
So far I am doing this :
open System
open FSharp
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
module MyModule =
type Agent<'a> = MailboxProcessor<'a>
let waitingFor timeOut (v:'a)=
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeOut|> int)
let tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<'a>()
cts.Token.Register(fun (_) -> tcs.SetCanceled()) |> ignore
tcs ,Async.AwaitTask tcs.Task
type MyProcessor<'a>(f:'a->unit) =
let agent = Agent<'a>.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
// some more complex should be used here
f msg
return! loop()
member this.Post(msg:'a) =
agent.Post msg
open MyModule
let myTest =
async {
let (tcs,waitingFor) = waitingFor 5000 0
let doThatWhenMessagepostedWithinAgent msg =
let p = new MyProcessor<int>(doThatWhenMessagepostedWithinAgent)
p.Post 3
let! result = waitingFor
return result
|> Async.RunSynchronously
|> System.Console.WriteLine
//display 3 as expected
This code works, but it does not look fine to me.
1) is the usage of TaskCompletionSource normal in f# or is there some dedicated stuff to allow me waiting for a completion?
2) I am using a second argument in the waitingFor function in order to contraint it, I know I could use a type MyType<'a>() to do it, is there another option? I would rather not use a new MyType that I find cumbersome.
3) Is there any other option to test my agent than doing this? the only post I found so far about the subject is this blogpost from 2009 http://www.markhneedham.com/blog/2009/05/30/f-testing-asynchronous-calls-to-mailboxprocessor/
This is a tough one, I've been trying to tackle this for some time as well. This is what I found so far, it's too long for a comment but I'd hesitate to call it a full answer either...
From simplest to most complex, depends really how thoroughly you want to test, and how complex is the agent logic.
Your solution may be fine
What you have is fine for small agents whose only role is to serialize access to an async resource, with little or no internal state handling. If you provide the f as you do in your example, you can be pretty sure it will be called in a relatively short timeout of few hundred milliseconds. Sure, it seems clunky and it's double the size of code for all the wrappers and helpers, but those can be reused it you test more agents and/or more scenarios, so the cost gets amortized fairly quickly.
The problem I see with this is that it's not very useful if you also want to verify more than than the function was called - for example the internal agent state after calling it.
One note that's applicable to other parts of the response as well: I usually start agents with a cancellation token, it makes both production and testing life cycle easier.
Use Agent reply channels
Add AsyncReplyChannel<'reply> to the message type and post messages using PostAndAsyncReply instead of Post method on the Agent. It will change your agent to something like this:
type MyMessage<'a, 'b> = 'a * AsyncReplyChannel<'b>
type MyProcessor<'a, 'b>(f:'a->'b) =
// Using the MyMessage type here to simplify the signature
let agent = Agent<MyMessage<'a, 'b>>.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() = async {
let! msg, replyChannel = inbox.Receive()
let! result = f msg
// Sending the result back to the original poster
replyChannel.Reply result
return! loop()
// Notice the type change, may be handled differently, depends on you
member this.Post(msg:'a): Async<'b> =
agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun channel -> msg, channel)
This may seem like an artificial requirement for the agent "interface", but it's handy to simulate a method call and it's trivial to test - await the PostAndAsyncReply (with a timeout) and you can get rid of most of the test helper code.
Since you have a separate call to the provided function and replyChannel.Reply, the response can also reflect the agent state, not just the function result.
Black-box model-based testing
This is what I'll talk about in most detail as I think it's most general.
In case the agent encapsulates more complex behavior, I found it handy to skip testing individual messages and use model-based tests to verify whole sequences of operations against a model of expected external behavior. I'm using FsCheck.Experimental API for this:
In your case this would be doable, but wouldn't make much sense since there is no internal state to model. To give you an example what it looks like in my particular case, consider an agent which maintains client WebSocket connections for pushing messages to the clients. I can't share the whole code, but the interface looks like this
/// For simplicity, this adapts to the socket.Send method and makes it easy to mock
type MessageConsumer = ArraySegment<byte> -> Async<bool>
type Message =
/// Send payload to client and expect a result of the operation
| Send of ClientInfo * ArraySegment<byte> * AsyncReplyChannel<Result>
/// Client connects, remember it for future Send operations
| Subscribe of ClientInfo * MessageConsumer
/// Client disconnects
| Unsubscribe of ClientInfo
Internally the agent maintains a Map<ClientInfo, MessageConsumer>.
Now for testing this, I can model the external behavior in terms of informal specification like: "sending to a subscribed client may succeed or fail depending on the result of calling the MessageConsumer function" and "sending to an unsubscribed client shouldn't invoke any MessageConsumer". So I can define types for example like these to model the agent.
type ConsumerType =
| SucceedingConsumer
| FailingConsumer
| ExceptionThrowingConsumer
type SubscriptionState =
| Subscribed of ConsumerType
| Unsubscribed
type AgentModel = Map<ClientInfo, SubscriptionState>
And then use FsCheck.Experimental to define the operations of adding and removing clients with differently successful consumers and trying to send data to them. FsCheck then generates random sequences of operations and verifies the agent implementation against the model between each steps.
This does require some additional "test only" code and has a significant mental overhead at the beginning, but lets you test relatively complex stateful logic. What I particularly like about this is that it helps me test the whole contract, not just individual functions/methods/messages, the same way that property-based/generative testing helps test with more than just a single value.
Use Actors
I haven't gone that far yet, but what I've also heard as an alternative is using for example Akka.NET for full-fledged actor model support, and use its testing facilities which let you run agents in special test contexts, verify expected messages and so on. As I said, I don't have first-hand experience, but seems like a viable option for more complex stateful logic (even on a single machine, not in a distributed multi-node actor system).
I have been slowly examining all of the features that F# brings to the table. One that has particularly piqued my interest is the MailboxProcessor.
The equivalent of this in C# would most likely use locks. Can we consider the MailboxProcessor as a replacement for locks?
In the following example, am I doing
anything particularly naive or can
you see anything that might be
module Tcp =
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Net
open System.Net.Sockets
open System.Threading
type SocketAsyncMessage =
| Get of AsyncReplyChannel<SocketAsyncEventArgs>
| Put of SocketAsyncEventArgs
| Dispose of AsyncReplyChannel<MailboxProcessor<SocketAsyncMessage>>
type SocketAsyncEventArgsPool(size:int) =
let agent =
(fun inbox ->
let references = lazy(new List<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(size))
let idleReferences = lazy(new Queue<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(size))
let rec loop () =
async {
let! message = inbox.Receive()
match message with
| Get channel ->
if idleReferences.Value.Count > 0 then
let args = new SocketAsyncEventArgs()
references.Value.Add args
channel.Reply args
return! loop()
| Put args ->
if args = null then
nullArg "args"
elif references.Value.Count < size then
idleReferences.Value.Enqueue args
if not(references.Value.Remove args) then
invalidOp "Reference not found."
return! loop()
| Dispose channel ->
if references.IsValueCreated then
|> Seq.iter(fun args -> args.Dispose())
channel.Reply inbox
/// Returns a SocketAsyncEventArgs instance from the pool.
member this.Get () =
agent.Value.PostAndReply(fun channel -> Get channel)
/// Returns the SocketAsyncEventArgs instance to the pool.
member this.Put args =
agent.Value.Post(Put args)
/// Releases all resources used by the SocketAsyncEventArgsPool.
member this.Dispose () =
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() =
if agent.IsValueCreated then
(agent.Value.PostAndReply(fun channel -> Dispose channel):>IDisposable).Dispose()
Mailboxes (and similar constructs) are used in programming models that don't use locks, as they're inherently built around asynchronous processing. (Lack of shared mutable state is another requirement of this model).
The Actor model can be thought of as a series of single-threaded mini-applications that communicate by sending and receiving data from each other. Each mini-application will only be run by a single thread at a time. This, combined with the lack of shared state, renders locks unnecessary.
Procedural models (and most OO code is, at its heart, procedural), use thread-level concurrency, and synchronous calls to other objects. The Actor model flips this around - calls (messages) between objects are asynchronous, but each object is completely synchronous.
I don't know enough F# to really analyze your code, frankly. It does look like you're trying to stick a synchronous-looking shell around your mailbox, and I wonder if that's really the best thing to do (vs. embracing the mailbox model fully). In your implementation, it does appear that you're using it as a replacement for a lock.
To first part of your question:
The MailboxProcessor class is a message queue running on its own thread. You may send an message
to the MailboxProcessor from any thread as asynchronously as synchronously.
Such model allows to communicate between threads through message passing instead of using locks/mutexes/ipc mechanics.