Difference between styles of iterating over vectors and other stl containers - c++

Suppose there is an stl container, for the sake of simplicity I am going to use a vector declared as
After getting the answer I realized that it was because I wasn't actually iterating over int but a custom data structure template T, just making edits so someone in the future might find it easier to understand.
std::vector <T> vec;
Now there are two common methods to iterate over it.
for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
/* std::cout << *it; ... */
for(T t: vec)
/* std::cout << t; ... */
Now I always assumed that both these methods were more or less same under the hood and were supposed to have similar runtime, but recently in a competition on hackerearth the second one (My usual Goto) gave TLE on the last test case and just by switching to first method I managed to get all the cases passed, did I miss something that differentiates between them or it was just a coincidence (Since actual difference between their runtime was minute, just on different side of the limit). I couldn't find anything, so if you have any links or Insights please share.

This makes a copy of the variable from the vector into t:
for(int t: vec)
/* std::cout << t; ... */
For an int I don't think it will be much of a difference.
But if You're using a class with copy constructors,... You could try using a reference:
for(int& t: vec)
/* std::cout << t; ... */
And if it doesn't modify the variable, use a const int&


What is the difference between 'const auto& element' and 'auto element'? [duplicate]

In C++11, I can iterate over some container like so:
for(auto i : vec){
std::cout << i << std::endl;
But I know that this needlessly - needlessly, since I only need to print the values of vec - makes a copy of (EDIT: each element of) vec, so instead I could do:
for(auto &i : vec){
std::cout << i << std::endl;
But I want to make sure that the values of vec are never modified and abide by const-correctness, so I can do:
for(const auto &i : vec){
std::cout << i << std::endl;
So my question is: If I only need to look at the values of some container, wouldn't the very last loop (const auto &i) always be preferred due to the increased effieciency of not having an extra copy of (EDIT: each element of) vec?
I have a program that I'm developing in which I'm considering making this change throughout, since efficiency is critical in it (the reason I'm using C++ in the fist place).
Yes. The same reason if you only ever read an argument you make the parameter const&.
T // I'm copying this
T& // I'm modifying this
const T& // I'm reading this
Those are your "defaults". When T is a fundamental type (built-in), though, you generally just revert to const T (no reference) for reading, because a copy is cheaper than aliasing.
I have a program that I'm developing in which I'm considering making this change throughout, since efficiency is critical in it
Don't make blind sweeping changes. A working program is better than a fast but broken program.
How you iterate through your loops probably won't make much of a difference; you're looping for a reason, aren't you? The body of your loop will much more likely be the culprit.
If efficiency is critical, you want to use a profiler to find which parts of your program are actually slow, rather than guess at parts that might be slow. See #2 for why your guess may be wrong.
Disclaimer: In general the difference between auto and auto& is subtle, partly a matter of style, but sometimes also a matter of correctness. I am not going to cover the general case here!
In a range based for loop, the difference between
for (auto element : container) {}
for (auto& element_ref : container) {}
is that element is a copy of the elements in the container, while element_ref is a reference to the elements in the container.
To see the difference in action, consider this example:
#include <iostream>
int main(void) {
int a[5] = { 23,443,16,49,66 };
for (auto i : a) i = 5;
for (const auto& i : a) std::cout << i << std::endl;
for (auto& i : a) i = 5;
for (const auto& i : a) std::cout << i << std::endl;
It will print
because the first loop works on copies of the array elements, while the second actually modifies the elements in the array.
If you dont want to modify the elements then often a const auto& is more appropriate, because it avoids copying the elements (which can be expensive).
Imagine if your vector contains strings. Long strings. 5000 long strings. Copy them unnecessarily and you end up with a nicely written for loop that is awfully inefficient.
Make sure your code follows your intention. If you do not need a copy inside of the loop, do not make one.
Use a reference & as suggested above, or iterators.

Can we get an iterator that filters a vector from a predicate in C++?

Is it possible to get an iterator over a vector that filters some element with a predicate, i.e. showing a view of the vector?
I think remove_if does something similar but I have not found whether I can use it as I want to or not.
Something like:
auto it = filter(vec.begin(), vec.end(), predicate);
// I can reuse the iterator like:
for (auto i = it; i != vec.end(); i++)
// ...
Edit: (A bit more context to get the best answer) I am doing a lot of queries in an sqlite database of log data in order to print a report.
The performances are not good at the moment because of the number of request needed. I believe querying once the database and storing the result in a vector of smart pointers (unique_ptr if possible), then querying the vector with pure C++ may be faster.
Using copy_if is a good way to do the queries, but I don't need to copy everything and it might cost too much at the end (not sure about that), I should have mentioned than the data are immutable in my case.
As #Jarod42 mentioned in the comments one solution would be using ranges:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <range/v3/view/filter.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/transform.hpp>
int main()
std::vector<int> numbers = { 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 };
auto predicate = [](int& n){ return n % 2 == 0; };
auto evenNumbers = numbers | ranges::view::filter(predicate);
auto result = numbers | ranges::view::filter(predicate)
| ranges::view::transform([](int n) { return n * 2; });
for (int n : evenNumbers)
std::cout << n << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
for (int n : result)
std::cout << n << ' ';
evenNumbers is a range view adapter which sticks to the numbers range and changes the way it iterates.
result is a ranges of numbers that have been filtered on the predicate and then have been applied a funciton.
see the compile at compiler-explorer
credit: fluentcpp
Your question
Can we get an iterator that filters a vector from a predicate in C++?
in the sense you are asked it, can only be answered with: No. At the moment not (C++17). As per your requirement the iterator then would have to store the predicate and checking that for each modification of the position or for all dereferencing stuff. I.e before any dereferencing, the predicate would need to be checked. Because other code could modifiy your std::vector. The the iterator would need to check the predicate all the time. Also standard functionality like begin, end, distance would be rather complicated.
So you could create your own iterator by deriving from an existing iterator. Store the predicate and overload most of the functions to take care of the predicate. Very, very complicated, much work and maybe not, what you want to have. This would be the only way to get exact your requested functionality.
For work arounds, there are are many other possible solutions. Peolple will show you here.
But if I read your statement
"showing a view of the vector"
then life becomes easier. You can easily create a view of a vector by copying it conditionally with std::copy_if, as oblivion has written. That is in my opinion the best answer. It is none destructive. But it is a snapshot and not the original data. So, it is read only. And, it does not take into account changes to the original std::vector after the snapshot has been taken.
The second option, a combination of std::remove_if and std::erase, will destroy the original data. Or better said, it will invalidate the filtered out data. You could also std::copy_if the unwanted data to a backup area, std::remove_if them, and at the end add them again to the vector.
All these methods are critical, if the original data will be modified.
Maybe for you the standard std::copy_if is best to create a view. You would then return an iterator of copy and work with that.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::vector<int> testVector{ 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 }; // Test data
std::vector<int> testVectorView{}; // The view
// Create predicate
auto predForEvenNumbers = [](const int& i) -> bool { return (i % 2 == 0); };
// And filter. Take a snapshot
std::copy_if(testVector.begin(), testVector.end(), std::back_inserter(testVectorView), predForEvenNumbers);
// Show example result
std::vector<int>::iterator iter = testVectorView.begin();
std::cout << *iter << '\n';
return 0;
Please note. For big std::vectors, it will become a very expensive solution . . .

What is the most effective way of iterating a std::vector and why?

In terms of space-time complexity which of the following is best way to iterate over a std::vector and why?
Way 1:
for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
/* std::cout << *it; ... */
Way 2:
for(std::vector<int>::size_type i = 0; i != v.size(); i++) {
/* std::cout << v[i]; ... */
Way 3:
for(size_t i = 0; i != v.size(); i++) {
/* std::cout << v[i]; ... */
Way 4:
for(auto const& value: a) {
/* std::cout << value; ... */
First of all, Way 2 and Way 3 are identical in practically all standard library implementations.
Apart from that, the options you posted are almost equivalent. The only notable difference is that in Way 1 and Way 2/3, you rely on the compiler to optimize the call to v.end() and v.size() out. If that assumption is correct, there is no performance difference between the loops.
If it's not, Way 4 is the most efficient. Recall how a range based for loop expands to
auto && __range = range_expression ;
auto __begin = begin_expr ;
auto __end = end_expr ;
for ( ; __begin != __end; ++__begin) {
range_declaration = *__begin;
The important part here is that this guarantees the end_expr to be evaluated only once. Also note that for the range based for loop to be the most efficient iteration, you must not change how the dereferencing of the iterator is handled, e.g.
for (auto value: a) { /* ... */ }
this copies each element of the vector into the loop variable value, which is likely to be slower than for (const auto& value : a), depending on the size of the elements in the vector.
Note that with the parallel algorithm facilities in C++17, you can also try out
#include <algorithm>
#include <execution>
std::for_each(std::par_unseq, a.cbegin(), a.cend(),
[](const auto& e) { /* do stuff... */ });
but whether this is faster than an ordinary loop depends on may circumstantial details.
Prefer iterators over indices/keys.
While for vector or array there should be no difference between either form1, it is a good habit to get into for other containers.
1 As long as you use [] instead of .at() for accesssing by index, of course.
Memorize the end-bound.
Recomputing the end-bound at each iteration is inefficient for two reasons:
In general: a local variable is not aliased, which is more optimizer-friendly.
On containers other than vector: computing the end/size could be a bit more expensive.
You can do so as a one-liner:
for (auto it = vec.begin(), end = vec.end(); it != end; ++it) { ... }
(This is an exception to the general prohibition on declaring a single variable at a time.)
Use the for-each loop form.
The for-each loop form will automatically:
Use iterators.
Memorize the end-bound.
for (/*...*/ value : vec) { ... }
Take built-in types by values, other types by reference.
There is a non-obvious trade-off between taking an element by value and taking an element by reference:
Taking an element by reference avoids a copy, which can be an expensive operation.
Taking an element by value is more optimizer-friendly1.
At the extremes, the choice should be obvious:
Built-in types (int, std::int64_t, void*, ...) should be taken by value.
Potentially allocating types (std::string, ...) should be taken by reference.
In the middle, or when faced with generic code, I would recommend starting with references: it's better to avoid a performance cliff than attempting to squeeze out the last cycle.
Thus, the general form is:
for (auto& element : vec) { ... }
And if you are dealing with a built-in:
for (int element : vec) { ... }
1 This is a general principle of optimization, actually: local variables are friendlier than pointers/references because the optimizer knows all the potential aliases (or absence, thereof) of the local variable.
Addition to lubgr's answer:
Unless you discover via profiling the code in question to be a bottleneck, efficiency (which you probably meant instead of 'effectivity') shouldn't be your first concern, at least not on this level of code. Much more important are code readability and maintainability! So you should select the loop variant that reads best, which usually is way 4.
Indices can be useful if you have steps greater than 1 (whyever you would need to...):
for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i += 2) { ... }
While += 2 per se is legal on iterators, too, you risk undefined behaviour at loop end if the vector has odd size because you increment past the one past the end position! (Generally spoken: If you increment by n, you get UB if size is not an exact multiple of n.) So you need additional code to catch this, while you don't with the index variant...
The lazy answer: The complexities are equivalent.
The time complexity of all solutions is Θ(n).
The space complexity of all solutions is Θ(1).
The constant factors involved in the various solutions are implementation details. If you need numbers, you're probably best off benchmarking the different solutions on your particular target system.
It may help to store v.size() rsp. v.end(), although these are usually inlined, so such optimizations may not be needed, or performed automatically.
Note that indexing (without memoizing v.size()) is the only way to correctly deal with a loop body that may add additional elements (using push_back()). However, most use cases do not need this extra flexibility.
Prefer method 4, std::for_each (if you really must), or method 5/6:
void method5(std::vector<float>& v) {
for(std::vector<float>::iterator it = v.begin(), e = v.end(); it != e; ++it) {
*it *= *it;
void method6(std::vector<float>& v) {
auto ptr = v.data();
for(std::size_t i = 0, n = v.size(); i != n; i++) {
ptr[i] *= ptr[i];
The first 3 methods can suffer from issues of pointer aliasing (as alluded to in previous answers), but are all equally bad. Given that it's possible another thread may be accessing the vector, most compilers will play it safe, and re-evaluate [] end() and size() in each iteration. This will prevent all SIMD optimisations.
You can see proof here:
You'll notice that only 4/5/6 make use of the vmulps SIMD instructions, where as 1/2/3 only ever use the non-SIMD vmulss instructiuon.
Note: I'm using VC++ in the godbolt link because it demonstrates the problem nicely. The same problem does occur with gcc/clang, but it's not easy to demonstrate it with godbolt - you usually need to disassemble your DSO to see this happening.
For completeness, I wanted to mention that your loop might want to change the size of the vector.
std::vector<int> v = get_some_data();
for (std::size_t i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
int x = some_function(v[i]);
if(x) v.push_back(x);
In such an example you have to use indices and you have to re-evaluate v.size() in every iteration.
If you do the same with a range-based for loop or with iterators, you might end up with undefined behavior since adding new elements to a vector might invalidate your iterators.
By the way, I prefer to use while-loops for such cases over for-loops but that's another story.
It depends to a large extent on what you mean by "effective".
Other answers have mentioned efficiency, but I'm going to focus on the (IMO) most important purpose of C++ code: to convey your intent to other programmers¹.
From this perspective, method 4 is clearly the most effective. Not just because there are fewer characters to read, but mainly because there's less cognitive load: we don't need to check whether the bounds or step size are unusual, whether the loop iteration variable (i or it) is used or modified anywhere else, whether there's a typo or copy/paste error such as for (auto i = 0u; i < v1.size(); ++i) { std::cout << v2[i]; }, or dozens of other possibilities.
Quick quiz: Given std::vector<int> v1, v2, v3;, how many of the following loops are correct?
for (auto it = v1.cbegin(); it != v1.end(); ++it)
std::cout << v1[i];
for (auto i = 0u; i < v2.size(); ++i)
std::cout << v1[i];
for (auto const i: v3)
std::cout << i;
Expressing the loop control as clearly as possible allows the developer's mind to hold more understanding of the high-level logic, rather than being cluttered with implementation details - after all, this is why we're using C++ in the first place!
¹ To be clear, when I'm writing code, I consider the most important "other programmer" to be Future Me, trying to understand, "Who wrote this rubbish?"...
All of the ways you listed have identical time complexity and identical space complexity (no surprise there).
Using the for(auto& value : v) syntax is marginally more efficient, because with the other methods, the compiler may re-load v.size() and v.end() from memory every time you do the test, whereas with for(auto& value : v) this never occurs (it only loads the begin() and end() iterators once).
We can observe a comparison of the assembly produced by each method here: https://godbolt.org/z/LnJF6p
On a somewhat funny note, the compiler implements method3 as a jmp instruction to method2.
The complexity is the same for all except the last one that is in theory faster because the end of the container is evaluated only once.
Last one is also the nicest to read and to write, but has the drawback that doesn't give you the index (that is quite often important).
You are however ignoring what I think is a good alternative (it's my preferred one when I need the index and cannot use for (auto& x : v) {...}):
for (int i=0,n=v.size(); i<n; i++) {
... use v[i] ...
note that I used int and not size_t and that the end is computed only once and also available in the body as a local variable.
Often when the index and the size are needed then math computations are also performed on them and size_t behaves "strangely" when used for math (for example a+1 < b and a < b-1 are different things).

Iterate through a C++ Vector using a 'for' loop

I am new to the C++ language. I have been starting to use vectors, and have noticed that in all of the code I see to iterate though a vector via indices, the first parameter of the for loop is always something based on the vector. In Java I might do something like this with an ArrayList:
for(int i=0; i < vector.size(); i++){
Is there a reason I don't see this in C++? Is it bad practice?
The reason why you don't see such practice is quite subjective and cannot have a definite answer, because I have seen many of the code which uses your mentioned way rather than iterator style code.
Following can be reasons of people not considering vector.size() way of looping:
Being paranoid about calling size() every time in the loop
condition. However either it's a non-issue or it can be trivially
Preferring std::for_each() over the for loop itself
Later changing the container from std::vector to other one (e.g.
map, list) will also demand the change of the looping mechanism,
because not every container support size() style of looping
C++11 provides a good facility to move through the containers. That is called "range based for loop" (or "enhanced for loop" in Java).
With little code you can traverse through the full (mandatory!) std::vector:
vector<int> vi;
for(int i : vi)
cout << "i = " << i << endl;
The cleanest way of iterating through a vector is via iterators:
for (auto it = begin (vector); it != end (vector); ++it) {
it->doSomething ();
or (equivalent to the above)
for (auto & element : vector) {
element.doSomething ();
Prior to C++0x, you have to replace auto by the iterator type and use member functions instead of global functions begin and end.
This probably is what you have seen. Compared to the approach you mention, the advantage is that you do not heavily depend on the type of vector. If you change vector to a different "collection-type" class, your code will probably still work. You can, however, do something similar in Java as well. There is not much difference conceptually; C++, however, uses templates to implement this (as compared to generics in Java); hence the approach will work for all types for which begin and end functions are defined, even for non-class types such as static arrays. See here: How does the range-based for work for plain arrays?
Is there any reason I don't see this in C++? Is it bad practice?
No. It is not a bad practice, but the following approach renders your code certain flexibility.
Usually, pre-C++11 the code for iterating over container elements uses iterators, something like:
std::vector<int>::iterator it = vector.begin();
This is because it makes the code more flexible.
All standard library containers support and provide iterators. If at a later point of development you need to switch to another container, then this code does not need to be changed.
Note: Writing code which works with every possible standard library container is not as easy as it might seem to be.
The right way to do that is:
for(std::vector<T>::iterator it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it) {
Where T is the type of the class inside the vector. For example if the class was CActivity, just write CActivity instead of T.
This type of method will work on every STL (Not only vectors, which is a bit better).
If you still want to use indexes, the way is:
for(std::vector<T>::size_type i = 0; i != v.size(); i++) {
Using the auto operator really makes it easy to use as one does not have to worry about the data type and the size of the vector or any other data structure
Iterating vector using auto and for loop
vector<int> vec = {1,2,3,4,5}
for(auto itr : vec)
cout << itr << " ";
1 2 3 4 5
You can also use this method to iterate sets and list. Using auto automatically detects the data type used in the template and lets you use it.
So, even if we had a vector of string or char the same syntax will work just fine
A correct way of iterating over the vector and printing its values is as follows:
// declare the vector of type int
vector<int> v;
// insert elements in the vector
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; ++i){
// print those elements
for (auto it = v.begin(); it != v.end(); ++it){
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
But at least in the present case it is nicer to use a range-based for loop:
for (auto x: v) std::cout << x << "\n";
(You may also add & after auto to make x a reference to the elements rather than a copy of them. It is then very similar to the above iterator-based approach, but easier to read and write.)
There's a couple of strong reasons to use iterators, some of which are mentioned here:
Switching containers later doesn't invalidate your code.
i.e., if you go from a std::vector to a std::list, or std::set, you can't use numerical indices to get at your contained value. Using an iterator is still valid.
Runtime catching of invalid iteration
If you modify your container in the middle of your loop, the next time you use your iterator it will throw an invalid iterator exception.
Here is a simpler way to iterate and print values in vector.
for(int x: A) // for integer x in vector A
cout<< x <<" ";
With STL, programmers use iterators for traversing through containers, since iterator is an abstract concept, implemented in all standard containers. For example, std::list has no operator [] at all.
I was surprised nobody mentioned that iterating through an array with an integer index makes it easy for you to write faulty code by subscripting an array with the wrong index. For example, if you have nested loops using i and j as indices, you might incorrectly subscript an array with j rather than i and thus introduce a fault into the program.
In contrast, the other forms listed here, namely the range based for loop, and iterators, are a lot less error prone. The language's semantics and the compiler's type checking mechanism will prevent you from accidentally accessing an array using the wrong index.
don't forget examples with const correctness - can the loop modify the elements. Many examples here do not, and should use cont iterators. Here we assume
class T {
T (double d) : _d { d } {}
void doSomething () const { cout << _d << endl; return; }
void changeSomething () { ++_d; return; }
double _d;
vector<T> v;
// ...
for (const auto iter = v.cbegin(); iter != v.cend(); ++iter) {
Note also, that with the C++11 notation, the default is to copy the element. Use a reference to avoid this, and/or to allow for original elements to be modified:
vector<T> v;
// ...
for (auto t : v) {
t.changeSomething(); // changes local t, but not element of v
for (auto& t : v) { // reference avoids copying element
t.changeSomething(); // changes element of v
for (const auto& t : v) { // reference avoids copying element
t.doSomething(); // element can not be changed
//different declaration type
vector<int>v2(5,30); //size is 5 and fill up with 30
//From C++11 and onwards
for(auto itr:v2)
//(pre c++11)
for(auto itr=v3.begin(); itr !=v3.end(); itr++)
int main()
int n;
int input;
vector<int> p1;
vector<int> ::iterator it;
cout << "Enter the number of elements you want to insert" << endl;
cin >> n;
for (int i = 0;i < n;i++)
cin >> input;
cout << *it << endl;
//Iterating in vector through iterator it
return 0;
conventional form of iterator
If you use
std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<std::string>> names{ };
Do not forget, when you use auto in the for loop, to use also get, like this:
for (auto element in : names)
element.get()//do something

C++: Proper way to iterate over STL containers

In my game engine project, I make extensive use of the STL, mostly of the std::string and std::vector classes.
In many cases, I have to iterate through them. Right now, the way I'm doing it is:
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < theContainer.size(); i ++ )
Am I doing it the right way?
If not, why, and what should I do instead?
Is size() really executed every loop cycle with this implementation? Would the performance loss be negligible?
C++11 has a new container aware for loop syntax that can be used if your compiler supports the new standard.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<string> vs;
for (const auto &s : vs)
cout << s << endl;
return 0;
You might want to look at the standard algorithms.
For example
vector<mylass> myvec;
// some code where you add elements to your vector
for_each(myvec.begin(), myvec.end(), do_something_with_a_vector_element);
where do_something_with_a_vector_element is a function that does what goes in your loop
for example
do_something_with_a_vector_element(const myclass& element)
// I use my element here
The are lots of standard algorithms - see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/ - so most things are supported
STL containers support Iterators
vector<int> v;
for (vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it!=v.end(); ++it) {
cout << *it << endl;
size() would be re-computed every iteration.
For random-access containers, it's not wrong.
But you can use iterators instead.
for (string::const_iterator it = theContainer.begin();
it != theContainer.end(); ++it) {
// do something with *it
There are some circumstances under which a compiler may optimize away the .size() (or .end() in the iterator case) calls (e.g. only const access, function is pure). But do not depend on it.
Usually the right way to "iterate" over a container is using "iterators". Something like
string myStr = "hello";
for(string::iterator i = myStr.begin(); i != myStr.end(); ++i){
cout << "Current character: " << *i << endl;
Of course, if you aren't going to modify each element, it's best to use string::const_iterator.
And yes, size() gets called every time, and it's O(n), so in many cases the performance loss will be noticeable and it's O(1), but it's a good practice to calculate the size prior to the loop than calling size every time.
No, this is not the correct way to do it. For a ::std::vector or a ::std::string it works fine, but the problem is that if you ever use anything else, it won't work so well. Additionally, it isn't idiomatic.
And, to answer your other question... The size function is probably inline. This means it likely just fetches a value from the internals of ::std::string or ::std::vector. The compiler will optimize this away and only fetch it once in most cases.
But, here is the idiomatic way:
for (::std::vector<Foo>::iterator i = theContainer.begin();
i != theContainer.end();
Foo &cur_element = *i;
// Do stuff
The ++i is very important. Again, for ::std:vector or ::std::string where the iterator is basically a pointer, it's not so important. But for more complicated data structures it is. i++ has to make a copy and create a temporary because the old value needs to stick around. ++i has no such issue. Get into the habit of always using ++i unless you have a compelling reason not to.
Lastly, theContainer.end() will also be generally optimized out of existence. But you can force things to be a little better by doing this:
const ::std::vector<Foo>::iterator theEnd = theContainer.end();
for (::std::vector<Foo>::iterator i = theContainer.begin(); i != theEnd; ++i)
Foo &cur_element = *i;
// Do stuff
Of course, C++0x simplifies all of this considerably with a new syntax for for loops:
for (Foo &i: theContainer)
// Do stuff with i
These will work on standard fix-sized arrays as well as any type that defines begin and end to return iterator-like things.
Native for-loop (especially index-based) - it's C-way, not C++-way.
Use BOOST_FOREACH for loops.
Compare, for container of integers:
typedef theContainer::const_iterator It;
for( It it = theContainer.begin(); it != theContainer.end(); ++it ) {
std::cout << *it << std::endl;
BOOST_FOREACH ( int i, theContainer ) {
std::cout << i << std::endl;
But this is not perfect way. If you can do your work without loop - you MUST do it without loop. For example, with algorithms and Boost.Phoenix:
boost::range::for_each( theContainer, std::cout << arg1 << std::endl );
I understand that these solutions bring additional dependencies in your code, but Boost is 'must-have' for modern C++.
You're doing it OK for vectors, although that doesn't translate into the right way for other containers.
The more general way is
for(std::vector<foo>::const_iterator i = theContainer.begin(); i != theContainer.end; ++i)
which is more typing than I really like, but will become a lot more reasonable with the redefinition of auto in the forthcoming Standard. This will work on all standard containers. Note that you refer to the individual foo as *i, and use &*i if you want its address.
In your loop, .size() is executed every time. However, it's constant time (Standard, 23.1/5) for all standard containers, so it won't slow you down much if at all. Addition: the Standard says "should" have constant complexity, so a particularly bad implementation could make it not constant. If you're using such a bad implementation, you've got other performance issues to worry about.