Dask: Groupby with nlargest automatically brings in index and doesn't allow reset_index() - grouping

I've been trying to get nlargest rows for a group by following method from this question. The solution to the question is correct up to a point.
In this example, I groupby column A and want to return the rows of C and D based on the top two values in B.
For some reason the index of grp_df is multilevel and includes both A and the original index of ddf.
I was hoping to simply reset_index() and drop the unwanted index and just keep A, but I get the following error:
ValueError: The columns in the computed data do not match the columns in the provided metadata
Here is a simple example reproducing the error:
import numpy as np
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD'))
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=3)
grp_df = ddf.groupby('A')[['B','C']].apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2, columns=['B']), meta={
"B": 'f8', "C": 'f8'})
# Print is successful and results are correct
grp_df = grp_df.reset_index()
# Print is unsuccessful and shows error below

Found approach for solution here.
Following code now allows for reset_index() to work and gets rid of the original ddf index. Still not sure why the original ddf index came through the groupby in the first place, though
meta = pd.DataFrame(columns=['B', 'C'], dtype=int, index=pd.MultiIndex([[], []], [[], []], names=['A', None]))
grp_df = ddf.groupby('A')[['B','C']].apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(2, columns=['B']), meta=meta)
grp_df = grp_df.reset_index().drop('level_1', axis=1)


Bokeh legend can't find field

I'm plotting a line graph with bokeh (never used this library before) in a Jupyter notebook and I'm trying to add a legend but I'm getting the following error:
ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().
d = {'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4], 'label' : ['something', 'something']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
trend = figure( tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save",title="trends")
trend.line(source = df, x ='col1', y = 'col2', line_color="red", legend ='label')
So far I have tried moving the legend field and specifying the dataframe name.
These seems actually to be a small bug in figure when a DataFrame is passed as the source argument. In this case the DataFrame is automatically converted to a Bokeh ColumnDataSource internally, but it is evidently not happening soon enough. However, the fix is straightforward, since you can create a ColumnDataSource yourself:
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.io import output_file, show
d = {'col1': [1, 2], 'col2': [3, 4], 'label' : ['something', 'something']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
p = figure( tools="pan,box_zoom,reset,save",title="trends")
source = ColumnDataSource(df)
p.line(source=source, x ='col1', y = 'col2', line_color="red", legend ='label')
Please file a bug report with this code on the GitHub issue tracker.

Using python groupby or defaultdict effectively?

I have a csv with name, role, years of experience. I want to create a list of tuples that aggregates (name, role1, total_exp_inthisRole) for all the employess.
so far i am able to use defaultdict to do the below
import csv, urllib2
from collections import defaultdict
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
cr = csv.reader(response)
parsed = ((row[0],row[1],int(row[2])) for row in cr)
employees =[]
for item in parsed:
employeeExp = defaultdict(int)
for x,y,z in employees: # variable unpacking
employeeExp[x] += z
output: [('Ken', 15), ('Buckky', 5), ('Tina', 10)]
but how do i use the second column also to achieve the result i want. Shall i try to solve by groupby multiple keys or simpler way is possible? Thanks all in advance.
You can simply pass a tuple of name and role to your defaultdict, instead of only one item:
for x,y,z in employees:
employeeExp[(x, y)] += z
For your second expected output ([('Ken', ('engineer', 5),('sr. engineer', 6)), ...])
You need to aggregate the result of aforementioned snippet one more time, but this time you need to use a defaultdict with a list:
d = defaultdict(list)
for (name, rol), total_exp_inthisRole in employeeExp.items():
d[name].append(rol, total_exp_inthisRole)

Getting indices while using train test split in scikit

In order to split my data into train and test data separately, I'm using
sklearn.cross_validation.train_test_split function.
When I supply my data and labels as list of lists to this function, it returns train and test data in two separate lists.
I want to get the indices of the train and test data elements from the original data list.
Can anyone help me out with this?
Thanks in advance
You can supply the index vector as an additional argument. Using the example from sklearn:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
X, y,indices = (0.1*np.arange(10)).reshape((5, 2)),range(10,15),range(5)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test,indices_train,indices_test = train_test_split(X, y,indices, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
#([2, 0, 3], [1, 4])
Try the below solutions (depending on whether you have imbalance):
NUM_ROWS = train.shape[0]
indices = np.arange(NUM_ROWS)
# usual train-val split
train_idx, val_idx = train_test_split(indices, test_size=TEST_SIZE, train_size=None)
# stratified train-val split as per Response's proportion (if imbalance)
strat_train_idx, strat_val_idx = train_test_split(indices, test_size=TEST_SIZE, stratify=y)

Dictvectorizer for list as one feature in Python Pandas and Scikit-learn

I have been trying to solve this for days, and although I have found a similar problem here How can i vectorize list using sklearn DictVectorizer, the solution is overly simplified.
I would like to fit some features into a logistic regression model to predict 'chinese' or 'non-chinese'. I have a raw_name which I will extract to get two features 1) is just the last name, and 2) is a list of substring of the last name, for example, 'Chan' will give ['ch', 'ha', 'an']. But it seems Dictvectorizer doesn't take list type as part of the dictionary. From the link above, I try to create a function list_to_dict, and successfully, return some dict elements,
{'substring=co': True, 'substring=or': True, 'substring=rn': True, 'substring=ns': True}
but I have no idea how to incorporate that in the my_dict = ... before applying the dictvectorizer.
# coding=utf-8
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import numpy as np
import nltk
import re
import random
from random import randint
import sys
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
lr = LogisticRegression()
dv = DictVectorizer()
# Get csv file into data frame
data = pd.read_csv("V2-1_2000Records_Processed_SEP2015.csv", header=0, encoding="utf-8")
df = DataFrame(data)
# Pandas data frame shuffling
df_shuffled = df.iloc[np.random.permutation(len(df))]
# Assign X and y variables
X = df.raw_name.values
y = df.chineseScan.values
# Feature extraction functions
def feature_full_last_name(nameString):
last_name = nameString.rsplit(None, 1)[-1]
if len(last_name) > 1: # not accept name with only 1 character
return last_name
else: return None
except: return None
def feature_twoLetters(nameString):
placeHolder = []
for i in range(0, len(nameString)):
x = nameString[i:i+2]
if len(x) == 2:
return placeHolder
except: return []
def list_to_dict(substring_list):
substring_dict = {}
for i in substring_list:
substring_dict['substring='+str(i)] = True
return substring_dict
except: return None
list_example = ['co', 'or', 'rn', 'ns']
print list_to_dict(list_example)
# Transform format of X variables, and spit out a numpy array for all features
my_dict = [{'two-letter-substrings': feature_twoLetters(feature_full_last_name(i)),
'last-name': feature_full_last_name(i), 'dummy': 1} for i in X]
print my_dict[3]
{'substring=co': True, 'substring=or': True, 'substring=rn': True, 'substring=ns': True}
{'dummy': 1, 'two-letter-substrings': [u'co', u'or', u'rn', u'ns'], 'last-name': u'corns'}
Sample data:
Raw_name chineseScan
Jack Anderson non-chinese
Po Lee chinese
If I have understood correctly you want a way to encode list values in order to have a feature dictionary that DictVectorizer could use. (One year too late but) something like this can be used depending on the case:
my_dict_list = []
for i in X:
# create a new feature dictionary
feat_dict = {}
# add the features that are straight forward
feat_dict['last-name'] = feature_full_last_name(i)
feat_dict['dummy'] = 1
# for the features that have a list of values iterate over the values and
# create a custom feature for each value
for two_letters in feature_twoLetters(feature_full_last_name(i)):
# make sure the naming is unique enough so that no other feature
# unrelated to this will have the same name/ key
feat_dict['two-letter-substrings-' + two_letters] = True
# save it to the feature dictionary list that will be used in Dict vectorizer
print my_dict_list
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
dict_vect = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
transformed_x = dict_vect.fit_transform(my_dict_list)
print transformed_x
[{'dummy': 1, u'two-letter-substrings-er': True, 'last-name': u'Anderson', u'two-letter-substrings-on': True, u'two-letter-substrings-de': True, u'two-letter-substrings-An': True, u'two-letter-substrings-rs': True, u'two-letter-substrings-nd': True, u'two-letter-substrings-so': True}, {'dummy': 1, u'two-letter-substrings-ee': True, u'two-letter-substrings-Le': True, 'last-name': u'Lee'}]
[[ 1. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
[ 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]]
Another thing you could do (but I don't recommend) if you don't want to create as many features as the values in your lists is something like this:
# sorting the values would be a good idea
feat_dict[frozenset(feature_twoLetters(feature_full_last_name(i)))] = True
# or
feat_dict[" ".join(feature_twoLetters(feature_full_last_name(i)))] = True
but the first one means that you can't have any duplicate values and probably both don't make good features, especially if you need fine-tuned and detailed ones. Also, they reduce the possibility of two rows having the same combination of two letter combinations, thus the classification probably won't do well.
[{'dummy': 1, 'last-name': u'Anderson', frozenset([u'on', u'rs', u'de', u'nd', u'An', u'so', u'er']): True}, {'dummy': 1, 'last-name': u'Lee', frozenset([u'ee', u'Le']): True}]
[{'dummy': 1, 'last-name': u'Anderson', u'An nd de er rs so on': True}, {'dummy': 1, u'Le ee': True, 'last-name': u'Lee'}]
[[ 1. 0. 1. 1. 0.]
[ 0. 1. 1. 0. 1.]]

Removing features with low variance using scikit-learn

scikit-learn provides various methods to remove descriptors, a basic method for this purpose has been provided by the given tutorial below,
but the tutorial does not provide any method or a way that can tell you the way to keep the list of features that either removed or kept.
The code below has been taken from the tutorial.
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
X = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1]]
sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=(.8 * (1 - .8)))
array([[0, 1],
[1, 0],
[0, 0],
[1, 1],
[1, 0],
[1, 1]])
The given example code above depicts only two descriptors "shape(6, 2)", but in my case, I have a huge data frames with a shape of (rows 51, columns 9000). After finding a suitable model I want to keep the track of useful and useless features because I can save computational time during the computation of the features of test data set by calculating only useful features.
For example, when you perform machine learning modeling with WEKA 6.0, it provided with remarkable flexibility over feature selection and after removing the useless feature you can get a list of a discarded features along with the useful features.
Then, what you can do, if I'm not wrong is:
In the case of the VarianceThreshold, you can call the method fit instead of fit_transform. This will fit data, and the resulting variances will be stored in vt.variances_ (assuming vt is your object).
Having a threhold, you can extract the features of the transformation as fit_transform would do:
X[:, vt.variances_ > threshold]
Or get the indexes as:
idx = np.where(vt.variances_ > threshold)[0]
Or as a mask
mask = vt.variances_ > threshold
PS: default threshold is 0
A more straight forward to do, is by using the method get_support of the class VarianceThreshold. From the documentation:
get_support([indices]) Get a mask, or integer index, of the features selected
You should call this method after fit or fit_transform.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
# Just make a convenience function; this one wraps the VarianceThreshold
# transformer but you can pass it a pandas dataframe and get one in return
def get_low_variance_columns(dframe=None, columns=None,
skip_columns=None, thresh=0.0,
Wrapper for sklearn VarianceThreshold for use on pandas dataframes.
print("Finding low-variance features.")
# get list of all the original df columns
all_columns = dframe.columns
# remove `skip_columns`
remaining_columns = all_columns.drop(skip_columns)
# get length of new index
max_index = len(remaining_columns) - 1
# get indices for `skip_columns`
skipped_idx = [all_columns.get_loc(column)
for column
in skip_columns]
# adjust insert location by the number of columns removed
# (for non-zero insertion locations) to keep relative
# locations intact
for idx, item in enumerate(skipped_idx):
if item > max_index:
diff = item - max_index
skipped_idx[idx] -= diff
if item == max_index:
diff = item - len(skip_columns)
skipped_idx[idx] -= diff
if idx == 0:
skipped_idx[idx] = item
# get values of `skip_columns`
skipped_values = dframe.iloc[:, skipped_idx].values
# get dataframe values
X = dframe.loc[:, remaining_columns].values
# instantiate VarianceThreshold object
vt = VarianceThreshold(threshold=thresh)
# fit vt to data
# get the indices of the features that are being kept
feature_indices = vt.get_support(indices=True)
# remove low-variance columns from index
feature_names = [remaining_columns[idx]
for idx, _
in enumerate(remaining_columns)
if idx
in feature_indices]
# get the columns to be removed
removed_features = list(np.setdiff1d(remaining_columns,
print("Found {0} low-variance columns."
# remove the columns
if autoremove:
print("Removing low-variance features.")
# remove the low-variance columns
X_removed = vt.transform(X)
print("Reassembling the dataframe (with low-variance "
"features removed).")
# re-assemble the dataframe
dframe = pd.DataFrame(data=X_removed,
# add back the `skip_columns`
for idx, index in enumerate(skipped_idx):
value=skipped_values[:, idx])
print("Succesfully removed low-variance columns.")
# do not remove columns
print("No changes have been made to the dataframe.")
except Exception as e:
print("Could not remove low-variance features. Something "
"went wrong.")
return dframe, removed_features
this worked for me if you want to see exactly which columns are remained after thresholding you may use this method:
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=(threshold_n* (1 - threshold_n) ))
When testing features I wrote this simple function that tells me which variables remained in the data frame after the VarianceThreshold is applied.
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from itertools import compress
def fs_variance(df, threshold:float=0.1):
Return a list of selected variables based on the threshold.
# The list of columns in the data frame
features = list(df.columns)
# Initialize and fit the method
vt = VarianceThreshold(threshold = threshold)
_ = vt.fit(df)
# Get which column names which pass the threshold
feat_select = list(compress(features, vt.get_support()))
return feat_select
which returns a list of column names which are selected. For example: ['col_2','col_14', 'col_17'].