Faster development turnaround time with AWS Glue - amazon-web-services

AWS Glue looks promising but I'm having a challenge with the development cycle time. If I edit PySpark scripts through the AWS console, it takes several minutes to run even on a minimal test dataset. This makes it a challenge to iterate quickly if I have to wait 3-5 minutes just to see whether I called the right method on glueContext or understood a particular DynamicFrame behavior.
What techniques would allow me to iterate faster?
I suppose I could develop Spark code locally, and deploy it to Glue as an execution framework. But if I need to test code with Glue-specific extensions, I am stuck.

For development and testing scripts Glue has Development Endpoints which you can use with notebooks like Zeppelin installed either on a local machine or on Amazon EC2 instance (other options are 'REPL Shell' and 'PyCharm Professional').
Please don't forget to remove the endpoint when you are done with testing since you pay for it even if it's idling.

I keep pyspark code in separate class file and glue code in another file. We use glue for reading and writing data only. We do test driven development using pytest in local machine. No need of dev endpoint or zeppelin. Once all syntactical or business logic specific bugs are fixed in pyspark, end-to-end testing is done using glue. We also wrote shell script, which uploads latest code to S3 bucket from which glue job is run.


Data streaming from raspberry pi CSV file to BigQuery table

I have some CSV files generated by raspberry pi that needs to be pushed into bigquery tables.
Currently, we have a python script using bigquery.LoadJobConfig for batch upload and I run it manually. The goal is to have streaming data(or every 15 minutes) in a simple way.
I explored different solutions:
Using airflow to run the python script (high complexity and maintenance)
Dataflow (I am not familiar with it but if it does the job I will use it)
Scheduling pipeline to run the script through GitLab CI (cron syntax: */15 * * * * )
Could you please help me and suggest to me the best way to push CSV files into bigquery tables in real-time or every 15 minutes?
Good news, you have many options! Perhaps the easiest would be to automate the python script that you have currently, since it does what you need. Assuming you are running it manually on a local machine, you could upload it to a lightweight VM on Google Cloud, the use CRON on the VM to automate the running of it, I used used this approach in the past and it worked well.
Another option would be to deploy your Python code to a Google Cloud Function, a way to let GCP run the code without you having to worry about maintaining the backend resource.
Find out more about Cloud Functions here:
A third option, depending on where your .csv files are being generated, perhaps you could use the BigQuery Data Transfer service to handle the imports into BigQuery.
More on that here:
Good luck!
Adding to #Ben's answer, you can also implement Cloud Composer to orchestrate this workflow. It is built on Apache Airflow and you can use Airflow-native tools, such as the powerful Airflow web interface and command-line tools, Airflow scheduler etc without worrying about your infrastructure and maintenance.
You can implement DAGs to
upload CSV from local to GCS then
GCS to BQ using GCSToBigQueryOperator
More on Cloud Composer

Setup serverless local environment for AWS using serverless framework

Hi I am using the serverless framework to develop my application and I need to set it up in a local environment I am using API gateway, Lambda, VPC , SNS, SQS, and DB is connected via VPC peering, currently, everytime I am deploying and testing my code and its tedious process and takes 5 mins to deploy, Is there any way to set up a local environment to have everything in one place
It should be possible in theory, but it is not an easy thing to do. There are products like LocalStack that offer exactly this.
But, I would not recommend going that route. Ultimately, by design this will always be a huge cat and mouse game. AWS introduces a new feature or changes some minor detail of their implementation and products like LocalStack need to catch up. Furthermore, you will always only get an "approximation" of the "actual cloud". It never won't be a 100% match.
I would think there is a lot of work involved to get products like LocalStack working properly with your setup and have it running well.
Therefore, I would propose to invest the same time into proper developer experience within the "actual cloud". That is what we do: every developer deploys their version of the project to AWS.
This is also not trivial, but the end result is not a "fake version" of the cloud that might or might not reflect the "real cloud".
The key to achieve this is Infrastructure as code and as much automation as possible. We use Terraform and Makefiles which works very well for us. If done properly, we only ever build and deploy what we changed. The result is that changes can be deployed in seconds to AWS and the developer can test the result either through the Makefile itself or using the AWS console.
And another upside of this is, that in theory you need to do all the same work anyway for your continuous deployment, so ultimately you are reducing work by not having to maintain local deployments and cloud deployments.

How to get SonarQube results back to CodeBuild

I've seen many discussions on-line about Sonar web-hooks to send scan results to Jenkins, but as a CodePipeline acolyte, I could use some basic help with the steps to supply Sonar scan results (e.g., quality-gate pass/fail status) to the pipeline.
Is the Sonar web-hook the right way to go, or is it possible to use Sonar's API to fetch the status of a scan for a given code-project?
Our code is in BitBucket. I'm working with the AWS admin who will create the CodePipeline that fires when code is attempted to be pushed into the repo. sonar-scanner will be run, and then we'd like the pipeline to stop if the quality does not pass the Quality Gate.
If I would use a Sonar web-hook, I imagine the value for host would be, what, the AWS instance running the CodeBuild?
Any pointers, references, examples welcome.
I created a powershell to use with Azure DevOps, that possible may be migrated to some shell script that runs in the code build activity

Google Dataprep: Scheduling with updated data source

Is there way to trigger dataprep flow on GCS (Google Cloud Storage) file upload? Or, at least, is it possible to make dataprep run each day and take the newest file from certain directory in GCS?
It should be possible, because otherwise what is the point in scheduling? Running the same job over the same data source with the same output?
It seems this product is very immature at the moment, so no API endpoint exists to run a job in this service. It is only possible to run a job in the UI.
In general, this is a pattern that is typically used for running jobs on a schedule. Maybe at some point the service will allow you to publish into the "queue" that Run Job already uses.

How to pull data from API and store it in HDFS

I am aware of flume and Kafka but these are event driven tools. I don't need it to be event driven or real time but may be just schedule the import once in a day.
What are the data ingestion tools available for importing data from API's in HDFS?
I am not using HBase either but HDFS and Hive.
I have used R language for that for quite a time but I am looking for a more robust,may be native solution to Hadoop environment.
Look into using Scala or Python for this. There are a couple ways to approach pulling from an API into HDFS. The first approach would be to write a script which runs on your edge node(essentially just a linux server) and pulls data from the API and lands it in a directory on the linux file system. Then your script can use HDFS file system commands to put the data into HDFS.
The second approach would be to use Scala or Python with Spark to call the API and directly load the data into HDFS using a Spark submit job. Again this script would be run from an edge node it is just utilizing Spark to bypass having to land the data in the LFS.
The first option is easier to implement. The second option is worth looking into if you have huge data volumes or an API that could be parallelized by making calls to muliple IDs/accounts at once.