I'm struggling to understand the way that the "in" instruction works, I have an exam in a few days and even though I fell pretty confident with the way ocaml works, there's a lot of previous exams that brings me to some scoping questions, as far as I know ocaml is a static scope language, so if for example you declare a value and you use it inside a function (without passing it as an argument of course), even if you overwrite the value the function will still use the previous one, for example
let a = 5;;
let f x = a+x;;
let a = 1;;
f 1;;
Will return 6 even though the a value has been overwritten, but there are some pretty sketchy questions in the exam, like for example
let a = 6 in
let b x = a + x in
let a = 42 in
b a;;
This one confuses me a lot, how does the "in" work? I know that this returns 48, but I'm struggling to see a pattern that I can use to understand how the scoping works when you use the "in" instruction.
Any explanation will be appreciated really much
Thanks in advance :D
Will return 6 even though the a value has been overwritten
It's not overwritten. You create a new variable with the same name. I.e., you don't change the existing variable - you create a new one which hides the existing one. What happens is this:
let a1 = 5;;
let f x = a1 + x;;
let a2 = 1;;
f 1;;
The same in the second example:
let a1 = 6 in
let b x = a1 + x in
let a2 = 42 in
b a2;;
I am a beginner with OCaml. I would like to skip the first element of my list.
Here is my list:
let l = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;1];;
I want to use this in my FOR:
let l = List.tl l;
here is my full code:
let l = [1;2;3;4;5;6;7;2;1];;
let n = 1;;
let counter = ref 0;;
for i = 0 to (List.length l) do
if List.hd l = n then counter := !counter + 1;
let l = List.tl l
But I have errors in the DONE and it says syntax error.
Can anyone help me please?
Your problem is that let always requires a matching in. The full expression looks like this:
let var = expr1 in expr2
Since you're missing the in part, you get a syntax error.
However, the deeper problem is that you're trying to modify the value of l. The way you have defined l, it's immutable. You can't change its value. If you want to be able to change its value you can define it as a reference, as you have done for counter.
(There is another form of let used at the top level of a module. This form doesn't have a matching in. But your code isn't defining a top-level name, so this is not relevant.)
I want to calculate f(..f(x)) p times. The following is my code.
let rec function f x p = if p = 0 then x else function f (f x) p-1;;
I wonder how I should make it right.
This is very close, but your code has syntax errors that are going to make it hard to make progress. I think the main problem is that you're using function as an identifier, but it is a keyword in OCaml. If you change to myfun, things should start working quite a bit better.
You also need to watch your precedences. The following code:
f a b-1
is parsed like this:
(f a b) - 1
not like this:
f a (b - 1)
You need to write the parentheses explicitly to get this second parse.
You can define a recursive function ch to apply a function f many times (Church numeral??) as follows:
let rec ch f p x = if p = 0 then x else f (ch f (p-1) x);;
The problems in your original code are that:
need to name the function as something, such as ch here.
need to call the same function ch to get the recursion going as shown above. In your original code, there is no recursion.
let p1 x = x + 1 ;;
ch p1 3 1 ;;
this will give you
- : int = 3
as intended.
I have declared a list l=[];; and now trying to append tuples into this list using '#'. But I am not able to do so. Can anyone please help me sorting this out.
let l = []
for x = 1 to 10 do
l <- l#[(x,x+10)]
And want final answer as: l=[(1,10),(2,20),(3,30).....]
Your definition of l means that l is immutable. You define its value as [], and this can never be changed.
If you want to be able to change l, you need to define it as a mutable value. One simple way to do this is to make it a "ref":
# let l = ref [];;
val l : '_a list ref = {contents = []}
After this you can get the value of l with the ! operator and change the value using the := operator:
# !l;;
- : '_a list = []
# l := !l # [3];;
- : unit = ()
# !l;;
- : int list = [3]
However, this code is not idiomatic OCaml. If you're studying OCaml academically, it might be better to learn to work with immutable values.
Here are some hints on writing recursive functions. I don't want to spoil the exercise by writing the code for you.
The way to solve a problem recursively is to answer questions like this:
What general problem am I trying to solve? In your case, you're trying to create a list of pairs of some length with some arithmetic properties.
What is the most trivial case of this problem? In your case, the most trivial case is when the desired length is 0 (in which case the list is empty).
If I have a non-trival case of the problem, how can I break it into easily calculated answers and smaller cases of the same problem? You want to assemble these into the full answer. In your case, the smaller pieces would be the first element of the result (easily calculated), and a list that's one shorter (smaller case of the same problem).
Then your code looks like this for the garden variety recursive function with some number of parameters (say a, b, c, d):
let rec f a b c d =
if <<this is the trivial case>> then
<<the answer is obvious>>
let tp = <<answer to tiny piece of the problem>> in
let (a', b', c', d') = <<rest of the problem (smaller)>> in
let smres = f a' b' c' d' in
<<combine tp and smres>>
let () = Random.self_init();;
let _ = Random.self_init ();;
│- : unit = ()
It seems "let ()" returns nothing ?
let is the keyword used to define new variables, like in the following construct:
let pattern = expr
For instance
let a = 2
assigns the value 2 to the name a. (Note this is not a way to assign a value to an already existing variable, but this is another topic).
But the pattern to the left of the = sign can be more than just a name. For instance
let (a,b) = (42,"foo")
defines both a and b, to be respectively 42 and "foo".
Of course, the types on both sides must match.
Which is the case here: both sides are of type int * string.
The expressions to the right of the = sign can also be elaborated, for instance
let foo =
let temp = String.make 10 'a' in
temp.[2] <- 'b';
defines foo as the string "aabaaaaaaa". (As a side note, it also ensures that temp is local to this code snippet).
Now, let's use both: on the left, a pattern matching values of type unit, and on the right, an expression of type unit:
let () = Printf.printf "Hello world!\n"
Which explains the let () = construct.
Now, about the let _, one simply needs to know that _ can be used in a pattern as a wildcard: it matches values of any type and does not bind any name. For instance
let (a,_) = (42,"foo")
defines a as 42, and discards the value "foo". _ means "I know there is something here and I explicitly say I will not use it, so I don't name it". Here _ was used to match values of type string, but it can match value of any type, like int * string:
let _ = (42,"foo")
which does not define any variable and is not very useful. Such constructs are useful when the right hand side has side effects, like this:
let _ = Printf.printf "Hello world!\n"
which explains the second part of the question.
Practical purposes
Both are used and it's rather a matter of taste whether to use one or the other.
let () = is slightly safer as it has the compiler check that the right hand side is of type unit.
A value of any other type than unit is often a bug.
let _ = is slightly shorter (I've seen this argument). (Note that with an editor that automatically closes parenthesizes, the number of keystrokes is the same ;-)
I'm not an OCaml expert, although let me share something :)
The let in OCaml can represent two things:
The way you can assign variables;
The way you can declare functions or assign functions to names;
Using examples, you can see clearly how it works:
Assigning variables:
# let ten = 10;;
val ten : int = 10
# let hello_world_string = "Hello World";;
val hello_world_string : string = "Hello World"
Declaring functions:
# let sum a b = a+b;;
val sum : int -> int -> int = <fun>
# sum 2 3;;
- : int = 5
So, answering the question the difference between let ()= and let _= is:
At first example, you are declaring a function that doesn't have name, parameters nor instructions that should output an unit. The second example, you aren't assigning to _, that is OCaml's wildcard, any value.
As we can see below, we can define a function, that will be executed immediatly because we won't be able to call it anymore:
# let () = print_string "Hello";;
Or assign to OCaml's wildcard a type and value, or a function:
# let _ = 10;;
- : int = 10
# let _ = print_string "Maybe I answered your question :) ";;
Maybe I answered your question :) - : unit = ()
let x = ref 100 in
let f () = !x in
let x = ref 50 in
??? ; f ()
You are supposed to get the answer to be 50 by plugging something into the ??? (not shadowing). But I don't know how to change the value of your original ref now, considering x := 50 is going to apply to the SECOND x now....
If it really is a "beginner question", that's probably not the expected answer. But I don't know what the "expected answer" is, so let's hack around instead.
Obj.(obj (field (repr f) 1)) := 42;;
relevant link
There is no way to access original x now. So.. shadow f!