LibUV create UDP stream from existing socket - c++

I know very little about how unix works, so please excuse my ignorance.
I have a path to a socket on my linux box, /data/sock/socket.
I want to send data to that socket with LibUV, but I am unsure how to go about that.
I currently have it set up to create its own socket,
uv_udp_t m_socket;
uv_udp_send_t m_send_req;
sockaddr_in m_addr;
uv_udp_init(uv_default_loop(), &m_socket);
uv_ip4_addr("", 8008, &m_addr);
char buff[6] = "Hello\0";
auto buf = uv_buf_init(buff, 6);
uv_udp_send(&m_send_req, &m_socket, &buf, 1, (const struct sockaddr*)&m_addr, NULL);
How can I use the socket I have on my filesystem, rather than using the one created through code?

Those sockets are called "local domain" sockets, and not UDP sockets. Fortunately, LibUV does support those (only on UNIX, obviously; although on Windows the same LibUV API use "Named Pipes" under the hood.)
Anyways... In short, you have to use the pipe API (i.e. uv_pipe_init and uv_pipe_bind()/uv_pipe_connect,) instead of uv_udp_* functions.
You can find the documentation for LibUV's pipe API here.


Get cwnd of my TCP connection from a program

I am creating a TCP connection from my linux program with boost.asio. I wonder how do I get the value of its congestion window (cwnd) from the program? The only way I know of is to parse /proc/net/tcp, but this does not feel right. I'd rather use a dedicated syscall to get this info.
A solution to a similar question (How to monitor cwnd and ssthresh values for a TCP connection?) suggests using TCP Probe, but it feels even less appealing.
So what is the best way to get the value of cwnd?
I did this with netlink and INET_DIAG-sockets based on this helpful example:
It turned out getsockopt() is able to return the same tcp_info when called with TCP_INFO option:
tcp_info tcpi = {};
socklen_t len = sizeof(tcp_info);
getsockopt(tcp_socket, SOL_TCP, TCP_INFO, &tcpi, &len);
tcpi.tcpi_snd_cwnd; // <-- CWND

Answer an UDP packet

I have a UDP server using the following code:
void initialize()
connect(&_udpSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onUdpDatagram()));
_udpSocket.bind(QHostAddress::Any, 28283);
void onUdpDatagram()
qDebug() << "udp packet received!";
Unfortunately when a UDP packet is received, I have the following error in the log:
QIODevice::write: device not open
How can I make the UDP socket writable? I tried to create another socket for the answer that connect to the sender address and port but the sending won't use the 28283 port anymore...
Any idea?
For info: I'm using Qt 5.2.1 on MacOS 10.9
UDP is not a connection-based protocol. You don't get a separate socket for each peer, instead there's one socket for all communication on a single port.
Therefore, there's some extra effort needed to reply to an incoming UDP packet. You need to retrieve the sender address from the datagram you received, and send back to that same address. In the sockets API this is done by using recvfrom and sendto functions instead of recv (or read) and send (or write) -- the latter are designed for connected sockets like you use with TCP.
You didn't show the declaration (really, the type) for your _udpSocket variable, so I'm assuming that you are using a QUdpSocket. In that case, it looks like you will want to use the readDatagram and writeDatagram functions, which like recvfrom and sendto, have an additional parameter for the peer address (actually, it's a pair, one for the IP address, one for the port).
Here's what the Qt documentation says about that:
The most common way to use this class is to bind to an address and port using bind(), then call writeDatagram() and readDatagram() to transfer data. If you want to use the standard QIODevice functions read(), readLine(), write(), etc., you must first connect the socket directly to a peer by calling connectToHost().
Coincidentally, this warning was introduced by me in Qt upstream:
QIODevice::write: device not open
It should be pretty clear unlike before the introduction of this, namely: you have forgotten to connect to the host with your udp socket. You cannot expect it to write and/or read if it is not even open and/or connected. See the documentation for details:
If you want to use the standard QIODevice functions read(), readLine(), write(), etc., you must first connect the socket directly to a peer by calling connectToHost().
You have to do something like this somewhere in your code:
_udpSocket.connectToHost(myHostAddress, 28283, ReadWrite, AnyIPProtocol);
The last two parameters can be skipped as they are the default. As you can read from the documentation, this method call will open the socket for you, too, which is necessary to get done for QIODevice read and write operations.
That being said, you really should not neglect error checking in your code as it currently seems to stand. It will be difficult to find the issues this way.
Also, it is ice on the cake, but I would encourage you to start using the "new" signal-slot syntax, which is not so new, but much more modern and handier:
void initialize()
connect(&_udpSocket, &QUdpSocket::connected, [&_udpSocket]() {
connect(&_udpSocket, &QUdpSocket::readyRead, [&_udpSocket]() {
qDebug() << "udp packet received!";
if (_udpSocket.write("Hello") != 6)
qDebug() << "Failed to write:" << _udpSocket.errorString();
connect(&_udpSocket, &QUdpSocket::error, [&_udpSocket]() {
qDebug() << "Error occured:" << _udpSocket.errorString();
_udpSocket.connectToHost(myHostAddress, 28283, ReadWrite, AnyIPProtocol);

Socket is invalid while hooking WSASend/WSARecv on the server

I am hooking WSASend, and WSARecv in C++ using the same method I've used to hook the client's WSASend and WSARecv functions. In the client I am able to get the IP, Port, and Socket from the SOCKET structure passed by WSASend/WSARecv; however, for the server when I try to use getpeername or getsockname() they both return the error 10057 (Socket not connected)...
I'm fairly sure that the hook is correct on the server, since it prints the bytes successfully, and I'm also sure the socket SHOULD be valid seeing how client and server establish a successful connection.
Is there a way to resolve this problem by any other alternative methods? I've been looking around the internet to find a solution, but I haven't seen anyone with the same problem.
I've tried this:
sockaddr *address = new sockaddr;
int peer_len;
getpeername(s, address, &peer_len);
int err = WSAGetLastError();
char *Str = inet_ntoa(((sockaddr_in*)address)->sin_addr);
printf("[%s", Str);
printf("Error %i\n",err);
(Using both getpeername and getsockname)Both result in the same socket not connected error.
I'm planning on using the packets the C++ dll gets and forward the information to the C# dll since it'll be easier to manage on that (for me anyways), but I'd need to distinguish each packet with it's socket id.
You can only do that on the connected socket, i.e. the one returned from the accept() call, not on the listening "server" socket.

TCP IOCP won't receive after acceptex

I'm trying to write an IOCP server. Basically, I have it accepting new connections. For the purpose of my testing, I'm running and connecting to
I create the pseudo socket prior to calling AcceptEx(). Once a connection is accepted, the new pseudo socket is used for communication. This new socket is associated with an io completion port [CreateIoCompletionPort], I then assign it a few options, [SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE] and [SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT], and then I call WSARecv() to accept incoming data.
The problem is that once my remote connection connects to the server, it sends data, but that data is never received. I'm wondering if someone could offer some ideas as to why it's not receiving data? Perhaps my logic is flawed? I stepped through my code several times. no errors are recorded.
EDIT: Fixed the wording. I create the socket before AcceptEx() call.
Basic logic in my code:
// Create socket, associate with IOCP
WSASocket(af, type, proto, lpProtoInfo, g, dwFlags);
HANDLE hIOCP = GetPool()->GetQueueHandle();
CreateIoCompletionPort(hSource, hIOCP, 0, 0) != NULL;
// Server bind and listen
bind(m_shSocket, pAddr, nAddrLen);
listen(m_shSocket, nBacklog);
// Creation of the pseudo socket
SOCKET s = ::WSASocket(m_iSocketAf, m_iSocketType, m_iSocketProto, m_pWpi, m_SocketGroup, m_dwSocketFlags);
DWORD dwBytes;
BOOL bRet = m_fnAcceptEx(m_shSocket, s, chOutput, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, sizeof(SOCKADDR_STORAGE) + 16, &dwBytes, m_pcbAccept);
// ... New Connection comes in, it's accepted ...
// Associate new pseudo socket with IOCP
HANDLE hNewIOCP = GetPool()->GetQueueHandle();
CreateIoCompletionPort((HANDLE) s, hNewIOCP , 0, 0) != NULL;
// ... Remote socket sends ...
// ... Remote socket and Pseudo socket call WSARecv ...
// ... Pseudo socket does not receive ...
NOTE: I tried sending from the pseudo socket to the remote socket, same problem as sending data in the reverse way.
You need to post some code but your description doesn't make sense. That's NOT how AcceptEx() based servers operate.
With an AcceptEx() based server you create your accepted socket before you post the AcceptEx(). You then post the AcceptEx() with the listening socket and the new socket and a buffer which allows you to receive the remote address and, optionally, data.
So if you are describing your code in your original question then your code is wrong or you're not using AcceptEx(). I'm currently ignoring the 'few options' that you throw into the mix as they simply further confuse things at present without any code to analyse.
You might be interested in downloading my free IOCP based server framework, which includes working AcceptEx() and traditional Accept() based server code. You can get it from here:
Are you calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus to get the data?
In case you are not doing this just to learn for yourself, I would also recommend that you use boost::asio - an excellent library that allows you to let someone else do the tedious code for handling the io completion ports.
I figured it out. I'm an idiot. I was sending zero bytes.

How do I receive raw, layer 2 packets in C/C++?

How do I receive layer 2 packets in POSIXy C++? The packets only have src and dst MAC address, type/length, and custom formatted data. They're not TCP or UDP or IP or IGMP or ARP or whatever - they're a home-brewed format given unto me by the Hardware guys.
My socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW) never returns from its recvfrom().
I can send fine, I just can't receive no matter what options I fling at the network stack.
(Platform is VxWorks, but I can translate POSIX or Linux or whatever...)
receive code (current incarnation):
int s;
if ((s = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW)) < 0) {
printf("socket create error.");
return -1;
struct ifreq _ifr;
strncpy(_ifr.ifr_name, "lltemac0", strlen("lltemac0"));
ioctl(s, IP_SIOCGIFINDEX, &_ifr);
struct sockaddr_ll _sockAttrib;
memset(&_sockAttrib, 0, sizeof(_sockAttrib));
_sockAttrib.sll_len = sizeof(_sockAttrib);
_sockAttrib.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
_sockAttrib.sll_protocol = IFT_ETHER;
_sockAttrib.sll_ifindex = _ifr.ifr_ifindex;
_sockAttrib.sll_hatype = 0xFFFF;
_sockAttrib.sll_pkttype = PACKET_HOST;
_sockAttrib.sll_halen = 6;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[0] = 0x00;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[1] = 0x02;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[2] = 0x03;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[3] = 0x12;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[4] = 0x34;
_sockAttrib.sll_addr[5] = 0x56;
int _sockAttribLen = sizeof(_sockAttrib);
char packet[64];
memset(packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
if (recvfrom(s, (char *)packet, sizeof(packet), 0,
(struct sockaddr *)&_sockAttrib, &_sockAttribLen) < 0)
printf("packet receive error.");
// code never reaches here
I think the way to do this is to write your own Network Service that binds to the MUX layer in the VxWorks network stack. This is reasonably well documented in the VxWorks Network Programmer's Guide and something I have done a number of times.
A custom Network Service can be configured to see all layer 2 packets received on a network interface using the MUX_PROTO_SNARF service type, which is how Wind River's own WDB protocol works, or packets with a specific protocol type.
It is also possible to add a socket interface to your custom Network Service by writing a custom socket back-end that sits between the Network Service and the socket API. This is not required if you are happy to do the application processing in the Network Service.
You haven't said which version of VxWorks you are using but I think the above holds for VxWorks 5.5.x and 6.x
Have you tried setting the socket protocol to htons(ETH_P_ALL) as prescribed in packet(7)? What you're doing doesn't have much to do with IP (although IPPROTO_RAW may be some wildcard value, dunno)
I think this is going to be a bit tougher problem to solve than you expect. Given that it's not IP at all (or apparently any other protocol anything will recognize), I don't think you'll be able to solve your problem(s) entirely with user-level code. On Linux, I think you'd need to write your own device agnostic interface driver (probably using NAPI). Getting it to work under VxWorks will almost certainly be non-trivial (more like a complete rewrite from the ground-up than what most people would think of as a port).
Have you tried confirming via Wireshark that a packet has actually been sent from the other end?
Also, for debugging, ask your hardware guys if they have a debug pin (you can attach to a logic analyzer) that they can assert when it receives a packet. Just to make sure that the hardware is getting the packets fine.
First you need to specify the protocol as ETH_P_ALL so that your interface gets all the packet. Set your socket to be on promiscuous mode. Then bind your RAW socket to an interface before you perform a receive.