Is it possible to read property from using JavaScript or api/jsonws in Liferay 7.1? - liferay-7.1

I am defining the AMD module under OSGi module. I have to read host property in AMD loader definition. how can I read the property from file?
below is sample code how I am defining the AMD module and property in file.
# host detail
define AMD module
Liferay.Loader.define('genelec-shopping-cart', [], function(){
const host = ""; //here i have to read the property
return host;

You can do this with ftl or jsp, building your JS with the value embedded.
Instead of creating the whole code from a JSP you can also just build a small portion of it, adding the value to a JS variable, making it available for scripts that will load later.
Let's say you have an OSGi module which JS code, you can create a .js.jsp that will build the JS before sending it.
Using JSP to create a small portion of JS:
<%# page contentType='application/javascript' %>
//here i have to read the property -> do it in java
Liferay.Loader.define('genelec-shopping-cart', [], function(){
const host = "${read_in_java}";
return host;
You can include it from other JSP files as:
<c:url var='url' value='/variables.js.jsp'>
<c:param name='namespace' value='${namespace}'/>
<script src='${url}'></script>
But as you mentioned the host, you are probably looking for something much simpler than that (especially because this is kind of a hack), using Liferay's JS api:
Liferay.ThemeDisplay.getPortalURL() and friends, docs here:


Jetty Server not Working for War with JSPs

I am trying to create a simple jetty server/container that will take a war file and deploy. This is not embedded jetty with spring-boot.
Here is my build.gradle dependencies:
dependencies {
def jettyVersion = "9.4.34.v20201102"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-server:$jettyVersion"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-security:$jettyVersion"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-servlet:$jettyVersion"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-webapp:$jettyVersion"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-annotations:$jettyVersion"
implementation "org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-jmx:$jettyVersion"
Here is my main class:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Server server = new Server(8080);
MBeanContainer mbContainer = new MBeanContainer(getPlatformMBeanServer());
WebAppContext webapp = new WebAppContext();
webapp.setWar(warFile()); // LOGIC TO UPLOAD WAR FILE
Configuration.ClassList classList = Configuration.ClassList.setServerDefault(server);
However, when I try to go to the app (http://localhost:8080/index), I keep getting the following error message:
URI: /index
MESSAGE: JSP support not configured
There is only one line of error message in the console:
2020-12-11 09:49:51.563:INFO:oejshC.ROOT:qtp2025864991-33: No JSP support. Check that JSP jars are in lib/jsp and that the JSP option has been specified to start.jar
What JSP Jars that it is referring to? I am at a loss as to what dependencies I need to add to make it work for JSPs.
You will have to add apache-jsp so that your server will support jsps. If your web app uses jstl, you should also add apache-jstl.
For WebAppContext usage (which is a bit easier to setup than ServletContextHandler usage) you'll need the following artifacts ... (for the Jetty specific JettyJspServlet which extends from the Jasper JspServlet) (to support Taglibs custom and standard)
Make sure your org.eclipse.jetty.server.webapp.ContainerIncludeJarPattern can reference the apache-jsp artifact properly, otherwise the internal javax.servlet.ServletContextInitializer will not load properly.
If nothing happens by simply adding those artifacts, you'll need to verify your default descriptor setup on your WebAppContext.setDefaultsDescriptor(String) to ensure that you pass in a resource reference (path or uri) to the Jetty default descriptor XML.
Enabling JSP support in embedded mode can be quite tricky if you use the ServletContextHandler instead of the WebAppContext.
If you ever decide to use the ServletContextHandler instead of a WebAppContext (to have a single fat/uber jar, to speed up load/deploy time, to ease unit testing, etc...), then check out the Jetty maintained example project at ...

ember handlebars: find which addon is defining a helper (Not present in app/helpers)

Having a hard time finding out where a helper not in app/helpers is defined. The helper was very generically named, I searched my package.json for the helper name but there was nothing. I was stuck hunting around with google to try and figure out what addon defined it.
Given some helper ({{totally-generic-name param1="foo"}}) how would one go about finding where it's defined?
(I happen to be on Ember 2.13)
(Note: the helper was contains defined in ember-composable-helpers, so it would have been a LITTLE helpful to search package.json for "helper" but that is a pretty tedious in-direct way of searching, which have may not even yielded the answer)
For me the easiest way is to run a development build of your application (ember serve), open development tools of your browser and open a file called <your-app-name>/helpers/<helper-name>.js. In the first line of the file, you see from where it is imported.
Let's assume your application name is foo and you have installed ember-array-helper. Run your application via ember serve and open it in Chrome. Go to development tools Source section. Search for helpers/array.js in subsection Network. You could search for a file per name via ctrl+p. If the helper is provided by an addon this file is autogenerated. It looks like the following:
define('foo/helpers/array', ['exports', 'ember-array-helper/helpers/array'], function (exports, _array) {
'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
Object.defineProperty(exports, 'default', {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _array.default;
In first line your read the name of the import ember-array-helper/helpers/array from which you can guess on the addon name (first part). Note that you could also open the actual helper exported by addon via developer tools by opening /assets/addon-tree-output/ember-array-helper/helpers/array.js. Since the last part is coming from the import, you could easily use that one to search for the file. Now place your breakpoints and inspect this code as much as you like.
The same approach should work in all major browsers.

Using backbone.js' text.js plugin cannot access template

I get the error GET localhost:8080/scripts/templates/home/homeTemplate.html 404 (Not Found)
Not sure why this is happening. Based on this tutorial I feel like files are in the right place.
The github repository is here
I reference the template like this
from app/templates/home...
Modify the scripts/main.js as follows.
paths: {
jquery: 'libs/jquery',
underscore: 'libs/underscore',
backbone: 'libs/backbone',
templates: '../templates' // added
require(['app'], function(App) {
By setting the templates as above,
if the module ID starts with "templates",
requirejs load the module from the templates directory
Without the above templates setting, requirejs load any module IDs from scripts directory, which contains main.js source code. Thus the text!templates/home/homeTemplate.html is interpreted as wrong URL scripts/templates/home/home/homeTemplate.html.
If you do not want to modify the main.js script,
you can specify the correct location of homeTemplate.html by
replacing the 'text!templates/...' with
'text!../../../templates/home/homeTemplate.html' or

Emberjs and Typescript SetUp

I'm having the hardest time getting typescript and ember to work together. I got all the definition files in definitely typed and I went through the ToDo walk throughs on Ember guide on the site. I'm trying to convert the js to typescript and see what the best way to go about setting up the project was, but I guess I'm not understanding the typescript definition very well.
If I do:
/// <reference path="typings/ember.d.ts" />
var App = Ember.Application.create();
App is a type of '{}' and I can't access 'Routers' to do the next line of the guide ... )
The best thing I found online was this which doesn't work with the current typing.
I've seen the typescript ember-app-kit but it doesn't really help since it barely includes any typescript and their setup is barely like the ember guides. I just need to be pointed in the right direction. Thanks guys.
I'm not familiar with Ember, but from inspecting ember.d.ts, I can see that create() is defined as a static generic function on object:
static create<T extends {}>(arguments?: {}): T;
So then you should be able to get better type information by passing an actual type:
var App = Ember.Application.create<Ember.Application>();
However, I see also that the ember typedef doesn't include a "Router" member in the application class, and even if it did, the Router class does not define map(). I was able to get it to work by creating an extended type definition:
// ./EmberExt.d.ts
/// <reference path="typedef/ember/ember.d.ts" />
declare class RouterExt extends Ember.Router {
map: ItemIndexEnumerableCallbackTarget;
declare class ApplicationExt extends Ember.Application {
Router: RouterExt;
And then referencing that from my combined router/application file:
/// <reference path="typedef/ember/ember.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="./EmberExt.d.ts" />
var App = Ember.Application.create<ApplicationExt>(); () {
this.resource('todos', { path: '/' });
After doing this, it compiles and loads without error, though it doesn't actually do anything (which I believe is ok for this phase of the walkthrough)
Full and mostly-accurate type definitions for Ember.js are now available to install from npm at #types/ember, #types/ember-data, and so on, currently all via the Definitely Typed project.
Ember CLI integration is available through the ember-cli-typescript addon. The easieset way to configure a Ember.js project with TypeScript is to run ember install ember-cli-typescript in the root of your Ember.js project. Doing so will automatically generate a tsconfig.json which handles Ember’s conventional project layout correctly (for apps, addons, and in-repo addons). It will also install the type definitions for all the core Ember projects automatically.

Why does this Ember.js app work locally but not on

Here's the fiddle. Here's the gist with the contents of my local file.
As you can see, the HTML and JavaScript are identical, and I'm loading identical versions of the jQuery, Handlebars.js, and Ember.js libraries. It works as expected locally, but does not render the application template on
I see the following error in the Web Console:
[19:44:18.202] Error: assertion failed: You must pass at least an object and event name to Ember.addListener #
BTW-To test the gist as a local HTML file, make sure to run it behind a web server or your browser won't download the JavaScript libs. If you have thin installed (ruby webserver), go to the directory it's in and run thin -A file start, then navigate to localhost:3000/jsfiddle-problem.html in your browser.
If you set the "Code Wrap" configuration on your fiddle to one of the options other than "onLoad" your application will work. Here is an example.
The reason for this is Ember initializes an application when the jQuery ready event fires (assuming you have not set Ember.Application.autoinit to false). With the jsFiddle "Code Wrap" configuration set to "onLoad" your application is introduced to the document after the jQuery ready event has fired, and consequently after Ember auto-initializes.
See the snippet below from ember-latest, taken on the day of this writing, which documents Ember auto-initialization being performed in a handler function passed to $().ready.
if (this.autoinit) {
var self = this;
this.$().ready(function() {
if (self.isDestroyed || self.isInitialized) return;
This was strange - I couldn't get your fiddle working, specifically your {{}} call until I disabled autoinit. I am guessing when using jsfiddle the application initialize kicks off before seeing your router. I also noticed with your fiddle the router was not logging any output even when you had enableLogging set to true.
I updated your fiddle to not use autoinit, I know a new version of ember-latest was released today, I wonder if anything about initialization changed.