jmeter is giving warning and not getting inside if controller
Add double quotes to parameters so string concatenation will work
"${BASE_FILE_PATH}" + "/" + "${FHIR_VERSION}" + "...
Also see #DmitriT for better variable usage in scripts
Don't inline JMeter Functions or Variables in Groovy scripts. Use vars shorthand instead.
Consider using file.separator property instead of slash so your expression could work on Windows
${__groovy(new File(vars.get('BASE_FILE_PATH') + System.getProperty('file.separator') + vars.get('FHIR_VERSION') + '/Post/indexForPost.csv').readLines().size() == vars.getIteration(),)}
Check out 6 Tips for JMeter If Controller Usage for more details.
I have an environment variable in the Request URL as https://api-{{environment}}.{{domain}}.com/api/ , how can I use them in sending requests from scripts ?
'https://api-("environment").("domain").com/api/ doesnt work , Any helps please
you can use pm.environment.get('environmentvaraiblename') to access the value of a vaeraible inside script
you can call it within the string using string literal in java script or just concatenate using +
note that the quote is not single quote (') but (`)
I'm trying to add a JMeter backend listener to my JMeter project so I can have all the metrics in real-time in Graphite. My tests run distributed on several nodes and I want to know the hostname in as part of the graphite path. I tried to incorporate JSR223 scripts, but those are not evaluated before the listeners start, so I used the __groovy() method for the rootMetricsPrefix field, like this:
.replaceAll(/^([^.]*).*$/){m,host->return host})}.
The first part gets the variable with the name "environment" to get the root prefix for the environment ("test", "load", etc). The seconds __groovy() script should get the first part of the hostname. It works if I add it as a JSR223 sampler (to test it), but if I try to use it as a variable, I get the following error:
Script13.groovy: 1: expecting '}', found '' # line 1, column 67.
1 error
at org.codehaus.groovy.jsr223.GroovyScriptEngineImpl.eval( ~[groovy-all-2.4.13.jar:2.4.13]
at javax.script.AbstractScriptEngine.eval( ~[?:1.8.0_152]
at org.apache.jmeter.functions.Groovy.execute( [ApacheJMeter_functions.jar:4.0 r1823414]
at org.apache.jmeter.engine.util.CompoundVariable.execute( [ApacheJMeter_core.jar:4.0 r1823414]
According to JMeter documentation:
If a function parameter contains a comma, then be sure to escape this with "\", otherwise JMeter will treat it as a parameter delimiter. For example:
${__time(EEE\, d MMM yyyy)}
So you need to escape the comma between m and host
${__groovy(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName() .replaceAll(/^(^\.).*$/){m\,host->return host})}. myappbucket.jmeter.
Also be aware of __machineName() and __machineIP() functions, they provide a little bit easier way of getting the hostname and IP address of the JMeter Engine. See Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article for more comprehensive information on JMeter Functions
This is what I have
Thread Group
HTTP Request1
Regular Expression Extractor - Return 10 Results - URLs
ForEach Controller - Using variable from extractor - **Successfully Loops through above results**
HTTP Request2
Regular Expression Extractor - Return 10 Results - URLs
ForEach Controller-- **Run only one result** -- I want to run through all the above results from HTTP Request2
This is what I have
JMeter doesn't have any problems with the nested ForEach Controllers, given I have the following variables defined:
I'm able to iterate them in nested manner using 2 ForEach Controllers:
So my expectation is that either your Regular Expression Extractor configuration is incorrect (i.e. it returns only one match - have you specified -1 as "Match No"?) or ForEach Controller configuration is wrong.
Inspect variables generated by the Regular Expression Extractor using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
Check if nested ForEach Controllers work for your JMeter distribution, if not - upgrade to latest available JMeter version and make sure you don't have any plugins installed
Thanks #Dmitri I was using the variable in foreach controller as ${variable} instead it worked fine when I used just input variable as : variable
In response, an authentication value consists of \ to escape / in parameter so while capturing parameter it is getting "\" in middle as well but in subsequent request need to send with out "\" is there any way to do this in LoadRunner
Example :-
Captured Value is AdfjshxnjkAKLDKLJlk\/ghg
Required value is AdfjshxnjkAKLDKLJlk/ghg
How to remove \ this from the value.
Is there any load runner inbuilt functions for this.
I had a similar problem that I solved by storing the correlated parameter as a string variable and then using a replace function to parse and replace the characters I didn't need.
Only problem is I was using JavaScript as my scripting language in VuGen so my code specifics wouldn't help you much. You might see about doing the same thing with C, or if switching to JS is plausible for you, mine looked similar to this:
var str = lr.evalString("{correlated_parameter}")
var corrected_string = str.replace(/\\/g, '');
My code used a different regular expression, but I think I have the syntax right for what you're trying to do, but I haven't tried this exact string of course.
Here's a link to another SO thread with more details on using the replace function.
I am analyzing a website that returns text (JSON array), which I'm using HTTP Request element for. What I'm trying to do is check the number of times a string appears in the response, for example a field called "itemname". So I have added a Regular Expression Extractor, put ItemNameVar as the Reference Name, ^itemname$ as the Regular Expression, $1$ for the Template, -1 for Match No, and "NOT FOUND" for Default Value. I've also added an If Controller, which says "${ItemNameVar_matchNr}" == "1", because I expect it to occur only one time. However, it never fails if I set it to a different number. What am I doing wrong here? Thank you.
It looks like to be an issue with your regular expression.
I would suggest using Beanshell Post Processor instead of Regular Expression Extractor as JSON structures aren't very handy to parse with regexes.
Reference Beanshell code will look as follows:
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
int matches = StringUtils.countMatches(new String(data), "itemname");
vars.put("ItemNameVar_matchNr", String.valueOf(matches));
First line - import necessary helper class
Second line - data is a short-hand for byte-array representation of Sampler response. Method countMatches counts number of occurrences of itemname criteria in string representation of response data. Result is saved as matches integer variable
Third line - value of matches is saved as JMeter Variable called ItemNameVar_matchNr
See How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide for more detailed explanation of Beanshell scripting in JMeter and small Beanshell cookbook containing JMeter API usage examples.
The approach you are following is absolutely correct.
Please check your Jmeter script. Make sure the next request you are trying to execute after
IF Controller is branch or within Controller
Jmeter IF Controller
Hope this will help.