Is there any way to associate file upload with a particular model in loopback 3? - loopbackjs

I am uploading file on this /api/containers/container/upload but I want to upload file using /api/Profile/upload. Is this possible ? Is there any way to automatically associate uploading file name with field created on Profile model ?
For example, if I am uploading file name "abc.txt", it gets automatically uploaded to server and it also inserts/updates field "image_name" on Profile model.
I am new to loopback Pls help.

You could do that by adding 'after remote method' hook, or 'after save' hook, so after upload and before the response is returned (or after your container was saved) you could process it and do something, like for example saving the profile picture. You can find more about that here and here.


Django FileField() disable upload

I have a FileField() in a Django model. On save(), I intercept this and upload the actual file data to a remote-backend/Bucket, then save the URL returned from the service in another field.
The file actually uploads to my file-system (I believe).
How can I disable the FileField() to not actually upload the file to wherever media is stored with Django?
You could use upload_to atttribute of FileField.

Where should I store user uploaded pics and files

I am working on a django app to store user pics and photos.
What is the optimal approach to store individual user media.
File Sizes are no more than 5MB.
The data is persistent.
The approach i have in mind is:
On form data submission, Upload it to an FTP server using django-storages.
Store the url and fetch it via http later for user.
How to save upload files to another server
I have seen the answers and I don't know what type of queue needs to be used.
you'd usually save the file locally and then latter upload it to some cloud service asynchronously, preferably using something like django-celery
see this answer

More Blobstore upload woes with standard Django

I'm implementing an image upload feature for my Django app (plain Django 1.4 , NOT the non-rel version) running on Google App Engine. The uploaded image is wrapped in a Django model which allows the user to add attributes like a caption and search tags.
The upload is performed by creating a Blobstore upload url through the function call blobstore.create_upload_url(url). The function argument is the url to which the Bobstore redirects when the upload is complete. I want this to be the url of the default Django form handler that performs the save/update of the model that wraps the image so I don't have to duplicate default Django behaviour for form validation, error reporting and database update.
I tried supplying reverse('admin:module_images_add') to create_upload_url() but this doesn't work as it throws an [Errno 30] Read-only file system exception. I presume this originates from the default Django form handler again trying to upload the file the standard Django way but then hits the brick wall of Google App Engine not allowing access to the file system.
At the moment, the only way I can see to get this working without duplicating code is by strictly separating processes: one for defining an image model instance and the second for uploading the actual image. Not very intuitive.
See also this question and answer which I posted earlier.
Any suggestions on how to get this working using one form and reusing Django default form handlers?
I've been reading up on decorators (I'm relatively new to Python) and from what I read, decorators appear to able to modify the behaviour of existing Python code. Would it be possible to change the runtime behaviour of the existing form handler to solve the above using a decorator? I obviously have to (1) develop the decorator and (2) attach it to the default handler. I'm not sure if (2) is possible as it has to be done runtime. I cannot patch the Django code running on GAE...
Well, I finally managed to get this working. Here's what I did in case anyone runs into this as well:
(1) I removed the ImageFile attribute from my model. It ended up causing Django to try and do a file upload from the file system which is not allowed in GAE.
(2) I added a Blobstore key to my model which is basically the key to the GAE BlobStore blob and is required to be able to serve the image at a later stage. On a side note: this attribute has limited length using the GAE SDK but is considerably longer in GAE production. I ended up defining a TextField for it.
(3) Use with Daniel Roseman's adaption from this question and add the BlobstoreFileUploadHandler to the file handlers in your SETTINGS.PY. It will ensure that the Blobstore key is there in the request for you to save with your model.
(4) I created a custom admin form which contains an ImageField named "image". This is required as it allows you to pick a file. The ImageField is actually "virtual" as its only purpose on the form is to allow me to pick a file for uploading. This is crucial as per (1).
(5) I overwrote render_change_form() method of my ModelAdmin class which will prepare a Blobstore upload url. The upload url has two versions: one for adding new images and one saving changes to existing. Upload urls are passed to the template via the context object.
(6) I modified the change_form.html to include the Blobstore upload url from (5) as the form's action.
(7) I overwrote the save_model() method of my ModelAdmin:
def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
if request.FILES.has_key("blobkey"):
blob_key = request.FILES["blobkey"].blobstore_info._BlobInfo__key
obj.blobstore_key = blob_key
super(PhotoFeatureAdmin, self).save_model(request, obj, form, change)
This allows me to retrieve the blob key as set by the upload handler and set it as a property of my model.
For deletion of image models, I added a special function which is triggered by the delete signal of the model. This will keep the Blobstore in sync with the image models in the app.
That's it. The above allows to upload images to the blob store of GAE where each blob is neatly wrapped in a Django model object which admin users can maintain. The good thing is that there's no need to duplicate standard Django behaviour and the model object of the image can easily be extended with attributes in the future.
Final word: in my opinion the support for blobs in plain Django on GAE is currently very poor considering the above. It should be much easier to achieve this, without having to rely on Django non-rel code and a rather long list of modifications; alternatively Google should state something about this in their developer documents. Unless I missed something, this is undocumented territory.

django admin uploaded file processing

Here's what I want to do, and I did not find something similar in my search so far.
In my admin page, I have a Filefield in my model. The rest of the fields are all read only.
I want to be able to upload a file and process it immediately and to extract info from it to assign to these read only fields.
I thought of overriding the clean_(modelfield) method for this FileField and do this parsing and assigning stuff in it. But this is not done right after the file is uploaded, right? I thought this is done when the form/entry is saved.
Next I thought of adding a custom button to this admin form called 'process' which can be clicked after the file is uploaded. This would trigger the assignment of values to the read only fields.
But I am not able to decide on what is the best approach to process the file and display the updated fields in one page without too much of tinkering.
Any thoughts? Thanks
There are two solutions that I can think of with my limited knowledge. Since, by default, the file upload will only start once the request is posted, an alternative way needs to be designed.
1. Upload file via a script and process the file: Use a script (eg: JQuery script) to upload the file and once upload is complete, trigger a script (onComplete event) to render the values into read-only field. This entire process can be associated to your "Process" button or a time-delayed trigger once the FileField is changed.
2 Custom form for file upload: You can detach the file field and other fields (read only fields that you mentioned). If you design a custom form with just the file upload field and once the user submits the request, you can render another form with rendered initial values in the read only fields. That way you need not have any script but you will have to have 2 forms.
Hope this helps. If you find any other solution, do share it :)

Django Admin - Create 'temporary' entry

Is there a way to make it so the Django Admin panel creates a temporary model when you click the "add" button?
I want to be able to 'attach' multiple files / media to a particular model entry which would involve uploading the files at the time of creation. I can't do this until the model has a pk as obviously I can't create a link between the uploaded file and the entry.
I am using the Content-Type framework to create the attachment between my uploaded file (which is wrapped in a class)
I noticed that Wordpress for example creates what is called an 'auto draft' when you click the "new post" button to get around problem.
If I understand correctly, you want to take care that the filename of your uploaded file corresponds with the model's PK where the file-fields are used.
There is nothing you must change in the django-admin, but make some adjustions on your model:
First, make use of "upload_to" in your filefield. I usually set the filename to a uuid4-value to make sure it's unique.
After saving the model, you can rename the file if you want. The best place is in a function that is triggered by a post-save-signal. But if you only want to ensure, that the filename is unique, the filename-generation by uuid should work.