Need help understanding how to use the round function in C++ - c++

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main () {
//initializing my variables
double mealcost;
float tax_percent, tip_percent, tax_total, tip_total, overall_total;
cout << "What is the cost of your meal?" << endl;
cin >> mealcost;
cout << "What percent tip would you like to leave?" << endl;
cin >> tip_percent;
cout << "What percent are you taxed?" << endl;
cin >> tax_percent;
tax_total = mealcost * (tax_percent/100);
tip_total = mealcost * (tip_percent/100);
overall_total = mealcost + tax_total + tip_total;
/*trying to take the overall total from the formula above and round it
to the nearest whole integer*/
round (overall_total);
cout << "What is the total cost of my meal? " << overall_total << endl;
return 0;
Whenever I run my code it compiles correctly and gives me the correct overall total, but the round function seems to not work. I input 12 dollars for the meal total, 8 percent tip, and 20 percent tax. The correct answer is $15.36, but I'd like to round it down to $15. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

You must assign the return value of the round() function to overall_total, like this:
overall_total = round(overall_total);
The above line should replace round (overall_total);.
Some functions in C++ take a reference (pass-by-reference) to the parameters of the function, e.g. std::sort(), so that you simply std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()) and the vector v is sorted without you having to assign the return value. (Technically, std::sort takes in iterators which have similarities to pointers, but they basically have the same result.)
However, the round() function actually takes a copy (pass-by-value) of the parameter and returns a new value - it does not directly 're-assign' the parameter to have the rounded value. Therefore, you must assign the return value of the function to a variable (or in this case, the same variable in order to 're-assign').
You can learn more about the difference here:
What's the difference between passing by reference vs. passing by value?


uninitialized local variable error even thought I initialized it (C++)

I'm pretty new to programming and not sure what I did wrong but I'm getting the error on line 20, it says that I haven't initialized intownMiles and highwayMiles.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double intownMPG = 23.5;
double highwayMPG = 28.9;
double intownMiles;
double highwayMiles;
double gallons = intownMiles / intownMPG + highwayMiles / highwayMPG;
cout << "Please enter the number of in-town driving miles: " << endl;
cin >> intownMiles;
cout << "Please enter the number of highway driving miles: " << endl;
cin >> highwayMiles;
cout << "The total number of gallons required is: " << gallons << "gal" << endl;
Your code:
double intownMiles;
double highwayMiles;
double gallons = intownMiles / intownMPG + highwayMiles / highwayMPG;
You clearly have not initialized those variables before using them. All you did was define them - so they exist, but have indeterminate values until you assign to them (which you never do).
Initialize the variables to sane initial values when you define them and the compiler warning will go away (and your code will no longer have Undefined Behaviour).
Writing C++ is different from writing regular math equations.
Firstly, the code is executed sequentially.
When execution reaches this line:
double gallons = intownMiles / intownMPG + highwayMiles / highwayMPG;
The value of gallons is computed immediately, using the current values of variables used in the expression.
You haven't assigned any values to some of the variables prior to using them, so you can't expect to get a meaningful result.
When you change those variables later, the value of gallons is not affected.
So you have to ask the user for values of those variables first, and then compute the formula.

How to output a double that is the value of a number multiplied by another variable in C++?

I'm trying to get an output for my weight_Fee using double, and I cannot seem to get the correct value. I have tried using float, but I haven't been able to get that to work either.
My goal is to get an output value containing two decimal places as if I were to be calculating a cost, but I get 0.00 every time.
I'm new to C++, so if anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, it would be a big help. Thanks.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double animal_Weight;
double weight_Fee = .5 * animal_Weight;
cout << "In rounded poundage, how much does your animal weigh? ";
cin >> animal_Weight;
cout << setprecision (2) << fixed << weight_Fee;
return 0;
double weight_Fee = 0.5 * animal_Weight;
When you initialize weight_Fee like that you are setting it equal to 0.5 * the current value of animal_Weight. Since this is currently undefined weight_Fee will be some garbage value.
When you set animal_Weight to something based on user input later on, that won't change the value of a previous variable. You'll have to use that statement again to set weight_Fee = 0.5 * the current value of animal_Weight
The best thing to do is probably to just declare weight_Fee at the top, and not define it until you have set animal_Weight to what you want it to be.
Something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int main() {
double animal_Weight;
double weight_Fee;
cout << "In rounded poundage, how much does your animal weigh? ";
cin >> animal_Weight;
weight_Fee = .5 * animal_Weight
cout << setprecision (2) << fixed << weight_Fee;
return 0;
The variable animal_Weight is undefined and can be initialized to anything by the compiler or the operating system or whatever value happen to be last in the memory.
You need to calculate weight_Fee after you input a value for animal_Weight:
double animal_Weight = -1.0;
cout << "In rounded poundage, how much does your animal weigh? ";
cin >> animal_Weight;
double weight_Fee = .5 * animal_Weight;
cout << setprecision (2) << fixed << weight_Fee;
Either someone forgot to mention to you that your computer does only 1 instruction at a time (and the C++ compiler generates instructions in a sequence corresponding to your code); or perhaps you've never grok'ed the statement.
1) double animal_Weight;
2) double weight_Fee = .5 * animal_Weight;
3) cout << "In rounded poundage, how much does your animal weigh? ";
4) cin >> animal_Weight;
5) cout << setprecision (2) << fixed << weight_Fee;
Your code prompts for (3) and cin's (4) an animal weight. ok.
But the weight_Fee was computed (2) prior to knowing the animal_Weight (4). This is a logic error.
So if the computation at (2) did not know the animal_Weight, the correct value simply can not be determined.
Also, the animal_Weight (1) is not initialized, creating undefined behaviour.
Note that you CAN get the compiler to complain about (generate a warning) the attempted use of an uninitialized variable (at line 2), but you have to command the compiler to do so (by using an option).

Trouble understanding how elements of a certain function work

I am required to fully understand the following code :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double area(double length, double width);
double time(double p_area, double h_area, double mow_rate);
int main() {
double d_plot_length, d_plot_width, d_home_side, d_mow_rate;
double plot_area, home_area, time_taken;
// I've used double for all of these to get the most precise values possible, something I'd only really consider doing on small programmes such as this
cout << "What is the length of the plot? In meters please." << endl;
cin >> d_plot_length;
cout << "What is the width of the plot? In meters please." << endl;
cin >> d_plot_width;
cout<< "What is the size of the side of the house? In meters please." << endl;
cin >> d_home_side;
cout << "What is the rate at which you are going to be mowing? In meters per minute please" << endl;
cin >> d_mow_rate;
// Just getting all the data I need from the user
plot_area = area(d_plot_length, d_plot_width);
home_area = area(d_home_side, d_home_side);
time_taken = time(plot_area, home_area, d_mow_rate);
cout << "It will take " << time_taken << " minutes to mow this lawn. Better get cracking" << endl;
return 0;
double area(double length, double width) {
double value;
value = length * width;
return value;
double time(double p_area, double h_area, double mow_rate) {
double value;
value = (p_area - h_area) / mow_rate;
return value;
I am struggling to understand how the time() function works.
So far I understand that :
time_taken , gets its value from the time() function: time(plot_area, home_area, d_mow_rate).
The time() function gets its values from the function declaration at the bottom.
double time(double p_area, double h_area, double mow_rate) {
double value;
value = (p_area - h_area) / mow_rate;
return value;
However, this is where I'm stuck. The user is asked to enter values for d_plot_length, d_plot_width, etc. So I cannot understand how the compiler knows what these values p_area, and h_area actually are.
I realise that somehow the area() function is being used to aid the time() function, but as far as I'm aware the variables P_area etc within the time() function do not have values assigned to them.
Please can someone fill in the gaps in my understanding.
To be more precise, I want to know exactly how time_taken is displayed on the screen, from the start of the process, to the cout. Like I say I am familiar with most areas but not all.
In your program, you had computed the following values:
plot_area = area(d_plot_length, d_plot_width);
home_area = area(d_home_side, d_home_side);
When the method area(double,double) is invoked, the resultant double value gets stored in these variables.
Then you have the function call:
time_taken = time(plot_area, home_area, d_mow_rate);
This is the call by value type of function invocation. A copy of the values in the variables, plot_area, home_area and d_mow_rate are passed to the function. In the time(double, double, double) the computing is done upon the basis of the logic you had defined in this method and the resultant value is returned to the function call in the main() method.
Please note that the function call is of call by value and hence only a copy of the values are passed to the arguments mentioned in the function time(double, double, double) even though the variable names are the same in the main() and in the function call.
For further reading, I will suggest you to have a look at the following links:
Call By
Call By
Call By

C++ numbers aren't rounding correctly

I am new to Stack Overflow, and programming in general. I am in a few classes for programming C++ and have come across an assignment I am having a bit of trouble with. This program is supposed to take fahrenheit and convert it to celsius. I have seen other programs, but could not find a duplicate to my particular problem. This is my code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int fahrenheit;
cout << "Please enter Fahrenheit degrees: ";
cin >> fahrenheit;
int celsius = 5.0 / 9 * (fahrenheit - 32.0);
cout << "Celsius: " << celsius << endl;
return 0;
So this is working great on 4 of the 5 tests that are run. It rounds 22.22 to 22 and 4.44 to 4 like it should, but when 0 F is put in, it rounds -17.77 to -17 instead of -18. I have been researching for about an hour and would love some help! Thank you.
Use std::round() instead of relying on the implicit conversion from double to int. Either that, or do not use conversion at all, show the temperature as a double.
EDIT: As others already pointed out, implicit conversion will not round but truncate the number instead (simply cut off everything after the decimal point).
Integers round down implicitly, as do casts to integer types.
Most likely, using a float in place of an int would give the most sane results:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int fahrenheit;
cout << "Please enter Fahrenheit degrees: ";
cin >> fahrenheit;
float celsius = 5.0 / 9 * (fahrenheit - 32.0);
cout << "Celsius: " << celsius << endl;
return 0;
To get normal-looking output (fixed-point like "14.25", not scientific with e notation), pass std::fixed to cout before printing the floating point. You can also use cout.precision() to set the number of digits you would like in the output.
If for some other reason you need an int, use std::round() around the right hand of the expression.
When the compiler converts a floating point number to an integer, it doesn't round, it truncates. I.e. it simply cuts of the digits after the decimal point. So your program behaves as it is programmed to do.
int x = 3.99;
int y = std::round(3.99);
<< "x = " << x << std::endl
<< "y = " << y << std::endl
x = 3
y = 4
C/C++ is not doing floating point round when static_cast<int>-ing a float to an int. If you want to round, you need to call library function std::round()

Rounding from math.h incorrect

I'm using the tasks on code abbey to work my way through C++.
I'm trying to use the rounding function by importing math.h and it works for every value that I'm trying to input apart from one pair
when I divide 4991264 by 4 and round it, it outputs the answer as 1.24782e+06
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int getTotal(){
int total;
cin >> total;
return total;
void doMath(int total){
int count;
double holder;
double holder2;
double solution;
solution = 0;
count = 0;
while (count != total){
cout << "enter a number ";
cin >> holder;
cout << "enter a number ";
cin >> holder2;
solution = (holder / holder2);
cout << round(solution) << "\n";
int main(){
int total = getTotal();
return 0;
} is the code and the inputs.
A floating point variable keeps a value of a given type (in memory).
This value "rests" there with its own precision, in binary format.
When this value has to be shown or output in someway, typically is converted to decimal format. This conversion can have loss of precision sometimes.
Anyway, when you are doing precise arithmetica operations, as in your example, the conversion to decimal is not, in general, an issue.
What it has to be understood here is that "printing" a value is not the same that "showing the exact value held in memory".
The object cout has predefined ways to show the values you are computing.
The exact value has not changed, it's not, in this case, a problem of bad computing.
Indeed, it's only a matter of how to show this value on screen.
The format used to print the value is: in exponential notation with "only" 6 decimal digits precision.
You need to increase the precision of values when printed, and to avoid exponential notation.
Take a look to this website: Output formatting in C++
Thus, for example, the following code do the job (for a precision of 8 decimal digits):
cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(8) << round(solution) << "\n";
In general, you have to investigate and practice more about this formatting options.