How samples should be included in principal component analysis - pca

I intend to use PCA to identify the sources of contaminants in environmental samples. We have data from both environmental samples and suspected sources. We want to use PCA to check which sources have a chemical composition that is similar to the environmental samples, therefore, could be the primary sources. The similarity in the composition is depicted using the score plot. I can do the PCA in two ways: the first method is to include the data from both samples and sources, and run a PCA. The second method is to include only the sample data in the PCA, and use the PCA model to predict the scores for the sources. I do not know Which method is correct? or there are some limitations or restrictions for both methods, and the selection of the method is dependent on the dataset.


Weka can I train a model to minimize or maximize an input value?

Is it possible in Weka to train a model minimizing a cost factor?
I have a data set containing a cost factor in each sample. It defines what using this sample would cost. Now, I would like to select as much of the samples as possible while minimizing this cost factor.
E.g. with Multilayer perceptron, I want to train the neurons in a way, that it chooses as many samples as possible while minimizing the sum of the cost factor.
I've checked all the model options and also searched the package manager for something like that, but I was unable to find anything. Could someone tell me whether this can be done using Weka?
What you are describing sounds more like an optimization problem rather than a classification or regression problem (for which you would use a Weka classifier).
Weka does have some limited support for optimization through its abstract weka.core.Optimization class (e.g., used internally by weka.classifiers.functions.Logistic). But that requires implementing some methods.
To cast your net wider, you might want to take a look at the following article that describes various optimization techniques:

Attributes of complex numbers in Weka

I created a dataset includes complex numbers (samples of complex signals). The dataset has 80 instances and 1024 attributes, and I need to classify these signals into two classes via Weka. However, the Weka does not deal with complex numbers.
I am just wondering how this can be done?
I tried to change each complex sample into amplitude part {sqrt((real^2)+(imag^2)) and phase {arctan(imag/real)}, but I am confused how to link each amplitude with its corresponding phase when I create the arff file.
Weka has no notion of imaginary numbers, just real-valued ones. You will have to treat the imaginary/real part (or amplitude/phase) as separate attributes. And hope that algorithms will learn a relationship between them.
Of course, you can always engineer additional features to help the learning process, e.g., in which quadrant these such a number is located.

Python Tensorflow Summarize Two Histograms Together

I was wondering if there is a way to summarize two histograms in tensorflow together and get something resembling the behavior of tf.summary.histogram. The reason is that I need to summarize batch logits for two different operations and I need the histograms to be "superimposed" so that I can compare their dynamics with respect to one another during training by only looking at the log file using Tensorboard.

Training and Test Set in Weka InCompatible in Text Classification

I have two datasets regarding whether a sentence contains a mention of a drug adverse event or not, both the training and test set have only two fields the text and the labels{Adverse Event, No Adverse Event} I have used weka with the stringtoWordVector filter to build a model using Random Forest on the training set.
I want to test the model built with removing the class labels from the test data set, applying the StringToWordVector filter on it and testing the model with it. When I try to do that it gives me the error saying training and test set not compatible probably because the filter identifies a different set of attributes for the test dataset. How do I fix this and output the predictions for the test set.
The easiest way to do this for a one off test is not to pre-filter the training set, but to use Weka's FilteredClassifier and configure it with the StringToWordVector filter, and your chosen classifier to do the classification. This is explained well in this video from the More Data Mining with Weka online course.
For a more general solution, if you want to build the model once then evaluate it on different test sets in future, you need to use InputMappedClassifier:
Wrapper classifier that addresses incompatible training and test data
by building a mapping between the training data that a classifier has
been built with and the incoming test instances' structure. Model
attributes that are not found in the incoming instances receive
missing values, so do incoming nominal attribute values that the
classifier has not seen before. A new classifier can be trained or an
existing one loaded from a file.
Weka requires a label even for the test data. It uses the labels or „ground truth“ of the test data to compare the result of the model against it and measure the model performance. How would you tell whether a model is performing well, if you don‘t know whether its predictions are right or wrong. Thus, the test data needs to have the very same structure as the training data in WEKA, including the labels. No worries, the labels are not used to help the model with its predictions.
The best way to go is to select cross validation (e.g. 10 fold cross validation) which automatically will split your data into 10 parts, using 9 for training and the remaining 1 for testing. This procedure is repeated 10 times so that each of the 10 parts has once been used as test data. The final performance verdict will be an average of all 10 rounds. Cross validation gives you a quite realistic estimate of the model performance on new, unseen data.
What you were trying to do, namely using the exact same data for training and testing is a bad idea, because the measured performance you end up with is way too optimistic. This means, you‘ll get very impressive figures like 98% accuracy during testing - but as soon as you use the model against new unseen data your accuracy might drop to a much worse level.

Regression Tree Forest in Weka

I'm using Weka and would like to perform regression with random forests. Specifically, I have a dataset:
Rather than learning to predict the most likely class, I want to learn the probability distribution over the classes for a given feature vector. My intuition is that using just the RandomForest model in Weka would not be appropriate, since it would be attempting to minimize its absolute error (maximum likelihood) rather than its squared error (conditional probability distribution). Is that intuition right? Is there a better model to be using if I want to perform regression rather than classification?
Edit: I'm actually thinking now that in fact it may not be a problem. Presumably, classifiers are learning the conditional probability P(Class | Feature1,...,FeatureN) and the resulting classification is just finding the c in Class that maximizes that probability distribution. Therefore, a RandomForest classifier should be able to give me the conditional probability distribution. I just had to think about it some more. If that's wrong, please correct me.
If you want to predict the probabilities for each class explicitly, you need different input data. That is, you would need to replace the value to predict. Instead of one data set with the class label, you would need n data sets (for n different labels) with aggregated data for each unique feature vector. Your data would look something like
and so on. You would need to learn one model for each class and run them separately on any data to be classified. That is, for each label you learn a model to predict a number that is the probability of being in that class, given a feature vector.
If you don't need the probabilities to be predicted explicitly, have a look at the Bayesian classifiers in Weka, which make use of probabilities in the models that they learn.