Is there any reliable way to find a company address by domain using Google geocoding or some other API? - geocoding

Most of companies can be geocoded by domain name using Google geocoding API.
For example I can give '' and the API will return the same address with 'Microsoft'.
However if I try it for some other companies they can be found by name, but cannot be found by domain. For example if I enter 'RAD campaign', I get proper results. But if I use '' I get zero results. Google definitely 'knows' about website of this company, because if I search this company on Google maps, I see their website URL in the info panel.
So is there any reliable way to find a company address by domain. I mean exactly not server location, not domain registrant location but an address that is mentioned on the website.


Google Oauth wrong name

I want to publish my app but Google is telling me that the app name is against theirs Data Policy.
Based on the information you sent us, it looks like your project my-app-name doesn't show its identity to Google users when asking to access Google user data.
Specifically, there's a problem with your project's app name. This violates Google API Services: User Data Policy.
My name in Oauth contain word "YouTube"/ the project is related to YouTube.
So this is the problem? I can't use the word in my app name? So can I use something like u2b? What kind of names are allowed?
I can't find it in the TOS/data privacy.
my-app-name is not a valid name for your application.
You application name should clearly identifie your brand name as the company who created the application.
I would almost expect it to for example contain your domain name.
My could mean anyone again it needs to clearly identify your company or brand.
so no you can't name your app my-app-name and have it verified.
You also can't use any registered trademark names in your name unless you own the trademark
Stay away from anything remotely resembling a google product or potential google product

Not sure what are gs gu gw cookies

My website uses _gs _gu _gw cookies
What are these cookies? Why are they used?
I tried looking for this information but can't seem to find it
This website lists all 3 cookies. It's a specific website policy, but as far as I can see those are cookies used by Getsitecontrol, so you can use that description for reference.
_gs Used to identify the users browser, operating system, IP address and the page on the website they are viewing.
_gu Used to distinguish users.
_gw Records widgets previously displayed to user.

Official documentation of the _dc_gtm cookie from google tag manager

I don't know if this is the right exchange to ask in, but if it isn't please point me in the right direction.
I'm searching for some information from Google on the _dc_gtm_UA-XXXXXXXX-X cookie, where the X's are the GA code.
But I can't find any official documentation.
Can anyone provide som official documentation?
Update: The Google Analytics' Cookie Usage Developer documentation informs about this cookie now:
_gat (1 minute TTL) Used to throttle request rate. If Google Analytics is deployed via Google Tag Manager, this cookie will be named _dc_gtm_<property-id>.
I could not find official documentation either, but here's a wild guess, from right to left:
_UA-XXXXXXXX-X is your Google Analytics (GA) property ID, or account number.
_gtm is Google Tag Manager (GTM), which means that GA was not integrated directly but injected via GTM.
_dc is DoubleClick, which most likely means that your Google Analytics account has been connected to your Google DoubleClick Campaign Manager (DCM).
(The DCM help page about cookies mentions __gads as cookie name prefix though.) _dc_gtm_UA-XXXXXXXX-X is your Google Analytics ID, injected via Google Tag Manager, so that DoubleClick Campaign Manager can consume it -- presumably to associate and track the performance of ad campaigns via Analytics.
This cookie only seems to appear on sites that integrate GA via GTM.
Its value always appears to be 1.
Various random websites on the net present (exactly) the following explanation in their cookie policy:
_dc_gtm: used to help identify the visitors by either age, gender, or interests by DoubleClick - Google Tag Manager.
So that text appears to copied or auto-generated from an official resource, but is not referenced anywhere.
Some sites additionally present a link to Google Analytics' Cookie Usage Developer documentation, but that does not list the cookie name.
Note that this _dc_gtm_UA-... cookie is a first-class cookie; i.e., it is set for the domain of your website.
When a visitor of your website requests additional pages/files/resources on your website domain, then this cookie will be sent along with every request.
Therefore, ensure to adjust your HTTP reverse-proxy (e.g., Varnish) configuration accordingly, so that this pure client-side cookie does not cause subsequent client requests to miss your cache. Most website backend applications do not need this cookie.
Google normally uses two underscores as prefix for all cookies that are only relevant on the client-side; not sure why they diverged from that emerging standard here.

Maxmind GeoIP - How to identify requests from Google, Yahoo or Bing bots to avoid redirects

We redirect the customers to country specific website based on the country returned by the Maxmind APIs. But due to this when the requests come from the search engine bots, which can have any IP based on the country where bot runs from, those requests are also being redirected to respective country specific sites. For e.g. bot running from US is unable to crawl UK site as the request is redrcted to US site. Due to this bots are unable to crawl the targeted website, rankings are getting affected and country specific sites are not shown on top when the search is done from country specific Google domain such as We can add logic to handle this scenario. But in future when new IP ranges are added by the bots or any new bots are introduced, we need to update the code again. Hence this approach doesn't look feasible. Is there any better way that Maxmind recommends to handle such exceptions?

Google Analytics Referrals coming from third party payment provider

I am using universal analytics on my website via Google Tag Manager with data layer e-commerce tracking enabled.
The referral addresses are appearing to be coming from the payment providers (e.g.
I have included all my URLS in to the autolinker and after some testing the _ga cookie value appears to be consistent all the way through the booking process but it appears differently on the page after the secure payment takes place.
This suggests the session is being treated as a new one, hence the referral address issue I am having.
I have been trying to set a cookie on the entry page which equals the _ga cookie value but currently I am unable to retreive it on the confirmation page.
Has anyone got any ideas for a possible solution?
You will most definitely save my life!
Have you read this article? There could be a couple of pointers in there however I'm not sure what you have and haven't tried
Accurately reporting referrer from payments made with PayPal in Google Analytics