Why read system call stops reading when less than block is missing? - c++

Introduction and general objective
I am trying to send an image from a child process (generated by calling popen from the parent) to the parent process.
The image is a grayscale png image. It is opened with the OpenCV library and encoded using imencode function of the same library. So the resulting encoded data is stored into a std::vector structure of type uchar, namely the buf vector in the code below.
No error in sending preliminary image information
First the child sends the following image information needed by the parent:
size of the buf vector containing the encoded data: this piece of information is needed so that the parent will allocate a buffer of the same size where to write the image information that it will receive from the child. Allocation is performed as follows (buf in this case is the array used to received data not the vector containing the encoded data):
u_char *buf = (u_char*)malloc(val*sizeof(u_char));
number of rows of the original image: needed by the parent to decode the image after all data have been received;
number of columns of the original image: needed by the parent to decode the image after all data have been received.
These data are written by the child on the standard output using cout and read by the parent using fgets system call.
This pieces of information are correctly sent and received so no problem until now.
Sending image data
The child writes the encoded data (i.e. the data contained in the vector buf) to the standard output using write system call while the parent uses the file-descriptor returned by popen to read the data. Data is read using read system call.
Data writing and reading is performed in blocks of 4096 bytes inside while loops. The writing line is the following:
written += write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf.data()+written, s);
where STDOUT_FILENO tells to write on standard output.
buf.data() returns the pointer to the first element in the array used internally by the vector structure.
written stores the number of bytes that have been written until now and it is used as index. s is the number of bytes (4096) that write will try to send each time.
write returns the number of bytes that actually have been written and this is used to update written.
Data reading is very similar and it is performed by the following line:
bytes_read = read(fileno(fp), buf+total_bytes, bytes2Copy);
fileno(fp) is telling from where to read data (fp is the filedescriptor returned by popen). buf is the array where received data is stored and total_bytes are the number of bytes read until now so it is used as index. bytes2Copy is the number of bytes expected to be received: it is wither BUFLEN (i.e. 4096) or for the last block of data the remaining data (if for example the total bytes are 5000 then after 1 block of 4096 bytes another block of 5000-4096 is expected).
The code
Consider this example. The following is a process launching a child process with popen
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>//read
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#define BUFLEN 4096
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
//file descriptor to the child process
FILE *fp;
cv::Mat frame;
char temp[10];
size_t bytes_read_tihs_loop = 0;
size_t total_bytes_read = 0;
//launch the child process with popen
if ((fp = popen("/path/to/child", "r")) == NULL)
return 1;
//read the number of btyes of encoded image data
fgets(temp, 10, fp);
//convert the string to int
size_t bytesToRead = atoi((char*)temp);
//allocate memory where to store encoded iamge data that will be received
u_char *buf = (u_char*)malloc(bytesToRead*sizeof(u_char));
//some prints
//initialize the number of bytes read to 0
int bytes2Copy;
printf ("bytesToRead: %ld\n",bytesToRead);
bytes2Copy = BUFLEN;
while(total_bytes_read<bytesToRead &&
(bytes_read_tihs_loop = read(fileno(fp), buf+total_bytes_read, bytes2Copy))
//bytes to be read at this iteration: either 4096 or the remaining (bytesToRead-total)
bytes2Copy = BUFLEN < (bytesToRead-total_bytes_read) ? BUFLEN : (bytesToRead-total_bytes_read);
printf("%d btytes to copy\n", bytes2Copy);
//read the bytes
printf("%ld bytes read\n", bytes_read_tihs_loop);
//update the number of bytes read
total_bytes_read += bytes_read_tihs_loop;
printf("%lu total bytes read\n\n", total_bytes_read);
printf("%lu bytes received over %lu expected\n", total_bytes_read, bytesToRead);
printf("%lu final bytes read\n", total_bytes_read);
cv::namedWindow( "win", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
frame = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1,total_bytes_read,0, buf), 0);
cv::imshow("win", frame);
return 0;
and the process opened by the above corresponds to the following:
#include <unistd.h> //STDOUT_FILENO
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define BUFLEN 4096
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Mat frame;
std::vector<uchar> buf;
//read image as grayscale
frame = imread("test.png",0);
//encode image and put data into the vector buf
imencode(".png",frame, buf);
//send the total size of vector to parent
unsigned int written= 0;
int i = 0;
size_t toWrite = 0;
//send until all bytes have been sent
while (written<buf.size())
//send the current block of data
toWrite = BUFLEN < (buf.size()-written) ? BUFLEN : (buf.size()-written);
written += write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf.data()+written, toWrite);
return 0;
The error
The child reads an image, encodes it and sends first the dimensions (size, #rows, #cols) to the parent and then the encoded image data.
The parent reads first the dimensions (no prob with that), then it starts reading data. Data is read 4096 bytes at each iteration. However when less than 4096 bytes are missing, it tries to read only the missing bytes: in my case the last step should read 1027 bytes (115715%4096), but instead of reading all of them it just reads `15.
What I got printed for the last two iterations is:
4096 btytes to copy
1034 bytes read
111626 total bytes read
111626 bytes received over 115715 expected
111626 final bytes read
OpenCV(4.0.0-pre) Error: Assertion failed (size.width>0 && size.height>0) in imshow, file /path/window.cpp, line 356
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception'
what(): OpenCV(4.0.0-pre) /path/window.cpp:356: error: (-215:Assertion failed) size.width>0 && size.height>0 in function 'imshow'
Aborted (core dumped)
Why isn't read reading all the missing bytes?
I am working on this image:
There might be errors also on how I am trying to decode back the image so any help there would be appreciated too.
In my opinion as opposed to some suggestions the problem is not related to the presence of \n or \r or \0.
In fact when I print data received as integer with the following lines:
for (int ii=0; ii<val; ii++)
std::cout<<(int)buf[ii]<< " ";
I see 0, 10 and 13 values (the ASCII values of the above mentioned characters) in the middle of data so this makes me think it is not the problem.

fgets(temp, 10, fp);
read(fileno(fp), ...)
This cannot possibly work.
stdio routines are buffered. Buffers are controlled by the implementation. fgets(temp, 10, fp); will read an unknown number of bytes from the file and put it in a buffer. These bytes will never be seen by low level file IO again.
You never, ever, use the same file with both styles of IO. Either do everything with stdio, or do everything with low-level IO. The first option is the easiest by far, you just replace read with fread.
If for some ungodly reason known only to the evil forces of darkness you want to keep both styles of IO, you can try that by calling setvbuf(fp, NULL, _IOLBF, 0) before doing anything else. I have never done that and cannot vouch for this method, but they say it should work. I don't see a single reason to use it though.
On a possibly unrelated, note, your reading loop has some logic in its termination condition that is not so easy to understand and could be invalid. The normal way to read a file looks approximately as follows:
left = data_size;
total = 0;
while (left > 0 &&
(got=read(file, buf+total, min(chunk_size, left))) > 0) {
left -= got;
total += got;
if (got == 0) ... // reached the end of file
else if (got < 0) ... // encountered an error
The more correct way would be to try again if got < 0 && errno == EINTR, so the modified condition could look like
while (left > 0 &&
(((got=read(file, buf+total, min(chunk_size, left))) > 0) ||
(got < 0 && errno == EINTR))) {
but at this point readability starts to suffer and you may want to split this in separate statements.

You're writing binary data to standard output, which is expecting text. Newline characters (\n) and/or return characters (\r) can be added or removed depending on your systems encoding for end-of-line in text files. Since you're missing characters, it appears that you system is removing one of those two characters.
You need to write your data to a file that you open in binary mode, and you should read in your file in binary.

Updated Answer
I am not the world's best at C++, but this works and will give you a reasonable starting point.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// File descriptor to the child process
FILE *fp;
// Launch the child process with popen
if ((fp = popen("./child", "r")) == NULL)
return 1;
// Read the number of bytes of encoded image data
std::size_t filesize;
fread(&filesize, sizeof(filesize), 1, fp);
std::cout << "Filesize: " << filesize << std::endl;
// Allocate memory to store encoded image data that will be received
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(filesize);
int bufferoffset = 0;
int bytesremaining = filesize;
std::cout << "Attempting to read: " << bytesremaining << std::endl;
int bytesread = fread(&buffer[bufferoffset],1,bytesremaining,fp);
bufferoffset += bytesread;
bytesremaining -= bytesread;
std::cout << "Bytesread/remaining: " << bytesread << "/" << bytesremaining << std::endl;
// Display that image
cv::Mat frame;
frame = cv::imdecode(buffer, -CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH);
cv::imshow("win", frame);
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::FILE* fp = std::fopen("image.png", "rb");
// Seek to end to get filesize
std::fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
std::size_t filesize = std::ftell(fp);
// Rewind to beginning, allocate buffer and slurp entire file
std::fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer(filesize);
std::fread(buffer.data(), sizeof(uint8_t), buffer.size(), fp);
// Write filesize to stdout, followed by PNG image
std::cout.write((const char*)&filesize,sizeof(filesize));
std::cout.write((const char*)buffer.data(),filesize);
Original Answer
There are a couple of issues:
Your while loop writing the data from the child process is incorrect:
while (written<buf.size())
//send the current block of data
written += write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf.data()+written, s);
Imagine your image is 4097 bytes. You will write 4096 bytes the first time through the loop and then try and write 4096 (i.e. s) bytes on the second pass when there's only 1 byte left in your buffer.
You should write whichever is the lesser of 4096 and bytes remaining in buffer.
There's no point sending the width and height of the file, they are already encoded in the PNG file you are sending.
There's no point calling imread() in the child to convert the PNG file from disk into a cv::Mat and then calling imencode() to convert it back into a PNG to send to the parent. Just open() and read the file as binary and send that - it is already a PNG file.
I think you need to be clear in your mind whether you are sending a PNG file or pure pixel data. A PNG file will have:
PNG header,
image width and height,
date of creation,
color type, bit-depth
compressed, checksummed pixel data
A pixel-data only file will have:


OpenCV how to encode and send data of webcam video stream efficiently?

I have this OpenCV C++ code which is taking an image from the cam, encoding it and sending it to the STDOUT.
#include <unistd.h> //STDOUT_FILENO
#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <fcntl.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#define BUFLEN 4096
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Mat frame;
std::vector<uchar> buf;
int bak, temp;
//read image as grayscale
namedWindow( "Camera", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
//redirect stdout to NULL in order to avoid printing to STDOUT undesired stuff
bak = dup(1);
temp = open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
dup2(temp, 1);
close(temp );
VideoCapture cam(0 + CAP_V4L);
if (!cam.isOpened())
cout << "\nCould not open reference " << 0 << endl;
return -1;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
/*Set the normal STDOUT back*/
dup2(bak, 1);
//encode image and put data into the vector buf
imencode(".png",frame, buf);
//send the total size of vector to parent
unsigned int written= 0;
int i = 0;
size_t toWrite = 0;
//send until all bytes have been sent
FILE * f = fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO, "w");
while (written<buf.size())
//send the current block of data
toWrite = BUFLEN < (buf.size()-written) ? BUFLEN : (buf.size()-written);
//written += write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf.data()+written, toWrite);
written += toWrite*fwrite ( buf.data()+written, toWrite, 1, f );
return 0;
Now instead of an image I would like to take an infinite continuous video from the cam. One solution would be to take a frame any given seconds, encode the frame and transmit it (print it to STDOUT), all actions inside an infinite loop.
Is there a better solution, more efficient than encoding and send each frame at each iteration?
Fundamentally, a video stream is a sequence of frames in a predefined order.
You could simply send the frames as images, one after another. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with that, but is not necessarily optimal (which also depends on your definition of optimal).
In communication, one of the aspects is to minimize the amount of data transferred. Simply sending the frames as images allows you to do some compression (e.g. jpeg). Better compression algorithms for video (e.g. mpeg) use the temporal properties of the sequence. If there is a (mostly) static frame, you can limit yourself sending data about the changing parts and assume the background is the same. This goes with some processing at both ends of the communication, but might increase the communication speed (assuming the link is the bottleneck). This would also add a lot of complexity to the system, so think about the potential advantages first (identify the bottlenecks).
I am not sure about the usage of your application, but sending the video stream to stdout might not necessarily be the best idea. Consider using a pipe or a socket instead (the latter allows you quite easily to transfer data over the network as well, which might be a nice outcome).

Sending files in socket programming tcp

I am trying to implement a simple file transfer. Below here is two methods that i have been testing:
Method one: sending and receiving without splitting the file.
I hard coded the file size for easier testing.
send(sock,buffer,107,NULL); //sends a file with 107 size
char * buffer = new char[107];
std::ofstream outfile (collector,std::ofstream::binary);
outfile.write (buffer,107);
The output is as expected, the file isn't corrupted because the .txt file that i sent contains the same content as the original.
Method two: sending and receiving by splitting the contents on receiver's side. 5 bytes each loop.
char * buffer = new char[107]; //total file buffer
char * ptr = new char[5]; //buffer
int var = 5;
int sizecpy = size; //orig size
while(size > var ){ //collect bytes
strcat(buffer,ptr); //concatenate
size= size-var; //decrease
std::cout<<"did it reach here?"<<std::endl;
char*last = new char[size];
recv(sock_CONNECTION,last,2,0); //last two bytes
std::ofstream outfile (collector,std::ofstream::binary);
outfile.write (buffer,107);
Output: The text file contains invalid characters especially at the beginning and the end.
Questions: How can i make method 2 work? The sizes are the same but they yield different results. the similarity of the original file and the new file on method 2 is about 98~99% while it's 100% on method one. What's the best method for transferring files?
What's the best method for transferring files?
Usually I'm not answering questions like What's the best method. But in this case it's obvious:
You sent the file size and a checksum in network byte order, when starting a transfer
Sent more header data (e.g filename) optionally
The client reads the file size and the checksum, and decodes it to host byte order
You sent the file's data in reasonably sized chunks (5 bytes isn't a reasonable size), chunks should match tcp/ip frames maximum available payload size
You receive chunk by chunk at the client side until the previously sent file size is matched
You calculate the checksum for the received data at the client side, and check if it matches the one that was received beforhand
Note: You don't need to combine all chunks in memory at the client side, but just append them to a file at a storage medium. Also the checksum (CRC) usually can be calculated from running through data chunks.
Disagree with Galik. Better not to use strcat, strncat, or anything but the intended output buffer.
TCP is knda fun. You never really know how much data you are going to get, but you will get it or an error.
This will read up to MAX bytes at a time. #define MAX to whatever you want.
std::unique_ptr<char[]> buffer (new char[size]);
int loc = 0; // where in buffer to write the next batch of data
int bytesread; //how much data was read? recv will return -1 on error
while(size > MAX)
{ //collect bytes
bytesread = recv(sock_CONNECTION,&buffer[loc],MAX,0);
if (bytesread < 0)
//handle error.
loc += bytesread;
size= size-bytesread; //decrease
bytesread = recv(sock_CONNECTION,&buffer[loc],size,0);
if (bytesread < 0)
//handle error
std::ofstream outfile (collector,std::ofstream::binary);
outfile.write (buffer.get(),size);
Even more fun, write into the output buffer so you don't have to store the whole file. In this case MAX should be a bigger number.
std::ofstream outfile (collector,std::ofstream::binary);
char buffer[MAX];
int bytesread; //how much data was read? recv will return -1 on error
{ //collect bytes
bytesread = recv(sock_CONNECTION,buffer,MAX>size?size:MAX,0);
// MAX>size?size:MAX is like a compact if-else: if (MAX>size){size}else{MAX}
if (bytesread < 0)
//handle error.
outfile.write (buffer,bytesread);
size -= bytesread; //decrease
The initial problems I see are with std::strcat. You can't use it on an uninitialized buffer. Also you are not copying a null terminated c-string. You are copying a sized buffer. Better to use std::strncat for that:
char * buffer = new char[107]; //total file buffer
char * ptr = new char[5]; //buffer
int var = 5;
int sizecpy = size; //orig size
// initialize buffer
*buffer = '\0'; // add null terminator
while(size > var ){ //collect bytes
strncat(buffer, ptr, 5); // strncat only 5 chars
size= size-var; //decrease
beyond that you should really as error checking so the sockets library can tell you if anything went wrong with the communication.

cpp file reading error with stat and read() [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question
I am running into this error not regularly, can't reproduce it.
File being read is a read-only file and can't be deleted or modified.
Code is not exactly the same because it is part of something bigger that I am writing but this is the important part of the code which is causing the problem.
This code is for explaining purposes and not to reproduce the problem because of point 1
I am trying to read the file using
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <glog/logging.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string fileName="blah";
struct stat fileStat;
int status = ::stat(fileName.c_str(), &fileStat);
if (status != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error stating the file";
size_t fileSize = fileStat.st_size;
// fileSize is 79626240. I am trying to read block starting from
// 67108864 bytes, so there will be 1251736
size_t fileBlockSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
size_t numBlocks = fileSize / fileBlockSize;
size_t offset = numBlocks;
size_t actualSize = fileSize - offset * fileBlockSize;
if (actualSize == 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "You read the entire file";
return 1;
int fd = ::open(fileName.c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error opening the file");
} else if (offset > 0 && lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error seeking the file");
uint64_t readBlockSize = 256 * 1024;
char *data = new char[readBlockSize + 1];
uint64_t totalRead = 0;
while (totalRead < actualSize) {
ssize_t numRead = ::read(fd, data, readBlockSize);
// Use the data you read upto numRead
if (numRead == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Reached end of file";
} else if (numRead < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("read unsuccessful");
totalRead += numRead;
if (totalRead != actualSize) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading the file";
If you imagine me slicing the file into blocks of size 16 mybtes and then reading the last block. I am reading the block in a loop with a smaller size, however I get EOF before I can finish reading the entire block. Can it ever happen the size reported by stat is greater than the size of data in the file ?
The output I see :
Reached end of file
Error reading the file
I don't need alternative solutions, I can do other things such as lseek to END however I wanna know why this is happening ?
PS It is not because of number of blocks on the disk. I am using st_size and nothing more
You must take care using stat over a file, it is better to use fstat to avoid TOCTOU race conditions.
int fileDescriptor = -1;
struct stat fileStat;
std::vector<char> fileContent;
std::string filename("test.txt");
fileDescriptor = open(filename.c_str(),O_RDONLY);
// Do error check of fileDescriptor
// Do error check of fstat
Additionally, consider that read may return a value lesser than fileStat.st_size and you must read the remaining bytes(pretty hard in file I/O, quite common with sockets though), the code is just a small example.
I have copied your code and modified to load a local 9MB file, after compilation with g++ -g -std=c++11 -lglog main.cpp, I have setup a breakpoint in the line 51
if (totalRead != actualSize)
This is the result from my debug session:
(gdb) b main.cpp:51 Breakpoint 1 at 0x4013fc: file main.cpp, line 51.
(gdb) r Starting program: /home/jpalma/Documents/functionTest/a.out
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] Using host libthread_db
library "/lib64/libthread_db.so.1".
Breakpoint 1, main () at main.cpp:51
51 if (totalRead !=> actualSize) {
(gdb) p totalRead
$1 = 9000032
(gdb) p actualSize
$2 = 9000032
So basically your program works flawless for me. Maybe you have a problem in your filesystem or something not related with this.
I'm using ext4 as filesystem.
ll reports this size from the file I'm reading 9000032 abr 29 16:10 WebDev.pdf, so as you can see it is actually correct. My page size is
$ getconf PAGESIZE
So you question is : can the size reported by fstat, or by stat on a read only non modified file be greater that what will be read from the file ?
First some elements on read return value (from man page) :
On success, the number of bytes read is returned (zero indicates end of file), and the file position is advanced by this number. It is not an error if this number is smaller than the number of bytes requested ... On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately
So the return value is at max the requested size, can be less, with 0 as end of file indication, and -1 as error indication.
Man page says also that a read of less bytes than requested size may happen for example because fewer bytes are actually available right now (maybe because we were close to end-of-file, or because we are reading from a pipe, or from a terminal), or because read() was interrupted by a signal.
So even if I could never see that, nothing in the documentation guarantees that even reading on the file, you will get as much data as requested unless end of file has been reached.
But it is clearly stated than a return value of 0 means that you are at end of file. As you test end of file with 0 == read(...), all is fine.
For your question : can size reported by stat be different from the number of bytes that can be read from a file, the answer is no, except if the file system is broken, or there are physical read errors. That is the definition of the size member : The st_size field gives the size of the file (if it is a regular file or a symbolic link) in bytes (from stat man page)
But I really cannot understand your code. First I see :
size_t fileSize = fileStat.st_size;
// fileSize is 79626240. I am trying to read block starting from
// 67108864 bytes, so there will be 1251736
size_t fileBlockSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
size_t numBlocks = fileSize / fileBlockSize;
size_t offset = numBlocks;
size_t actualSize = fileSize - offset * fileBlockSize;
So actualSize is now 1251736 when file is 79626240 bytes long.
And later, without actualSize has changed :
uint64_t totalRead = 0;
while (totalRead < actualSize) {
ssize_t numRead = ::read(fd, data, readBlockSize);
totalRead += numRead;
if (totalRead != actualSize) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error reading the file";
As actualSize despite of its name is not the actual file size, you can go into the Error reading the file branch. But if it happens with the true file size, double check your file system.

Error when using byte array C++

I'm trying to read a standard 24-bit BMP file into a byte array so that I can send that byte array to libpng to be saved as a png. My code, which compiles:
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "png.h"
using namespace std;
namespace BMP2PNG {
long getFileSize(FILE *file)
long lCurPos, lEndPos;
lCurPos = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, 2);
lEndPos = ftell(file);
fseek(file, lCurPos, 0);
return lEndPos;
private: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e)
std::string filenamePNG = "D:\\TEST.png";
FILE *fp = fopen(filenamePNG.c_str(), "wb");
png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING,NULL,NULL,NULL);
png_info *info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
png_init_io(png_ptr, fp);
const char *inputImage = "G:\\R-000.bmp";
BYTE *fileBuf;
BYTE *noHeaderBuf;
FILE *inFile = NULL;
inFile = fopen(inputImage, "rb");
long fileSize = getFileSize(inFile);
fileBuf = new BYTE[fileSize];
noHeaderBuf = new BYTE[fileSize - 54];
for(int i = 54; i < fileSize; i++) //gets rid of 54-byte bmp header
noHeaderBuf[i-54] = fileBuf[i];
png_write_rows(png_ptr, (png_bytep*)&noHeaderBuf, 1);
png_write_end(png_ptr, NULL);
Unfortunately, when I click the button that runs the code, I get an error "Attempted to read or write protected memory...". I'm very new to C++, but I thought I was reading in the file correctly. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?
Also, my end goal is to read a BMP one pixel row at a time so I don't use much memory. If the BMP is 1920x1080, I just need to read 1920 x 3 bytes for each row. How would I go about reading a file into a byte array n bytes at a time?
Your getFileSize() method is not actually returning the file size. You're basically moving to the correct position in the BMP header but instead of actually reading the next 4 bytes that represent the size, you're returning the position in the file (which will be always 2).
Then in the caller function you don't have any error checking and you have code that assumes the file size is always greater than 54 (the allocations for the read buffers for example).
Also keep in mind that the file size field in the BMP header might not always be correct, you should also take into account the actual file size.
You are reading filee size of your *.bmp file, but "real" data can be larger. BMP can have compression (RLE). After that when you write decompressed PNG to that array, you can have overflow size of image, because you previsouly obtained size of compressed BMP file.
In function
Why do you have bit depth set to 16 ? Shouldn´t it be 8, because each RGB channel from BMP is 8bit.
Also for PNG handling, I am using this library: http://lodev.org/lodepng/. It works fine.

Storing an image file into a buffer (gif,jpeg etc).

I'm trying to load an image file into a buffer in order to send it through a scket. The problem that I'm having is that the program creates a buffer with a valid size but it does not copy the whole file into the buffer. My code is as follow
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc,char *argv){
char filename[80];
char *buffer = NULL;
long file_bytes = 0;
char c = '\0';
int i = 0;
printf("-Enter a file to open:");
f = fopen(filename,"rb");
if (f == NULL){
printf("\nError opening file.\n");
file_bytes = ftell(f);
buffer = new char[file_bytes+10];
if (buffer != NULL){
printf("-%d + 10 bytes allocated\n",file_bytes);
printf("-Could not allocate memory\n");
// Call exit?.
while (c != EOF){
c = fgetc(f);
buffer[i] = c;
c = '\0';
buffer[i-1] = '\0'; // helps remove randome characters in buffer when copying is finished..
i = 0;
printf("buffer size is now: %d\n",strlen(buffer));
//release buffer to os and cleanup....
return 0;
> output
-Enter a file to open:img.gif
-3491 + 10 bytes allocated
buffer size is now: 9
-Enter a file to open:img2.gif
-1261 + 10 bytes allocated
buffer size is now: 7
From the output I can see that it's allocating the correct size for each image 3491 and 1261 bytes (i doubled checked the file sizes through windows and the sizes being allocated are correct) but the buffer sizes after supposedly copying is 9 and 7 bytes long. Why is it not copying the entire data?.
You are wrong. Image is binary data, nor string data. So there are two errors:
1) You can't check end of file with EOF constant. Because EOF is often defined as 0xFF and it is valid byte in binary file. So use feof() function to check for end of file. Or also you may check current position in file with maximal possible (you got it before with ftell()).
2) As file is binary it may contain \0 in middle. So you can't use string function to work with such data.
Also I see that you use C++ language. Tell me please why you use classical C syntax for file working? I think that using C++ features such as file streams, containers and iterators will simplify your program.
P.S. And I want to say that you program will have problems with really big files. Who knows maybe you will try to work with them. If 'yes', rewrite ftell/fseek functions to their int64 (long long int) equivalents. Also you'll need to fix array counter. Another good idea is to read file by blocks. Reading byte by byte is dramatically slower.
All this is unneeded and actually makes no sense:
c = '\0';
buffer[i-1] = '\0';
i = 0;
printf("buffer size is now: %d\n",strlen(buffer));
Don't use strlen for binary data. strlen stops at the first NUL (\0) byte. A binary file may contain many such bytes, so NUL can't be used.
-3491 + 10 bytes allocated /* There are 3491 bytes in the file. */
buffer size is now: 9 /* The first byte with the value 0. */
In conclusion, drop that part. You already have the size of the file.
You are reading a binary file like a text file. You can't check for EOF as this could be anywhere in the binary file.