Using a function publicly in base class and privately in derived class - c++

I have a function public void myFunction(foo); and public void myFunction(foo, bar); in my parent class. I want these functions included in my derived class, but privately. You can declare it in the derived class' private section by using BaseClass::myFunction(). Note that it doesnt take any parameters in the function. But if there are two implementations of myFunction like I have in my case, it won't work since it can't distinguish between the two functions. How do I implement both functions privately?

Based on what you've said in your comment about your professor's instruction to use inheritance, more than whether it's a good design choice, I think you are expected to use private inheritance.
Private inheritance is a valid feature of C++, but its often not a good design choice. I wont go into that, I'm not recommending it in general, I'll leave you to look it up elsewhere on SO, but also recommend Scott Meyer's books effective C++ & more effective C++ which covers this.
(protected inheritance on the other hand is very unusual)
In your question you seem to be starting from public inheritance and trying to make some inherited functionality private via using. This is a bad design choice as mentioned in comments. It violates the Liskov substitution principle. Since PUBLIC inheritance implies is-a, we can imagine the code that creates a base class reference to an object of the derived type, what then is supposed to happen when we try to call the hidden functionality with that base class reference?
Derived d;
Base& b = d;
b.HiddenFunction(); // calling the function on d even though you thought you hid it
If instead you use private inheritance you can then use using to publicise those privately inherited functions which are safe to expose on the derived class.
class OrderedLinkedList : private LinkedList
using LinkedList::ItemCount; // expose some specific base functionality
If using doesn't do the job due to overloaded functions, then you can add just those overloads that you want to provide and implement them just by calling the base function. In such cases, if you need to clarify whether to call the base or derived version you can prefix the function name with the class name e.g.
void SomeFunction()
// call base version, not this derived version recursively
Within the derived class implementation, the public and protected members of the (privately) inherited base class are accessible without the need to do anything like add a using.
Private inheritance is not an is-a relationship like public inheritance since we cannot refer to the derived objects as references/pointers to the base. Private inheritance is "implemented-in-terms-of".
Since private inheritance is not an is-a, one cannot substitute such derived objects for the base and as such the liskov substitution principle just doesn't apply.


Need clarification on interface in OOP

With regards to a class, what does an interface mean? I think it refers to all the public functions of the class. Am I correct or does it mean something else?
I keep hearing it a lot but never quite noticed the explicit definition.
This one's the real question. What does it mean for a derived class to retain the interface of the base class it's derived from? I think it means that the public functions in the base class must be public in the derived class as well (which will be the case in public and protected inheritance). Am I mistaken?
Yes, the interface of a class is the collection of its visible member functions to the outside world, i.e. its public member functions. Some also include member variables in the interface, but it is not usually common to have public member variables (unless declared static). Most often, interfaces are implemented via abstract base classes. This is in contrast to Java, which has a different keyword for specifying interfaces.
Retaining the interface means having the public member functions in the base class visible across the class hierarchy. Also, you can override virtual functions so you get polymorphic behaviour, keeping the common interface. Note that only public inheritance preserves the interface, protected and private do not. Another way of failing to retain an interface is via name hiding in C++. Example: re-declaring Base::f(int) as Derived::f(float,float). In this case, the Base::f(int) is not longer visible in Derived, unless via a using Base::f; statement.

Confusion about inheritance & access level

I've got some confusions on the access level in C++ inheritance and more generally how I should design a C++ class.
class Car
string brandName;
class Sedan: public Car
// this function needs to know the Sedan's brandName
void someFun()
brandName = "sss"; // error!!!
In the above example the Car as a base class has a private member "brandName", and the Sedan as a derived class from Car inherits that member "brandName". As explained in Effective C++, public inheritance makes an "is-a" relationship, which means Sedan is a Car, now can I say that Sedan has a "brandName"?. If the answer is yes, why couldn't Sedan access to its own attribute in someFun?
I know the solution is to change brandName's access level to protected, my confusion is that what features or conditions make a variable member to which access level, in other word how I decide which access level should a given member be attached to?
I'd also like it if you'd recommend any book or article elaborating on this topic.
now can I say that Sedan has a "brandName"?
No, neither has Car. The brandName is an implementatin detail, private, hidden from anyone else and does not contribute to the class' public interface, which is what makes the nature of a Car. So while technically there is a brandName somewhere in a Car and thus in a Sedan, from a pure OO view that does not matter. Similar to "Is-A"-relationships that are expressed only by public inheritance and not by private inheritance, "Has-A"-relationships in the OO point of view are only present if the composition or assoctiation is publicly accessible/visible (mostly via getters/setters).
juanchopanza's answer and the comments to it have lead me to sneak a little around the web, trying to find resources about Is-A and Has-An relationships. this transcription seems to indicate that the two terms did not originate from OO thoughts. In fact, OO literature seems to cite the Liskov Substitution Principle instead of using "Is-A" relationships. It lays stress on encapsulation and opaque objects, so it concerns mostly with public interfaces of classes and how their behavior affect associated objects. While a "Has-A" relationship can be association, it also can be aggregation. In this case, since the brandName is not an external, associated object (in C++ we would express that fact with a pointer or reference member), it is an aggregation-"Has-A", hidden in the opaque Car and therefore not of interest for OO (and the above answer is left semantically valid).
I know the solution is to change brandName's access level to protected
NO! brandName's access level has to remain private, so that Car has the complete control over what happens to it. If you want to access it in derived classes, provide protected getters and/or setters.
I'd also like it if you'd recommend any book or article elaborating on this topic.
Any book about object oriented design should do. If you read through two or more of them, you will get a good idea of what to do and what not to do.
can I say that Sedan has a "brandName"?.
Yes, it certainly has an object of type string called Car::brandName (whether this constitutes an OOP "has-a" relationship isn't entirely clear to me, but probably not: see comments)
If the answer is yes, why couldn't Sedan access to its own attribute in someFun?
Simple because brandName is private. Those are the rules of the language. If you want to give a derived class access to a non-public data member, you can make it protected.
I'd also like it if you'd recommend any book or article elaborating on this topic.
There is a list of books here. Perhaps "The C++ Programming Language" would be good for explaining this particular aspect.
you have hidder brandName from the outer world, by making it private. Make it protected so that children may inherit it. To understand inheritance rules regarding specifiers, go to HERE
Public members are free to all to use.
Private members are for the use of only this current class, and no one else. It is used mostly for inner members of the class to use and save for it's own purposes or to provide a method to access to them.
Protected members are accessible for inherited classes, just as your example shows - brandName is for the use of inherit classes, so it should be protected.
I've got some confusions on the access level in C++ inheritance and more generally how I should design a C++ class.
C++ has three access level specifiers that can be used when inheriting:
private, protected and public
class Derived : public Base
Is called public inheritance and represents IsA relationship. When inheriting publicly, public members of the base remain public in Derived, protected members remain protected in Derived and private members are private (and not accessible from Derived).
class Derived : protected Base
Is called protected inheritance. This kind of inheritance is rare, and would be used if you don't want to expose the public part of Base when accessed as derived (or through the interface of Derived). In this kind of inheritance the public members in base become protected in derived.
Also see the C++ FAQs
class Derived : private Base
Is called private inheritance. This kind of inheritance can be used to simulate containment (Herb Sutter - Uses and abuses of inheritance). Here public members in Base become private when accessed through the interface of derived.
It can also be noted that protected and private inheritance does not represent the classic IsA relationship. The following polymorphic behaviour is only possible when inheriting publicly:
Derived d;
Base* b = &d;
However, for private inheritance polymorphic behaviour is possible in the first derived class (but not in subsequent).
struct Base{};
struct Derived : private Base
//IsA holds within member functions of Derived, but not
// outside
Base* b = this;
struct Derived2 : public Derived
Base* b = this; //Fails to compile...inaccessible base
int main()
Derived d;
Base* b = &d; //Fails to compile
For protected inheritance polymorphic behaviour is possible in the all subsequent derived classes (Therefore code in constructor of Derived2 here above would compile), but not outside of class member functions.
Herb Sutter comments on reasons for using non public inheritance in Uses and abuses.
Finally, a comment concerning your example above: Usually Car would be abstract (an interface, consisting only of pure virtual functions), and therefore it would not contain any data members, but leave it open to the implementation. This is a guideline concerning inheritance that I've heard somewhere Sutter - Exceptional C++:
Inherit publicly in order to be reused by code that uses base classes polymorphically.
Your example would/could become:
struct Car
//Note: const used as brandName should not modify logical state.
virtual const std::string& brandName() const = 0;
//...virtual ~Car(), amongst others, depending
// on whether you intend to be deleted via this interface...
// Note: public inheritance implied by struct
struct CarFromFile: /*public*/ Car
CarFromFile( std::ifstream& file )
: brandName_( strFrom( file ) ),
manufacturer_( strFrom( file )
virtual const std::string& brandName() const{ return brandName_; }
std::string strFrom( std::ifstream& file )
std::string value;
if( file >> value ) { return value; }
throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid file format!" );
std::string brandName_;
std::string manufacturer_;
The fact that you make the accessor abstract, allows freedom from
the perspective of the implementer of derived, and defines the service
required by the client of base, independent of how the actual data looks.
The classifications for public, protected and private are intended to allow one to separate publicly available interfaces from internal implementation details. Thus, things that are not public are inaccessible, forcing users of the class to use the public interfaces provided.
If something is private, then even though inheritance will make the member a part of the derived class, the derivation is not allowed to access it. If it is desirable to allow a derived class access to interfaces and members that are not part of the public interface, then that is exactly when to use protected.

What's the difference between friendship and inheritance?

Suppose there are two classes A and B:
class A {};
class B {};
In what aspects differ the two examples below?
Example 1:
class C : public A, public B {};
Example 2:
class C
friend class A;
friend class B;
A friend can touch the private parts (pun only slightly intentional! ;) ) of whatever it is friend of, but nothing of A and B are part of C - it just means that "A and B can touch C's private bits"). Anything "less" than private is of course also available to A and B, so if C has protected or public members, that will also be available.
When you inherit, the A and B becomes part of C. Any private sections of A and B are not available to C. In the "is-a" vs. "has-a" nomenclature, C now is-a A and is-a B - in other words, it's inherited from A, so it "behaves like A from an interface perspective.
There are several big differences. Inheritance and friendship are very different.
With friendship, class C is NOT an instance of class A or class B. Therefore, if you have a function like:
void processMyClass(A* a);
you cannot pass it an instance of C whereas, if C subclasses A (publicly), it IS an instance of A.
With friendship, class A and B can touch all the private member data and functions of C. With inheritance, class C can touch the public and protected members of A and B.
Friendship is not inherited. This means, for example:
class D : public C
void foo() {
// A and B cannot call this function
In the context you're using, to answer your question to the best of my ability, friends simply allow your classes to share protected/private data, while inheritance will do the same, except there'll be a deeper relationship, where the classes are one in the same (such as with casting).
While the answers you've gotten are reasonably accurate, I don't think they're really complete. In particular, although they explain what the difference between friendship and inheritance is, they don't really explain much about which you should use when, or how the difference affects your code.
The primary use of inheritance (in C++) is to define an interface in a base class, and implement that interface in each of a number of derived classes. The parts of the interface that a derived class must implement will normally be signified by pure virtual functions in the base class.
The primary use of friendship in C++ is to define something that forms part of an interface, but for syntactical reasons can't be a member function. One extremely common example is a stream insertion or extraction operator. To implement these as member functions, they'd have to be members of the stream class. Since we don't want to modify the stream class constantly, they're instead free functions that take a reference to a stream as their left parameter, and a reference to a (possibly const) object of the type they insert/extract as their right operand.
These don't necessarily have to be friends of the class--they can be written to use only the class' public interface. If you do that, though, it generally means the class is exposing more in its public interface than is otherwise necessary. The interface is no longer minimal, which tends to indicate a problematic design.
One note though: you can define a friend function inside a class definition:
class Foo {
// ...
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Foo const &f) {
// ...
At first this may seem strange (and syntactically it is, somewhat). Even though it's defined inside the class definition, the friend means that this is not a member function. At least in my opinion, this reflects its situation fairly accurately: conceptually, it's part of the class. It has access to private members, just like any other member of the class. The fact that it's a free function rather than a member function is purely an implementation artifact that has essentially nothing to do with the code's design.
That also points to another difference between friendship and inheritance: with inheritance, you're normally dealing primarily with member functions. Each member function still receives a this pointer, so each member function is directly associated with a specific instance of the class. Yes, you can define it to also receive (a pointer or reference to) another instance of the class if desired, but it always receives this, regardless. A friend (function or class) doesn't get this--the friend declaration just means that the names that are private to that other class are visible to the friend. To get access to an actual instance of that class, you typically need to pass it as a parameter, or something on that order.
Finally, I'll note that the preceding sort of ignores the possibilities of private or protected inheritance. Private inheritance normally means that the derived class is implemented in terms of the base class. This can be handy if (for example) the derived class is similar to the base class, but isn't related in the design--i.e., you're not asserting that an instance of the derived class can be used anywhere an instance of the base class was needed. Its use of the base class is an implementation detail that the rest of the world doesn't need to know or care about.
Protected inheritance is pretty much a mistake. It's allowed because it's consistent with public, private and protected members (which do make sense) but for inheritance, protected simply doesn't seem to accomplish anything useful.

C++ why use public, private or protected inheritance?

Well there is enough information about this subject. For example this thread was very clear to me: Difference between private, public, and protected inheritance
Except one point; Why is it useful?
Use public inheritance to reflect an is-a relationship. This is the main use for inheritance, especially in combination with virtual functions. It allows re-use of interface, not just of old code by new code, but also re-use of new code by old code! (because of virtual function dispatch at runtime).
In exceptional circumstances, use private inheritance to reflect an is-implemented-in-terms-of relationship. This is a commonly overused pattern, often the equivalent goal can be reached through composition (having the would-be base class as a data member). Another drawback is that you can easily have multiple inheritance of the same base class (twice or more removed) leading to the so-called Diamond Problem.
Avoid using protected inheritance, it suggest that your class interface is client-dependent (derived classes versus the world). Often this is due to classes having multiple responsiblities, suggesting a refactoring into separate classes is appropriate.
The answer to this question concerns class interfaces and data encapsulation, rather than language capabilities.
The use cases of protected and private inheritance are rather limited, since there are often other options available which better solve the problem (such as using composition, rather than inheritance). However, there are times when you necessarily must inherit from some type (for example to interface with a third-party library), but you would strongly prefer (for reasons related to user interface of your class) to hide most members inherited from the base class from the users of your new type. A typical scenario would be when you need your type to have the member functions of a certain class for internal use, but it would break the logic of your new type if it was called from outside the class itself.
In these situations, you need to use private or protectedinheritance (depending on whether the interface should be similarly restricted to further derived classes or not.
Bear in mind, however, that this is all just about (strongly) hinting to the users of your class how they should use it. You're adapting its public interface to hide certain features which were public in its base class. This doesn't strictly speaking prevent people from accessing these members, since anyone can still cast a pointer to your derived class to a pointer to the base, and reach the "hidden" resources that way.
It's all about Data Encapsulation.
Encapsulation concept
It is good to protect your classes 'internal' data from other classes. Benefits include:
other classes have to go through the known proper access mechanisms (e.g. methods) to access your class and can't monkey around with the internals of your class directly (and hence potentially put your class into some unknown and broken state)
you can change the inner workings of your class and know that other classes won't break as a result
reducing visible external points of contact with a class makes your classes simpler to use and understand
Having the option of using protected instead of private also makes your code easier to extend through subclassing.
Private: private members of a class can be accessed only from class functions, constructors, and destructors. The client who will use your class will be unable to access them. So, if for example you are implementing a list class and you want to keep track of the list's size, then you should have a private variable (listSizeP for example). You do this because you don't want the client to be able to modify the size of the list without inserting elements.
Public: public members can also be accessed by the client. In the list example mentioned above, functions like insert and erase should be public.
Protected: protected members of a class, like private members, can be accessed only from class functions, but they can also be accessed by classes inherited by this class(actually it depends on the way the derived class inherits the base. If it is not public inheritance, then the derived class cannot access the private members of the base class. That's why the most common way of inheriting is public inheritance). Example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
int num;
Base(int x=0) : num(x) {}
class Derived : public Base {
Derived(int x=0) : Base(x) {}
void tell() { cout << "num: " << num << endl; }
int main() {
Derived D(4);
D.tell(); // would cause error if num was private
return 0;

Abstract Base Class with Data Members

If I'm creating an abstract base class, and the classes derived from it are going to have some of the same data members, is it better practice to make those members private in the abstract base class and give protected access to them? Or to not bother and just put the data members in the derived classes. This is in C++.
The main question to ask in an OOP setting is: Where does this data belong?
In an inheritance relationship, Data (and functionality) should be defined at the highest stage where it is more or less invariant. This promotes maximum modularity and code-reuse. For example, assume two classes:
class Human;
class Student : public Human;
When adding a data member 'm_Arms', we determine the 'Human' level as the best place to define the data, its usage and its visibility to the derived classes, based on the following questions:
Will specializations of humans require more-or-less invariant behavior from the human's arms? i.e. Will they be able to do something that a 'generic' human normally cannot? - (determining common data).
Will the student (or other possible Human specializations) require direct access to it? (determining visibility to child classes).
If visible, which functions are common? (determining associated common functions)
The context should be thought of from the base class's perspective - even if there is one additional is-a-Human class that can do something extra, then it needs to have access to the data. e.g. If for some reason, you decide class Robocop : public Human, you need access to his thigh directly to store the gun inside. Under this architecture, Thigh then needs to become visible to all child classes of Human.
The architecture can be refined using the same principles of data modularity, function modularity and visibility. For example, when defining the class Robocop, The base class Human can be further extracted as follows to allow a change in visibility, and consequent changes in functionality.
class Human;
class NormalHuman : public Human; //declare Thigh private here.
class SuperHuman : public Human; //continue using Thigh as protected.
Further, Arms may themselves be made polymorphic, allowing (excuse the unintended dystopic interpretation) factory-based architectures to modularly assemble different types of Humans using Human parts.
If the data belongs to the derived class, let the derived class do what it wants to contain that data.
By placing that data in the base class (not privately), you force every derived class to have it. The derived classes shouldn't be forced to do anything unless they need to fill out the data member, for example. The base class defines what derived classes must do, not how they should do it.
If you find there might be a common theme, you can make a derived class that has those members and implementations, which is then intended to be the base class for those that want to use it. For example:
struct car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
virtual const std::string make(void) const = 0;
// Dodge cars can feel free to derive from this instead, it's just a helper
struct dodge_car
virtual ~car(){}
virtual unsigned year(void) const = 0;
const std::string make(void) const
static const std::string result = "Dodge";
return result;
And so on. But you see, any derived classes still have the choice of implementing the entire car interface. This also improves code cleanliness. By keeping your interface a real interface, implementation details won't get in the way.
Any variables your base class uses should be private, because derived classes don't need to know how it works, in the same way users of your derived class don't need to know how the internals of the derived class work.
How can you make members private and give protected access?
Derived class cannot access base class' private members.
Would Derived class A and Derived class B both need those data members you are talking about? If yes, then put them in base class and make it protected yes.
I know, I actually wanted to post a comment, but I don't know how. May be I need more reputation?
Don't think about what some of your derived classes would do, think about what all of them must do, when writing the base class. In other words, think about the base class itself and the guarantees it makes—its interface.
C++ doesn't have a separate concept of "interface definition" and just reuses classes for that. (Or duck typing in templates.) Because of this, be careful how you write your abstract interface classes so you don't impose restrictions on implementations.
I'm not answering either yes or no because you haven't given enough information, and the answer depends on those other details; but if you follow the guidelines I've briefly laid out, you'll be in decent shape.
There's nothing wrong with having some of the data (and of the implementation, i.e. methods) in the base class.
The base class could be virtual by the mere fact that only one of its methods must be implemented in derived class. The decision of making these variables and methods [of the base class] private, protected or even public, is a case by case issue.
For example the base class could have a public method, a protected method and/or data, and a few private methods.