Visual studio: No sql server compact option in data connections - visual-studio-2017

It is really unbelievable that I am not able to find such a simple thing, I have searched everywhere.
Actually I want to open sdf file which is a part of my project. I found that it can be opened with sql server management studio, external tools etc. but I want to open it in Visual studio by adding a simple data connection.
Am I asking too much? But Man! I am not able to find this simple thing on internet.
I my add connection window I don't see option for sql server compact data connection.
I already installed compact edition and when I am trying to install it again it is saying that it is already installed.
But for some reason visual studio is not showing up in the list of Data Sources Types.
I found this question, he is facing the same issue and his issue was also not resolved even after applying what was told in the answer
Adding SQL Server Compact Edition data source to Visual Studio?
Could somebody help to get this simple thing working?

Install the SQL Server Compact Toolbox, it will also install a DDEX provider, that allows you to connect in Server Explorer (for 4.0 only, however)


Do I need ODTforVS2017_122011.exe?

I have VS2017 and plan to do some C# development that needs to access Oracle 12c database.
I went in Oracle site and downloaded ODTforVS2017_122011.exe. The installation was successful.
But when I tried to declare my connection type OracleConnection, my project does not know it and I can not reference Oracle.ManagedDataAccess. I had to go to Nuget to install them to satisfy the compiler.
So, my curious question is: is the ODT installation from Oracle site necessary or Nuget installation only would suffice? I just do not want to install to much irrelevant stuff that I would not be able to justify.
I don't believe you need the tools, no. They're Visual Studio features, rather than tools needed at execution time.
From the download page:
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio enables Visual Studio data features such as Server Explorer integration, TableAdapter Configuration Wizard and Entity Designer and also includes many useful Oracle specific tools.
So you may find it useful to have those tools, but I don't believe they're required on every machine where you want to either develop or deploy your application.

Visual Studio 2017 2 users on one desktop

I have the following problem: I have a Laptop with two different user accounts (UserA & UserB / they belong to the same person but have different priveleges).
UserA: can build the solution and run tests locally (Everything is working as expected)
UserB: Has the rights to publish to the specific network drive, however he cannot build the project. The reason is that the Windows user itself has not the correct proxy settings configured, and thats why the nuget packages cannot be downloaded.
I have no possibility to change the proxy settings for UserB right now (It depends on internal processes, which might take a while)
However I would have expected, that when I build the solution with UserA, UserB would not need to build it again and just can publish it. This, does not work, as soon as I want to publish, VS tries to rebuild the solution and this does not work because some dependencies are missing and cannot be loaded.
Is there any solution for this problem? I tried to make a research, however I was not really sure for the correct keywords to search for.
Edit: I have now the domain added to my UserB, but I still have some other problems. However I found out that this article is heavily related to my issue: Unable to launch Visual Studio 2015 as a different user.
When I start Visual Studio via Command Line with the mentioned arguments, more works, however I am now not able any longer to connect to my database using Integrated Security = true in the connection string. But at least I can build now. Deploying also works but I just get a 500 Server error when I try to connect to the resource.
Edit2: I needed to add the domain to my user when opening Visual Studio with the command mentioned in the link above. This fixed my problem with connecting to the database.
Actually I do not need an answer anymore for my initial question but I will not delete it because maybe someone has an answer for a person who will have the same question later on.

VS2017 not showing Report Viewer in prerequisites

I am trying to deploy a wpf application with an embedded rdlc report using clickonce. The previous version of report viewer (in VS2015) was built-in so it was easy and convenient to use and I had no issues deploying this project.
Now since easy and convenient is not the goal anymore, in vs2017 after a failed deploy with an error message that gave me absolutely no help, I have come to realize that apparently you have to install 2 additional VS extensions and a report viewer runtime on every machine where an app uses and rdlc reports (feels like crystal reports all over again) and you have to exclude the automatically included Chinese localization files in your clickonce deployment (which cause a manifest parse error). Anyway, the instructions on MS website say that click once should have a "Microsoft Visual Studio Report Viewer" prerequisite option to select as requirement of installing your app. However, after installing the runtime on my development machine, restarting visual studio, this option is not available. Does anyone know how to get this to work?
I used Project|Manage NuGet Packages to add this package to my project.
If you search with Manage NuGet Packages, there's quite a few ReportViewer related items. I'm not sure which ones are appropriate to your WPF app.
Anyway, the deployment project picked up the various ReportViewer assembly dependencies and everything seems to be working without the EXE redist from MS.

Visual studio 2010 and Mysql server

I am trying to connect VS2010 and mySQL server to write simple console application.
For 3 days i am trying to set everything up,but no luck.
I have some skills in c++ OOP,but never done anything like this.
So can someone point mi to tutorial or help here ,how to install and prepare all this thing before i could write any code.
i am using:
mysql server 5.6 and
mysql connector c++
Main problem is mysql connector/c++ i followed documentation on their site but it is too hard for me.(what are boosts,Cmake).
I guess you need .NET connector.

How do I deploy a web service to a virtual server from the host?

all. First of all I am sorry if this question is better for SuperUser, I couldn't tell. If it is it would be great if someone could migrate it.
So anyway, I'm building this service for SharePoint in Visual Studio 2008 with C#. Of course I need to be able to debug it to build it fast. Unfortunately my OS is XP Pro which can't run SharePoint because it is not a server OS. Instead of reinstalling my OS (which would create other problems) I got Server 2003 + SharePoint Server 2007 up and running inside a virtual machine with Virtual PC. Is there some sort of pipe I can create from Visual Studio that will let me test my service from within the virtual machine?
Thank you!
I guess I should add, these are the tools I have been given. At this time, reinstalling or getting new equipment/software is not an option.
This is definitely stackoverflow worthy. It is a development process related question after all.
So you have two issues, deployment and debugging.
For deployment, there are really two ways to approach this. One is that you create a real .wsp package that you can deploy/install/upgrade via the SharePoint provided mechanisms. You really should have this prepared since it is the way that your final code should be deployed. The trouble is that you can only perform the deploy/install/upgrade via a machine connected to the farm. In this case it would be your VM. In cases where I have had to work this way, I have scripted the creation of the .wsp and copied it to the server. On the server is another script to do the deployment. Yes it is more steps than I would like but it does work and it is pretty mindless so it isn't too much of a hassle.
The second approach would be the quicker, less correct way. In this case if all you are doing is changing the code, then you just need to get your new DLL to replace the old one and bounce IIS. You might be able to do that all remotely via script fired from Visual Studio after build succeeds action.
As for debugging, you can certainly debug things remotely. Look into tutorials on remotely debugging processes using Visual Studio.