CMake not invoking FLEX/BISON - c++

I have the following CMake file, which is part of a bigger project (and as such in its folder and imported by upper levels using add_subdirectory(...)
find_package(BISON REQUIRED)
find_package(FLEX REQUIRED)
COMPILE_FLAGS "-Cm -B -L --c++ --nounistd")
add_flex_bison_dependency(XPathScanner XPathParser)
COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-sign-compare
COMPILE_FLAGS -Wno-effc++)
add_library(xpath OBJECT
In my knowledge, this CMake should execute FLEX and BISON, that in turn would generate the C++ files, before the actual C++ compiler invocation.
For some reason beyond my understanding, this is not true. I tried to clear CMake cache and rerun it from scratch; still, there is no sign of FLEX nor BISON within the CMake generated files.
Of course, CMake finds both FLEX and BISON and properly sets the bison_target and flex_target macros (I tested it by messing with them adding random values: CMake gets angry and throws me an error).
Any clue on what is going on and what am I missing?

In add_library, you add BISON_Parser_OUTPUTS and FLEX_Lexer_OUTPUTS dependencies. Instead, it should be BISON_XPathParser_OUTPUTS and FLEX_XPathScanner_OUTPUTS respectively (since you gave them such names).


Alternatives for CMake commands

I am new to CMake and was going through the CMake documentations and tutorials. I was able to understand that the target_include_directories command is just the -I option for the compiler (gcc for me). I tried doing it adding the directories manually by using set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -I <Path>") and it worked perfectly fine!!
My CMakeLists.txt looks something like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
project(Project VERSION 1.0 DESCRIPTION "C Project" LANGUAGES C)
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -I <path-to-header>")
add_library(basic file1.c file2.c)
#target_include_directories(basic PUBLIC "path-to-header")
#target_include_directories() is commented out as CMAKE_C_FLAGS have been set
add_executable(main.out main.c)
target_link_libraries(main.out PRIVATE basic)
I wanted to know if there any similar and alternative for the target_link_libraries command using which we can pass -L and -l options to linker in CMake??
To answer your question literally: There is the variable CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS and its specializations CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_<CONFIG> for certain configurations like RELEASE or DEBUG or whatever configurations you might have defined. See the CMake documentation for more.
BUT, I highly disrecommend to use these unless you need to pass a very special compiler/linker option CMake does not know about, because these are specific to your compiler.
The point of using CMake is to describe the build process independent of the concrete compiler and platform, such that you can easily switch to another one or at least update your compiler without having to refactor your build code. So, better stick with the generic target_include_directories, target_link_libraries, and similar commands as much as possible.
If you really have to use CMAKE_C_FLAGS or CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS I'd recommend to wrap them into an if clause making sure that you are building with the expected compiler on the expected platform and put a fatal error message into the else clause to make future users aware of a possible problem.

CMake won't build without set_source_files_properties with LANGUAGE CXX

I have a small library that I have made (mostly wrappers for a more obtuse library underneath) which I have been compiling and using no problem in a contained project. I am now using this library in another project and have attempted to change the CMakeLists.txt appropriately (see below).
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
set(project "foobar")
project(${project} LANGUAGES CXX)
set(${project}_VERSION_MAJOR 0)
set(${project}_VERSION_MINOR 1)
add_library(${project} SHARED
set_source_files_properties(./driver/foo.c PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX)
target_include_directories(${project} PUBLIC ./driver/ .)
set_target_properties(${project} PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)
target_link_libraries(test ${project})
TARGETS ${project}
The error I have encountered is with the line set_source_files_properties(./driver/foo.c PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX). When it comes to compiling this C file with the C++ flag above I get many warnings of the type clang-8: warning: treating 'c' input as 'c++' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated [-Wdeprecated]. This is expected, as I am using deprecated methods and should not be compiling this file using the C++ flag. However, whenever I remove this line, or alter it to specify C instead of C++, my entire project no longer builds and fails with error:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
-- Generating done
CMake Generate step failed. Build files cannot be regenerated correctly.
Makefile:283: recipe for target 'cmake_check_build_system' failed
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
"/usr/bin/make -j4 all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.
I'm not familiar enough with CMake to see why this line of code and error are related like this. Is there some alternative piece of code I should include to create the missing variable CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT?
I assume that when I initially created this project using Eclipse this line was automatically generated and I am unclear as to why it now creates a problem when I had been compiling these files with the same CMakeLists.txt before (without library linking).
This is with clang#8.0.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.
Any help would be much appreciated! Apologies if I have missed something simple!
Is there some alternative piece of code I should include to create the missing variable CMAKE_C_COMPILE_OBJECT?
No, as the CMake error states, this is an "internal CMake variable" which should be initialized by CMake. It is not something you should have to set yourself. It should be set indirectly when you call project(). However, you only tell CMake you are using C++ (with CXX option) in the project() command. If you want CMake to make use of C and C++, you need to add both:
project(${project} LANGUAGES C CXX)
Even better, CMake enables C and C++ by default, so you can simply do:

Which variable for compiler flags of CMake's ADD_LIBRARY function?

Does exist a variable which contains the compiler flags used in some call to CMake's ADD_LIBRARY function, for example the ones used when we add a module:
ADD_LIBRARY(mylib MODULE mysrc.cpp)
Or, is there a way of getting such flags?
Turning my comments into an answer
There is not a single CMake variable to get the all compiler flags. The problem is that the CMake generator will finally put together the compiler flags (from various CMake variables and properties incl. from depending targets). So you don't have all the flags during configuration step.
I see the following possible problem/solution pairs:
CMake is a cross-platform wrapper around your compiler (that's actually what the C stands for), so no need to extract the compiler flags into an external script
If you just want to add sort of a filter to what is called by CMake you can user set "launcher" variables/properties accordingly e.g. CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER or RULE_LAUNCH_LINK
If you want the compiler calls in a machine readable JSON format you could export those by setting CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS
If you just want to see the compiler calls incl. all the flags you could set CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE
If you really just need the compiler flags on the output and you don't want CMake to actually compile anything, you could - at least for CMake's Makefile generators - modify CMAKE_CXX_COMPILE_OBJECT and CMAKE_CXX_CREATE_SHARED_MODULE like this:
file(WRITE mysrc.cpp "")
add_library(mylib MODULE mysrc.cpp)
Is Cmake set variable recursive?
What does the "c" in cmake stand for?
Using CMake with GNU Make: How can I see the exact commands?
Retrieve all link flags in CMake

Using compiler prefix command(s) with CMake (distcc, ccache)

There are utilities which use an existing compiler by adding a command as a prefix (so instead of calling cc -c file.c you could call distcc cc -c file.c).
When using CMake the compiler command can be changed, however I ran into problems trying to use distcc, though this would likely apply to any command prefix to the compiler (ccache too).
CMake expects the compiler to be an absolute path,so setting CMAKE_C_COMPILER to /usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc, gives an error:
/usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc
is not a full path to an existing compiler tool.
Setting the compiler to /usr/bin/distcc andCMAKE_C_COMPILER_ARG1 or CMAKE_C_FLAGS to begin with /usr/bin/cc works in some cases, but fails with CHECK_C_SOURCE_COMPILES(checked if there was some way to support this, even prefixing CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS didn't work).
The only way I found to do this is to wrap the commands in a shell script.
exec /usr/bin/distcc /usr/bin/cc "$#"
While this works, It would be nice to be able to use compiler helpers with CMake, without having to go though shell scripts (giving some small overhead when the build system could just use a command prefix).
So my question is:
Can CMake use compiler prefix commands (such as distcc) directly?, without shell script wrappers?
Since CMake 3.4.0 there has been a CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER variable and corresponding target property <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER. So if your project is C-only you would do something like:
cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache /path/to/source
CCACHE_PREFIX=distcc make -j`distcc -j`
If you have a C++ project, use -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache.
Or, make your CMakeLists.txt smart and use ccache automatically if it can be found:
# Enable ccache if not already enabled by symlink masquerading and if no other
# CMake compiler launchers are already defined
find_program(CCACHE_EXECUTABLE ccache)
foreach(LANG C CXX)
message(STATUS "Enabling ccache for ${LANG}")
Just as a hint: never use <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER to cross compile. If <LANG>_COMPILER_LAUNCHER is used together with distcc the absolute compiler path is sent to distcc and the host is not using the cross comping toolchain!
Instead you should use the old school method, just overwrite the compiler path:
export PATH=/usr/lib/distcc:$PATH
It took me hours to find out...

How do I add objects with a custom extension to a cmake library?

I'd like to add some object files to a CMake static library, but they have a custom extension.
Here's what I've tried:
set(SRCS testfile.cxx jsobj.js)
add_library(testlib STATIC ${SRCS})
When made, CMake invokes ar testfile.cxx.o (ie the other file is completely ignored). How do I get it included in the archive? Here are some other tricks I've tried:
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsobj.js.o
DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/jsobj.js.o) # still no luck
(In case you're interested, I'm using the emscripten compiler, which can accept C/C++ files as source input, and JavaScript files are essentially "precompiled objects". I want to find a way to get CMake to add them to the ar commandline, that's all!)
For the record, this is how I solved my problem in a hacky way: "proper" solutions would be gladly accepted.
I made up a new file extension for my special pre-compiled objects, "jso", then added it to the list of input files CMake understands:
Then, I add my object files with the extension ".jso" to the CMake sources for inclusion in a static library target.
Finally, I hacked the compiler by setting CC=mycc, where mycc is a Python script which checks if the input has the extension ".jso": if not, it simply re-invokes the standard compiler; otherwise it copies the input to the output with no changes at all, so that mycc -c input.jso -o output.jso.o is just a file copy.
This isn't pretty, but it picks up all the dependencies perfectly for incremental builds. I can't pretend it's pretty, but doing things the way CMake likes seems to work. Here, we're just pretending all inputs are source files, even if they're actually already compiled.