Prettier putting if statement on one line - prettier

Prettier formats if statement without curley braces into one line.
This means that this :
function getErrorMessage(response) {
let errorMessage = null;
if (!response.originalError.response)
errorMessage = 'network error';
errorMessage =;
return errorMessage;
becomes this :
function getErrorMessage(response) {
let errorMessage = null;
if (!response.originalError.response) errorMessage = 'network error';
else errorMessage =;
return errorMessage;
which is FAR more unreadable.
Is there a way of disabling this?

As asked in a similar question, it turns out that the answer is that you can not and will not be able to.
As for the WFT that an average senses, well... Apparently, opinionated doesn't mean respected and well-considered in opinion of many. It means that it's implementing the author's opinion.
So, surprisingly, the unexpected thing isn't the lack of configurability but rather that there are any options to be set at all! Go figure... Someone should create a new package called EvenPrettier or FexiblyPrettier and fork in more options. If I only knew how, I'd do it.

I finally ended up using Beautify - HookyQR extension for vscode
Example Settings
File: .jsbeautifyrc
"brace_style": "collapse,preserve-inline",
"max_preserve_newlines": 2,
"end_with_newline": false
Example Code
File: a.js
function dfs(start) {
if (start > n)
for (let i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
dfs(start * 10 + i);


loop failing when wrapped in try catch to run few times [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 10 months ago.
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Have this code where i am trying to run a loop for few times to make sure i do get my result, but for some reason, i am still getting an error displayed on sreen and it is not even doing the cflog so i can know what is going on, any help will be appreciated
var aData = [];
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
try {
var a = {};
var as = calltoapitoogetdata;
a['count'] = as;
ArrayAppend(aData, mData);
var retJSON = serializeJSON(aData);
//return serializeJSON(aData);
} catch (any e) {
i = i + 1;
cflog(text = "Call failed #i#", application = true, file = "loogevent");
If your code is still erroring it is most likely coming from the cflog call being made in your cfcatch. If you are running a version of Adobe ColdFusion the script version would be :
WriteLog(type="Error", file="myapp.log", text="[#ex.type#] #ex.message#");
Lucee has made many of the CFScript functions equivalent of their tag names but with Adobe CF there are a number of functions that do not comply with this. <cfdump> -> writeDump for example.
Too long for a comment.
I think troubleshooting is easier if all available information is right in front of you on the screen. So, I would troubleshoot like this. Your code is below with my additions in uppercase:
var aData = [];
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
try {
var a = {};
var as = calltoapitoogetdata;
a['count'] = as;
ArrayAppend(aData, mData);
var retJSON = serializeJSON(aData);
//return serializeJSON(aData);
} catch (any e) {
cflog(text = "Call failed #i#", application = true, file = "loogevent"); //THIS LINE GETS REPLACED BY
writedump(i); // THIS LINE GOES AWAY

How do I add precautions to get around Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 not registered?

When I use the following code on my home computer it works fine for me. However, I have to use it on multiple different machines.
"Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;"
I was thinking that there could be a get around to this because I need it in a more universal format so that it works on multiple machines.
I have hoped that there could be a work around, maybe by including an alternative provider in the code (if that is possible) or an catch or if statement that will rerun the code but with an alternate provider if it cannot find the first one.
It would be changed to Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
If anyone could scratch up a little bit of code to work around this so that my program could take into account both providers that would be great as it would make my projects more universal.
Background code (ignore unsafe SQL unless you want to fix it):
OleDbDataReader^ openData(String^ fieldEntity, String^ field, String^ tableName)
String^ sqlstr = "SELECT * FROM ";
sqlstr += tableName + " WHERE " + field + " = " + fieldEntity;
OleDbConnection^ conn = nullptr;
conn = gcnew OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
"Data Source =" + "myDatabaseV3.accdb");
OleDbCommand^ cmd = nullptr;
//fix this so that it will consider both providers.
cmd = gcnew OleDbCommand(sqlstr, conn);
OleDbDataReader^ reader = cmd->ExecuteReader(System::Data::CommandBehavior::CloseConnection);
return reader;
I have solved this problem myself. I realised that I could you another try catch statement in my class to change the connection string if there is an exception
conn = gcnew OleDbConnection("Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source =" + "myDatabaseV3.mdb");
OleDbCommand^ cmd = nullptr;
//fix this so that it will come out of the current directiory
try {
catch (Exception^ ex)
conn->ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" +
"Data Source =" + "myDatabaseV3.accdb";
You could switch these around if you wanted the order of these doesn't really matter. Furthermore, if this solution is invalid you could have a nested try catch statement. However, my code in particular has this In a class and the way this is ran anyway is in a try catch in another part of the code so it is unnecessary for me.

After Effects Expression (if layer is a CompItem)

I am trying to make slight modification at line 5 of below After Effects expression. Line 5 checks if the layer is visible and active but I have tried to add an extra check that the layer should not be a comp item. (In my project, layers are either text or image layer and I beileve an image layer means a comp item). Somehow the 'instanceof' method to ensure that layer should not be a comp item is not working. Please advise how to fix this error, thanks.
txt = "";
for (i = 1; i <= thisComp.numLayers; i++){
if (i == index) continue;
L = thisComp.layer(i);
if ((L.hasVideo && && !(thisComp.layer(i) instanceof CompItem)){
txt = i + " / " + thisComp.numLayers + " / " + L.text.sourceText.split(" ").length;
While compItem is available only in ExtendScript, you can actually check the properties available in the {my_layer}.source object.
Here's a working example (AE CC2018, CC2019 & CC2020): layer_is_comp.aep
The expression would be something similar to:
function isComp (layer)
- used for when the layer doesn't have a ['source'] key or layer.source doesn't have a ['numLayers'] key
- ['numLayers'] is an object key available only for comp objects so it's ok to check against it
- if ['numLayers'] is not found the expression will throw an error hence the try-catch
if (layer.source.numLayers) return true;
else return false;
catch (e)
return false;
// prevent an error when no layer is selected
isComp(effect("Layer Control")(1)) ? 'yes' : 'no';
catch (e)
'please select a layer';
For your second question, you can check if a layer is a TextLayer by verifying that it has the text.sourceText property.
function isTextLayer (layer)
- prevent an expression error if the ['text'] object property is not found
var dummyVar = layer.text.sourceText;
return true;
catch (e)
return false;
You're mixing up expressions and Extendscript. The compItem class is an Extendscript class and I'm pretty sure that it isn't available for expressions.
I'd suggest reading the docs:

Create stored procedure from x++

Got myself into trouble today trying to create a stored procedure from ax.
Here is a simple example:
static void testProcedureCreation(Args _args)
MyParamsTable myParams;
SqlStatementExecutePermission perm;
str sqlStatement;
LogInProperty Lp = new LogInProperty();
OdbcConnection myConnection;
Statement myStatement;
ResultSet myResult;
str temp;
select myParams;
sqlStatement = #"create procedure testproc
as begin
print 'a'
//sqlStatement = strFmt(sqlStatement, myStr);
perm = new SqlStatementExecutePermission(sqlStatement);
myConnection = new OdbcConnection(LP);
info("Check username/password.");
myStatement = myConnection.createStatement();
myResult = myStatement.executeQuery(sqlStatement);
while (
temp = myResult.getString(1);
if (strScan(temp, 'Error', 1, strLen(temp)) > 0)
throw error(temp);
To be honest, in my real example I am using BCP and some string concat with a lot of | ' and "".
Anyway, here is what I got:
For a couple of hours I kept changing and retrying a lot of things and, a good thought came into my mind.
"Let's try with a much easier example and check the results!"
OK, no luck, the results were the same, as you can see in the pic above.
But for no reason, I tried to :
exec testproc
in my ssms instance and to my surprise, it worked. My small procedure was there.
It would be so nice if someone could explain this behavior and maybe what should be the correct approach.
This Q/A should provide an answer.
How to get the results of a direct SQL call to a stored procedure?
executeQuery vs executeUpdate

Scala way / idiom of dealing with immutable List

I have found successes using ideas of immutable List but I am stumped when come to this piece of code here. I find myself has written something more Java than of Scala style. I would prefer to use List(...) instead of Buffer(...) but I don't see how I can pass the same modified immutable List to the next function. guesses is also modified within eliminate(...).
Any suggestions to help me to make this the Scala way of doing this is appreciated. Thanks
val randomGuesses = List(...) // some long list of random integers
val guesses = randomGuesses.zipWithIndex.toBuffer
for ( s <- loop()) {
val results = alphaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
else {
val results = betaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
} else {
val results = betaSearch(guesses)
if (results.size == 1) {
guesses(resultes.head._2) = results.head._1
eliminate(guesses, resultes.head._2)
Here are some general tips since this might be better suited for codereview and the code posted is incomplete with no samples.
You can use pattern matching instead of if and else for checking the size.
results.size match{
case 1 => ... //Code in the if block
case _ => ... //Code in the else block
Instead of mutating guesses create a new List.
val newGuesses = ...
Then pass newGuesses into eliminate.
Lastly, it looks like eliminate modifies guesses. Change this to return a new list. e.g.
def eliminate(list: List[Int]) = {
//Eliminate something from list and return a new `List`