unable to update issue via email - redmine

I have redmine receiving emails via imap setup, at present new tasks can be created via email with no issue. If we want to update an issue via email it does not work. Some examples
An email sent with the following syntax works to crate the issue
email subject is new test task
Body of email contains
Project: test
Tracker: Activity
Assignee: user1
Some information on the task
Can see on the server the task is created https://imgur.com/a/qHfpBTE
This works fine no issues.
If a new email is sent that has the following syntax subject of [#8492]
Body of email contains
Assignee: user2
Nothing change, the assignee name is still that which was set in the first email.
No other items can be change via an update email to a task. Is there something else we need to do or change?


AWS SES verified emails

Trying to understand something thats not clear from AWS SES emails.
I have a simple emailer on my website that I have setup using nodemailer.
It has 3 fields
Name: name of user filling out form
email: email address of user filling out email.
Description: description filled out by user.
I'm seeing in AWS docs that I need to verify on their console the users email.
You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains.
Note: This restriction applies even when your account isn't in the
This could be any number of different user email address how would I be able to verify them all I wouldn't know them.
What am I not getting here. I have verified the To: email which will always be the same as its coming to my domain email.
You'll want to send from an email address under your control (SES enforces this on a technical level, but spam filters tend to de facto enforce this everywhere due to things like SPF records) with a Reply-To header of the email address submitting the form.

Vtiger : How we have to manage Email thread on Lead Module?

We are sending email to customer from Lead module and email sent to customer successfully from Vtiger. also we have integrate Mail Manager
in Vtiger.
i can also see that email in Sent box.
now, When Customer will give reply for that mail which i have sent from Lead module that will automatically appear in Lead Module Email Tab. right now i am getting am reply in Mail Box but i need log email in Lead section with particular customer replay.
Please help me if anyone solution..
It's by default functionality which is provided by Vtiger CRM.
We have configure Mail Scanner and select folder which we have to scan.
also, we have add condition or rule for this what we have to do if we can get result while scanning.
Please check status for MailScanner in vtiger_cron_task table. it must be 1.
also we have to set vtigercron.php in cronjob.
you can also run vtigercron.php in console on server with below command
php vtigercron.php
After success full scan you can get below message
Please Let me know if you have any question.

Receiving emails with sendgrid and cloudmailin

I have the same concept as mentioned in this question(generating a unique random email address for each user in rails app. When the user sends an email that that randomly generated email address, we process the body and store in db.
I followed the following steps:
Deployed my app in Heroku
Created a sendgrid account and configured the username and password to heroku(to get the sendgrid addon).
added griddler gem and followed the steps mentioned in griddler.
Configured the parse webhook in sendgrid with my host and url.
Here comes the main problem:
I registered to coludmailin and it generated the single email address. I don't really understand how to receive uniq emails to my rails application now. I tried white labeling the cloudmailin.net in sendgrid but it doesn't work(may be am wrong here).
Googled a lot but didn't understand how to proceed from here. Can someone please help me in solving this issue. Appreciate if I get a good step-by-step reference
There are two options to do this with CloudMailin.
Option 1:
On the free plan you can use a + in order to separate the email address given to you on CloudMailin and still create a unique email address that each customer can respond to. For example:
If you CloudMailin email address is example1234#cloudmailin.net you can use example1234+unique_id_54321#cloudmailin.net. CloudMailin calls unique_id_54321 the disposable part of this email address. This way you can send an email out and state the sender of that email is example1234+unique_id_54321#cloudmailin.net and then tell one user from another.
Option 2 (the better option):
However, the best way to do this is to use CloudMailin's custom domains. You can then receive anything#yourdomain.com.
With custom domains enabled you set CloudMailin up to be your MX server. Then any email coming into yourdomain.com goes direct to CloudMailin (you can use app.yourdomain.com to avoid conflicts with your regular email if needed).
You can then send email out with the sender as user-12345#yourdomain.com, task-12345#yourdomain.com or any other unique identifier. When you receive the email from CloudMailin the envelope will show that the email was sent to user-12345#yourdomain.com and you can then use this to resolve who the user was.

How to trigger EMail messages in using the engagement plan

I am using ECM 2.1 for sending out emails.
I want to know how can I added the triggered emails to all the recipients who have opened the email and who are productive users on the email sent.
Can I modify the existing plan and add this feature.
By Using tokenized emails
An action that can be executed from within a Sitecore Engagement Plan is to send an email to a static or to the visitors email address.
follow this link:

OTRS 3.0: Agent notes by email - notifications

My goal is that agents can attach notes to a ticket by email.
I have set up a second mail address ticketnotes#... which is filtered by a PostMaster Filter. In this way I can set the X-OTRS-[FollowUp-]ArticleType header to note-internal and X-OTRS-[FollowUp-]SenderType to agent and the email gets attached as agent note to the ticket mentioned in the subject. That works quite well. The problem is that the subsequent notifications emails are of the type Agent::FollowUp and not Agent::AddNote. That is confusing my agents.
Can someone tell me what I'm missing here?
Followups are when a user mails an email. You will want to set the header. Set this field: X-OTRS-FollowUp-ArticleType
see the code:
ArticleType => $GetParam{'X-OTRS-FollowUp-ArticleType'},
see also: http://forums.otterhub.org/viewtopic.php?f=61&t=4966