Stop single line format after [ ] / array? - prettier

I have a code that looks like this:
const fields = [
{ name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
{ name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
{ name: 'email', label: 'Email', type: 'email' },
{ name: 'password', label: 'Password', type: 'password' }
But when doing Prettier it make it look like a single line:
const fields = [{ name: "firstName", label: "First Name" }, { name: "lastName", label: "Last Name" }, { name: "email", label: "Email", type: "email" }, { name: "password", label: "Password", type: "password" }];
Would you say thats is normal / correct way to format this? Any way to disable the single line just for this case?

You can always use // prettier-ignore.
// prettier-ignore
const fields = [
{ name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name' },
{ name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' },
{ name: 'email', label: 'Email', type: 'email' },
{ name: 'password', label: 'Password', type: 'password' }
Then the output should stay same.
But if you are looking for a generic solution, unfortunately it is a bit tricky as you can see here.


How to filter nested list of list of objects with JSON field in django

I have a Model named Ad and it has a JSONfield named location_details.
while fetching the list of objects from Ad Model, I am applying filter for the location_details field
While creating an ad, I compute the nearby places and store it as a JSON field as shown below
[ { name: "transit", label: "Transit", sub_categories: [ { name: "bus_station", label: "Bus Stop", values: [{name: 'A'}, {name: 'B'}], }, { name: "airport", label: "Airport", values: [], }, { name: "train_station", label: "Train Station", values: [], }, ], }, { name: "essentials", label: "Essentials", sub_categories: [ { name: "hospital", label: "Hospital", values: [{name: 'te'}], }, { name: "school", label: "Schools", values: [{name: 'B'}], }, { name: "atm", label: "ATMs", values: [], }, { name: "gas_station", label: "Gas Stations", values: [{name: 'C'}], }, { name: "university", label: "Universities", values: [], }, ], }, { name: "utility", label: "Utility", sub_categories: [ { name: "movie_theater", label: "Movie Theater", values: [], }, { name: "shopping_mall", label: "Shopping Mall", values: [], }, ], }, ];
I want to filter the ad list with multiple location_categories with the above JSON object, only if the location category has some data in it.
I don't know how to start with it, this is how my code looks like now
location_category = django_filters.CharFilter(method="filter_location_category")
def filter_location_category(self, queryset, name, value):
return queryset.filter(location_details__sub_categories__name__in=value.split(","))
For example, with the below request
I want to get all the ads where bus_station and hospital have some data in it (inside the values key) and want to ignore it if the values list is empty in the JSON.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you so much for your attention and participation.

How to make a web service to send data via url in mongodb via loopback?

In fallowing model I'd like to make a web service to send and save data to database something like.
localhost:3000/api/shops/shopname=cafe del mar&tel=123456&latlng=50.35;56.44&personId=1729451234
shops model
"shopname": "string",
"tel": "string",
"latlng": "string",
"address": "string",
"id": "string",
"personId": "string"
It's odd to send data via Get request, but if you have considered the security concerns, you may Follow these steps:
Define a remote method:
accepts: [{arg: 'shopname', type: 'string'},
{arg: 'tel', type: 'string'},
{arg: 'latlng', type: 'string'},
{arg: 'address', type: 'string' },
{ arg: 'id', type: 'string'},
{ arg: 'personId', type: 'string' } ],
returns: {arg: 'result', type: 'string'},
http: {path: '/create-new-shop', verb: 'get'}
Implement the createNewShop function in your shop.js file:
var app = require ("../../server/server");
Shop.createNewShop =function(shopname, tel, latlng, address, id, personId, cb){
var instance = {
shopname: shopname,
tel: tel,
latlng: latlng,
address: address,
id: id,
personId: personId
var shop = new app.models.Shop(instance),err){
throw err
cb (null, "done!")
Now you can call http://localhost:3000/api/shops/create-new-shop?shopname=cafe%20del%20mar&tel=123456&latlng=50.35-56.44&personId=1729451234
Note that semicolon is a reserved char, so you can't use it as a value for your parameter and you should replace it with another char.

Sencha Touch: show in a store's list a field of another store

I'm working on a Sencha Touch App. This App have 3 lists: clients, tasks and asignations. Each one has its own model and store. The 3rd one, asignations lists, is an asignations of a task to a client, so that list must show which task and client are asignated.
extend: '',
config: {
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{name: 'asignID'},
{name: 'nombreasignacion', type: 'string'},
{name: 'clienteasignacion', type: 'string'},
{name: 'tareaasignacion', type: 'string'},
{name: 'finasignacion', type: 'date'},
{name: 'obsasignacion', type: 'string'},
{name: 'recordatorio', type: 'string'},
{name: 'estadoasignacion', type: 'string'}
extend: '',
config: {
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{name: 'clientID'},
{name: 'nombrecliente', type: 'string'},
{name: 'obscliente', type: 'string'},
{name: 'tlfcliente', type: 'int'},
{name: 'emailcliente', type: 'string'},
{name: 'urlcliente', type: 'string'},
{name: 'asigncliente', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}
extend: '',
idProperty: 'id',
fields: [
{name: 'tareaID'},
{name: 'nombretarea', type: 'string'},
{name: 'descripciontarea', type: 'string'},
{name: 'tdesarrollotarea', type: 'int'},
{name: 'asigntarea', type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}
Asignations List View + Asignation Template
var plantillaAsignacion = new Ext.XTemplate(
'<tpl for=".">',
'<div class="tplAsignacion">',
'<div class="asignacionCabecera">',
'<DIV ALIGN=center><B><I>{nombreasignacion}</i></B></DIV>',
'<div class="clienteCuerpo">',
'<div class="asignacionImagen" style= "float: left;"><img src="resources/images/asign_icon.png"/></div>',
'<li><pre> Cliente: {clienteasignacion}</a></pre></li>',
'<li><pre> Tarea: {tareaasignacion}</pre></li>',
'<li><pre> Finalización: {finasignacion:date("d/m/Y")}<div align="right">Estado: {estadoasignacion} <span class="status {estadoasignacion}"></span> </pre></li>', //("l, F d, Y")("d/m/Y")
Ext.define('TasksApp.view.AsignationsList', {
extend: 'Ext.Container',
requires: [ 'Ext.TitleBar', 'Ext.dataview.List' ],
alias: 'widget.asignationslistview',
config: {
layout: {
type: 'fit',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Lista de asignaciones',
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'add',
ui: 'action',
itemId: 'newButton',
align: 'right'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Clientes',
ui: 'action',
itemId: 'goToClients', iconCls: 'team',
align: 'left'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Tareas',
ui: 'action',
itemId: 'goToTasks', iconCls: 'bookmarks',
align: 'left'
xtype: 'list',
store: 'Asignations',
itemId: 'asignationsList',
cls: 'estado-asignacion',
loadingText: 'Cargando Asignaciones...',
emptyText: 'No hay asignaciones actualmente',
onItemDisclosure: true,
//grouped: true,
itemTpl: plantillaAsignacion,
delegate: '#newButton',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onNewButtonTap'
delegate: '#asignationsList',
event: 'disclose',
fn: 'onAsignationsListDisclose'
delegate: '#goToClients',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onGoToClients'
delegate: '#goToTasks',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onGoToTasks'
onNewButtonTap: function () {
this.fireEvent('newAsignationCommand', this);
onAsignationsListDisclose: function (list, record, target, index, evt, options) {
this.fireEvent('editAsignationCommand', this, record);
onGoToClients: function () {
console.log ('goToClientsCommand');
this.fireEvent('goToClientsCommand', this);
onGoToTasks: function () {
console.log ('goToTasksCommand');
this.fireEvent('goToTasksCommand', this);
Asignation Editor View ( form of the asignation )
Ext.define('TasksApp.view.AsignationEditor', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
requires: [
'Ext.TitleBar', 'Ext.form.FieldSet', 'Ext.field.Text','Ext.field.Select', 'Ext.field.DatePicker', 'Ext.field.TextArea','Ext.form.Panel'
alias: 'widget.asignationeditorview',
config: {
scrollable: 'vertical',
xtype: 'titlebar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'Editar Asignación',
xtype: 'button',
ui: 'back',
text: 'Volver',
itemId: 'backButton',
align: 'left'
xtype: 'button',
ui: 'action',
text: 'Guardar',
itemId: 'saveButton',
align: 'right'
xtype: 'toolbar',
docked: 'bottom',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
iconCls: 'trash',
iconMask: true,
itemId: 'deleteButton'
xtype: 'fieldset',
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'nombreasignacion',
label: 'Nombre',
required: true,
autoCapitalize: true,
placeHolder: 'Nombre de la asignación...'
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'clienteasignacion',
label: 'Cliente',
valueField: 'clientID',
displayField: 'nombrecliente',
store: 'Clients',
autoSelect: false,
placeHolder: 'Seleccione un cliente...',
required: true,
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'tareaasignacion',
label: 'Tarea',
valueField: 'tareaID',
displayField: 'nombretarea',
store: 'Tasks',
autoSelect: false,
placeHolder: 'Seleccione una tarea...',
required: true,
xtype: 'datepickerfield',
name: 'finasignacion',
label: 'Vencimiento',
dateFormat: 'd/m/Y',
value: (new Date()),
yearFrom: new Date().getFullYear(),
yearTo: 2040,
slotOrder: [ 'day', 'month', 'year' ]
xtype: 'textareafield',
name: 'obsasignacion',
label: 'Observaciones',
autoCapitalize: true,
autoCorrect: true,
placeHolder: 'Observaciones de la asignación...',
maxRows: 5
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'recordatorio',
label: 'Recordatorio',
autoSelect: true,
placeHolder: 'Seleccione el método recordatorio...',
required: true,
text: 'Ninguno',
value: 0
text: 'eMail',
value: 2
text: 'SMS',
value: 1
text: 'Notificación',
value: 3
xtype: 'selectfield',
name: 'estadoasignacion',
label: 'Estado',
autoSelect: true,
placeHolder: 'Seleccione el estado...',
required: true,
text: 'Activa',
value: 'Activa'
text: 'Caducada',
value: 'Caducada'
text: 'Cancelada',
value: 'Cancelada'
text: 'Realizada',
value: 'Realizada'
listeners: [
delegate: '#saveButton',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onSaveButtonTap'
delegate: '#deleteButton',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onDeleteButtonTap'
delegate: '#backButton',
event: 'tap',
fn: 'onBackButtonTap'
onSaveButtonTap: function () {
this.fireEvent('saveAsignationCommand', this);
onDeleteButtonTap: function () {
this.fireEvent('deleteAsignationCommand', this);
onBackButtonTap: function () {
this.fireEvent('backToHomeCommand', this);
Asignation Controller
Ext.define('TasksApp.controller.Asignations', {
extend: '',
config: {
refs: {
asignationsListView: 'asignationslistview',
asignationEditorView: 'asignationeditorview'
control: {
asignationsListView: {
newAsignationCommand: 'onNewAsignationCommand',
editAsignationCommand: 'onEditAsignationCommand'
asignationEditorView: {
saveAsignationCommand: 'onSaveAsignationCommand',
deleteAsignationCommand: 'onDeleteAsignationCommand',
backToHomeCommand: 'onBackToHomeCommand'
getSlideLeftTransition: function () {
return { type: 'slide', direction: 'left' };
getSlideRightTransition: function () {
return { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' };
getRandomInt: function (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
activateAsignationEditor: function (record) {
var asignationEditorView = this.getAsignationEditorView();
asignationEditorView.setRecord(record); // load() is deprecated.
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(asignationEditorView, this.getSlideLeftTransition());
activateAsignationsList: function () {
Ext.Viewport.animateActiveItem(this.getAsignationsListView(), this.getSlideRightTransition());
onNewAsignationCommand: function () {
var now = new Date();
var asignationId = (now.getTime()).toString() + (this.getRandomInt(0, 100)).toString();
var newAsignation = Ext.create('TasksApp.model.Asignation', {
id: asignationId,
nombreasignacion: '',
clienteasignacion: '',
tareaasignacion: '',
finasignacion: '',
obsasignacion: '',
recordatorio: '',
estadoasignacion: ''
onEditAsignationCommand: function (list, record) {
onSaveAsignationCommand: function () {
var asignationEditorView = this.getAsignationEditorView();
var currentAsignation = asignationEditorView.getRecord();
var newValues = asignationEditorView.getValues();
currentAsignation.set('nombreasignacion', newValues.nombreasignacion);
currentAsignation.set('clienteasignacion.nombrecliente', newValues.clienteasignacion);
currentAsignation.set('tareaasignacion.nombretarea', newValues.tareaasignacion);
currentAsignation.set('finasignacion', newValues.finasignacion);
currentAsignation.set('obsasignacion', newValues.obsasignacion);
currentAsignation.set('recordatorio', newValues.recordatorio);
currentAsignation.set('estadoasignacion', newValues.estadoasignacion);
var asignationsStore = Ext.getStore('Asignations');
if (null == asignationsStore.findRecord('id', {
asignationsStore.sort([{ property: 'dateCreated', direction: 'DESC'}]);
onDeleteAsignationCommand: function () {
var asignationEditorView = this.getAsignationEditorView();
var currentAsignation = asignationEditorView.getRecord();
var asignationsStore = Ext.getStore('Asignations');
onBackToHomeCommand: function () {
launch: function () {
var asignationsStore = Ext.getStore('Asignations');
init: function () {
I want the asignations list to show the client name ( nombrecliente ) and the task name ( nombretarea ), but it shows nothing at all. I don't know how to refer to this values so the list shows them. I tried to modify the asignations controller, the selectfield int the asignation editor ( form ) and the asignations template, but I simply don't know how this works and what I have to do to show that values ( if they are saved in the asignations store at this moment via selectfield, or am I doing anything wrong? )
I would appreciate any help. Thank you in advance.
PS: sorry for my English, it's not my native language :)
Please create array in the key value pair with the key name as your model field and then set that data into your asign Asignations store like:

Not display the list view on mobile app developed by sencha touch2

I have made a sencha touch app. The app contains list. When I run the app in my computer browser, the list will appear properly. But when I run it on android mobile browser or as a android mobile app the list does not appear. The code as follows:
Ext.define('Proximity.model.CandidatebestlistModel', {
extend: '',
config: {
store: '',
fields: [{
name: 'id',
type: 'int'
name: 'name',
type: 'string'
name: 'img',
type: 'string'
name: 'designation',
type: 'string'
name: 'summary',
type: 'string'
name: 'experience',
type: 'string'
name: 'industry',
type: 'string'
name: 'functionnml',
type: 'string'
name: 'role',
type: 'string'
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: + '/index.php/candidate/getcandidatebest',
withCredentials: false,
useDefaultXhrHeader: false,
extraParams: {
"id": localStorage.getItem('id')
reader: {
filters: [
Ext.create('Ext.util.Filter', {
property: 'ind_id',
property: 'fun_id',
property: 'role_id'
Ext.define('', {
extend: '',
alias: 'store.candidatebeststore',
config: {
model: 'Proximity.model.CandidatebestlistModel',
autoLoad: true,
remoteFilter: true,
storeId: 'candidatebeststore'
width: Ext.os.deviceType == 'Phone' ? null : '100%',
height: Ext.os.deviceType == 'Phone' ? null : '100%',
xtype: 'list',
itemId: 'list',
store: 'candidatebeststore',
masked: {
xtype: 'loadmask',
message: 'Please wait... '
emptyText: 'No List Item Found',
disableSelection: false,
itemTpl: '{name}
'{designation} {
} {
Years Experience '+
listeners: {
select: function(view, record) {'CandidatelistController').onDetailsview(record.get('id'));
For additional information:-- I place this list inside the tab panel. So Please give me some solution of this problem.
Thank You.
In the following line of codes
width: Ext.os.deviceType == 'Phone' ? null : '100%',
height: Ext.os.deviceType == 'Phone' ? null : '100%',
replace null with '100%'.

List paging from json

I am finaly able to retrieve my datas from the json file BUT the paging system still sucks. The pageSize property seems not to respond therefore when i press on the load more plugin text that appears at the bottom of my list, it appends all my json elements to my list everytime. I am confident about the fact that i am almost there but i can't see how to make it happen.
Here is the code:
tabletStartupScreen: 'tablet_startup.png',
phoneStartupScreen: 'phone_startup.png',
icon: 'icon.png',
glossOnIcon: false,
onReady : function() {
var dataLink;
if ( {
dataLink = "";
} else {
dataLink = "";
Ext.regModel('Profile', {
fields: [
{name: 'firstname', type: 'string'},
{name: 'lastname', type: 'string'},
{name: 'age', type: 'number'}
var store = new{
model: 'Profile',
autoLoad: false,
remoteFilter: true,
sortOnFilter: true,
//sorters: [{property : 'lastname', direction: 'ASC'}],
pageSize: 1,
clearOnPageLoad: false,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: dataLink+'/data.json',
reader: {
root: 'profile',
type: 'tree'
var groupingBase = new Ext.List({
fullscreen: true,
itemTpl: '<div class="contact2"><strong>{firstname}</strong> {lastname} -> {age}</div>',
indexBar: false,
store: store,
plugins: [{
ptype: 'listpaging',
autoPaging: false
var panel = new Ext.Panel({
layout: 'card',
fullscreen: true,
items: [groupingBase],
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
title: 'paging example',
The json
"profile": [{
"firstname": "firstname1",
"lastname": "lastname1",
"age": "1"
"firstname": "firstname2",
"lastname": "lastname2",
"age": "2"
"firstname": "firstname3",
"lastname": "lastname3",
"age": "3"
Thank you
You can set the clearOnPageLoad config option in your store. This will remove previous records when the next page of the paginated data is loaded.
Here is an example:
Ext.regStore('BarginsStore', {
model: 'BarginModel',
autoLoad: false,
pageSize: 6,
clearOnPageLoad: false,