Missing SiteColumn in Document Library - sharepoint-2013

I have a Content Type with a number of Site Columns inside it.
I added this content type to a Document Library, however, one of the site columns is not appearing.
I'm using SharePoint on premise - the site columns and content type should have been properly created as it even works fine for some other document libraries.. I only have the problem, with exactly the same content types, in some document libraries... Can it be fixed without having to re-create document library?
I have tried removing and re-adding the column but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?

I solved this by removing the site column from the content type, deleting the site column, re-creating the site column and readding it to the content type. This solved the issue of the missing field in the list settings of the document library for me. The only issue with this is that the internal name now changed to whatever it was and a 0 in the end, so i will have to update all code and workflow references accordingly.


Sitecore 7.2 Content Editor: Long loading time when clicking on an item

Suddenly when I click on an item of a specific template, I get a loading time of minute until the item is loaded. This only happens for items based on this specific template. All other items based on other templates load fine and quick.
I found out that the same loading time happens when I click on the standard values of the template. Deleting the standard values didn't solve this.
Strangely this only happens on the staging system, not on my dev system.
In the Firefox network analysis I found this entry, that takes so long to load:
http://sc_instance/sitecore/shell/Applications/Content Editor.aspx?ic=People/16x16/cubes_blue.png&he=Content Editor&cl=0
Any idea what might be the cause for this?
This might look like it is related to the corrupt sitecore template item. Have you tried to,
re create the same template and create a new item using that template and see how it works ?
If it works normally than your template item is corrupted. Also check sitecore log files and there you will find more information related to this issue .
I found the cause of the long loading times when clicking on an item based on the specific template. In the template there is a multilist field with a query over a folder and subfolders in its source field, that gets all items based on a template ID to be shown in the multilist field. Once I got rid of the subfolders and changed the query to a simple /sitecore/content/... call the loading times got normal again.
What is strange is that the query in the source field didn't cause this for months.

Limit items on external list using BCS Filter

I have an external list which I want to filter without user input but try as I might I cannot see a solution??
In my list I have a series of names and an archive flag, I want to show the names in a picker where the archive flag is set to false which I thought would be simply a case of setting a default value on a filter but no matter what I do. The filter will not work unless there is a user added value
grateful for some advice as I am slowly going cuckoo
I am using on prem SP2013 with the BCS set to a SQL 2012 database
If you are creating the External Content Type from SharePoint designer you can assign a default static value and even create a more complex filter with variables. Be aware that if you are creating filters they can be wrong and you need to manually edit the *.ect file. I have an article in my blog about that, unfortunately it is in Swedish and about ODATA as the datasource, but the principle is the same. Perhaps Goog... translate is able to help you a bit on your way: https://itgeneralisten.wordpress.com/2015/03/10/sharepoint-hosted-app-odata-och-filter/

Sitecore field for selecting multiple files from media library with the ability to upload files

I'm looking for something that allow content editors to select multiple files from the media library, which will be listed in a rendering. They also need to be able upload files and to search. It has to work in the Page Editor (named Experience Editor in version 8).
What I have have considered so far:
A bunch of File fields - but I don't know how many files the editor need to select at most, and having something like 20 similar fields seems bad.
Using a field that supports multiple items like a Treelist with the datasource set to the Media Library allows the user to select files in an acceptable way but not uploading. I tested adding one File field just for the upload function, but was not really satisfied.
Currently using Sitecore 7.5 but moving to 8 in a few days, so a solution working in Sitecore 8 is preferred.
I have asked the Sitecore support too and will update here if I get useful answers.
And the winner is.... the answer from Sitecore support:
In the Email Experience Manager module there is a field called "File List".
The image shows the dialog in Sitecore 8 and the field itself (below). It has search, supports multiple files and upload. It stores the value as pipe-separated GUIDs (just as similar fields like Treelist).
The Field Types Module on Sitecore Marketplace includes "Visual List" and "Carousel" custom field types which may provide what you need. I have used this in the past and found it to work well, though I'm not sure if it's compatible with Sitecore 8. As I remember, I don't think they provided the option for uploading new media from the field.
An alternative solution is to use a placeholder and a file component with a DataSource.
Give the component a standard File Field. So upload is possible.
But for every new file the editor must add a new component to the placeholder with the page editor. This is with a lot of files more work for the editor. But a standard solution. (and the ability to personalize the files with the rules engine)

Control SharePoint to MS Project column mappings when synced from external Project file

I'm syncing an external Project file to a SharePoint list. This list was created by a third-party. When I sync the file, there are a set of column mappings that appear inside the Project file. Some of these columns are custom columns created by the third-party (so I'm not talking about just standard SharePoint columns).
Does anyone know how this is done? I've looked at the site column definitions and I don't see anything special that would indicate Project column mappings. I would like to add additional columns and have them appear automatically in the Project file as well (the Project file is generated by Team Foundation Server), and would like to mimic what they have done for forward-compatibility purposes.
I've put out a question to the vendor, but thought I would post a question here in hopes of getting a faster response (assuming they are using something out-of-the-box and that they didn't hack this solution together).
I figured it out.
You can get the field mapping using the following code (where list is the SPList that represents your task list):
If a project file has been synced with the list previously, then the above will return an XML fragment (not a full document) that describes the field mappings. If no such sync has been done, then the property will not exist!
If you open Project and view the mappings, you will see some are not allowed to be changed. These mappings are always assumed by SharePoint and they will not appear in the XML fragment.

Search tags/facets in Sitecore Item Buckets

I'm looking to use the Sitecore Item Buckets package from Shared Source since I needed faceted search functionality and it makes sense to use the built in functionality rather than writing by own Lucene.Net search.
Sitecore Item Buckets
I'm having trouble with the search, or maybe I am reading the documentation wrong.
According to the documentation in section 2.2.3 & 3.1.3 I just need to mark a field as "Is Facet" and my filter will show in the search results.
I've also defined a tag field on the template and changed the Tag Parent field in "/sitecore/system/Modules/Item Buckets/Item Buckets Settings" to point to correct folder. This is working correctly, I can apply a set of tags to an item and search from the Bucket UI using "tag:CSharp" and it brings back the correct results, but again there is no filter shown in the list. I've rebuilt the bucket indexes in all cases.
Am I missing something? Should these show up in the list automatically, do I need to change some settings or provide my own implementation?
This is all within the Buckets Client UI, I haven't started writing any code yet, and on a clean install of Sitecore 6.5 (update-5/rev. 120706).
I'm not sure the documentation wording around this is entirely clear at the points I've mentioned. If you read further down the document though, section 4.3:
Item Buckets ships with 5 different types of faceting.
If you would like to introduce your own faceting categories then you only need to implement the IFacet interface.
There is an example of IFacet implementation in the documentation, or use dotPeek to look at the implementations of the existing Facets.
You also need to add an item to Sitecore: /sitecore/system/Modules/Item Buckets/Facets