On Update command is not working for dynamically created button in MFC - mfc

In my code, i have added button in view class in OnCreate(). I included On Command and On Update COmmand funtionality. Here On command fucntion is working when i click the button. But On Update COmmand is not working. Im updating the pressing status of the button using this OnUpdateCommand().
In OnCreate()
rBar.left = 580;
rBar.right = 620;
rBar.left = 625;
rBar.right = 665;
Message maps for those buttons.
afx_msg void OnUpdateTzoomout(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnTzoomin();
afx_msg void OnUpdateTzoomin(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnTzoomout();
On command and OnUpdatecommand function:
void CTrendView::OnTzoomout()
void CTrendView::OnUpdateTzoomout(CCmdUI *pCmdUI)
if (Minute == 16)
In both Zoomin and Zoomout function, OnUpdateCommnad is not working.

This routing isn't done automatically.
You have to handle WM_IDLEUPDATECMDUI. Usually you call the internal OnUpdateCmdUI virtual function. This finally calls UpdateDialogControls.
You find the details in TN021
Just set a breakpoint on a working OnUpdate Handler. And look into the call stack. Than you can see and imagine how the whole stuff works.
There is also a possible way to use WM_KICKIDLE and UpdateDialogControls. See this article.

Try the following.
In TrendView.h add this:
afx_msg LRESULT OnKickIdle(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
In TrendView.cpp add this:
#include <afxpriv.h>
LRESULT CTrendView::OnKickIdle(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
UpdateDialogControls(this, FALSE);
return 0;


Detecting Up / Down arrows in CSpinButtonCtrl MFC C++

Is there any way to differentiate when the Up or Down arrow of a CSpinButtonCtrl is pressed?
I am trying to use the OnPointerdown event, but I don't know how to do it...
afx_msg LRESULT CMySpinButtonCtrl::OnPointerdown(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return 0;
I will appreciate any kind of help.
Is there any way to differentiate when the Up or Down arrow of a CSpinButtonCtrl is pressed?
You should use UDN_DELTAPOS to do this.
Right-click the control in the Resource Editor and select Add Event Handler:
Select the UDN_DELTAPOS message and click Add and Edit:
You will be provided with skeleton code:
void CMFCApplication1Dlg::OnDeltaposSpin1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
*pResult = 0;
The NMUPDOWN article explains about the structure that you use. What you need to do is test the iDelta value. Example:
void CColumnOrderDlg::OnDeltaposSpinColumns(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult)
LPNMUPDOWN pNMUpDown = reinterpret_cast<LPNMUPDOWN>(pNMHDR);
if (pNMUpDown != nullptr)
if( pNMUpDown->iDelta > 0)
// Up - Do stuff;
else if(pNMUpDown->iDelta < 0)
// Down - Do stuff;
*pResult = 0;
There is also a useful article here where it states:
If you use a spin control for some other purpose, for example, to page through a sequence of windows or dialog boxes, then add a handler for the UDN_DELTAPOS message and perform your custom action there.

Replicating user input from edit control of one MFC dialog to an edit control of another dialog

In one of my dialog based MFC application, I've used two dialogs of similar look. The requirement is when user populates an edit box of one dialog with some data the same to be replicated to similar edit box of another dialog instantly. I'm trying to implement it with EN_CHANGE event of the edit control; where when any change is detected application post a message with updated data to other dialog to update the content of its own edit box. The problem is when the second dialog is setting its edit box content with the received data from first dialog, EN_CHANGE event is getting triggered from the second dialog, which is obvious, resulting in an endless back and forth message exchange. Could anybody please suggest me some solution for instant replicating user inputs between edit boxes of two MFC dialogs while keeping MFC application type as dialog based?
In my implementation both the Dialogs are CDialog derived and have the following CEdit event handler and Message handler methods:
For CScreen1 class:
void CScreen1::OnEnChangeEditUser()
static CString msg;
::PostMessage(m_mScreen2,WM_INTER_LOGIN,10,(LPARAM)&msg); //m_mScreen2 is the HWND of 2nd dlg
LRESULT CScreen1::OnInterLoginMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CString *msg=(CString*)lParam;
case 10:
m_username.SetWindowText(msg->GetString()); //m_username is CEdit Ctrl
delete msg;
return 0;
For CScreen2 class:
void CScreen2::OnEnChangeEditUser()
static CString msg;
::PostMessage(m_mScreen1,WM_INTER_LOGIN,10,(LPARAM)&msg); //m_mScreen1 is the HWND of 1st dlg
LRESULT CScreen2::OnInterLoginMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CString *msg=(CString*)lParam;
case 10:
m_username.SetWindowText(msg->GetString()); //m_username is CEdit Ctrl
delete msg;
return 0;
Simply use a boolean variable to play around. I have updated your code here.
For CScreen1 class:
BOOL postchanges = TRUE; //always TRUE
void CScreen1::OnEnChangeEditUser()
if (!postchanges)
static CString msg;
::PostMessage(m_mScreen2,WM_INTER_LOGIN,10,(LPARAM)&msg); //m_mScreen2 is the HWND of 2nd dlg
LRESULT CScreen1::OnInterLoginMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
CString *msg=(CString*)lParam;
case 10:
postchanges = FALSE; // do not post msg
m_username.SetWindowText(msg->GetString()); //m_username is CEdit Ctrl
postchanges = TRUE; // revert back
delete msg;
return 0;
For CScreen2 class: do the same
As the requirement is replicating user input between two Edit controls of different Dialogs; it can be handled through processing keystroke messages.

Run function after dialog is shown

I am using a MFC wizard with CPropertyPages.
Is there any way of calling a function after the page is shown?
At the moment the function starts when I hit the "Next"-button of the previous page.
I tried to call the function from OnShowWindow, OnCreate, OnSetActive, DoModal, but none of them worked.
Thanks for your help!
Usually it's enough to override OnSetActive(). However, this method is called before the CPropertyPage is made visible and focused. If you have to perform a task after the page is shown, you have to post your own message in OnSetActive:
// This message will be received after CMyPropertyPage is shown
BOOL CMyPropertyPage::OnSetActive() {
if(CPropertyPage::OnSetActive()) {
PostMessage(WM_SHOWPAGE, 0, 0L); // post the message
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
LRESULT CMyPropertyPage::OnShowPage(UINT wParam, LONG lParam) {
MessageBox(TEXT("Page is visible. [TODO: your code]"));
return 0L;
ON_MESSAGE(WM_SHOWPAGE, OnShowPage) // add message handler
// ...

MFC how to know a resizing of view is finished

I am wondering how to catch the fact that a view (CView in a CMDIChildWnd frame) has been resized, and that the user just released the left mouse button.
None of OnSize, OnSizing and OnLButtonUp work.
I have tried the solution in http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=59476 and it doesn't work.
I am working on VC2010 with W7.
Thanks in advance.
Try WM_NCLBUTTONUP. I don't know if a view can be resized other than by the mouse, but if it can you probably also want to respond to WM_EXITSIZEMOVE as in the link you gave.
I recently needed to do this. I used a combination of OnSysMessage to capture the SC_SIZE and SC_MOVE event and WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE and WM_EXITSIZEMOVE within the CMDIChildWnd derived class. Within the OnSysMessage handler I set a public variable for IsSizing. I can then check the variable within the OnEnterSizeMove function and act accordingly. Within the OnExitSizeMove function, it resets the variable to FALSE.
And for the handlers:
void CChildFrame::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam)
case SC_SIZE:
m_bIsSizing = TRUE;
case SC_MOVE:
m_bIsSizing = FALSE;
CMDIChildWnd::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam);
LRESULT CChildFrame::OnEnterSizeMove(UINT wParam, LPARAM lParam)
return 0; //don't flag we processed the message
LRESULT CChildFrame::OnExitSizeMove(UINT wParam, LPARAM lParam)
m_bIsSizing = FALSE; // set to false before calling OnSizing
CRect dlgRect;
pView->InvalidateRect(NULL, FALSE);
pView->SendMessage(WM_SIZE, WPARAM(SIZE_RESTORED), MAKELONG(dlgRect.Width(), dlgRect.Height()));
return 0; //don't flag we processed the message
Then within your View code, you can check if the Frame is sizing within your OnSize handler.
void CMyView::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
CChildFrame* pFrame=(CChildFrame*)GetParentFrame();
if(!pFrame->m_bIsSizing) {
CWaitCursor cur;

crash on ShowWindow()

I am developing a Notepad++ plugin.
I have a simple dialog box, which is created using CreateDialogParam(). It is initially hidden.
After a menu click, I call ShowWindow() with SW_SHOW on its handle, which results in this exception:
Upon debugging , I found that these two messages are sent to my dialog just before crash
Both of them, I am not handling. Here is my dlgproc code. Any idea why it would happen ?
BOOL CALLBACK StaticDialog::dlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (message)
// Get the additional init data
StaticDialog *pStaticDlg = (StaticDialog *)(lParam);
// Store the handle in the object
pStaticDlg->_hSelf = hwnd;
::SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, (long)lParam);
// Store the co-ordinates in the object
::GetWindowRect(hwnd, &(pStaticDlg->_rc));
// Forward the message for further processing
pStaticDlg->run_dlgProc(message, wParam, lParam);
// TRUE if it processed the message
return TRUE;
default :
// Retrieve the user data
StaticDialog *pStaticDlg = (StaticDialog *)(::GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_USERDATA));
if (!pStaticDlg)
return FALSE;
// Send the message for further processing
return pStaticDlg->run_dlgProc(message, wParam, lParam);
// return FALSE if it processed the message
BOOL CALLBACK MarkDownViewDialog::run_dlgProc( UINT Message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
switch (Message)
DisplayHTMLStr(this->_hSelf, L"<H2><CENTER>HTML string test</CENTER></H2><P><FONT COLOR=RED>This is a <U>HTML string</U> in memory.</FONT>");
return FALSE;
The dialog box is created through plugin mechanism of Notpead++. I am putting the source code from its file StaticDialog.cpp. The control goes through else block in code below.
void StaticDialog::create(int dialogID, bool isRTL, bool isModeles)
if (isRTL)
HGLOBAL hMyDlgTemplate = makeRTLResource(dialogID, &pMyDlgTemplate);
_hSelf = ::CreateDialogIndirectParam(_hInst, pMyDlgTemplate, _hParent, (DLGPROC)dlgProc, (LPARAM)this);
_hSelf = ::CreateDialogParam(_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(dialogID), _hParent, (DLGPROC)dlgProc, (LPARAM)this);
//int i=GetLastError();
if (!_hSelf)
if (isModeles) {
_isModeles = isModeles;
My entire solution source code is hosted here:
Issue Resolution
Here is what I have done to troubleshoot the problem:
Created a Win32 project in which I create a dialog box and put exactly same source code to embed browser control in WM_INITDIALOG and it works. This Win32 project links with the same static library, which the original source code is linking with. This is the source of the sample project mail file:
The static library I referenced above, is nothing but it contains functions to embed browser control in HWND and to render either an URL or string. I have taken the source from here: http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/I-N/ieprogram/article.php/c4379
This is the source of static library main file:
If I comment this single line, the plugin works, basically it loads the dialog box without the Browser control in it:
The actual exception in Visual Studio is raised on this line:
return pStaticDlg->run_dlgProc(message, wParam, lParam);