Multiple inheritance with the same variable name in the classes - c++

I accidentally run into the problem having member variables with the same name in classes used in multiple inheritance. My basic idea was that the member variables are simple "merged", i.e. a multiple declaration happens. The compiler did not tell me even a warning, see the MWE below.
I understand that it is a bad idea to have variables with the same name, so I think it is at least ambiguous to refer to them in the way I do; so I expected at least a warning or maybe an error.
1) Why the compiler does not write out at least a warning?
2) How handling of those variables is solved internally? (I guess aliases like HW::I and Other::I are used, but how they relate to SW1::I and SW2::I?)
#include <iostream>
struct Other { int I;};
struct HW { int I;};
struct SW1 : Other, HW { int I;};
struct SW2 : HW, Other { int I;};
struct D : SW1 { };
struct E : SW2 { };
int main()
E* e = new E;
D* d = new D;
e->I = 3;
SW1* pc1 = dynamic_cast<SW1*>(d);
pc1->I = 2;
std::cerr << d->I;
std::cerr << e->I;
SW2* pc2 = dynamic_cast<SW2*>(e);
pc2->I = 1;
std::cerr << d->I;
std::cerr << e->I;

Why the compiler does not write out at least a warning?
Because you didn't write anything wrong, dangerous or ambiguous. You or I may be confused, but the compiler has a specific set of lookup rules to handle it.
When you write a class member access expression like e->I, the compiler doesn't just look up the name I, it looks up the sub-object that contains the member named this way, along with the member. It also starts with the most derived object type, and looks "up" at base class sub-object until it finds something (this is also how member name hiding in C++ works, in a nutshell).
So for e->I, it looks for I in E. That search finds nothing, so it goes into the base class subject. It find SW2::I, a name that refers to a unique member defined in SW2. So it stops.
If there was no SW2::I, it will continue looking and find both Other::I and HW::I. Now the same name is found in two different base class sub-object, and we get an ambiguity. Not a warning of ambiguity, but flat out making the expression e->I ambiguous, which is an error.

The compiler is correct not to diagnose any problems with your code. The code, as you've constructed it is not ambiguous. Essentially, a name is ambiguous if it is an equally good match for more than one variable (or class member in your case).
When evaluating e->I, the first candidate found is the I that is a member (via inheritance) of class SW2. The members of I that SW2 inherits from its base classes are not as good a match as the member defined directly by Sw2.
Similarly, pc1->I is unambiguously the member of SW1, d->I is the same, and pc2->I is unambiguously the member of the base class SW2.
Ambiguity would occur in evaluating e->I if SW2 did not have its own member named I (i.e. struct SW2: HW, Other {};( . In that case, when evaluating e->I, the name resolution looks in SW2 for a member named I, and doesn't find it. Resolving the name then considers the two base classes, HW and Other, which both have a member named I. They are equally good matches, so the expression e->I is ambiguous - and the compiler will issue a diagnostic i.e. an error (not just a warning). In that case, it is possible for the programmer to explicitly resolve the ambiguity using the scope (::) operator. For example, e->HW::I or e->Other::I which fully qualifies the name.
You are right that such multiple usage of a name within a class hierarchy is a bad idea. Both because it can be difficult to correctly resolve the ambiguity in a way that makes sense to a compiler, and because mere mortals will often have trouble following the logic.

The variables are not merged, you simply get all 3 of them at the same time. You need to cast the pointer to the right type to access the variable you want.
#include <iostream>
struct Other { int I; };
struct HW { int I; };
struct SW1 : public Other, public HW { int I; };
struct D : public SW1 { };
int main() {
D* d = new D;
d->I = 1;
SW1* pc1 = dynamic_cast<SW1*>(d);
pc1->I = 2;
static_cast<Other*>(pc1)->I = 3;
static_cast<HW*>(pc1)->I = 4;
std::cerr << d->I;
std::cerr << static_cast<Other*>(d)->I;
std::cerr << static_cast<HW*>(d)->I;
I.e. the same object d contains 3 different versions of I, depending on how you view it.


C++ derived class member is ambiguous [duplicate]

I'm getting the following compile error in one of my classes, using gcc 3.4.5 (mingw):
src/ModelTester/CModelTesterGui.cpp:1308: error: request for member `addListener' is ambiguous
include/utility/ISource.h:26: error: candidates are: void utility::ISource<T>::addListener(utility::IListener<T>*) [with T = const SConsolePacket&]
include/utility/ISource.h:26: error: void utility::ISource<T>::addListener(utility::IListener<T>*) [with T = const SControlPacket&]
Hopefully you can see that ISource<T> is a template interface that just indicates that the object can be an informer for an object that is of some matching type IListener<T>. So the thing that has me irked is this idea that for some reason functions are ambiguous when, as far as I can tell, they are not. The addListener() method is overloaded for different input types IListener<const SConsolePacket&> and IListener<const SControlPacket&>. The usage is:
m_controller->addListener( m_model );
Where m_model is a pointer to an IRigidBody object, and IRigidBody inherits only from IListener< const SControlPacket& > and definately not from IListener< const SConsolePacket& >
As a sanity check, I used doxygen to generate the class hierarchy diagram and doxygen agrees with me that IRigidBody does not derive from IListener< const SConsolePacket& >
Evidently my understanding of inheritence in c++ is not exactly correct. I'm under the impression that IListener<const SControlPacket&> and IListener<const SConsolePacket&> are two different types, and that the function declarations
addListener(IListener<const SConsolePacket&>* listener)
addListener(IListener<const SControlPacket&>* listener)
declare two separate functions that do two separate things depending on the (distinct) different type of the parameter that is input. Furthermore, I'm under the impression that a pointer to an IRigidBody is also a pointer to an IListener<const SControlPacket&> and that by calling addListener( m_model ) the compiler should understand that I'm calling the second of the above two functions.
I even tried casting m_model like this:
static_cast<IListener<const SControlPacket&>*>(m_model) );
but still get that error. I cannot for the life of me see how these functions are ambiguous. Can anyone shed light on this issue?
P.S. I know how to force the function to be un-ambiguous by doing this:
m_controller->ISource<const SControlPacket&>::addListener( m_model );
I just happen to think that is terribly unreadible and I would prefer not to have to do that.
Edit... just kidding. That apparently doesn't fix the problem as it leads to a linker error:
CModelTesterGui.cpp:1312: undefined reference to `utility::ISource<aerobat::SControlPacket const&>::addListener(utility::IListener<SControlPacket const&>*)'
Looks like your situation is like this:
struct A {
void f();
struct B {
void f(int);
struct C : A, B { };
int main() {
C c;
c.B::f(1); // not ambiguous
c.f(1); // ambiguous
The second call to f is ambiguous, because in looking up the name, it finds functions in two different base class scopes. In this situation, the lookup is ambiguous - they don't overload each other. A fix would be to use a using declaration for each member name. Lookup will find names in the scope of C and don't lookup further:
struct C : A, B { using A::f; using B::f; };
Now, the call would find two functions, do overload resolution, and find that the one taking int will fit. Carried over to your code, it would mean that you have to do something like the following
struct controller : ISource<const SConsolePacket&>, ISource<const SControlPacket&> {
using ISource<const SConsolePacket&>::addListener;
using ISource<const SControlPacket&>::addListener;
Now, the two names are in the same scope, and now they can overload each other. Lookup will now stop at the controller class, not diving further into the two base-class branches.

Why does the member function name lookup stay in the parent class?

Motivation, if it helps: : I have struct member functions that are radial-basis-function kernels. They are called 1e06 x 15 x 1e05 times in a numerical simulation. Counting on devirtualization to inline virtual functions is not something I want to do for that many function calls. Also, the structs (RBF kernels) are already used as template parameters of a larger interpolation class.
Minimal working example
I have a function g() that is always the same, and I want to reuse it, so I pack it in the base class.
The function g() calls a function f() that is different in derived classes.
I don't want to use virtual functions to resolve the function names at runtime, because this incurs additional costs (I measured it in my code, it has an effect).
Here is the example:
#include <iostream>
struct A
double f() const { return 0; };
void g() const
std::cout << f() << std::endl;
struct B : private A
using A::g;
double f() const { return 1; };
struct C : private A
using A::g;
double f() const { return 2; };
int main()
B b;
C c;
b.g(); // Outputs 0 instead of 1
c.g(); // Outputs 0 instead of 2
I expected the name resolution mechanism to figure out I want to use "A::g()", but then to return to "B" or "C" to resolve the "f()" function. Something along the lines: "when I know a type at compile time, I will try to resolve all names in this type first, and do a name lookup from objects/parents something is missing, then go back to the type I was called from". However, it seems to figure out "A::g()" is used, then it sits in "A" and just picks "A::f()", even though the actual call to "g()" came from "B" and "C".
This can be solved using virtual functions, but I don't understand and would like to know the reasoning behind the name lookup sticking to the parent class when types are known at compile time.
How can I get this to work without virtual functions?
This is a standard task for the CRTP. The base class needs to know what the static type of the object is, and then it just casts itself to that.
template<typename Derived>
struct A
void g() const
cout << static_cast<Derived const*>(this)->f() << endl;
struct B : A<B>
using A::g;
double f() const { return 1; };
Also, responding to a comment you wrote, (which is maybe your real question?),
can you tell me what is the reasoning for the name lookup to stick to the base class, instead of returning to the derived class once it looked up g()?
Because classes are intended to be used for object-oriented programming, not for code reuse. The programmer of A needs to be able to understand what their code is doing, which means subclasses shouldn't be able to arbitrarily override functionality from the base class. That's what virtual is, really: A giving its subclasses permission to override that specific member. Anything that A hasn't opted-in to that for, they should be able to rely on.
Consider in your example: What if the author of B later added an integer member which happened to be called endl? Should that break A? Should B have to care about all the private member names of A? And if the author of A wants to add a member variable, should they be able to do so in a way that doesn't potentially break some subclass? (The answers are "no", "no", and "yes".)

Why does C++ need the scope resolution operator?

(I know what the scope resolution operator does, and how and when to use it.)
Why does C++ have the :: operator, instead of using the . operator for this purpose? Java doesn't have a separate operator, and works fine. Is there some difference between C++ and Java that means C++ requires a separate operator in order to be parsable?
My only guess is that :: is needed for precedence reasons, but I can't think why it needs to have higher precedence than, say, .. The only situation I can think it would is so that something like
would be parsed as
, but I can't think of any situation in which syntax like this would be legal anyway.
Maybe it's just a case of "they do different things, so they might as well look different". But that doesn't explain why :: has higher precedence than ..
Because someone in the C++ standards committee thought that it was a good idea to allow this code to work:
struct foo
int blah;
struct thingy
int data;
struct bar : public foo
thingy foo;
int main()
bar test; = 5; = 10;
return 0;
Basically, it allows a member variable and a derived class type to have the same name. I have no idea what someone was smoking when they thought that this was important. But there it is.
When the compiler sees ., it knows that the thing to the left must be an object. When it sees ::, it must be a typename or namespace (or nothing, indicating the global namespace). That's how it resolves this ambiguity.
Why C++ doesn't use . where it uses ::, is because this is how the language is defined. One plausible reason could be, to refer to the global namespace using the syntax ::a as shown below:
int a = 10;
namespace M
int a = 20;
namespace N
int a = 30;
void f()
int x = a; //a refers to the name inside N, same as M::N::a
int y = M::a; //M::a refers to the name inside M
int z = ::a; //::a refers to the name in the global namespace
std::cout<< x <<","<< y <<","<< z <<std::endl; //30,20,10
Online Demo
I don't know how Java solves this. I don't even know if in Java there is global namespace. In C#, you refer to global name using the syntax global::a, which means even C# has :: operator.
but I can't think of any situation in which syntax like this would be legal anyway.
Who said syntax like a.b::c is not legal?
Consider these classes:
struct A
void f() { std::cout << "A::f()" << std::endl; }
struct B : A
void f(int) { std::cout << "B::f(int)" << std::endl; }
Now see this (ideone):
B b;
b.f(10); //ok
b.f(); //error - as the function is hidden
b.f() cannot be called like that, as the function is hidden, and the GCC gives this error message:
error: no matching function for call to ‘B::f()’
In order to call b.f() (or rather A::f()), you need scope resolution operator:
b.A::f(); //ok - explicitly selecting the hidden function using scope resolution
Demo at ideone
Why does C++ have the :: operator, instead of using the . operator for this purpose?
The reason is given by Stroustrup himself:
In C with Classes, a dot was used to express membership of a class as well as expressing selection of a member of a particular object.
This had been the cause of some minor confusion and could also be used to construct ambiguous examples. To alleviate this, :: was introduced to mean membership of class and . was retained exclusively for membership of object
(Bjarne Stroustrup A History of C++: 1979−1991 page 21 - § 3.3.1)
Moreover it's true that
they do different things, so they might as well look different
In N::m neither N nor m are expressions with values; N and m are names known to the compiler and :: performs a (compile time) scope resolution rather than an expression evaluation. One could imagine allowing overloading of x::y where x is an object rather than a namespace or a class, but that would - contrary to first appearances - involve introducing new syntax (to allow expr::expr). It is not obvious what benefits such a complication would bring.
Operator . (dot) could in principle be overloaded using the same technique as used for ->.
(Bjarne Stroustrup's C++ Style and Technique FAQ)
Unlike Java, C++ has multiple inheritance. Here is one example where scope resolution of the kind you're talking about becomes important:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct a
int x;
struct b
int x;
struct c : public a, public b
::a a;
::b b;
int main() {
c v;
v.a::x = 5;
v.a.x = 55;
v.b::x = 6;
v.b.x = 66;
cout << v.a::x << " " << v.b::x << endl;
cout << v.a.x << " " << v.b.x << endl;
return 0;
Just to answer the final bit of the question about operator precedence:
class A {
char A;
class B : public A {
double A;
int main(int c, char** v)
B myB;
myB.A = 7.89;
myB.A::A = 'a';
// On the line above a hypothetical myB.A.A
// syntax would parse as (myB.A).A and since
// (myB.A) is of type double you get (double).A in the
// next step. Of course the '.' operator has no
// meaning for doubles so it causes a syntax error.
// For this reason a different operator that binds
// more strongly than '.' is needed.
return 0;
I always assumed C++ dot/:: usage was a style choice, to make code easier to read. As the OP writes "they do different things, so should look different."
Coming from C++, long ago, to C#, I found using only dots confusing. I was used to seeing A::doStuff(); B.doStuff();, and knowing the first is a regular function, in a namespace, and the second is a member function on instance B.
C++ is maybe my fifth language, after Basic, assembly, Pascal and Fortran, so I don't think it's first language syndrome, and I'm more a C# programmer now. But, IMHO, if you've used both, C++-style double-colon for namespaces reads better. I feel like Java/C# chose dots for both to (successfully) ease the front of the learning curve.
Scope resolution operator(::) is used to define a function outside a class or when we want to use a global variable but also has a local variable with same name.

boost::bind with protected members & context

In the below code, there are two "equivalent" calls to std::for_each using boost:bind expressions. The indicated line compiles, the indicated failing line fails. The best explanation I can find in the standard amounts to "because we said so". I'm looking for "why the standard indicates this behavior". My suppositions are below.
My question is simply: Why does the indicated line compile and the equivalent following line fail to compile (and I don't want because "the standard says so", I already know that - I will not accept any answers that give this as an explanation; I'd like an explanation as to why the standard says so).
Notes: Although I use boost, boost is irrelevant to this question, and the error in various formats has been reproduced using g++ 4.1.* and VC7.1.
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
class Base
void foo(int i)
{ std::cout << "Base: " << i << std::endl; }
struct Derived : public Base
data[0] = 5;
data[1] = 6;
data[2] = 7;
void test()
// Compiles
std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(),
boost::bind(&Derived::foo, this,
boost::bind(&std::map<int, int>::value_type::second, _1)));
// Fails to compile - why?
std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(),
boost::bind(&Base::foo, this,
boost::bind(&std::map<int, int>::value_type::second, _1)));
std::map<int, int> data;
int main(int, const char**)
return 0;
The indicated line fails with this error:
main.C: In member function 'void Derived::test()':
main.C:9: error: 'void Base::foo(int)' is protected
main.C:31: error: within this context
As noted, the supposedly equivalent statement above compiles cleanly (and if the offending statement is commented out, runs with the expected result of printing “5”, “6”, “7” on separate lines).
While searching for an explanation, I came across 11.5.1 in the standard (specifically, I’m looking at the 2006-11-06 draft):
An additional access check beyond
those described earlier in clause 11
is applied when a non-static data
member or nonstatic member function is
a protected member of its naming class
(11.2)105) As described earlier,
access to a protected member is
granted because the reference occurs
in a friend or member of some class C.
If the access is to form a pointer to
member (5.3.1), the
nested-name-specifier shall name C or
a class derived from C. All other
accesses involve a (possibly implicit)
object expression (5.2.5). In this
case, the class of the object
expression shall be C or a class
derived from C.
After reading this, it became evidently why the second statement failed while the first succeeded, but then the question came up: What is the rationale for this?
My initial thought was that the compiler was expanding the boost::bind templates, discovering that Base::foo was protected and kicking it out because boost::bind<…> was not a friend. But, the more I thought about this explanation, the less it made sense, because if I recall correctly, as soon as you take the pointer to a member (assuming you initially are within access control of the member), all access control information is lost (i.e. I could define a function that returns an arbitrary pointer to a member that alternately returns a public, protected or private member depending on some input and the returner would be none the wiser).
More I thought about it, and the only plausible explanation I could come up with why it should make a difference was in the case of multiple inheritance. Specifically, that depending on the class layout, the member pointer when calculated from Base would be different than that calculated from Derived.
It's all about "context". In the first call the context of the call is Derived which has access to the protected members of Base and hence is allowed to take addresses of them. In the second the context is "outside of" Derived and hence outside of Base so the protected member access is not allowed.
Actually, this seems logical. Inheritance gives you access to Derived::foo and not to Base::foo. Let me illustrate with a code example:
struct Derived : public Base
void callPrivateMethod(Base &b)
// this should obviously fail;
// pointer-to-member call should also fail
void (Base::*pBaseFoo) (int) = &Base::foo; // the same error as yours here
The reason for this restriction is enforcement of access control across different classes that share a common base.
This is reinforced by notes in Core Language Defects Report defect #385, the relevant part copied here for reference:
[...] the reason we have this rule is that C's use of inherited protected members might be different from their use in a sibling class, say D. Thus members and friends of C can only use B::p in a manner consistent with C's usage, i.e., in C or derived-from-C objects.
As an example of something this rule prevents:
class B {
void p() { };
class C : public B {
typedef void (B::*fn_t)();
fn_t get_p() {
return &B::p; // compilation error here, B::p is protected
class D : public B { };
int main() {
C c;
C::fn_t pbp = c.get_p();
B * pb = new D();
The protected status of D::p is something we want the compiler to enforce, but if the above compiled that would not be the case.

Virtual tables on anonymous classes

I have something similar to this in my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
struct Base
virtual int Virtual() = 0;
struct Child
struct : public Base
virtual int Virtual() { return 1; }
} First;
struct : public Base
virtual int Virtual() { return 2; }
} Second;
int main()
Child child;
printf("ble: %i\n", ((Base*)&child.First)->Virtual());
printf("ble: %i\n", ((Base*)&child.Second)->Virtual());
return 0;
I'd expect this to give this output:
ble: 1
ble: 2
and it does so, when compiled under GCC (3.4.5 I believe).
Compiling and running this under Visual Studio 2008 however, gives this:
ble: 2
ble: 2
What is interesting, is that if I give the Base-derived structs names (struct s1 : public Base), it works correctly.
Which behavior, if any, is correct? Is VS just being prissy, or is it adhering to the standard? Am I missing something vital here?
It appears this is a bug in VS 2008, possibly because it overwrites or ignores the vtable for the first unnamed class in favor of the vtable for the second since the internal names are identical. (When you name one explicitly, the internal names for the vtables are no longer identical.)
As far as I can tell from the standard, this should work as you expect and gcc is right.
It is visible how MSVC is getting it wrong from the debugging symbols. It generates temporary names for the anonymous structs, respectively Child::<unnamed-type-First> and Child::<unnamed-type-Second>. There is however only one vtable, it is named Child::<unnamed-tag>::'vftable' and both constructors use it. The different name for the vtable surely is part of the bug.
There are several bugs reported at that are related to anonymous types, none of which ever made it to "must-fix" status. Not the one you found though, afaict. Maybe the workaround is just too simple.
I can confirm this is a known bug in the VC compiler (and it repos in VC10); the two anonymous classes are incorrectly sharing a vtable.
Anonymous structs are not part of the C++ standard.
Edit: Anonymous structs are kind of an ambiguous term. It can mean two things:
class outer
struct {
int a;
int b;
} m_a; // 1
struct {
int c;
}; // 2
union {
int d;
int e;
}; // 3
1 is what is going on here, a better name than anonymous struct would be "unnamed struct". The struct type itself doesn't have a name, but the object does (m_a).
2 is also known as an anonymous struct, and isn't legal C++. There is no object name, and the idea is you could access the field 'c' directly on objects of type outer. This compiles only because of a compiler extension in Visual Studio (will fail under /Za)
3 Anonymous unions, by contrast, are legal C++.
I confused the two, because here we're calling #1 an "anonymous struct", and wires in my brain crossed with #2.