Table ant d expand able row icon - row

Here is the sand box link:
Ant d expandable icon
Is this possible to set width, height of expandable icon column (+ sign) or is it possible to render custom icon? Basically I want to control the spacing between expandable column and "Name" column.

You can now add
expandIcon={record => <i>expand</i>}
below the expandedRowRender line in the props. So it will look like :
expandedRowRender={record => <p style={{ margin: 0 }}>{record.description}</p>}
expandIcon={record => <i>expand</i>}
P.S. This only customizes the expand icon as you have asked, you'll have to write some more lines of code to make the new icon clickable and pass the record to show data in the expanded area.
Please give it a try and let me know if you need help with the onClick() part of it!

I know it's too late, but it might help some new comer.
locale={{ emptyText: "No Data found" }}
expandIcon={record => showExpandIcon(record)}
Now inside your showExpandIcon custom function you can return whatever custom Icon you want.
const { expanded, onExpand } = record;
return <CustomIcon onClick={e=>{onExpand(record, e)}}/>
return <SomeOtherCustomIcon onClick={e=>{onExpand(record, e)}}
onExpand is an event, which you need to pass on onClick of your custom Icon to expand the row.

try adding
expandIcon={record => <i>expand</i>}
below the expandedRowRender line in the props. So it will look like :
// like this we can add inside table props
**expandedRowRender={record => <p style={{ margin: 0 }}>}**


Pass id or class name to points(ticks) inside canvas

I am using react-chartjs-2 to render charts and on clicking the active point it gets redirected to some other page.
getElementAtEvent={dataset => {
// redirects to some other page
Sample chart
We are doing automation testing and need to check if click is working or not.
Is there any option to add id/class to active elements inside the rendered canvas. Can anyone help?
AFAIK every element has got datasetIndex and index properties related to the drawn dataset.
Emitting the click event on the canvas (a specific point) you could check that dataset index and index are what you are expecting

Sitecore SPEAK UI configure ListControl to display icon and button

Is there a way in Sitecore SPEAK UI (7.5) to configure a ListControl (ViewMode set to DetailList) to contain a column with images, and another column containing buttons?
I've created a ListControl Parameters item beneath my PageSettings item and have added a few ColumnField items for the required columns - but cant find any other template types to add for different types of column data. I've also tried playing around with the Formatter and HTMLTemplate fields of the ColumnFields but am not sure how these are meant to be used.
Considering button means hyperlink. You can try adding the following in the HTMLTemplate:
For Image:
<img src="{{YourImageSourceField}}" ..../>
For Hyperlink:
You can also consider reading Martina Welander Speak Series for some information on this kind of custom implementations.
I've also used the custom title property of the ListView by setting ViewMode to TileList. Then used Knockout to databind to a custom tile using standard cshtml, if this is any use?
<div class="sc-tile-default" data-bind="attr: {id: Id}">
<div style="min-height: 98px;">
<img width="112" data-bind="attr: {src: Path}" />
<div class="sc-iconList-item-title">
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
See this project

Zurb-foundation: Using divs inside of a label tag

i am using foundation for my first project right now and i really love the functionality it provides out of the box, but i am having trouble with my custom radio boxes.
The idea is to not only have text inside of the radio buttons label, but also an image and some bold text.
As soon as i start using either an img or a bold tag inside of the label, the radio button selection via the labels text is broken.
The code i am using is this
<label for="radio2">
<img src="img/nho_musicians_flute.png">
<input name="radio2" type="radio" id="radio2" style="display:none;" CHECKED>
<span class="custom radio checked"></span>
<b>Radio</b> Button 1
With this it is only possible to select a radio box by clicking on it DIRECTLY, clicking the text or the image results in erratic selections, it seems that the foundation JS selectors didn't account for extra tags inside of a label.
Is there a way to make this work with foundation, or do i have to resort to workarounds (making the whole text bold and put the image outside of the label)?
Good question, I had the same issues as you when I needed to create custom forms through F4's custom form implementations.
If you look in the implementation (custom.forms.scss) you can see that they use the :before and content: "" in order to be able to achieve this. I suspect that's why you can't add any tags after the <span class="custom radio"></span>
Now what you CAN do as a workaround is to place your custom elements etc inside the <span> element. This will work just fine, but will look wierd as the width and height is very small. But from then on its just a matter of styling it until you get it to look as you want. Here is a really simple example using absolute positioning:
<span class="custom radio">
<span style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 500px; margin-left: 30px;">
<b>test</b> foo

how can i match html tags with no id with deface

Trying to add a column to a table in the configuration menu, the table has a empty <th> </th> just for looks, but when i add the column, it adds it after this so looks ugly, adding it with this => "spree/admin/user_groups/index",
:name => "minimum_order_column",
:insert_after => "code[erb-loud]:contains('description')",
:partial => "spree/admin/user_groups/minimum_order_column")
first weird thing is that it adds it after that empty th, but seems like a easy fix if I could just remove it
admin/user_groups is from spree_user_groups
Deface uses CSS selectors in general to do it's dirty work.
You should be able to do th[3] or th:last to find that <th> is a great tool to help in testing selectors.

CSS: horizontal menu using list with background images?

I’m trying to create a simple menu where I’ve got four menu items each have an image and then there is a special image for each item that is active.
I’m using Drupal so the HTML output can’t be changed (not easy anyway) so my question is if and how it can be done by using the HTML code provided below:
<div id="quicktabs-2" class="quicktabs_wrapper quicktabs-style-nostyle quicktabs-processed">
<ul class="quicktabs_tabs quicktabs-style-nostyle">
<li class="qtab-0 active first">Question</li>
<li class="qtab-1">Lead</li>
<li class="qtab-2">Board</li>
<li class="qtab-3 last">Ready</li>
I have created some that come close to my final wished result but I’m still having trouble with example to indent the text so it is not showed.
Here is my CSS so far:
ul.quicktabs_tabs li {display:inline; }
#quicktabs-2 a {
background-position:5px 0px;
background-repeat:no-repeat no-repeat;
#quicktabs-2 li.qtab-1 a {
background-position:5px 0px;
background-repeat:no-repeat no-repeat;
#quicktabs-2 li.qtab-2 a {
background-position:5px 0px;
background-repeat:no-repeat no-repeat;
#quicktabs-2 li.qtab-3 a {
background-position:5px 0px;
background-repeat:no-repeat no-repeat;
This is my code so far and it shows my images correctly with the right spacing between them but the text within the a-href I just can’t get hidden.
I’m fairly certain that it is just a question of hitting the right style-class / id but I’ve tried a lot of different combination and I just can’t get it to work.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
- Mestika
If you want to hide your text within your anchor tag simply add {text-indent:-9999px} this will move your text to -9999px but will hide your text. This method is called IR - Image Replacement
Edit: Here is a Reference provided by #Faust
It sounds like your main concern is to replace the text in the link (no?).
If you have the access to alter the link text, and you're allowed to include markup with those values that does not get HTML-character encoded,
Then by surrounding each link text with spans ( e.g: Question --> <span>Question</span>), so that each line looks like:
<li class="qtab-0 active first"><span>Question<span></li>
...then you can hide the text with this CSS:
#quicktabs-2 a span {display:none;}
Otherwise, I think your only other recourse is to make the text extremely small and close to the color of the images:
#quicktabs-2 a {font-size:1px;text-decoration:none;color:grey}